Piety rules

Major rules are enough to drive a god on their own. Note that each piety rule is flexible in how much piety you get for the action. Stuff in blue should be good and easy enough for the miniature starting version.

Major: Killing

  • Kill any monster. (Copy piety rule of a blood god.)
  • Kill living monsters.
  • Kill humanoids.
  • Kill uniques. (You get a lot piety for killing a unique. Piety depends on how fast you dispatch the unique.) Hater
  • Killing unaware monsters (monster never woke up, stabs or sufficient damage). Stealth
  • Kills with visitors (hostile monsters in LOS; piety gain depends on current piety vs monster HD and number of (sentient) visitors, perhaps also on distance player-visitor).
  • Kill monsters before they damage you.
  • Kill monsters that you haven't killed before (should be easy using the kill list, and is unique).
Removed “kill monsters with HD>CL”: hard to explain; abuse potential. dpeg 2012-08-30 16:44

Major: Exploration

  • Exploration. (copy from Ashenzari)
  • Exploration with Full satiation or higher. (simple extension of Ashenzari)
  • Exploration while carrying Stuff. E.g. books: piety gain sets in with 5 books and accelerates with each further book (Caster). Also works with large rocks. (Large rocks don't work since we dropped item weights. Books, and other non-stackable items, are still okay; this is close, but not identical to exploration without hoarding below. — dpeg 2014-06-19 22:08)
  • Exploration without hoarding. (Upon starting worship, you lose 4 inventory slots. For each piety star, you lose 4 more. You cannot use the superfluous slots without abandoning the god, to make it easy on the interface.) Items in those slots when gaining piety are just dropped. (Ditto.)
  • Collect staircases. Staircases. Give piety for a level in discrete chunks, one for each > staircase spotted (and give a level's worth of piety for spotting runes).
  • Collecting gold.

Major: Sacrifice

  • Sacrifice potions (part of a conduct “Don't drink!”).
  • Sacrifice books (part of a conduct “Don't cast!”).
  • Sacrifice permafood (part of a conduct “I kill what I eat!”).
  • Sacrifice corpses (could sometimes come with a conduct “No corpses for food.”)
  • Sacrifice staircases, fountains. (Enforces conduct “No safe staircases” (i.e. piety hit) and a power to create a brown staircase at a piety cost higher than what you gain for sacrificing one. This is a fancy version of piety for exploration. Might need to come with mapping or digging power.)

Major: Other

  • Train skill. This is not really elegant but could work for skills or skill combinations like: Shields + Ice; Maces + Air etc. (Not completely random, use premade list of combinations.) Potentially Caster.
  • Time spent transformed.
  • No dropping. (Technically, dropped items will disappear. This is an odd conduct and will cause lots of running back and forth. But I think it would be bearable and a unique experience. This is more a conduct than a piety rule. Does not go well with the piety rules with restricted inventory. Does go well with divine ring fingers.)

Minor rules

These need another rule to make them work, as the goals are not so easy to match. The minor kill rules can always be combined with some piety from exploration.

  • Kill unholy monsters (demons) and evil monsters (undead).
  • Kill monsters faster than the player. (Note that monsters slower than the player are not interesting.)
  • Kill flying monsters.
  • Kill aquatic monsters.
  • Kill small monsters. (Does not accept small species. Hates bat form.)
  • Kill large monsters. (Does not accept large species. Hates dragon form.)
  • Kill dragons. (Perhaps expand to reptiles.) (Hates dragon form.) Hater
  • Kill casters.
  • Kill invertebrae (spiders, insects, etc.) (Hates spider form.) Hater
  • Kill artificial beings. (Hates statue form.) Hater


Technically speaking, piety decay over time is also a conduct (and very variable regarding decay rate). This should be always used, at least in a mild way, to keep players going. For the miniature version, we can skip conducts — some conducts will be parts of the piety rules anyway.

Major Conducts

Conducts that restrict the player greatly

  • Never buy anything. This enforces the shoplift power (but not the other way around) to keep shops interesting rather than making them an unfun feature. Sometimes comes with sacrifice of all gold in view (it disappears when coming in sight).
  • No-backtracking. (Several possibilities; randgod rule should be simple.) Staircases. If chosen, should have force trademark powers strong enough to deal with the handicap (see Death by Staircase as an example). Should force minor power: detect shafts. May lead (via tag) to other powers (e.g. passive staircase detection). May lead to piety rule Collect Staircases.
  • Don't cast spells of magic school(s).
    • Good but should be combined with a good boost to another school. I would reckon that a conduct like 'Shun Necromancy and Earth, yet Fire is boosted' could be interesting. Perhaps the number of forbidden and supported schools could be better. With that, it'd be Caster. — dpeg 2011-09-16 11:29
  • Hates noise. Stealth
  • Hates using staircases with hostile monsters around. Hates Fleeing
  • Hates using teleportation with hostile monsters around. Hates Fleeing
  • Hates potions. Comes with potion sacrifice for piety. Wrath: Potions shatter.
  • Hates permafood: “I only eat what I kill.” Comes with permafood sacrifice for piety.
  • Elf lover: Strategical idea of the conduct is that you cannot really get the Elf branch end loot. Think of it as a player god made from an atheist elven winner who wants to make sure that followers spare the deep elves. Note that Elf is only about loot (no rune), so while there can be an Orc equivalent, there shouldn't be one for rune branches. Specifics:
    • Strong piety hit for killing elves.
    • Elves are not neutral, it is a one-sided affair. (Note that there are comparably few deep elves in the dungeon, making this acceptable for a random god.)
    • Boost to elven items.
    • At least one spellcasting related power. (Hence Caster.)
    • Altar appears before Elf. (Having an Elf entry vault with an altar is acceptable.)
    • Potential worshipers rejected if too many (say 12) elves have been killed.
  • Orc lover:
    • Strong piety hit for killing orcs.
    • Orcs are neutral but not allied. This should lead to reduced gold collection in the Orcish Mines, assuming that the wandering orcs pick up gold (as they should).
    • Altar appears before Orc.
    • Potential worshipers rejected if too many (say 24) orcs have been killed.
  • Hates going upward without having reached the lowest level of the current branch first.Hates Fleeing

Minor Conducts

  • Don't cross water.
  • Don't eat the flesh of vermin/sheep/jellies/skeletons/etc.
  • Don't leave the ground.
  • Don't hurt a certain kind of monster, e.g. vermin/sheep/jellies/skeletons. The monsters of that type don't become neutral! (So should be selected carefully.) Polymorphing/banishing/etc. allowed?
  • No cannibalism.
  • No eating of sentient monsters.
  • God envy: Altars to other gods are autoexcluded, being in sight of them (after the first turn) causes piety hits.
  • No dungeon modification.
  • Hates using white staircases.
  • Hates shapeshifting.
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dcss/brainstorm/god/concept/random_god/piety_rules.txt · Last modified: 2014-10-11 02:08 by dpeg
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