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Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup v0.31 Tournament

Welcome! The tournament starts at 08:00PM Friday 19 January UTC and runs for 16 days until 08:00PM Sunday 04 February UTC .

How To Play

All games of DCSS v0.31 played on official servers (CXC, CUE, CWZ, CAO, CPO, CKO, LLD, and CBR2) will count for the tournament!

Playing in a Clan

If you would like to create a clan, add the following as the first lines in your v0.31 rc file:

        # TEAMNAME nameofteam
        # TEAMMEMBERS player1 player2 player3 player4 player5
Clan names can contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. There can be a maximum of six people (including the captain) in a clan.

If you'd like to play in an existing clan, add # TEAMCAPTAIN nameofcaptain as the first line of your v0.31 rc file.

You can create, join, and leave clans for the first seven days of the tournament, until 20:00PM Friday 26 January UTC .

If you're looking for a clan (or players to fill out your clan), try Reddit's /r/dcsstourney.


Players earn points across a number of categories (listed below), which either award points proportionally or relative to the category leader. Your overall rank is the sum of points gained across all 15 categories.

In a proportionally scored category you receive points based on your progress towards a maximum score in the category. The points recieved are: (progress / category maximum) * 10,000.

In a relative category your performance in that category determines how many point you win from it. The points received are either: (your result / category best) * 10,000 or (category best / your result) * 10,000, depending on whether the category asks to maximize or minimize its result (for example, high score uses the first formula, low turn count the second).

Clans are scored separately using the same system, except with clan categories instead of individual categories.

Individual Categories


Ashenzari wants players to explore the dungeon and seek out runes of Zot. In this category, players earn 3 points per distinct rune of Zot collected and 1 point each for distinct branch entry and end floor reached. Okawaru's divine Arena does not interest Ashenzari. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 100.


Ignis thinks it's important to evaluate what all the gods have to offer. Ignis awards 1 point for becoming the champion (****** piety) of the first god worshipped in a game and an additional point for a win after championing that god. Three gods (Gozag, Ignis, and Xom) do not have the usual ****** piety system; to get the points for these gods, you must never worship another god during the game. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 50.

Unique Harvesting

Yredelemnul demands that players kill as many distinct uniques as possible as well as three player ghosts, and scores the number of such kills. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 90.


The Shining One values perseverance and courage in the face of adversity. In this category, TSO awards players points for winning a game, and additional points for winning a second distinct combo. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 2.

Win Rate

Cheibriados believes in being slow and steady, and recognises players who are careful enough to excel consistently. This category scores players by their adjusted win percentage, calculated as the number of wins divided by the number of games played plus 1. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 100.

Streak Length

Jiyva ranks players by their streak length. Jiyva favours the flexibility of a gelatinous body—the length of a streak is defined as the number of distinct species or backgrounds won consecutively (whichever is smaller). Every game in a streak must be the first game you start after winning the previous game in the streak. This will always be the case if you play all your games on one server. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 23.

Nemelex' Choice

Nemelex Xobeh wants to see players struggle against randomness and ranks players who persevere with combos randomly chosen and announced throughout the tournament. The first nine players to win a given Nemelex' choice combo earn a point in this category and Nemelex ranks players by their score in this category. The possible combos are those with no more than 64 online wins that were also not chosen in the last tournament.

Combo High Scores

Dithmenos ranks players by the combo high scores they can acquire and defend from rivals. Each combo high score at XL ≥ 9 gives 1 point, with bonus points for winning the game (+9) and being a species/background high score (+27 each). Therefore, a single game can give a maximum of 64 points.

Best High Score

Okawaru is all about getting as many points as possible, and ranks players based on their best high score.

Lowest Turncount Win

The Wu Jian Council favours the unquestioned excellence and efficient combat of the Sifu. The Council ranks players based on their lowest turn count win.

Fastest Real Time Win

Makhleb wants to see bloodshed as quickly as possible and ranks players according to their fastest win.

Most Pacific Win

Elyvilon wishes for peace among the dungeon denizens and ranks the players on their wins with the fewest amount of kills. Monsters killing each other intentionally or otherwise is not considered pacific and is thus counted towards the kills as well.

Ziggurat Diving

Xom is entertained by a player's descent into madness, and ranks players by the number of consecutive Ziggurat floors they reach in a single game. Exiting a Ziggurat from the lowest floor counts as "reaching a floor" for scoring in this category, and at most 27 Ziggurats count for scoring in this category. Ziggurats past the 27th are displayed for bragging rights. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 756.

Gem Collection

Uskayaw wants players to gracefully step through the dungeon with precision and seek out the Ancient Gems. In this category, players earn 1 point per distinct ancient gem collected. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 13.

Banner Collection

The other DCSS gods are too busy with divine affairs to rank an entire category, but every DCSS god rewards players for certain achievements with tiered banners. Players are awarded points for each banner, with tier one banners worth 1 point, tier 2 worth 2 points, and tier 3 worth 4 points. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 96.

Clan Categories


Clans are awarded points and subsequently ranked in the same way as the individual Exploration category using all of the members' games. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 100.


Clans are awarded points and subsequently ranked in the same way as the individual Piety category using all of the members' games. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 50.

Unique Harvesting

Clans are awarded points and subsequently ranked in the same way as the individual Unique Harvesting category using all of the members' games. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 90.


Clans are awarded points for distinct first combo wins by clan members. The total number of wins in this category is capped at 12, and the total number of wins from any member is capped at 4. For a win to count in this category it must be the first win of the combo by the clan. For example, if Player A's 5th win is a DgWn and they win before Player B's win of DgWn then Player B's win will not count in this category. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 12.

Nemelex' Choice

The clan is awarded points in this category in the same way as the indvidual Nemelex' Choice using all of the members' games: one point to each of the first nine clans to win a Nemelex combo. Note: multiple clan members may win a Nemelex combo to deny other individuals Nemelex points, but this will not affect clan Nemelex scoring.

Combo High Scores

The clan is awarded points in this category in the same way as the individual Combo High scores category using all of the members' games. Each combo high score at XL ≥ 9 gives 1 point, with bonus points for winning the game (+9) and being a species/background high score (+27 each). Therefore, a single game can give a maximum of 64 points.

Streak Length

Clans are ranked in this category based on the streak of their best player, calculated according to the individual Streak Length category. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 23.

Best High Score

Clans are ranked by the highest scoring game by any of their members.

Low Turncount Win

Clans are ranked by the lowest turncount win of any of their members.

Fastest Real Time Win

Clans are ranked by the fastest realtime win of any of their members.

Most Pacific Win

Clans are ranked by the fewest amount of kills win of any of their members.

Gem Collection

Clans are awarded points and subsequently ranked in the same way as the individual Gem Collection category using all of the members' games. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 13.

Ziggurat Diving

Clans are ranked in this category based on the Ziggurat Dive of their best player. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 756.

Banner Collection

Clans are awarded banner points based on all of the members' banners. Banner points are awarded in the same way as the individual banner points based on the highest banner tier earned by the clan's members for each banner. This is a proportionally scored category with a maximum possible score of 96.


Banner progress in the individual & clan banner categories described above. Banner tiers are worth 1, 2, and 4 points for tiers one, two, and three respectively.

Changes from the 0.30 tournament

  • Gems now have their own category for players and clans based on the number of distinct gems found across games.
  • The Uskayaw banner has been reworked with tiers based on (1) finding a gem, (2) winning with at least 3 gems intact, and (3) winning with all 11 gems intact.
  • Felids are now allowed for the Ruthless Efficiency banner, since they no longer lose an XL upon death.


  1. All contestants acknowledge an obligation not to commit misconduct in relation to their participation. Misconduct is any act that is a breach of good manners, a breach of good sportsmanship, or unethical behavior. Participating servers may have their own codes of conduct; breach of server-specific codes of conduct is also considered misconduct for tournament purposes. Misconduct will result in disqualification without recourse, with any relevant games being deleted from the scoring database. Severe misconduct will lead to exclusion from future crawl tournaments.
  2. Please do not do anything that would give you an unfair competitive advantage over other players or clans. This includes things like scumming crash-on-demand bugs, using alt accounts to inflate the score of your main account, or using bots or input macros on your account to gain an advantage for speedrun points – just remember that the objective here is to have fun. We generally do not monitor games or RC files and hold players to the honor system. In extreme cases that come to our attention, we may, at our discretion, disqualify users and remove their games from the scoring database. Ignorance and negligence are not excuses for poor behavior.
  3. Don't use account names, clan names, or chat messages to send spam or advertisements for unrelated commercial content.


We'd like to thank:
  • Tournament script authors:
    • Thanks to ebering for designing and implementing the current scoring system.
    • Thanks to chequers for overhauling and re-designing the front-end display pages.
    • Thanks to many others, including advil, |amethyst, elliptic, and gammafunk, for contributing fixes and enhancements.
    • Thanks to greensnark for writing the original tournament scripts that have been adapted for use in this tournament.
  • Thanks to Napkin for hosting the tournament scripts as well as |amethyst and rax for hosting past tournaments.
  • Thanks to gammafunk for running tournaments from version 0.18 through present, and thanks to elliptic for running the tournaments from versions 0.8 through 0.17.
  • Thanks to Wensley, ChrisOelmueller, Grunt, and CanOfWorms for creating the banner images.
  • Thanks to all contributors who help make DCSS possible!
  • Thank you to all the artists whose work is used on this tournament website! All artwork used is released under CC0 or with explicit permission from the artist.

If you are interested in contributing artwork to DCSS, please release your work under CC0 and submit to the DCSS dev team!

Last updated 2024-01-31 04:27:49 UTC.