YAD: Gray DrNe

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Temple Termagant

Posts: 9

Joined: Friday, 4th November 2011, 19:31

Post Monday, 11th March 2013, 11:32

YAD: Gray DrNe

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.12-a0-2415-g541eb91 (webtiles) character file.

142541 Xais the Eclecticist (level 17, -7/135 HPs)
             Began as a Grey Draconian Necromancer on Feb 16, 2013.
             Was the Champion of Kikubaaqudgha.
             Hit by a spear thrown by a merfolk (10 damage)
             ... on Level 4 of the Shoals on Feb 26, 2013.
             The game lasted 08:57:33 (56639 turns).

Xais the Eclecticist (Grey Draconian Necromancer)  Turns: 56639, Time: 08:57:33

HP  -7/135       AC 22     Str 14      XL: 17   Next:  1%
MP  16/49        EV 18     Int 20      God: Kikubaaqudgha [******]
Gold 168         SH  0     Dex 13      Spells: 15 memorised,  3 levels left

Res.Fire  : . . .   See Invis. : +   p - +1 quarterstaff (drain)
Res.Cold  : . . .   Warding    : .   (armour unavailable)
Life Prot.: . . .   Conserve   : .   (no shield)
Res.Poison: +       Res.Corr.  : .   d - +2 wizard hat
Res.Elec. : .       Clarity    : .   m - +2 cloak {rPois}
Sust.Abil.: . .     Spirit.Shd : .   (no gloves)
Res.Mut.  : .       Rnd.Telep. : +   N - +2 pair of elf boots
Res.Rott. : .       Ctrl.Telep.: .   H - amulet of rage
Saprovore : . . .   Flight     : .   s - ring of magical power
                                     T - ring of see invisible

@: regenerating, somewhat resistant to hostile enchantments, fairly stealthy
A: walk through water, unfitting armour, fangs 1, hooves 1, stinger 1, berserk
1, carnivore 1, deterioration 1, teleportitis 1, unbreathing, AC +14, Str +1,
Int +2, Dex -1
a: Receive Corpses, Torment, Renounce Religion, Evoke Berserk Rage

You were on level 4 of the Shoals.
You worshipped Kikubaaqudgha.
Kikubaaqudgha was exalted by your worship.
You were very hungry.

You visited 7 branches of the dungeon, and saw 37 of its levels.
You also visited: Sewer.

You collected 2645 gold pieces.
You spent 2497 gold pieces at shops.


Hand weapons
 p - a +1,+1 quarterstaff of draining (weapon)
 d - a +2 wizard hat (worn)
 m - a +2 cloak of poison resistance (worn)
 N - a +2 pair of elven boots (worn)
Magical devices
 q - a wand of fireball (0)
 y - a wand of flame (13)
 z - a wand of enslavement (2)
 F - a wand of digging (12)
 I - a wand of slowing (9)
 K - a wand of confusion (4)
 O - a wand of magic darts (5)
 Q - a wand of digging (19)
 S - a wand of draining (5)
 b - 9 honeycombs
 R - 2 meat rations
 W - 4 bread rations
 a - 2 scrolls of recharging
 e - 2 scrolls of teleportation
 f - 2 scrolls of identify
 h - 5 scrolls of remove curse
 u - a scroll of fog
 E - a scroll of amnesia
 X - 2 scrolls of torment
 g - an uncursed ring of protection from cold
 l - an uncursed amulet of resist corrosion
 s - a ring of magical power (right hand)
 t - an uncursed amulet of warding
 w - a +4 ring of protection
 x - an uncursed ring of sustain abilities
 B - an uncursed amulet of resist mutation
 H - an amulet of rage (around neck)
 J - an uncursed ring of sustenance
 T - a ring of see invisible (left hand)
 U - the ring "Riadaiwo" {Str+4 Dex+5 Int+3}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 4 of the Orcish Mines)   
   [ring of strength]
   It affects your strength (+4).
   It affects your intelligence (+3).
   It affects your dexterity (+5).
 i - a potion of restore abilities
 k - 2 potions of brilliance
 n - a potion of resistance {unknown}
 o - a potion of porridge
 C - 3 potions of might
 G - 3 potions of agility
 P - a potion of curing
 j - a book of Unlife   
   Spells                             Type                      Level
   *Recall                            Summoning/Translocation      3
   *Animate Dead                      Necromancy                   4
   *Control Undead                    Necromancy                   4
   *Twisted Resurrection              Necromancy                   5
   Death Channel                      Necromancy                   6
   Simulacrum                         Ice/Necromancy               6
 r - Kikubaaqudgha's Incunabulum of Black Arts {god gift}
   (Kikubaaqudgha gifted it to you on level 8 of the Dungeon)   
   Spells                             Type                      Level
   *Excruciating Wounds               Charms/Necromancy            5
   *Agony                             Necromancy                   5
   *Dispel Undead                     Necromancy                   5
   *Twisted Resurrection              Necromancy                   5
   Simulacrum                         Ice/Necromancy               6
 D - Roxanne's Handbook of Transmigration
   (You took it off Roxanne on level 16 of the Dungeon)   
   Spells                             Type                      Level
   Beastly Appendage                  Transmutation                1
   Spider Form                        Transmutation/Poison         3
   Passwall                           Transmutation/Earth          3
   Alistair's Intoxication            Transmutation/Poison         4
   Statue Form                        Transmutation/Earth          6
Magical staves
 A - an uncursed staff of channeling
 Y - a +4 lightning rod (10/10)
   (You found it on level 2 of the Shoals)
 Z - a +2 rod of destruction [fire] (13/13)
   (You found it on level 4 of the Shoals)

 - Level 10.4 Fighting
 - Level 4.9 Maces & Flails
 + Level 5.8 Staves
 + Level 11.1 Dodging
 - Level 1.7 Stealth
 + Level 3.2 Stabbing
 + Level 1.8 Traps
 - Level 19.5 Spellcasting
 * Level 8.6 Charms
 + Level 1.2 Summonings
 * Level 15.0 Necromancy
 + Level 1.6 Translocations
 + Level 2.2 Evocations

You had 3 spell levels left.
You knew the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power        Failure   Level  Hunger
a - Pain                  Necr           #####        0%          1    None
b - Animate Skeleton      Necr           N/A          0%          1    None
c - Lethal Infusion       Chrm/Necr      #######...   1%          2    None
d - Vampiric Draining     Necr           #######...   1%          3    None
e - Regeneration          Chrm/Necr      #######...   1%          3    None
f - Animate Dead          Necr           N/A          1%          4    None
g - Control Undead        Necr           #######...   1%          4    None
h - Corpse Rot            Necr           N/A          0%          2    None
i - Sublimation of Blood  Necr           #######...   0%          2    None
j - Agony                 Necr           #######..    1%          5    None
k - Dispel Undead         Necr           #######..    1%          5    None
l - Twisted Resurrection  Necr           #######...   1%          5    None
m - Excruciating Wounds   Chrm/Necr      #######...   1%          5    None
n - Borgnjor's Revivific  Necr           #######...   6%          7    ######.
o - Recall                Summ/Tloc      N/A          6%          3    None

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (17/27)            Temple (1/1) D:6             Orc (4/4) D:8
    Elf (0/3) Orc:3          Lair (8/8) D:12         Shoals (5/5) Lair:3
 Spider (1/5) Lair:4        Slime (0/6) Lair:6       Vaults (1/5) D:17

Nemelex Xobeh
Sif Muna
the Shining One

D:6: !  D:15: /  Orc:4: */*/  Vaults:1: ?

Hell: Lair:8

Shoals:5 Ilsuiw

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You can walk through water.
Your dull iron-grey scales are very hard (AC +14).
Your body does not fit into most forms of armour.
Your cold-blooded metabolism reacts poorly to cold.
You can survive without breathing.
You have very sharp teeth.
You have large cloven feet.
Your tail ends in a poisonous barb.
You tend to lose your temper in combat.
Your digestive system is specialised to digest meat.
Your mind is acute (Int +2).
Your body is slowly deteriorating.
Your muscles are strong, but stiff (Str +1, Dex -1).
Space occasionally distorts in your vicinity.

Message History

Aim: a merfolk javelineer, wielding a runed spear and wearing a dyed leather armour (moderately wounded)
The bolt of negative energy hits the merfolk.
The merfolk is drained!
You kill the merfolk!
Kikubaaqudgha accepts your kill.
The bolt of negative energy hits the merfolk javelineer.
The merfolk javelineer is drained!
The merfolk javelineer is heavily wounded.
The merfolk javelineer throws a javelin.
The javelin hits you!
Drink which item? (? for menu, Esc to quit)
You feel better.
The merfolk javelineer throws a javelin.
The javelin hits you!
Unknown command.
The merfolk throws a spear. The spear hits you!
You die...
Kikubaaqudgha rasps: "You have failed me! Welcome... death!"

≈≈PP≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈P..P.P#### #.......≈≈

You could see a merfolk.

Vanquished Creatures
  The ghost of Whales the Sorcerer, a mighty DECj of Vehumet (Shoals:4)
  A storm dragon (Vaults:1)
  Rupert (D:17)
  Frances (Shoals:3)
  Aizul (Shoals:3)
  Maud (Lair:4)
  A kraken (Shoals:3)
  A stone giant (Vaults:1)
  A siren (Shoals:3)
  2 yaktaur captains (Vaults:1)
  A deep troll (Vaults:1)
  Erica (Lair:1)
  Josephine (Orc:3)
  2 hydras
  A merfolk impaler (Shoals:4)
  A sphinx skeleton (D:14)
  A stone giant zombie (Vaults:1)
  Urug (D:15)
  A stone giant skeleton (D:17)
  6 centaur warriors
  An alligator snapping turtle (Shoals:4)
  Erolcha (D:11)
  A catoblepas (Lair:6)
  4 skeletal warriors (D:16)
  The ghost of owentm the Geomancer, an experienced DDEE of Makhleb (D:8)
  2 unseen horrors (D:14)
  5 sea snakes
  5 hill giants
  5 harpies
  A human (D:17)
  An orc knight (D:17)
  2 wizards (D:17)
  An iron troll skeleton (D:17)
  6 cyclopes
  A wolf spider (Lair:4)
  A red wasp zombie (D:14)
  A harpy skeleton (D:16)
  3 elephant slugs
  A black mamba (Lair:7)
  2 griffons (Lair:8)
  7 slime creatures
  9 spiny frogs
  6 yaktaurs
  4 elephants
  An eye of devastation (D:16)
  2 hellwings (Lair:8)
  A griffon skeleton (D:16)
  4 mermaids
  19 ugly things
  A spiny frog (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  Psyche (Orc:2)
  A deep troll zombie (Orc:3)
  4 komodo dragons
  A spriggan (D:7)
  3 human zombies (D:17)
  3 fire drakes
  4 trolls
  6 snapping turtles
  A polar bear (Lair:8)
  A deep troll skeleton (D:17)
  A two-headed ogre (D:15)
  A queen bee (D:16)
  A grizzly bear (Lair:4)
  A basilisk (D:15)
  2 jumping spiders
  A blink frog zombie (D:15)
  5 wraiths
  14 blink frogs
  A spiny worm simulacrum (D:17)
  50 yaks
  A hungry ghost (D:14)
  A tarantella (Lair:4)
  2 trapdoor spiders (D:13)
  A hog (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  Grum (D:10)
  2 sharks
  11 hippogriffs
  20 merfolk
  A wyvern (D:11)
  2 redbacks (Spider:1)
  A yaktaur zombie (Vaults:1)
  10 manticores
  A fire drake (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  A soldier ant (D:13)
  Edmund (D:8)
  3 mottled dragons
  9 war dogs
  9 vampire mosquitoes
  A rock worm (Vaults:1)
  A cyclops zombie (D:17)
  5 sky beasts
  A black bear (Lair:1)
  8 orc warriors
  3 ice beasts (D:8)
  7 ogres
  A phantom (D:9)
  A troll zombie (D:17)
  4 centaurs
  A boring beetle (Lair:6)
  2 big kobolds
  9 crocodiles
  4 wargs (D:8)
  A basilisk zombie (D:10)
  3 water moccasins
  6 giant frogs
  An agate snail (Lair:2)
  A basilisk skeleton (D:10)
  2 giant slugs (Lair:8)
  6 jellyfish
  A wight (D:14)
  6 electric eels
  26 killer bees
  2 elf zombies (D:17)
  2 shadows
  A big kobold zombie (D:15)
  8 crimson imps
  A draconian (shapeshifter) (D:16)
  2 big fish
  A hound zombie (D:9)
  20 orc priests
  2 goliath beetles
  4 spiders
  7 hounds
  2 hound skeletons (D:10)
  9 iguanas
  A worker ant zombie (D:14)
  5 scorpions
  4 jellies
  21 orc wizards
  25 sheep
  13 worker ants
  A worm zombie (D:8)
  14 porcupines
  2 mummies (D:17)
  3 gnolls
  17 adders
  A giant centipede zombie (D:9)
  27 green rats
  2 adder zombies
  4 giant centipedes
  2 iguana skeletons
  A worm (D:6)
  6 grey rats
  3 giant eyeballs
  5 giant geckos
  An ooze (D:5)
  124 orcs
  4 ball pythons
  29 bats
  3 giant cockroaches
  15 goblins
  14 hobgoblins
  22 jackals
  31 kobolds
  6 quokkas
  6 giant newts
  3 hobgoblin skeletons
  A jackal skeleton (D:6)
  An orc zombie (D:17)
  A quokka skeleton (Lair:2)
  A quokka zombie (D:6)
  18 rats
  A rat zombie (D:7)
  A fungus (Lair:6)
  4 plants
  3 tentacles (Shoals:3)
913 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  Nikola (Shoals:2)
  A storm dragon (Vaults:1)
  2 krakens
  Kirke (D:17)
  Roxanne (D:16)
  A stone giant (D:14)
  A yaktaur captain (Vaults:1)
  3 centaur warriors
  6 hydras
  A wizard (Lair:8)
  Fannar (D:16)
  2 deep trolls
  A catoblepas (Lair:8)
  2 orc high priests
  The ghost of timbw the Covert, an experienced SpBe of Trog (D:9)
  The ghost of timbw the Unseen, an experienced SpBe of Trog (D:10)
  A sun demon (Lair:8)
  A stone giant skeleton (D:17)
  4 sea snakes
  A deep elf knight (Vaults:1)
  2 hill giants
  A hydra zombie (D:12)
  A giant amoeba (Vaults:1)
  An unseen horror (Vaults:1)
  2 harpies
  A red wasp (Vaults:1)
  4 wolf spiders
  3 orc knights
  4 orc sorcerers (Orc:4)
  6 cyclopes
  5 griffons
  Maurice (D:10)
  4 elephants
  A stone golem (D:16)
  2 sixfirhies (Orc:4)
  3 spiny frogs
  2 black mambas
  8 slime creatures
  An orange demon (Lair:8)
  6 hellwings
  6 mermaids
  13 ugly things
  4 yaktaurs
  A smoke demon (Lair:8)
  5 komodo dragons
  2 hill giant skeletons
  A brown ooze (Lair:6)
  7 trolls
  10 snapping turtles
  A deep troll skeleton (Orc:3)
  A raven (shapeshifter) (D:16)
  11 blink frogs
  A two-headed ogre (Orc:4)
  A baby alligator (shapeshifter) (D:17)
  6 basilisks
  An orb spider (Spider:1)
  16 yaks
  2 tarantellas (Spider:1)
  A neqoxec (Orc:4)
  4 sharks (Shoals:2)
  A jumping spider (Spider:1)
  A clay golem (D:17)
  2 hogs (D:17)
  A rock worm (Vaults:1)
  5 redbacks (Spider:1)
  3 manticores
  17 merfolk
  9 war dogs
  A yaktaur zombie (Vaults:1)
  7 hippogriffs
  A ynoxinul (Vaults:1)
  A boulder beetle (Lair:8)
  2 vampire mosquitoes (D:12)
  A soldier ant (D:14)
  2 small abominations
  A freezing wraith (Vaults:1)
  A mottled dragon (D:17)
  3 red devils
  4 sky beasts
  2 ice beasts
  A boulder beetle zombie (D:17)
  2 phantoms
  A giant goldfish (D:12)
  3 rotting devils
  14 orc warriors
  2 boring beetles
  7 centaurs
  A warg (Orc:4)
  An ogre (D:6)
  10 giant frogs
  3 big kobolds
  3 crocodiles
  3 water moccasins
  A basilisk zombie (D:9)
  A yellow wasp zombie (D:14)
  A giant slug (Lair:8)
  An agate snail (Lair:3)
  3 worker ants
  Blork the orc (D:5)
  A warg skeleton (Orc:3)
  10 jellyfish
  An eye of draining (D:16)
  A brain worm zombie (D:11)
  2 electric eels (D:12)
  A big kobold zombie (D:11)
  9 killer bees
  A big fish (Lair:3)
  2 crimson imps
  16 orc priests
  A big kobold skeleton (D:11)
  6 hounds
  6 spiders
  A hound skeleton (D:11)
  A scorpion (D:14)
  An iguana (Lair:3)
  A deep elf soldier (D:11)
  4 humans (D:17)
  21 orc wizards
  A porcupine (D:6)
  5 sheep
  2 jellies
  A boggart (D:16)
  3 mummies
  6 adders
  A giant centipede (D:14)
  A giant centipede zombie (D:14)
  27 green rats
  A worm (D:6)
  A giant mite (Lair:3)
  5 ufetubi
  A grey rat (D:6)
  A giant eyeball (D:13)
  2 giant geckos (D:5)
  68 orcs
  A giant cockroach (D:3)
  2 goblins
  3 hobgoblins
  A jackal (Lair:3)
  11 kobolds
  3 quokkas
  6 bats
  A giant spore (D:11)
  An orc skeleton (Orc:3)
  3 rats
  5 ballistomycetes (D:11)
  2 bushes
  6 fungi
  12 plants
  8 tentacles
586 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  27 large abominations
  2 sea snake zombies
  A sea snake skeleton (Shoals:4)
  A hydra zombie (Lair:8)
  3 harpy zombies
  A centaur skeleton (D:13)
  An alligator snapping turtle skeleton (Shoals:4)
  A trapdoor spider zombie (D:13)
  A spiny frog (Lair:8)
  A blink frog (Lair:3)
  A spiny frog zombie (Lair:6)
  A snapping turtle zombie (Shoals:2)
  2 blink frog zombies (Lair:3)
  6 merfolk zombies
  2 yaks (Lair:8)
  An orb spider (Spider:1)
  A merfolk (Shoals:3)
  An elephant skeleton (Lair:5)
  A fire drake zombie (Lair:8)
  A hippogriff (Lair:6)
  3 mermaid zombies
  A merfolk skeleton (Shoals:4)
  A cyclops zombie (Shoals:2)
  3 manticore zombies (Shoals:2)
  A wyvern skeleton (D:11)
  A manticore skeleton (Shoals:4)
  2 humans (D:17)
  2 shark zombies (Shoals:2)
  A hippogriff zombie (Lair:5)
  A troll zombie (D:14)
  7 yak zombies
  12 small abominations
  3 yak skeletons
  2 war dog zombies (Lair:3)
  A cyclops skeleton (Vaults:1)
  A centaur zombie (D:7)
  2 water moccasin zombies
  A giant frog skeleton (D:7)
  An ogre zombie (D:12)
  A basilisk zombie (Lair:4)
  A basilisk skeleton (Vaults:1)
  A warg zombie (D:8)
  A hippogriff skeleton (D:16)
  A two-headed ogre skeleton (D:15)
  2 killer bee zombies (D:12)
  A big kobold zombie (D:12)
  3 crocodile zombies
  2 hound zombies (D:12)
  A spider zombie (Lair:3)
  A crocodile skeleton (Lair:2)
  An orc wizard (D:17)
  6 worker ant zombies
  An adder (D:4)
  5 adder zombies
  An iguana zombie (D:5)
  A scorpion zombie (D:9)
  A sheep skeleton (Shoals:4)
  2 sheep zombies (Shoals:2)
  An iguana skeleton (Lair:4)
  30 orc zombies
  A green rat (Lair:8)
  3 adder skeletons
  A porcupine skeleton (Lair:3)
  4 porcupine zombies
  7 bat skeletons
  7 bat zombies
  A giant mite zombie (Lair:3)
  2 gnoll skeletons (D:3)
  6 green rat zombies
  2 orcs
  A hobgoblin (Orc:3)
  4 jackals
  A kobold (D:16)
  A giant cockroach zombie (D:6)
  2 giant gecko skeletons
  A giant gecko zombie (D:5)
  2 giant newt skeletons
  A goblin (Orc:2)
  4 goblin skeletons
  5 goblin zombies
  A grey rat zombie (D:6)
  3 hobgoblin skeletons
  A hobgoblin zombie (Orc:3)
  2 jackal skeletons (D:3)
  14 jackal zombies
  3 kobold skeletons
  3 kobold zombies (D:12)
  23 orc skeletons
  A quokka skeleton (Lair:3)
  A quokka zombie (Lair:5)
  2 rat skeletons
  A bush (Lair:8)
  11 crawling corpses
  5 fungi
  6 macabre masses
  8 plants
  39 tentacles
  566 tentacle segments
912 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 2411 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | Xais, the Draconian Necromancer, began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 14/14 MP: 3/3
     6 | D:1      | Learned a level 1 spell: Animate Skeleton
   445 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 14/20 MP: 0/4
   497 | D:1      | Learned a level 2 spell: Lethal Infusion
  1285 | D:2      | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog.
  1520 | D:2      | Upgraded the game from 0.12-a0-2237-g3ccdfef to 0.12-a0-2244-g0ff3a51
  1548 | D:2      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 24/26 MP: 6/6
  1870 | D:3      | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh.
  2445 | D:3      | Learned a level 3 spell: Vampiric Draining
  2464 | D:3      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 29/33 MP: 5/9
  2857 | D:3      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 29/38 MP: 4/12
  3609 | D:3      | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting
  3861 | D:3      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 30/45 MP: 11/15
  4064 | D:3      | Learned a level 3 spell: Regeneration
  4530 | D:4      | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 3 turns
  4537 | D:4      | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 3 turns
  5099 | D:4      | Learned a level 4 spell: Animate Dead
  5454 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  5661 | D:5      | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
  5672 | D:5      | Became a worshipper of Kikubaaqudgha
  5757 | D:5      | Your scales start taking on a dull iron-grey colour.
  5757 | D:5      | Gained mutation: You can survive without breathing. [draconian maturity]
  5757 | D:5      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 17/50 MP: 9/18
  6061 | D:5      | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari.
  6105 | D:5      | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas.
  6218 | D:5      | Reached skill level 6 in Spellcasting
  6548 | D:5      | Learned a level 4 spell: Control Undead
  6609 | D:5      | Reached skill level 5 in Necromancy
  7040 | D:6      | Noticed Blork the orc
  7160 | D:5      | Acquired Kikubaaqudgha's first power
  7160 | D:5      | Received a gift from Kikubaaqudgha
  7161 | D:5      | Got a colourful book {god gift}
  7162 | D:5      | Identified Kikubaaqudgha's Guide on Dark Secrets {god gift} (Kikubaaqudgha gifted it to you on level 5 of the Dungeon)
  7174 | D:5      | Killed Blork the orc
  7363 | D:6      | Found Kuiv's Distillery.
  7400 | D:6      | Your ally Blork died
  7695 | D:6      | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  7765 | D:6      | Noticed Eustachio
  7807 | D:6      | Noticed Eustachio
  7807 | D:6      | Eustachio changed into Eustachio the jelly
  7881 | D:5      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 36/57 MP: 20/20
  7993 | D:6      | Killed Eustachio the jelly
  8186 | D:6      | Bought a potion of magic for 77 gold pieces
  8186 | D:6      | Bought a potion of curing for 22 gold pieces
  8186 | D:6      | Bought a potion of curing for 22 gold pieces
  8186 | D:6      | Bought 2 potions of heal wounds for 66 gold pieces
  8186 | D:6      | Bought a potion of curing for 22 gold pieces
  8442 | D:6      | Found a glowing drain.
  8452 | D:6      | Reached skill level 1 in Maces & Flails
  8463 | Sewer    | Entered a sewer
  8798 | Sewer    | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin.
  9510 | D:7      | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One.
  9593 | D:7      | Reached skill level 7 in Spellcasting
  9629 | D:7      | Learned a level 2 spell: Corpse Rot
  9638 | D:7      | Acquired Kikubaaqudgha's second power
  9908 | D:7      | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
 10061 | D:7      | Noticed a spriggan baker
 10066 | D:7      | Killed a spriggan baker
 10132 | D:7      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 50/63 MP: 23/23
 10678 | D:8      | Reached skill level 1 in Fighting
 10678 | D:8      | Reached skill level 8 in Necromancy
 10713 | D:8      | Noticed owentm's ghost (experienced DDEE)
 11097 | D:8      | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
 11194 | D:8      | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 2 turns
 11418 | D:8      | Learned a level 2 spell: Sublimation of Blood
 11610 | D:8      | Reached skill level 9 in Necromancy
 11956 | D:9      | Noticed timbw's ghost (experienced SpBe)
 12016 | D:8      | Noticed Edmund
 12035 | D:8      | Killed Edmund
 12207 | Orc:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
 12292 | D:8      | Received a gift from Kikubaaqudgha
 12298 | D:8      | Got a graven book {god gift}
 12300 | D:8      | Identified Kikubaaqudgha's Incunabulum of Black Arts {god gift} (Kikubaaqudgha gifted it to you on level 8 of the Dungeon)
 13433 | Orc:3    | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls.
 13617 | Orc:3    | Reached skill level 10 in Necromancy
 13813 | Orc:3    | Reached XP level 10. HP: 64/70 MP: 25/25
 13820 | Orc:3    | Noticed Josephine
 13835 | Orc:3    | Killed Josephine
 14434 | Orc:2    | Acquired Kikubaaqudgha's third power
 14814 | Orc:3    | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One.
 14854 | Orc:3    | Noticed Psyche
 15149 | Orc:2    | Killed Psyche
 15149 | Orc:2    | Reached skill level 11 in Necromancy
 16193 | D:9      | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin.
 16193 | D:9      | Noticed an angel
 16373 | D:9      | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas.
 16474 | D:10     | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
 16538 | D:10     | Noticed timbw's ghost (experienced SpBe)
 16647 | D:9      | Upgraded the game from 0.12-a0-2244-g0ff3a51 to 0.12-a0-2342-ge515698
 17278 | D:10     | Killed timbw's ghost
 17278 | D:10     | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging
 17656 | D:10     | Noticed Maurice
 17690 | D:10     | Killed Maurice
 17712 | D:10     | Noticed Grum
 17725 | D:10     | Killed Grum
 18287 | D:11     | Reached skill level 12 in Necromancy
 18295 | D:11     | Learned a level 5 spell: Agony
 18307 | D:11     | Upgraded the game from 0.12-a0-2342-ge515698 to 0.12-a0-2356-g36b8c0b
 18365 | D:11     | Reached XP level 11. HP: 58/78 MP: 25/28
 18647 | D:11     | Reached skill level 10 in Spellcasting
 19074 | D:12     | Noticed Erolcha
 19103 | D:11     | Killed Erolcha
 19604 | D:12     | Your ally Erolcha died
 19929 | D:12     | Upgraded the game from 0.12-a0-2356-g36b8c0b to 0.12-a0-2365-gf15012b
 19955 | D:12     | Found a staircase to the Lair.
 20795 | D:11     | Learned a level 5 spell: Dispel Undead
 21055 | Lair:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
 21849 | Lair:1   | Acquired Kikubaaqudgha's fourth power
 22187 | Lair:1   | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
 22735 | Lair:2   | Noticed Erica
 22747 | Lair:1   | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
 22749 | Lair:1   | Killed Erica
 22749 | Lair:1   | Reached skill level 1 in Stabbing
 23585 | Lair:3   | Reached XP level 12. HP: 79/89 MP: 31/31
 23756 | Lair:3   | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +1). [potion of gain intelligence]
 23757 | Lair:3   | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +2). [potion of gain intelligence]
 23879 | Lair:3   | Found a staircase to the Shoals.
 23981 | Lair:3   | Denvon: Godspeed, Reanimator.
 24288 | Lair:3   | Reached skill level 1 in Traps
 24650 | Lair:4   | Found a hole to the Spider Nest.
 25260 | Lair:4   | Noticed Maud
 25270 | Lair:4   | Killed Maud
 25270 | Lair:4   | Reached skill level 13 in Necromancy
 27097 | Lair:5   | Noticed a six-headed hydra
 27107 | Lair:5   | Killed a six-headed hydra
 29029 | Lair:6   | Reached skill level 14 in Spellcasting
 29222 | Lair:6   | Learned a level 5 spell: Twisted Resurrection
 29601 | Lair:6   | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
 29601 | Lair:6   | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
 29891 | Lair:6   | Noticed a catoblepas
 29900 | Lair:6   | Killed a catoblepas
 31167 | Lair:7   | Noticed a six-headed hydra
 31174 | Lair:7   | Killed a six-headed hydra
 31174 | Lair:7   | Reached XP level 13. HP: 87/101 MP: 21/33
 31403 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals
 31419 | Lair:3   | Upgraded the game from 0.12-a0-2365-gf15012b to 0.12-a0-2375-gaa31237
 32279 | Shoals:1 | Noticed a kraken
 32334 | Shoals:1 | Killed a kraken
 32756 | Shoals:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Spellcasting
 33268 | Shoals:2 | Learned a level 5 spell: Excruciating Wounds
 34743 | Shoals:2 | HP: 4/103 [poisoned by a sea snake]
 35052 | Shoals:3 | Noticed Nikola
 35083 | Shoals:2 | Killed Nikola
 35083 | Shoals:2 | Reached skill level 1 in Charms
 35128 | Shoals:3 | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations
 35225 | Shoals:3 | Noticed a siren
 35249 | Shoals:3 | Killed a siren
 35292 | Shoals:3 | Noticed Aizul
 35310 | Shoals:3 | Killed Aizul
 35310 | Shoals:3 | Reached skill level 16 in Spellcasting
 35458 | Shoals:2 | Killed a kraken
 35748 | Shoals:3 | Noticed Frances
 35748 | Shoals:3 | Noticed a kraken
 35882 | Shoals:2 | Reached XP level 14. HP: 82/111 MP: 36/36
 36070 | Spider:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Spider Nest
 36676 | D:13     | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
 37466 | D:8      | Killed owentm's ghost
 37545 | Temple   | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
 37752 | D:5      | Received a gift from Kikubaaqudgha
 38403 | D:13     | Reached skill level 17 in Spellcasting
 38727 | D:13     | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 3 turns
 38733 | D:13     | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 3 turns
 38850 | D:14     | Entered Level 14 of the Dungeon
 40099 | D:14     | Noticed a stone giant
 40136 | D:14     | Killed a stone giant
 40506 | D:15     | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
 40543 | D:15     | Found Xecuegh's Magical Wand Emporium.
 40557 | D:15     | Upgraded the game from 0.12-a0-2375-gaa31237 to 0.12-a0-2399-g3363fc0
 40692 | D:15     | Noticed Urug
 40711 | D:15     | Killed Urug
 42134 | D:15     | Gained mutation: Your body is slowly deteriorating. [mutagenic meat]
 42135 | D:15     | Gained mutation: You have very sharp teeth. [mutagenic meat]
 42137 | D:15     | Gained mutation: Your tail ends in a poisonous barb. [mutagenic meat]
 42484 | D:16     | Gained mutation: Your tail ends in a sharp poisonous barb. [mutagenic meat]
 42630 | D:16     | Noticed Roxanne
 42667 | D:16     | Noticed Fannar
 42668 | D:16     | Killed Roxanne
 42668 | D:16     | Reached skill level 1 in Staves
 42676 | D:16     | Killed Fannar
 42676 | D:16     | Reached skill level 18 in Spellcasting
 42718 | D:16     | Got a conspicuous book
 42720 | D:16     | Identified Roxanne's Handbook of Transmigration (You took it off Roxanne on level 16 of the Dungeon)
 43011 | D:16     | Reached XP level 15. HP: 118/118 MP: 38/38
 43020 | D:16     | Learned a level 7 spell: Borgnjor's Revivification
 43682 | D:16     | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong, but stiff (Str +1, Dex -1). [mutagenic meat]
 43683 | D:16     | Lost mutation: Your tail ends in a sharp poisonous barb. [mutagenic meat]
 43684 | D:16     | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong, but stiff (Str +1, Dex -1). [mutagenic meat]
 43685 | D:16     | Gained mutation: You have large cloven feet. [mutagenic meat]
 44485 | Orc:4    | Entered Level 4 of the Orcish Mines
 44791 | Orc:4    | Upgraded the game from 0.12-a0-2399-g3363fc0 to 0.12-a0-2415-g541eb91
 45069 | Orc:4    | Found Zefebof's Assorted Antiques.
 45105 | Orc:4    | Found Bohaumou's Magical Wand Shoppe.
 45105 | Orc:4    | Found Maqeizi's Magical Wand Emporium.
 45240 | Orc:4    | Found Twatsol's Assorted Antiques.
 45270 | Orc:4    | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon I for 154 gold pieces
 45270 | Orc:4    | Bought a scroll of identify for 56 gold pieces
 45270 | Orc:4    | Bought a flickering glass ring for 700 gold pieces
 45288 | Orc:4    | Identified the cursed ring "Riadaiwo" {Str+4 Dex+5 Int+3} (You bought it in a shop on level 4 of the Orcish Mines)
 45318 | Orc:4    | Bought a wand of digging (4) for 208 gold pieces
 45320 | Orc:4    | Bought a wand of enslavement (11) for 182 gold pieces
 45906 | D:9      | Killed timbw's ghost
 46449 | Lair:8   | Entered Level 8 of the Lair of Beasts
 46538 | Lair:8   | Reached skill level 5 in Charms
 46908 | Lair:8   | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
 47047 | Lair:8   | Found a gateway to Hell.
 47477 | Lair:8   | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting
 47746 | Lair:8   | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging
 49246 | D:16     | Reached skill level 5 in Staves
 49823 | D:17     | Found a staircase to the Vaults.
 50449 | D:17     | Noticed Kirke
 50457 | D:17     | Killed Kirke
 50464 | D:17     | Reached XP level 16. HP: 127/127 MP: 39/39
 50574 | D:17     | Noticed Rupert
 50581 | D:17     | Killed Rupert
 50581 | D:17     | Reached skill level 19 in Spellcasting
 50761 | D:17     | Gained mutation: Space occasionally distorts in your vicinity. [mutagenic meat]
 50762 | D:17     | Gained mutation: Your digestive system is specialised to digest meat. [mutagenic meat]
 50949 | D:17     | Learned a level 3 spell: Recall
 51104 | D:17     | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
 51260 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults
 52064 | Vaults:1 | Noticed a storm dragon
 52072 | Vaults:1 | Killed a storm dragon
 52072 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Translocations
 52154 | Vaults:1 | Found Suapymoa's Magic Scroll Emporium.
 52297 | Vaults:1 | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong, but stiff (Str +1, Dex -1). [mutagenic meat]
 52822 | Vaults:1 | Noticed a storm dragon
 52831 | Vaults:1 | Killed a storm dragon
 53277 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 1 in Summonings
 53778 | Vaults:1 | Bought a scroll of acquirement for 988 gold pieces
 54674 | Shoals:3 | Killed Frances
 54716 | Shoals:3 | Killed a kraken
 55140 | Shoals:4 | Noticed Whales' ghost (mighty DECj)
 55146 | Shoals:4 | Killed Whales' ghost
 55594 | Shoals:4 | Identified a +2 rod of destruction [fire] (13/13) (You found it on level 4 of the Shoals)
 55686 | Shoals:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Necromancy
 55735 | Shoals:4 | Gained mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat. [potion of mutation]
 56483 | Shoals:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Shoals
 56490 | Shoals:5 | Noticed Ilsuiw
 56625 | Shoals:4 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 39/135 MP: 26/40
 56637 | Shoals:4 | HP: 1/135 [merfolk javelineer/ javelin (22)]
 56639 | Shoals:4 | Hit by a spear thrown by a merfolk

Action                   |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 || total
Melee: Unarmed           |     2 |     2 |       |       |       |    10 ||    14
       Flail             |       |    39 |   247 |       |       |       ||   286
       Spiked flail      |       |       |    30 |   693 |   402 |       ||  1125
       Quarterstaff      |       |       |       |       |   588 |   355 ||   943
       Staff             |       |       |       |       |       |    13 ||    13
 Cast: Pain              |    75 |   160 |   385 |   274 |   109 |    12 ||  1015
       Animate Skeleton  |    18 |    36 |    14 |    27 |    25 |    12 ||   132
       Vampiric Draining |       |     6 |    43 |   203 |   282 |   101 ||   635
       Lethal Infusion   |       |     3 |     7 |     8 |       |       ||    18
       Animate Dead      |       |     2 |    46 |    95 |    39 |     1 ||   183
       Control Undead    |       |       |     6 |       |     2 |       ||     8
       Regeneration      |       |       |     3 |       |     9 |     3 ||    15
       Agony             |       |       |       |    93 |   133 |    38 ||   264
       Twisted Resurrect |       |       |       |       |    68 |    11 ||    79
       Sublimation of Bl |       |       |       |       |    15 |    20 ||    35
       Excruciating Woun |       |       |       |       |    10 |       ||    10
       Dispel Undead     |       |       |       |       |    52 |    32 ||    84
       Corpse Rot        |       |       |       |       |     1 |       ||     1
       Recall            |       |       |       |       |       |    17 ||    17
Invok: Receive Corpses   |       |       |     1 |     2 |    14 |     2 ||    19
 Abil: Evoke Berserk Rag |       |       |       |       |     2 |     2 ||     4
Evoke: Wand              |       |       |     7 |     8 |    20 |    25 ||    60
       Rod               |       |       |       |       |     3 |     3 ||     6
  Use: Scroll            |     7 |     1 |     2 |    24 |    21 |     5 ||    60
       Potion            |       |     2 |     4 |    16 |    15 |     5 ||    42

I might have rushed it.
It was my 2nd time there and my 1st time that far in.
I was mostly using Twisted Resurrection.
But I used Animate Dead in the Shoals.
Last edited by njvack on Monday, 11th March 2013, 20:13, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Changed to [code] tags

Cocytus Succeeder

Posts: 2297

Joined: Saturday, 14th April 2012, 21:35

Post Monday, 11th March 2013, 12:32

Re: YAD: Gray DrNe

Code tags would be appreciated, they're better than spoiler tags for character dumps in a number of ways.

Anyway, doing Shoals:5 when you could have doing Shoals->4, D->21, V->4, D->27 was one mistake. The greater mistake was not really having an alternate killing skill. You were approaching the point where Aboms were becoming obsolete. As much as Kiku-delivered necromancy solves everything while Aboms are relevant, you needed something for aftewards. Haunt could have been that answer, with your rods as backup. Melee would have been preferred, you were Gray.

Temple Termagant

Posts: 9

Joined: Friday, 4th November 2011, 19:31

Post Monday, 11th March 2013, 18:59

Re: YAD: Gray DrNe

Sorry, I don't really post here.
I was afraid to go any deeper in the Dungeon, Elven Halls, and pretty much everywhere except for the Shoals since I had a rather easy time there.
I did finish up the Orcish Caves and the Lair (I think).
I was looking for a Staff of Death, but couldn't find one. Agony and my draining quarterstaff worked pretty well anywho.

Cocytus Succeeder

Posts: 2297

Joined: Saturday, 14th April 2012, 21:35

Post Monday, 11th March 2013, 19:21

Re: YAD: Gray DrNe

Xavi wrote:Agony and my draining quarterstaff worked pretty well anywho.

Unless you started to put all your EXP into staves for a while (and then upgrade to a lajatang), that tactic wouldn't have been as effective before long. You had the right tools to get through the midgame but you needed to have been working towards your lategame tools.

Temple Termagant

Posts: 9

Joined: Friday, 4th November 2011, 19:31

Post Tuesday, 12th March 2013, 02:04

Re: YAD: Gray DrNe

Lategame tools?
I usually just handle things when I get to it, instead of planning ahead.
Should I change that playstyle?

Slime Squisher

Posts: 392

Joined: Wednesday, 7th December 2011, 20:06

Post Tuesday, 12th March 2013, 07:29

Re: YAD: Gray DrNe


Given the way that skilling works in dungeon crawl, though it relaly pays to be adaptible, there is definitely a benefit to having a good plan for what set of powers/moves you're going to utilize to deal with foreseeable challenges. For example, when starting a brand new game you already are thinking: "what will i do when i see sigmund? Orc priests? Orc wizards? Centuars? Ogres? etc." You know they're coming up in 2-5 floors, and so you start mentally looking out for items around the dungeon to hang onto that may help you with them while training up some worthwhile skills.

Compare that to just autotraveling around and being like: "Oh damn, an ogre. . uhh . . .i've got no idea what to do. I'll try to fight it.. . . . stupid crawl he just killed me in one hit."

As you get more familiar with the rest of the game, you'll learn that similar challenge 'breakpoints' come later on. Hydras, spiny frogs, elephants, death yaks, black mambas, and a couple varieties of drakes are all virtually gauranteed in the Lair. While you're going through the Lair you've gotta have something set to work your way through them. Ideally, then, when you were in the pre-Lair period (main dugneon) you were levelling/preparing a build that could handle this stuff so that when you reached it you were prepared.

Same logic applies to Vaults.

If this all sounds like more work than fun for you, consider trying a "brute-force" type race-class combo for a while. Take a Minotaur Berserker of Trog for example. They start with 4 important skills: fighting, dodging, axes, and armour. They end the game with four important skills. . . . fighting, doding, axes, and armour :). Throughout the game you're just upgrading your axes and armour sets. While a better player might be making more fine-tuned decisions and all, ultimately it's the closest you can get to "I just handle stuff as it comes up" and being able to wing it no problem (IMO).

My Wins (>25):
15-runer: OPWz, DECj, DEWz x2, VpWz
Other: DEWz, DrWz, DjWz, GnIE, KeCj, SpEn, SpWz, SpCj, MuWz, FeWzx2, MiBe x7.

Crawl Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/BountyHunterSAx2
or vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/BountyHunterSAx <--

Cocytus Succeeder

Posts: 2297

Joined: Saturday, 14th April 2012, 21:35

Post Tuesday, 12th March 2013, 09:19

Re: YAD: Gray DrNe

BountyHunterSAx pretty much said what I wanted to say: if you don't want to plan ahead, just play a melee guy until you're familiar enough with the game to more easily plan ahead. Melee is harder tactically but easier strategically. A mage needs some degree of adaptability to what spells he comes across but hopefully by midgame he has books that contain lategame tools to aim for (newVeh adds a twist to this). Alternatively, the mage can turn into a hybrid and rely on a physical weapon (ranged or melee) to be his main killing tool for later in the game.

There are many viable paths but you do need to make up your mind and work for them as by the time you need lategame tools, you can't 'wing it' if you haven't been training for it.

Temple Termagant

Posts: 9

Joined: Friday, 4th November 2011, 19:31

Post Tuesday, 12th March 2013, 10:38

Re: YAD: Gray DrNe

Well I play Berserkers sometimes, so I guess I'll just work with that.
Thank you, BountyHunterSAx and Psieye.

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