This is an old revision of the document!

Setting Up dgamelaunch and WebTiles

WORK IN PROGRESS – Last edited by TZer0 12.11.2017 [Build on Ubuntu 14.04/Debian9]

This document describes how to set up an official Crawl server with support for webtiles and console, automatic updates, Sequell/scoring integration, and public ttyrecs. If you just want to run a webtiles server for friends and coworkers, the process is much simpler: see webserver/README in the Crawl source.

For debugging issues related to this setup or a running server, see maintaining dgamelaunch and webtiles.

0. Create the users 'crawl' and 'crawl-dev', with their associated user groups. The former will be used for running crawl, and the latter for administering it.

sudo adduser crawl

note uid and guid

sudo adduser crawl-dev

note uid and guid

sudo usermod -G root -a crawl sudo usermod -G root -a crawl-dev sudo usermod -G www-data -a crawl sudo usermod -G www-data -a crawl-dev sudo usermod -G crawl -a root sudo usermod -G crawl -a www-data sudo usermod -G crawl-dev -a root sudo usermod -G crawl-dev -a www-data sudo visudo

add crawl   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
and crawl-dev  ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

These groups and permissions will save a lot of headaches

1. Set up a chroot in /home/crawl/DGL/ . On Debian-like systems you can do:

  ~# debootstrap stable /home/crawl/DGL/

Note: Ubuntu users should change 'stable' to match their build env (e.g. 'precise' for 12.04; 'trusty' for 14.04)

2. Install some prerequisites into the chroot. Besides the base system that debootstrap installed, you need the libraries for running crawl, bzip2 for compressing save backups, the sqlite3 binary for interfacing with the user and version databases, locales, terminal definitions, and a minimal install of python (because character codecs are loaded at runtime). For Debian* systems:

 ~# sudo chroot /home/crawl/DGL/	
this enters the environment which crawl will run in
After running this then install packages as root of the chroot
~#sudo apt-get install bzip2 python-minimal \
				ncurses-term locales-all sqlite3 \
				libpcre3 liblua5.1-0 locales autoconf \
				build-essential lsof bison libncursesw5-dev \
				libsqlite3-dev flex sudo
~#sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
~#sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
~#sudo adduser crawl
~#sudo adduser crawl-dev
Change uid and guid to match the previous uid and guid
~#usermod -u NEW_UID your_username
~#groupmod -g <NEW_GID> <groupname>

* Ubuntu is similar: ~# chroot /home/crawl/DGL apt-get …

A Note on graphics compression: If you're interested in reducing bandwidth at the expense of a little bit of rebuild time, you can install advancecomp and pngcrush on the host system. The makefile will automatically detect those and use them to optimise/recompress the tilesheets

3. Various programs running in the chroot will need /proc and /dev/pts, so mount those. It's probably best to add them to your system's fstab so they're mounted on boot. You can either mount the filesystems directly (edit /dev/fstab):

  # Option 1: direct mount
  proc      /home/crawl/DGL/proc       proc    defaults        0       0
  devpts    /home/crawl/DGL/dev/pts    devpts  defaults        0       0

or use a bind mount to duplicate the host directories into the chroot:

  # Option 2: bind mount
  /proc       /home/crawl/DGL/proc     none    bind            0       0
  /dev/pts    /home/crawl/DGL/dev/pts  none    bind            0       0

Either way, these lines should come after the existing entries for your host system's /proc and /dev/pts. Now you should be able to mount them with just the name.

  ~# mount /home/crawl/DGL/proc
  ~# mount /home/crawl/DGL/dev/pts

NOTE: Root can trivially escape a chroot using /proc/1/cwd !

You'll also need to make sure your 'crawl' user can write to /dev/ptmx inside the chroot:

 ~# chmod 666 /home/crawl/DGL/dev/ptmx

4. Make the directories /home/crawl-dev/logs and /home/crawl-dev/run, owned by and writable by crawl-dev. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent commands should be run by user crawl-dev.

~# su crawl-dev
~# mkdir /home/crawl-dev/logs
~# mkdir /home/crawl-dev/run

5. Check out the cszo branch of dgamelaunch and dgamelaunch-config. You might also want a copy of Sizzell if you intent to announce milestones and games in IRC.

# TODO: publish dgamelaunch and sizzell branches

  ~$ git clone -b szorg git://
  ~$ git clone -b szorg git://
  ~$ git clone git://

6. Build dgamelaunch; copy the binary into /usr/local/sbin/ on your main system, and the ee and virus binaries into /bin on the chroot.

  ~$ cd dgamelaunch
  -$ git checkout szorg
  -$ ./ --enable-debugfile --enable-sqlite --enable-shmem

Edit the Makefile and add -pthread to LIBS=

 ~$	sudo make VIRUS=1
 ~$	sudo make install
 ~$	sudo cp ee virus /home/crawl/DGL/bin

copy the binary into /usr/local/sbin/ on your main system, and the ee and virus binaries into /bin on the chroot.

7. (As root) Give crawl-dev permissions to run 'dgl' binary with sudo without a password. We'll also need permissions for a few additional scripts, as well as webtiles.

  ~# visudo
  crawl-dev ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl, /home/crawl/DGL/sbin/, /home/crawl/DGL/sbin/, /etc/init.d/webtiles, /home/crawl/DGL/sbin/

8. Check out branch “szorg” of dgamelaunch-config and look over the various configuration files. You may wish to change directory names etc.

  ~$ cd dgamelaunch-config
  -$ view dgl-manage.conf crawl-git.conf dgamelaunch.conf

You might want to remove the entries for rfk, atc, and boggle. If you do, also edit the menus under chroot/data/menus/ You definitely need to change the uid= and gid= lines in (the webtiles config) to match the numeric IDs of the 'crawl' user. Likewise shed_uid and shed_gid in dgamelaunch.conf. edit

Edit ip addresses, ssl certs, server names, which game modes you want to support, and run on port 8080 for non-ssl, make sure uid and guid of crawl user too!
Setting up SSL, assuming you know cert files, bundles or appending them as a .pem, and private server key	
	create directory www/crawl_ssl in the chroot
	stores files there and point to /var/www/crawl_ssl/file in ssl options

edit crawl-git.conf

change the gitourious link to this link:

edit dgamelaunch.conf

server name, shed_guid and shed_uid to be aligned with crawl

edit dgl-manage.conf

edit DGL_SERVER and uid to match crawl

exit crawl-dev

9. Make the needed directories. There are a bunch, and I've probably forgotten some, but at the very least you need the following under the chroot /home/crawl/DGL/ . They should all be writable by user 'crawl', and the morgues, ttyrecs, and rcfiles should probably be readable by your web server.

DO NOT chown the whole chroot: various programs and directories inside the chroot need to be owned by root or other users.


Ensure that user crawl has write access to /var/mail so that console messages can be sent.

Also create the file “dgamelaunch” directly under the chroot; it will be used as a shared memory key. Contents don't matter. (if you want debug messages, also create the file dgldebug.log and make it writable for crawl. Warning, the file has a reputation of not being incredibly useful.)

Create the following set of directories for each crawl version you will support:

 Code to execute:
	su crawl
	cd ~
	cd DGL
	sudo mkdir crawl-master
	sudo mkdir crawl-master/webserver/
	sudo mkdir crawl-master/webserver/run/
	sudo mkdir crawl-master/webserver/sockets/
	sudo mkdir crawl-master/webserver/templates/
	sudo mkdir dgldir
	sudo mkdir dgldir/data/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/dumps/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/morgue/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/rcfiles/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/ttyrec/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/data/menus/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/crawl-git-sprint/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/crawl-git-tut/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/crawl-git-zotdef/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/crawl-git/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-git/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/data/crawl-git-settings/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/crawl-17-sprint/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/crawl-17-tut/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/crawl-17-zotdef/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/inprogress/crawl-17/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/rcfiles/crawl-0.17/
	sudo mkdir dgldir/data/crawl-0.17-settings/
	sudo chown -R crawl:crawl crawl-master
	sudo chown -R crawl:crawl crawl-master/*
	sudo chown -R crawl:crawl dgldir
	sudo chown -R crawl:crawl dgldir/*
	sudo nano /home/crawl/DGL/dgamelaunch

9.5 Create the crawl versions database and the save and data directories for trunk:

   ~$ sudo /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl create-versions-db
   ~$ sudo /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl create-crawl-gamedir

and copy the resulting crawl-git directory for each other version you will support:

   ~$ sudo cp -a /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/{crawl-git,crawl-0.13}
   ~$ sudo cp -a /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/{crawl-git,crawl-0.12}
   ~$ sudo cp -a /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/{crawl-git,crawl-0.11}

10. Publish the configs into the chroot (and the dgamelaunch config into /etc).

  ~$ sudo /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl publish --confirm

11. Try installing your crawl versions (run as user crawl-dev):

  ~$ /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl update-stable 0.13
  ~$ /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl update-stable 0.12
  ~$ /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl update-stable 0.11
  ~$ /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl update-trunk

At the very least you must run update-trunk, because that is responsible for installing the webtiles server. You probably want to set up a cronjob to run this once a day. if so, you will need to ensure your host has locales set correctly for webtiles to run. Webtiles require an UTF-8 locale.

  ~# sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8

I add this line to the beginning, so I have a log of all updates:

     exec >> /home/crawl-dev/logs/update.log 2>&1

11.2 Currently, you will need to copy and edit the html files from the git repo to the templates directory in the chroot

~$ sudo cp /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/crawl-build/crawl-git-repository/crawl-ref/source/webserver/templates/*.html /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/webserver/templates/
exit crawl user

12. Set up symlinks in /var/www/ for people to access morgues, ttyrecs, etc. As root (or someone with access to that directory):

      login as a user with access to /var/www/
We create a folder in here named crawl
in /var/www/crawl, create sym links
~# sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/morgue/
~# sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/rcfiles/
~# sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/ttyrec/

12.5. Some stuff for your Apache config. Note that and are installed into /usr/lib/cgi-bin by the 'dgl publish' command. You'll need to enable mod-rewrite if that is not already enabled. On Debian:

    ~# a2enmod rewrite
    ~# service apache2 reload
login as a user with access to /var/www/
We create a folder in here named crawl
in /var/www/crawl, create sym links
	 ~#sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/morgue/
	 ~#sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/rcfiles/
	 ~#sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/ttyrec/

~Apache Configuration in full~

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/crawl
RewriteEngine on
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
  # Make an alias /saves/ that passes HTTP authentication information and
# the save file name to auth-save-downloader.
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)
RewriteRule ^/saves/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/$1 [PT,E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
RewriteRule ^/saves/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/$1 [PT]

# Make an alias /rebuild/ that passes HTTP authentication information to
# the rebuild trigger.
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)
RewriteRule ^/rebuild(/(.*))?$ /cgi-bin/$2 [PT,E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
RewriteRule ^/rebuild(/(.*))?$ /cgi-bin/$2 [PT]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/ttyrec/([^/]*)/(.*\.ttyrec)
RewriteCond /var/www/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/ttyrec/([^/]*)/(.*\.ttyrec)$ /ttyrec/$1/$2.bz2
RewriteRule ^/crawl - [L]
RewriteRule ^/crawl/morgue - [L]
RewriteRule ^/crawl/rcfiles - [L]
RewriteRule ^/crawl/ttyrec - [L]
RewriteRule ^/crawl/meta - [L]

# Turn off compression for /rebuild so we can see compile messages in real time.
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/rebuild(/.*)?$ no-gzip dont-vary

RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1
<VirtualHost *:80>
Redirect /
 Listen 8081
 <VirtualHost *:8081>

DocumentRoot /var/www/crawl
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile	/var/www/crawl_ssl/.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/www/crawl_ssl/server.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /var/www/crawl_ssl/.ca-bundle
<FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$">
		SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
<Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>
		SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" \
		nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
		downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
# MSIE 7 and newer should be able to use keepalive
BrowserMatch "MSIE [17-9]" ssl-unclean-shutdown

Note: to access ssl the url will show the port such as Also when configuring make sure ssl port is set to which ever port ur virtual host is for apache ssl If you are already running ssl, then change it from 443 because it will be already bound

~# sudo service apache2 reload

12.6 Start Webtiles via:

  ~# /etc/init.d/webtiles start

Troubleshooting Notes: -Tornado error: File ”/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tornado-3.0.1-py2.7.egg/tornado/”, line 153, in init TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'connection_timeout'

Need to install edlothiol's patch for Tornado. As crawl-dev, from /home/crawl-dev:

  ~$ fetch git:// into /home/crawl-dev/tornado
  ~$ git checkout http-timeouts-2.4
  ~$ python build

NOTE from johnstein: ”/etc/init.d/webtiles sets PYTHONPATH for this, so you shouldn't need to install this, but I wasn't able to make it work and needed to ~# python install” NOTE from ZiBuDo: Troubleshoot with sudo tail -f /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/webserver/run/webtiles.log

If latin1 encoding error: edit the final file in the trace and change 'latin1' to 'UTF-8'
If ascii encoding error: edit the files in the trace to have "from encodings import ascii" at the top of the file
If can't bind the websocket: make sure its trying on port 8080 and that crawl has proper permissions in the folders you created

NOTE from espais: I have had an issue with dgamelaunch/WebTiles on Ubuntu 16.04 where the mounting procedure and permissions get trounced upon rebooting. To resolve this I added the following to /etc/rc.local (before exit 0)

  # unmount and remount pts/proc
  umount /home/crawl/DGL/dev/pts
  umount /home/crawl/DGL/proc
  mount /home/crawl/DGL/dev/pts
  mount /home/crawl/DGL/proc
  # fix ptmx permissions 
  chmod 666 /home/crawl/DGL/dev/ptmx
  # restart webtiles -- webtiles restart doesn't seem to work very well
  /etc/init.d/webtiles stop   
  /etc/init.d/webtiles start
  exit 0 # normally already in /etc/rc.local

13. I'm sure there's more… launching the inotify watcher, crontabs for compressing ttyrecs, cleaning out old trunks, making logfiles and milestones available over the web, setting up an ssh user, set up a dgl-status script in cgi-bin, forwarding port 80 requests to 8080 for webtiles, etc.

13.1 To create the user database, either run webtiles, or do:

  ~$ sqlite3 /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/dgamelaunch.db
  sqlite3> CREATE TABLE dglusers (id integer primary key, username text, email text, env text, password text, flags integer);
sqlite3> .quit;

13.2 For ttyrec compression (these files are huge, even when compressed), make sure you have the program lsof on the host, and run from a cron job (via sudo as crawl-dev):

  #! /bin/bash
  exec >>/home/crawl-dev/logs/compress-ttyrecs.log 2>&1
  /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl compress-ttyrecs

13.3 For cleaning out old Trunk versions, run the following script from a cron job (as crawl-dev)

  #! /bin/bash
  exec >>/home/crawl-dev/logs/clean-trunks.log 2>&1
  # tail -n +6 to skip the header and, more importantly, the most recent
  # trunk version.
  readarray -t to_del < <(
      $DGL remove-trunks -v | tail -n +6 | awk '$6==0 { sub(".*g","",$4); print $4 }'
  if (( ${#to_del[@]} )); then
      echo -n "Cleaning trunks at "
      $DGL remove-trunks "${to_del[@]}"
      echo done.

13.4 Note that your ssh user should have /usr/local/sbin/dgamelaunch as their shell, and should have forwarding (particularly TCP forwarding) disabled. You could use the following at the end of your /etc/ssh/sshd_config (note that “Match” affects all options until the next “Match” or the end of the file).

  Match User terminal
   AllowAgentForwarding no
   AllowTcpForwarding no
   X11Forwarding no
   PasswordAuthentication yes  # only if you want to allow passwords

13.5 Set up this dgl-status script in your cgi-bin with 755 permissions and root ownership (for debian/ubuntu, this is located at /usr/lib/cgi-bin). This script creates an easy-to-parse list of all the players.

  #! /bin/sh
  echo Content-type: text/plain
  umask 0022
  exec /usr/local/sbin/dgamelaunch -s

send the URL to Wensley (on IRC freenode, ##crawl-dev, !tell Wensley the-url/cgi-bin/dgl-status)

13.6 Launch the inotify watcher which is necessary to populate the “current location” field in DGL. The watcher has a dependency on the Linux/ Perl module.

  ~$ sudo /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl crawl-inotify-dglwhere

Note: If you add new inprogress directories (for new game versions) you'll need to find and kill that daemon then restart it

13.7 If you want your milestones, logfiles, and scores to be cacheable for stats, you will need to publish those files. Create symlinks for each file and put them in the appropriate folders in /var/www. Suggested directory structure:


with symlinks to each milestone, logfile, and score file (you will need to individually link each score file for each sprint map).

  ~$ ls -lt /var/www/crawl/meta/git/    
  total 8
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 52 Jan  3 18:31 logfile -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/logfile
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 59 Jan  3 18:31 logfile-sprint -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/logfile-sprint
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 59 Jan  3 18:31 logfile-zotdef -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/logfile-zotdef
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 55 Jan  3 18:31 milestones -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/milestones
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 Jan  3 18:31 milestones-sprint -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/milestones-sprint
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 Jan  3 18:31 milestones-zotdef -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/milestones-zotdef
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 51 Jan  3 18:31 scores -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/scores
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 58 Jan  3 18:31 scores-sprint -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/scores-sprint
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 58 Jan  3 18:31 scores-zotdef -> /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/scores-zotdef

It's recommended to also publish your rcfiles, morgue files, and ttyrec files.

  ~$ ls -lt /var/www/crawl
  total 12
  drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan  5 00:55 keys
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  348 Jan  4 19:31 default.asp
  drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jan  3 18:33 meta
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   30 Jan  2 01:33 ttyrec -> /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/ttyrec/
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   31 Jan  2 01:33 rcfiles -> /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/rcfiles/
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   30 Jan  2 01:31 morgue -> /home/crawl/DGL/dgldir/morgue/

sudo mkdir /var/www/crawl/meta/git/
sudo mkdir /var/www/crawl/meta/0.17/
Do this in /var/www/crawl/meta/git
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/logfile
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/logfile-sprint
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/logfile-zotdef
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/milestones
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/milestones-sprint
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/milestones-zotdef
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/scores
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/scores-sprint
sudo ln -s /home/crawl/DGL/crawl-master/crawl-git/saves/scores-zotdef

13.8 to automatically make apache redirect webtiles requests for port 80 to 8080 (where webtiles runs by default) do the following (for ubunutu): This was noted in the full apache config above Create the following config file:

  ~# sudo vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/mysite
  <VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule ^/crawl - [L]
  RewriteRule ^/crawl/morgue - [L]
  RewriteRule ^/crawl/rcfiles - [L]
  RewriteRule ^/crawl/ttyrec - [L]
  RewriteRule ^/crawl/meta - [L]
  RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1

Edit DocumentRoot and the RewriteRules for the morgues, rcfiles, ttyrecs, and milestones/logs/scores as required

then restart apache

  ~# sudo service apache2 reload

13.9 To add admins to the server (allows access to backup saves and wizmode!):

  ~# sudo /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-config/bin/dgl admin add <name>

14. Security note: As long as crawl-dev has write permissions to the dgl script and its subdirectories, they can easily use their sudo access to run arbitrary commands. If they can edit and publish the dgamelaunch or webtiles config , they can trick the server into running arbitrary commands as arbitrary users.

If you want to give users the ability to manage crawl without giving them complete root access, move the whole /home/crawl-dev/dgamelaunch-bin directory to a system-wide location like /usr/local/lib, make it writable only by root, and update the sudoers entry and the various cron jobs and init scripts. The crawl-dev user then won't be able to change the server configuration, but will at least be able to use the various management commands (resetting user passwords, etc).

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