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Chei revision ideas

People generally generally find Chei hard to play. Here's some ideas to improve him.

xyblor 2011-03-04 18:17

In 0.10 the two previous ideas have been implemented, but Cheibriados is still terrible. Currently, GOD_CHEIBRIADOS is worse than GOD_NO_GOD. I think these 4 changes would make Cheibriados a competitive god while keeping the flavour:

  1. Remove stat bonuses and movement delay penalty.
  2. As you piety increases, Cheibriados increases the base delay of all your actions by a factor A: 1 < A < 3/2 (3/2 at full piety).
  3. As you piety increases, Cheibriados increases all your outcoming damage (melee, spells, ranged) by a factor B: 1 < B < 3/2 (3/2 at full piety).
  4. As you piety increases, Cheibriados decreases all the incoming damage (melee, spells, ranged) by a factor C: 2/3 < C < 1 (2/3 at full piety).

In my opinion, as long as Chei has stat bonuses it will be very difficult to achieve a balanced solution. The reason I removed the movement delay penalty is just because it is completely redundant after adding the penalty to your base delay. — CommanderC 2012-07-20 12:24

“still terrible”, “worse than no god” – interesting ways to describe one of strongest gods currently. We're speaking about Shatter castable pre-Lair (with good gear, but still), or having awesome INT and STR later on so you can cast that Shatter in plate. Of course, not all characters can use Chei, and for many builds he is indeed bad (like TSO for a stabber…), but gods were never supposed to be universal. — KiloByte 2012-07-20 14:01


Bold-faced means implemented.

dpeg 2010-02-08 15:13:

Races with limited slots

Chei's appeal is drastically reduced for classes with limited slots. Ideally, there should be a way for such classes to worship Chei without being incredibly weak. — valrus (via dpeg) 2010-10-18 07:34

My preliminary idea is for Chei to grant artefacts which are usable even in restricted slots and which have no effect other than ponderousness. These could be flavorful: for example, species with restricted boot slots get a ball and chain; gloves-restricted characters get a wristwatch, maybe a broken one. — valrus 2010-10-18 07:34

Is there any reason why Chei doesn't just let you make rings and amulets ponderous? This would let all races except Felids gain full Chei benefits, and I can't think of anything it would break, really. Chei would obviously still only grant stat bonuses up to +15 at max piety. — Ashenai

This sounds good to me. You should only be slowed down by 5 ponderous pieces. One side effect would be that a Chei worshipper could now choose to wear a piece of artefact gear by trading a jewelry slot for it.

I'd also accept the “ball and chain” idea. — evktalo 2010-12-18 12:40

Another related idea for slot-limited races

(Copy-pasted from the forum)

New Thought: Chei will offer to further ponderify armour (Ponderous++) when armour slots are full of only ponderous items, ponderousness is less than max, piety = X, and # turns ponderous = Y. Y should be a very long time, like L:1 - V:8 or so, but higher ponderousness should reduce the turn count. For example, using arbitrary numbers, if I spend 1000 turns with 1 Ponderous item, 1000 turns with 2, and 1000 thousand turns with 3, then I would have 6000 Pondered turns (1000 + 2*1000 +3*1000).

The Pnd++ would need to be a temporary brand that disappears as soon as you remove the armour, so that no one could swap out Pnd++ for Pnd+ and then extra-ponder that item, until 5 Ponderousness and a free slot is reached.

This would necessarily only affect armour-restricted races, since they could have full armour slots without being wholly pondered, but it would keep them from getting +15 stats much sooner than anyone else.

It would also mean turning 'Ponderous' into a gradient (Pnd+, Pnd++, perhaps Pnd+++), which I think would be more fun on artifacts. — dolphin 2011-03-29 05:10

Drop ponderousness

A radical idea: we could completely get rid of ponderousifying items, giving Chei instead two invocations: “Slow down” and “Speed up”. They would be equivalent to wearing or removing a piece of ponderous gear. Neither of them is instanteous.

It would fix problems like slot-restricted races, dealing with artefacts, or theme problems with gloves slowing down your walking. — KiloByte 2011-03-31 12:39

Although I think ponderous armour does have some interesting mechanics, I think I'd agree that something more radical like this might be worth considering as a simple way to fix the worst of Chei's issues with restricted-slot races, and it might allow for removing some of the god's crutches like bonus resistances (and somehow slowing down monster spawns in the abyss which I'm particularly not a fan of). — MarvinPA 2011-03-31 18:49


Bend Time


Step From Time

valrus' patch



Another proposed fitting ability is Rollback: you rewind the time to an earlier point. It has been dismissed as impossible to implement, however, that's no longer the case with the new saves. New saves are a kind of a filesystem, and we can have things like btrfs goodness. — KiloByte 2011-12-21 00:23


By lemuel: The biggest single problem with this god is the punishments. Not using haste is basically a voluntary conduct currently – the penalties for doing so are trivial. And abandoning Ch is painless, whereas with most other gods it's terrifying. So:


Is this god about taking things at leisure, or only being able to move slowly ? Shouldn't Chei be offended by entering most portal vaults, which are all about hurry ? You could make an exception for Ziggurats, Troves etc. — b0rsuk 2010-09-11 08:23

Causing a piety hit for entering a timed portal vault would sacrifice gameplay for flavour. Timed portal vaults are already one of the few things that break the monotony of mid game. Penalizing certain characters for going into timed portal vaults (which might be very dangerous for chei characters anyway) probably isn't a proper way to add flavour. Sealer 2010-12-11 15:43

Given that Chei likes you to take your time, perhaps he should especially appreciate the use of attacks and spells for which you have to wait: sticky flame, poison, constriction, etc.? Or occasionally reducing the duration/efficacy of such effects as a punishment. — Raumkraut 2012-03-21 03:12