===== Vault Design Reference Guide ===== This documentation teaches you how to create hand-crafted maps (commonly known as **vaults**) for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. This is a work-in-progress; all readers, vault designers and developers can help by updating these pages any time: * Documentation can be fleshed out, clarified, or simplified; sample maps and Lua can be provided * Changes are made in code that might affect maps, Lua modules are added or changed * Errors or inconsistencies are noticed, formatting and cross-referencing; these docs have been converted from the *.txt files in crawl/docs/develop/levels, wiki formatting still needs adding in a lot of areas * For any other feedback, suggestions, questions, also see the forum discussion: https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2519 ==== Contents ==== - [[dcss:help:maps:introduction|Part 1: Introduction]] - [[dcss:help:maps:introduction#introduction|Introduction to Map Design]] - [[dcss:help:maps:introduction#sample_map|Sample Map]] - [[dcss:help:maps:syntax|Part 2: Basic Syntax]] - [[dcss:help:maps:syntax:headers]] - [[dcss:help:maps:syntax:glyphs]] - [[dcss:help:maps:advanced|Part 3: Advanced Topics]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua|Part 4: LUA Reference]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua:modules:start]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua:modules:crawl:start|Global Game State ("crawl")]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua:modules:dgn:start|Map and Dungeon ("dgn")]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua:modules:feat:start|Features ("feat")]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua:modules:you:start|Character Information ("you")]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua:modules:iter:start|Iterators ("iter")]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua:modules:colour:start|Colours ("colour")]] - [[dcss:help:maps:lua:triggerables]] {{alphaindex>dcss:help:maps#3|nons}}