Starting outside a dungeon

Name dcss:brainstorm:dungeon:outside
Summary Description of an idea that could make Crawl a little bit more thematic and atmospheric
Added by dranichekk
Added on 2014-04-14 08:14


The idea is to start the journey outside a dungeon. Imagine, your hero starts in a small forest, with a lake or a river, some friendly animals (butterflies, friendly dogs/wolfes and so on) and an entrance to the dungeon. This location have to be free from enemies and must not contain any loot or advantages. The only thing here is simply to lead your hero to the dungeon yourself, feeling the moment of entering it. The location must not be big and the process of finding the entrance have to be easy.

Different starts


Probably the easiest to implement. Here the map generation system have to place a lake or a river somewhere (to make every starting forest different), some friendly animals and an entrance somewhere. Trees are the base of the forest and there are some small roads here and there. If the outside is a forest, few first dungeon levels have to be connected with it thematically, so we can see some water and trees there.

Desert temple

A temple in a sandy desert, made from a sandstone, with some statues there and walls of colored glass. Hero have to start near its entrance and find the downstairs somewhere in the temple. So now, the few first dungeon levels ought to be generated in a “sandy” style, with sandstone walls and dark sand floor. First 3, maybe, because they are the “upper” ones, so the whole dungeon generation process after D:3 should not be changed. In fact, nothing is changed in methods of creating a dungeon, exept the used color(type: walls, rocks, sandstone, stone walls and so on) depending on the outside theme.


Accurate rows of graves here and there and a small building somewhere. And so on

Small island

…with a wooden bridges and small rivers here and there with a church somewhere on it.



1) player now have an ability to lead his hero to the dungeon, feeling the importance of this moment of his (hero's) life :)

2) dungeon start seems to be a little bit more thematic, depending on the surroundings

3) no profits are given to player by such outside levels

4) the idea is not hard to implement because special generation types we can see in branches and special levels

Why not just allow thematic encompass vaults on D:1? That's basically the same thing as your suggestion, but removing the weird, XP-free first level. I think it's a good idea, by the way, but the only way it'll get implemented is if you submit a bunch of them as a patch. -IonFrigate
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dcss/brainstorm/dungeon/outside.txt · Last modified: 2014-04-14 22:45 by ion_frigate
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