Greater Nagas

(First time contributing to the wiki, hope I did this right!)

Copy/paste from the Tavern topic:

Having the biggest threats in Snake:$ (excepting a nasty unique) teleport you away from them is not threatening to the player. It gives the player a chance to heal, and assuming the rest of the floor was cleared before attempting the rune chamber, it's an annoyance to have to hike back across an empty floor to get back to where you were. If we want to stick with tloc magic, I'd suggest Blink Other Close, since it could be used to yank the player into constriction range. I realize, though, that Blink Other Close is currently Roxanne's gimmick. — Skrybe 2013-10-29 20:23

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dcss/brainstorm/monster/creatures/greater_naga.txt · Last modified: 2013-10-29 20:24 by Skrybe
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