Item Definition


{prefix} {prefix} ... [type] {suffix} {suffix} ... {suffix:value} ....



  • “q:N” sets the item quantity to N (if N > 0). Does nothing if the item is not stackable.
  • “charges:N” sets the number of charges for wands. Does no checks against the maximum number of charges.
  • “no_uniq” prevents the item from being turned into an artefact.
  • “good_item” makes the builder try to make the item a good one (acquirement quality). This is independent of the level's depth, in contrast to placing items with * or | which just add a bonus to depth for the item generation.
  • “acquire” requests the use of the acquirement code itself, ensuring that the player gets wearable armour, etc. You can also use acquire:<god> to request that the acquired item be treated as a god gift. Examples: “acquire any”, “acquire armour”, “acquire:sif_muna book”, “acquire:trog weapon”.
  • “level:N” sets the object's item level (can't be used with “good_item”). If set to -2 then the object's item level will be the same as a “*” symbol item (five plus twice the vault's level number).
  • “damaged” sets the item plusses to -1..-4.
  • “cursed” gets a curse plus plusses as in “damaged”.
  • “not_cursed” forces an item to have any curse placed on it to be removed.
  • “any” by itself gives a random choice; you can combine “any” with “good_item.”
  • “useful” tries to select an item usable by the player, but may give an useless one if it has trouble finding one
  • “star_item” by itself makes an item equivalent to the “*” glyph.
  • “superb_item” by itself makes an item equivallent to the “|” glyph.
  • “any book”, “any misc” etc. gives a random item of that class. Valid item class names are: gold, weapon, missile, armour, wand, food, scroll, jewellery, potion, book, staff, orb, misc, carrion. All of these are usable in map definitions, apart from “orb” and “carrion”.
  • “race:race_name”, where “race_name” is “elven”, “dwarven” or “orcish”; it can also be “none” or “no_race” to prevent the item from being randomly being made racial. Has no effect if the item can't take that kind of racial setting. NOTE: Can result in a non-racial item if used with “any” and the chosen item isn't compatible with the desired race. If race is not explicitly set, this can result in boots being replaced by a barding.
  • “ego:ego_name”, where “ego_name” is something like “running” or “fire_resistance”, and so on; “none” can be used to prevent the item from getting an ego. The item must be fully specified, so trying “any weapon ego:vorpal” or “any armour ego:positive_energy” will result in an error. Trying to give an ego to something which can't accept an ego will also result in an error.
  • “unrand:item_name” will make a given unrandom by a given name, like “long sword unrand:singing_sword”. Omit any apostrophes in the name (e.g, unrand:vampires_tooth). If the name has something between double quotes then use that string (e.g, unrand:bloodbane). If the unique already exists, the base item will be given instead.
  • “randart” will force a randart. Most of the above modifiers will be ignored, except for “ego” (for weapons only).
  • “mundane” acts as a shortcut for “ego:none” and forces the plusses to be +0.
  • “ident:” will make the item pre-identified. You need to specify a “|”-separated list of what is to be known:
    • “curse”
    • “type”
    • “pluses”
    • “properties”
    • “all”
  • “unobtainable” hints that the item is supposed to never fall into the player's hands. It doesn't actually keep it from doing so, just tells that to acquirement and (TODO) troves.
  • “mimic:N” gives the item one chance in N of being turned into a mimic. The ”:N” can also be omitted for a guaranteed mimic.
  • “no_mimic” prevents the item from being randomly turned into a mimic by the dungeon builder.
  • “gold” or “$” places gold

WARNING: While checks are done to make sure that an armour ego isn't given to a weapon, a weapon ego to a missile, and so on, and also to make sure that egos are only given to armours, weapons and missiles, no other checking is done. Thus it is possible to create a demonic weapon of holy wrath or a helmet of running.

Limitations: You can't specify specific pluses.


You can create corpses, skeletons and chunks using ”<monster> corpse”, ”<monster> skeleton”, or ”<monster> chunk”.

For instance: “rat corpse”, “18-headed hydra skeleton”, “griffon chunk”.

Corpses, skeletons and chunks are created with maximum freshness (210), but may still rot away before the player finds your vault. To prevent corpses from decaying, you can define them using a “never_decay” property as:

  ITEM: griffon corpse never_decay

However, direct use of “never_decay” is not recommended, since such items will not behave as the player expects.

Instead, see dgn.delayed_decay for an Lua convenience function for generating corpses that start decaying on sight.

Randart spell books

You can specify random artefact spell books using:

  • “any fixed theme book” will generate a book with a fixed theme (set of spell schools).
  • “any fixed level book” will generate a book with a fixed set of spells around the same level.

You can further specify artefact spell books using “randbook” and any combination of the following tags:

  • “numspells:number” maximum number of spells to include in the book. A book may contain at most 8 spells.
  • “owner:name” will be used to make the title include the apostrophised owner (or author) of the book if provided. For example, “owner:Roxanne” may create “Roxanne's Treatise on Mountains”. You can use the keyword “player” (i.e. “owner:player”) to use the player's name instead.

In addition, themed books allow the use of the following tags:

  • “disc:spell_school”, the first spell school that should be included in the book. For example, “disc:earth” or “disc:ice”.
  • “disc2:spell_school” an optional second spell school that can be included in the book. Note: specifying two spell schools doesn't mean that they will both definitely be included, just that they might be.
  • “slevels:max_levels” the total, combined level of spells to include in the book. “slevels:6” will use three level two spells, two level three spells, a level two and a level four spell, and so on.
  • “spells:spell_1|spell_2” a list of spells to include in the book. Spells must be separated by “|” without spaces. Within a spell name, all of “_” will be replaced with ” ” and will be parsed as such. A book may contain at most 8 spells.
  • “title:title” will define the title of the book.

Armour Egos


  • archery
  • archmagi
  • cold_resistance
  • darkness
  • dexterity
  • fire_resistance
  • intelligence
  • levitation
  • magic_resistance
  • poison_resistance
  • ponderousness
  • positive_energy
  • preservation
  • protection
  • reflection
  • resistance
  • running
  • see_invisible
  • spirit shield
  • stealth
  • strength

Weapon Brands


  • anti-magic
  • chaos
  • confuse
  • distortion
  • dragon_slaying
  • draining
  • electrocution
  • evasion
  • flame
  • flaming
  • freezing
  • frost
  • holy_wrath
  • orc_slaying
  • pain
  • penetration
  • protection
  • reaching
  • reaping
  • returning
  • speed
  • vampiricism
  • venom
  • vorpal

Missile Brands


  • chaos
  • confusion
  • curare
  • dispersal
  • exploding
  • flame
  • ice
  • paralysis
  • penetration
  • poisoned
  • reaping
  • returning
  • sickness
  • silver
  • sleep
  • slow
  • steel
  • wrath


You can specify decks with like this: “deck”, “ornate deck”, “deck of war”, “legendary deck of wonders”

Deck rarity: common, plain, rare, ornate, legendary (common = plain, rare = ornate)

Deck types: escape, destruction, dungeons, summoning, summonings, wonders, punishment, war, changes, defence

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dcss/help/maps/syntax/item_info.txt · Last modified: 2013-02-07 07:28 by infiniplex
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