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Clan Nemelex' Choice Ranking

The clan is awarded points in this category in the same way as the indvidual Nemelex' Choice using all of the members' games: one point to each of the first nine clans to win a Nemelex combo. Note: multiple clan members may win a Nemelex combo to deny other individuals Nemelex points, but this will not affect clan Nemelex scoring.

Current combo: VSAl. Chosen on 2024-02-04 19:12:28 UTC.

Previous combos: FoCA (won: 9 individual, 9 clan), HORe (won: 9 individual, 9 clan), AtHs (won: 9 individual, 9 clan), OnHs (won: 9 individual, 7 clan), BaSh (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), TeDe (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), DsAl (won: 9 individual, 9 clan), SpAl (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), VSNe (won: 9 individual, 7 clan), MfEE (won: 9 individual, 9 clan), VpFE (won: 9 individual, 5 clan), KoRe (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), DjMo (won: 9 individual, 7 clan), TrEn (won: 9 individual, 9 clan), DjHu (won: 9 individual, 9 clan), NaSh (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), DEGl (won: 9 individual, 7 clan), MfAE (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), FoDe (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), FeCA (won: 9 individual, 7 clan), OnSu (won: 9 individual, 6 clan), GhSu (won: 9 individual, 7 clan), MuAl (won: 3 individual, 2 clan), AtHW (won: 8 individual, 6 clan), DjCK (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), GrRe (won: 9 individual, 9 clan), HuDe (won: 9 individual, 7 clan), AtCj (won: 7 individual, 3 clan), DgSh (won: 5 individual, 5 clan), GhFE (won: 6 individual, 5 clan), DEMo (won: 6 individual, 4 clan), KoCA (won: 1 individual, 1 clan), OnBr (won: 9 individual, 8 clan), OnAr (won: 9 individual, 6 clan), OpRe (won: 7 individual, 5 clan), GnCA (won: 6 individual, 5 clan), MfCj (won: 9 individual, 7 clan), SpSu (won: 5 individual, 4 clan), FoAl (won: 5 individual, 4 clan), GhEn (won: 4 individual, 4 clan), BaCA (won: 6 individual, 4 clan), DgDe (won: 1 individual, 0 clan), DrAl (won: 4 individual, 3 clan), and AtIE (won: 1 individual, 0 clan)

1Spriggan Bakers26GhSu (bookman), OpRe (mdonais), GnCA (bookman), GrRe (bookman), HORe (bookman), HuDe (bookman), KoRe (bookman), MfAE (bookman), MfEE (bookman), OnBr (bookman), OnHs (mdonais), OnSu (bookman), VpFE (bookman), BaCA (bookman), GhFE (bookman), AtHW (bookman), AtHs (bookman), BaSh (bookman), DEGl (bookman), DEMo (bookman), DgSh (bookman), DjCK (bookman), DjHu (bookman), DjMo (bookman), DsAl (bookman), FoCA (bookman)
2Retired Ogres Bocce Club25MfCj (iamserjio), NaSh (Sergey), OnAr (Sergey), OnHs (Flugkiller), OnSu (iamserjio), OpRe (iamserjio), SpAl (Flugkiller), SpSu (EnegeticOcto), TeDe (Flugkiller), TrEn (iamserjio), VpFE (Sergey), VSNe (Flugkiller), FoCA (EnegeticOcto), KoRe (iamserjio), HORe (Flugkiller), GrRe (Sergey), GnCA (iamserjio), AtHs (iamserjio), FeCA (iamserjio), DrAl (Sergey), DjHu (EnegeticOcto), DjCK (iamserjio), DEGl (iamserjio), BaSh (Flugkiller), MfAE (iamserjio)
2The TeAM in MeEE-Cosplay25MfEE (TheMeInTeam), NaSh (TheMeInTeam), OnBr (TheMeInTeam), OnHs (TheMeInTeam), OnSu (shadowrider38), OpRe (TheMeInTeam), SpSu (TheMeInTeam), TeDe (TheMeInTeam), TrEn (ShadowRider38), VpFE (TheMeInTeam), VSNe (shadowrider38), SpAl (shadowrider38), HORe (TheMeInTeam), MfAE (browni3141), AtHs (browni3141), AtHW (TheMeInTeam), BaSh (browni3141), DEGl (TheMeInTeam), DjMo (TheMeInTeam), FoAl (Aiyanna), FoCA (TheMeInTeam), FoDe (browni3141), GhSu (TheMeInTeam), GrRe (shadowrider38), DsAl (TheMeInTeam)
3Future Player Goats19GhEn (PanSaczeczos), VSNe (sewnkin), TrEn (PanSaczeczos), TeDe (PanSaczeczos), SpAl (PanSaczeczos), NaSh (PanSaczeczos), MfEE (MrDizzy), MfCj (PanSaczeczos), KoRe (PanSaczeczos), GrRe (PanSaczeczos), GhSu (PanSaczeczos), GhFE (PanSaczeczos), FoDe (PanSaczeczos), DrAl (PanSaczeczos), DjMo (PanSaczeczos), BaSh (sewnkin), AtHW (0xDEADFACE), AtHs (PanSaczeczos), AtCj (PanSaczeczos)
4TeamSplat17MfEE (Daunt), MfCj (shummie), MuAl (shummie), NaSh (jt), OnHs (BerryKnight), SpSu (jt), VSNe (BerryKnight), TrEn (Daunt), HORe (Daunt), GrRe (jt), FoDe (RBrandon), FeCA (jt), DjMo (shummie), DjCK (jt), DgSh (Daunt), AtHW (RBrandon), MfAE (shummie)
5AtCj the Chaos Emeralds16FoCA (Implojin), VSNe (Implojin), VpFE (NonviableStreak), TeDe (NonviableStreak), OpRe (NonviableStreak), MfEE (NonviableStreak), KoRe (NonviableStreak), HORe (Implojin), FeCA (NonviableStreak), DsAl (TallOdds), DjHu (NonviableStreak), DgSh (Implojin), DEGl (NonviableStreak), AtHs (Implojin), AtCj (NonviableStreak), GhSu (NonviableStreak)
6Harold and a Few Mara Go to Wight Castle14SpSu (Wizard1ke), OnBr (Wizard1ke), OnAr (Wizard1ke), MfCj (Wizard1ke), FoCA (Salticid), MfAE (Wizard1ke), KoCA (Wizard1ke), HORe (Wizard1ke), GhSu (Wizard1ke), DjHu (Wizard1ke), DjCK (Wizard1ke), DEMo (Wizard1ke), BaCA (Wizard1ke), HuDe (Wizard1ke)
6The 27 Club14KoRe (particleface), TrEn (particleface), SpAl (particleface), OnSu (AutarchDCSS), OnAr (AutarchDCSS), HuDe (AutarchDCSS), HORe (particleface), GnCA (particleface), DjMo (AutarchDCSS), DjHu (particleface), DgSh (particleface), DEMo (particleface), BaCA (particleface), GrRe (particleface)
7Broms Barreling Baka12MfEE (SnakkuSnakku7), OnAr (SnakkuSnakku7), MfCj (SnakkuSnakku7), GrRe (SnakkuSnakku7), GnCA (SnakkuSnakku7), GhFE (SnakkuSnakku7), FoDe (SnakkuSnakku7), FoCA (SnakkuSnakku7), DjHu (SnakkuSnakku7), GhEn (SnakkuSnakku7), DjCK (SnakkuSnakku7), AtHW (SnakkuSnakku7)
8Killer Klown Posse8FoDe (Hi5aMiFi), SpAl (jschmitter482), OnBr (SuperJoe), OnAr (Hi5aMiFi), GhSu (Hi5aMiFi), FoAl (SuperJoe), DEMo (jschmitter482), BaSh (SuperJoe)
8Mangled by Quokka8TeDe (yakattack), SpAl (yakattack), VSNe (yakattack), TrEn (yakattack), HORe (jagoly), DsAl (jagoly), BaSh (yakattack), MfAE (yakattack)
9The Oni Game in Town7AtHs (jboons), DEGl (jboons), FoAl (grumposus), FoDe (grumposus), GhFE (jboons), GrRe (grumposus), TrEn (jboons)
9Velvet Steps Through Blood-Stained Tiles7MfEE (ragingrage), TeDe (ragingrage), OnSu (ragingrage), OnBr (Midpoint), MuAl (ragingrage), AtHW (ragingrage), FeCA (Oneirical)
10SOSNOOLEY6MfEE (Xpym), VSNe (Xpym), TrEn (Xpym), OnHs (Xpym), FoCA (Xpym), AtHs (Xpym)
10TeamKillers6GhEn (puimuR), GhFE (zkyp), GrRe (puimuR), HuDe (puimuR), MfCj (puimuR), OnAr (puimuR)
10Why did it have to be Snake6OnSu (bakla), FeCA (bakla), DsAl (bakla), DgSh (bakla), DrAl (bakla), BaCA (bakla)
11tab dance5BaSh (bobnalice), DjCK (bobnalice), DjHu (bobnalice), DjMo (bobnalice), MfEE (bobnalice)
12Ambivalent sn0wc4tz st0p-m0tion-bl0CKbuster4AtHs (p0werm0de), DEGl (Leszczynek), OnHs (Leszczynek), SpAl (vt)
12TheAcademyOfTomorrowAcanthocephalans4FoDe (wireframewife), HuDe (LexAckson), OnBr (wireframewife), OpRe (wireframewife)
13DEI3FeCA (Rubinko), OnBr (Rubinko), TrEn (Rubinko)
13Inebriated Infiltrators3DEGl (Armakuni), HuDe (Armakuni), OnBr (Sphara)
13MMOL3NaSh (Bobbunny), GnCA (Coaxmetal), FoCA (Coaxmetal)
13Norris and the Skysharks-Cosplay3AtHs (910rd), NaSh (PigKeeper), SpAl (910rd)
13Team Zero Good Crawlers3DjHu (Thwacka), FoDe (oaklandishh), DjCK (Thwacka)
14Lom LeBron2KoRe (buba), MfAE (fourba)
14Protean Hearts2FoCA (DracoOmega), TeDe (DracoOmega)
14Shifting Whispering Tavern Snacks2DsAl (Strat), DjCK (kerplink)
14The Glass Eye Pees Cosplay2TeDe (agentgt), FoAl (agentgt)
14wherebanana2MfAE (Theoretic), VpFE (Theoretic)
14xombies2NaSh (ironsdan), OnHs (drock)
15AWBW Tactical Slime Force1HORe (Suckerboh)
15December1BaSh (december12)
15Future Player Ghosts1NaSh (Sobieck)
15Gay Orb Desirers1DjMo (l1quidcryst4l)
15Gozags Part Time Crew1MfCj (GordonOverkill)
15gr-goyle1AtCj (ntrailstourney)
15Hartmann-s Favourite Djinni Girl1DjHu (Aoae)
15Negative Win Rate1FeCA (erf)
15Revert Transmutations1DsAl (Daviar)
15Scrubs1GhEn (snackwell)
15TEAM_MEAT1KoRe (Shadowablaze)
15The Horned Vipers1HuDe (TobyConnect)
15The Zipper Clan1DsAl (hito)
15VerminFightClub1GhSu (Neopolis)
15YASD1DsAl (flt)
Last updated 2024-02-04 20:22:58 UTC.