Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - Builds Archive

The most current builds of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup can be found here.

Warning! These builds may be extremely unstable - they're snapshots of code that's in active development. Content may be missing, features may be incomplete. Prepare also for broken savegames. Bug reports (and other comments) are highly appreciated!

Don't forget to report the bugs you see! Please mention the revision hash of the build when you report bugs. You can see it in the title bar of the window when you launch the game - it should be "0.10.0-a0-number-hash" or so. Also, mention that you are playing a development build and if you're playing the tiles version or not.

(Unstable) DCSS Builds (non-debug, +wizmode)

0.32 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.32 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.31 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.31 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.31 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.30 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.30 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.30 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.29 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.29 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.29 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.28 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.28 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.28 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.27 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.27 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.27 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.26 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.26 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.26 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.25 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.25 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.25 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.24 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.24 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.24 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.23 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.23 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.23 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.22 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.22 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.22 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.21 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.21 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.21 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.20 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.20 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.20 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.19 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.19 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.19 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.18 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.18 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.18 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.17 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.17 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.16 Trunk Console/Tiles (unstable) Windows Setup

0.16 Trunk Console (unstable) Windows Build

0.16 Trunk Tiles (unstable) Windows Build

0.15 Trunk Console/Tiles (pre-release) Windows Setup

0.15 Trunk Console (pre-release) Windows Build

0.15 Trunk Tiles (pre-release) Windows Build

0.15 Trunk Console (pre-release) Mac OSX Build

0.15 Trunk Tiles (pre-release) Mac OSX Build

0.14 Trunk Tiles (old pre-release) Android

LOTS of commits since first stable version. Current version can be found here.