Player information for Weirdisaac

Clan: None
Tourney points total 10
Rank 2365 / 3499
Tourney team points 0
Games won / played 0 / 2 (0.00%)


No games

Best Games

11342Hill OrcFighterQazlalCleaverD:6blasted by a steam dragon (ball of steam)849990:11:222019-11-04 02:29:38
292DraconianGladiatorChopperD:3blasted by an orc wizard (magic dart)413600:06:312019-11-08 14:51:38

Recent Games

92DraconianGladiatorChopperD:3blasted by an orc wizard (magic dart)413600:06:312019-11-08 14:51:38
1342Hill OrcFighterQazlalCleaverD:6blasted by a steam dragon (ball of steam)849990:11:222019-11-04 02:29:38

Uniques Slain Natasha

Score Breakdown

Player points

N Points Source
1 5 branch:enter
1 5 unique
2 10 Total

Team points

N Points Source
No points


Permanent points
Provisional points
Last updated 2019-11-11 00:00:03 UTC.