Cloud Functions

These functions are in




place_cloud (x, y, cloud_type, lifespan, kill_category, spread_rate, colour, name, tile, excl_rad)


  • x (int, required): The x coordinate
  • y (int, required): The y coordinate
  • cloud_type (string, required): The type of cloud to place (see below)
  • lifespan (int, default 0): The time the cloud will exist for in approximate moves. This value is multiplied by 10 internally to give the number of time units.
  • kill_category (string, default ””): Does nothing, but will cause a LUA runtime error if not set to “other” or ””
  • spread_rate (int, default -1): Must be within the range [-1, 100]
  • colour (string, default “lightgrey”): You can only use the colours listed below
  • name (string, default ””)
  • tile (string, default ””)
  • excl_rad (int, default -1): The radius of the travel exclusion to place with this cloud. Use -1 to not place a travel exclusion

Returns: N/A

This function places a cloud of type cloud_type and the specified properties at position (x, y).

Valid types cloud type are defined in the _terse_cloud_names array in around line 1531. As of 0.16, the valid cloud types were: “flame”, “noxious fumes”, “freezing vapour”, “poison gas”, “black smoke”, “grey smoke”, “blue smoke”, “purple smoke”, “translocational energy”, “fire”, “steam”, “ink”, “calcifying dust”, “blessed fire”, “foul pestilence”, “thin mist”,”seething chaos”, “rain”, “mutagenic fog”, “magical condensation”, “raging winds”, “sparse dust”, “ghostly flame”, “acidic fog”, “thunder”, and “negative energy”.

Valid colours are defined in the cols array in around line 750. As of 0.16, the valid colours were: “black”, “blue”, “green”, “cyan”, “red”, “magenta”, “brown”, “lightgrey”, “darkgrey”, “lightblue”, “lightgreen”, “lightcyan”, “lightred”, “lightmagenta”, “yellow”, “white”.



delete_cloud (x, y)


  • x (int, required): The x coordinate
  • y (int, required): The y coordinate

Returns: N/A

If there is a cloud at position (x, y), it is removed. Otherwise, there is no effect.



cloud_at (x, y)


  • x (int, required): The x coordinate
  • y (int, required): The y coordinate

Returns: “none” if there is no cloud. Otherwise, the name of the cloud. I don't know what that means either.

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dcss/help/maps/lua/modules/dgn/clouds.txt · Last modified: 2014-10-04 06:31 by infiniplex
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