Pricing Equipment for Shops

Name dcss:brainstorm:items:pricing
Summary Feedback on the prices of items in shops.
Added by tgw
Added on 2010-06-12 12:53

The prices of a lot of items seem to have been untouched for ages upon ages, and are often outdated or plain ridiculous. I'm making this page so I have a place to complain when I notice something funky.

Prices can be found at

Item Current Proposed Comment
Potion of Magic 70 ~30 match potion of heal wounds
Potion of Gain Stat 350 ~150 no longer permanent
Scroll of Enchant Armour 48 ~55 closer to EW2 than EW1
Scroll of Fog 10 ~35 10 is half of a detect curse, which is silly
Scroll of Blinking 30 ~45 completely awesome but has the cost of a remove curse
Scroll of Fear 45 ~30 short duration and MR check makes these unreliable
Scroll of Immolation 1 ~5 this is so trivial, but they're definitely more useful than curse armour
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dcss/brainstorm/item/pricing.txt · Last modified: 2011-12-22 19:56 by XuaXua
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