There’s a new bugfix release of the stable version of DCSS. Source packages and binaries for Windows, OS X, and Linux are all available. We recommend all 0.19 users upgrade to this version. There are two major bugfixes:

  • Fix mouse lag experienced by trackpad users on Mac OS X systems.
  • Fix to allow the Temple entrance to place as part of a vault instead of always by itself.

This release fixes heavy lag reported by Mac OS X trackpad users in version 0.19.3. If you continue to experience any mouse-related woes, please file a bug report on Mantis.

The release also contains an important fix to Temple vault placement. Since 0.19, Temple entrances had been placing only as ordinary stairs and never as part of a vault. I know you’ve been missing that special feeling you get when those Oklob saplings kill you before you ever see the altars. What are you waiting for, download right away!

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.
-Eagles, “Hotel California”. 1976.