Gozag Reporting

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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Sunday, 19th June 2016, 16:29

Gozag Reporting

OK, this was a fun game. Thanks dpeg.

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/rast/ ... 161522.txt

I funded 14 shops and bought the following major items:
Spoiler: show
a - the +3 pair of gauntlets of War (worn) {Slay+5}
h - the +9 armour of the Dragon King (worn) {rPois rF+ rC+ MR+}
B - a +2 pair of boots of running
C - the +2 cloak of Starlight (worn) {rElec rC+ EV+4 Stlth--}
F - the +3 crown of Dyrovepreva (worn) {rElec Int+2 SInv}
Z - the +2 pair of boots of the Assassin (worn) {DetectMon Stab+ Stlth++}
k - a +9 vampiric morningstar (weapon)
T - an amulet of regeneration (around neck)
wand of hasting

I didn't use potion petition, as that would have been unprincipled.

I used bribe branch once, on Zot 5. It was OK, though I didn't need it. I got an oof and a master lich and a few chaff guys. The oof wrecked shit hard, and also gave me distraction stabs again a few hostile oofs.

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Sunday, 19th June 2016, 17:07

Re: Gozag Reporting

Game 1 with Gozag. Notable items: bought sword of power on Lair 2. Abandoned Gozag on Lair:8 because the food problem was horrible.

Game 2. Learned my lesson and played a mummy. Notable items:
the +2 cloak "Daegeggu" {*Drain Regen+ MP+9 SInv}
+8 autumn katana {slice, Clar}
+0 gold dragon armour
the ring "Nunerhas" {+Fly rPois rF+ MR+}
the amulet "Kimi Gef" {Gourm rPois MR+ Slay+3}

Game 3. Played the other race that makes Gozag playable, spriggan.
+8 quarterstaff of the Crushed Planets {vamp, -Tele MR++ SInv} (Lair:3 replacing +1 quarterstaff)
the +8 lance "Wyrmbane" {slay drac, +Rage rPois rF+ AC+5} (after clearing Orc)
the amulet of Ilupad {+Rage rElec rPois MR++ Str-2}

Only listed the items that I bought from Gozag shops. Not normal shops.

I strongly dislike having to worry about food and having to spend at least 1/3rd of my shop requests on food shops. This just means I'll never play Gozag on non-mummy or spriggan.
I hate it a lot when abilities increase in cost the more they're used.

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Post Sunday, 19th June 2016, 17:38

Re: Gozag Reporting

Abandoned Gozag on Lair:8 because the food problem was horrible.

I think you and I must play very differently.

I didn't fund any food shops, nor did I even buy food from the existing shops. At the end of the game, I had 18 bread rations and 76 fruit.

On the other hand, I didn't use rage, spellcasting, or rods.

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Post Sunday, 19th June 2016, 18:19

Re: Gozag Reporting

Funny, unless i am playing a gozag spellcaster(and sometimes even then), one of the reasons i pick gozag is to not have to worry about food, since i dont have to butcher everything i kill and i can always be engorged.

If you care too much about funding loot with Gozag you are playing it wrong, if you dont like the god because it doesnt fit your ideology of getting everything you want on a single run, oh well...
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Post Sunday, 19th June 2016, 22:32

Re: Gozag Reporting

I'm not convinced that swapping from boots of running to boots of the assassin is a good play. Although I could see it on a light armour character that isn't already built for short blades.

But then I'm not convinced that boots of running should really be in the game. They are literally too good.

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Post Sunday, 19th June 2016, 22:46

Re: Gozag Reporting

Oh, of course. but they didn't fit in with my all-fixedart theme. I used boots of running until the first rune or so.

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Sunday, 19th June 2016, 23:00

Re: Gozag Reporting

Rast wrote:I think you and I must play very differently.

I didn't fund any food shops, nor did I even buy food from the existing shops.

I was playing a melee guy with sword of power from Lair:2, and decent defenses. I was not taking a long time to clear levels. I was not using anything that consumed hunger. Well I used conjure flame before finding the sword of power and after but it's not significant.
If you used the vampiric weapon for most of the game then I can see why you didn't have a lack of food. For me it was a really big difficulty and I wasn't even playing inefficiently. I had to buy 2 food shops before Lair:8 with a third one coming up pretty soon but I said fuck it. I was using maybe 1 ration per floor. Abandoned Gozag at Lair:8 at 32k turns. It's slower than average for me but it wouldn't be that slow if I picked a more useful god... It's pretty much unplayable if I have to buy that many food shops and the price to buy a shop increases every time.

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 00:02

Re: Gozag Reporting

Thanks about the feedback! I am happy to see that Gozag is just the Right God for the 2016 US election :)

My only winning Gozagite who had to worry about food was the troll. For the others, I sometimes (rarely) had to buy one food shop, but not more than that. The idea of the food conduct, of course, is Midas (flavour), streamlined interface (as mentioned before), and a minor conduct.

I realise that the appeal of Gozag to many players is items through shops. That's absolutely okay, but I am especially interested in bribing reports. I had good experience with Zot and a hell and Vaults, and an extraordinary one with Elf. (If you're like me, you might be disappointed if you bribe V:$ once or twice, and there still only a few of the initial guard who defect. However, that's okay: bribe works from the top down -- money is naturally spent at the top brass, and it's much more interesting to have that titan or lich on your side.) I am sure that bribing could always use balancing tweaks, but for that I need a bigger statistical base than my bunch of wins.

There are two bits I'd like to change about Gozag, but others tell me they're not big deals... One of them is the incentive to keep killing monsters in cleared areas (with other gods, you lose piety from this, with Gozag, you earn more money). The other is that it's a tiny bit inconvenient to hunt down all the gold, and it'd be easier if corpse-gold magically jumped in your purse as soon as it got stale.

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 00:25

Re: Gozag Reporting

I used bribe in two games on Zot:5 and it was a free orb chamber clear. I used it right before entering a side and didn't need to touch a single monster to pick up the orb. Both times it was an orb of fire or two that killed everything. Had to get in and out fast because in the first game the two friendly oof next to me turned hostile.
I would also have used bribe for Vaults:5 if I had done V:5 in those games but I didn't. I'm sure the results would have been excellent there too.

Please make shop requests not increase in price and make them more expensive than 800 if that's necessary for balance, and maybe give the first shop request a discount if that's necessary for balance. (same for potion requests if they increase in price, didn't pay attention). I don't see the point of making an ability worse the more it is used. It feels very unpleasant for me as a player.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 03:29

Re: Gozag Reporting

dpeg wrote:That's absolutely okay, but I am especially interested in bribing reports.

A picture is worth a thousand words:


Abyss Ambulator

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 09:48

Re: Gozag Reporting

Wahaha wrote:Please make shop requests not increase in price and make them more expensive than 800 if that's necessary for balance, and maybe give the first shop request a discount if that's necessary for balance. (same for potion requests if they increase in price, didn't pay attention). I don't see the point of making an ability worse the more it is used. It feels very unpleasant for me as a player.

I'm not sure about that. In my view it would be preferred if the ability were available throughout the game in a linear fashion. I.e. roughly equal number of uses per floor. The problem is that gold doesn't generate in a linear fashion. Some branch ends have rather large stashes for example. Also there seems to be less in the early dungeon, and of course there's orc.

Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 14:08

Re: Gozag Reporting

I consider gozag's main power potion petition, which is a life saver, then gold distraction, then the first 6 shops i fund, after that i try to not fund more shops, though sometimes greed speaks louder and i only use bribe for extended or winning(zot:5 - d:$).

http://crawl.berotato.org/crawl/morgue/ ... 173308.txt

!lg Dynast NaWn god=Gozag -tv:<T51430:>T52000
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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 14:17

Re: Gozag Reporting

Rast wrote:
Abandoned Gozag on Lair:8 because the food problem was horrible.

I think you and I must play very differently.

I didn't fund any food shops, nor did I even buy food from the existing shops. At the end of the game, I had 18 bread rations and 76 fruit.

On the other hand, I didn't use rage, spellcasting, or rods.

I find that food is one of those 'feast or famine' items. The RNG can be punishingly miserly with food, in the same way that some games you'll get 5-6 cmuts, and some games you'll get 0-1. For this reason, I'm very reticent to use Gozag on any character that needs more than the bare minimum of food - as you say, something that doesn't rage, cast spells, or use food evocables. Even then I'm nervous about it - I think I've only *won* with Gozag on hungerless (or Vampire/Spriggan) characters.

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 15:48

Re: Gozag Reporting

dynast: one of my goals was to turn Bribe into a strategical option, that allows you to tackle branches earlier than you'd do otherwise, or when you it would be hard anyway.

I am wondering if people are too greedy to use it (could get more shops instead), or because they felt the results were underwhelming.

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 16:54

Re: Gozag Reporting

When i started worshipping Gozag i never bothered with bribe because i did not know how strong it was. I think bribe is too expensive to be used on certain places, for example, i dont see the point of bribing elf 3, since its a branch you only do for the exp and loot, which you could end up losing due to elves with loot banishing/being banished by other elves with loot, you could use the gold to fund a shop instead. I also consider bribing the water or poison branch to be an overkill.

I think the "problem" is that bribing doesnt make you stronger, if you are having trouble with a branch you probably would want to fund a shop to get better gear, or skip to another branch instead, if you cant go anywhere, bribe only solves the problem of that branch while leaving you unprepared for the next. I call it "strategical" to save gold to bribe zot because it is more cost-efficient, if bribing swamp becomes as cost-efficient as bribing zot then i wouldnt see a strategy there anymore, instead i would see as decision-making, which is not better or worse, just different.

Gozag abilities right now are very well balanced, as in, the player should use all of them instead of abusing a single one.
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Crypt Cleanser

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 17:50

Re: Gozag Reporting

4Hooves2Appendages wrote:I'm not sure about that. In my view it would be preferred if the ability were available throughout the game in a linear fashion. I.e. roughly equal number of uses per floor. The problem is that gold doesn't generate in a linear fashion. Some branch ends have rather large stashes for example. Also there seems to be less in the early dungeon, and of course there's orc.

Okawaru piety is easier to get later in the game but that doesn't mean heroism should increase in cost every time it's used. Can replace Okawaru in this phrase with most other gods. Why is Gozag the only god who can't work with a fixed ability cost? Not saying being different is bad but to me it only seems like a negative here, until an explanation is provided.

The fact that Orc exists doesn't explain increasing the ability cost at all. The ability cost increases linearly but gold from Orc is a one time thing and is not a linear increase. Anyway, It's not bad to get a power boost from Orc.

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 18:40

Re: Gozag Reporting

Wahaha wrote:
4Hooves2Appendages wrote:I'm not sure about that. In my view it would be preferred if the ability were available throughout the game in a linear fashion. I.e. roughly equal number of uses per floor. The problem is that gold doesn't generate in a linear fashion. Some branch ends have rather large stashes for example. Also there seems to be less in the early dungeon, and of course there's orc.

Okawaru piety is easier to get later in the game but that doesn't mean heroism should increase in cost every time it's used. Can replace Okawaru in this phrase with most other gods. Why is Gozag the only god who can't work with a fixed ability cost? Not saying being different is bad but to me it only seems like a negative here, until an explanation is provided.
The fact that Orc exists doesn't explain increasing the ability cost at all. The ability cost increases linearly but gold from Orc is a one time thing and is not a linear increase. Anyway, It's not bad to get a power boost from Orc.

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/Dynas ... 171847.txt
Invok: Call Merchant     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    19 ||    19

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/Dynas ... 162700.txt
Invok: Call Merchant     |       |       |     1 |     3 |     4 |     4 |       |     2 |     2 ||    16

This is from before gozag was buffed to drop gold from undead or demon kills and to generate shops below you instead of deeper below the dungeon, vaults or depths. Shop funding was already strong back then.

Would you rant less if shop funding costed always 3k gold to fit your god's consistency narrative?
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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 18:46

Re: Gozag Reporting

dpeg wrote:dynast: one of my goals was to turn Bribe into a strategical option, that allows you to tackle branches earlier than you'd do otherwise, or when you it would be hard anyway.

I am wondering if people are too greedy to use it (could get more shops instead), or because they felt the results were underwhelming.

I pretty much always use it before heading to vaults 5, and usually on zot:5.

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 21:17

Re: Gozag Reporting

dynast wrote:This is from before gozag was buffed to drop gold from undead or demon kills and to generate shops below you instead of deeper below the dungeon, vaults or depths. Shop funding was already strong back then.

Would you rant less if shop funding costed always 3k gold to fit your god's consistency narrative?

Yes, that is what I said. Make the price higher and keep it static. It shouldn't be 3k because that is an exaggeration you used to push your position, but it could be between 1500 and 2500. Alternatively I think it's fine if the shop price increases up to a certain maximum, as long as there is a maximum.

The average cost of a shop for 16 shops is 2300.

Here are my games (after the buff...):
https://crawl.jorgrun.rocks/morgue/waha ... 013806.txt
Potion petition: 2
Call merchant: 10
Bribe: 2
https://crawl.jorgrun.rocks/morgue/waha ... 063431.txt
Potion petition: 1
Call merchant: 12
Bribe: 1

The average cost of a shop for 12 shops is 1900. Note that the 12 shop game used bribe once, and the single use of potion petition was free. If the first use of call merchant had a large discount similar to potion petition, and then the price was static, I think that would be better than indefinitely increasing the cost. The default design for abilities should be a static cost, since that makes more sense by far, and if it needs to be changed to an increasing cost, there should be a very good reason for it. None was given yet. Regardless, I'll stop posting about this unless someone makes a post misconstruing my argument.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 22:14

Re: Gozag Reporting

I think making shop prices static will lead to higher price of first shops where Gozag is most useful. People don't need later shops if they survived that far.

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Post Monday, 20th June 2016, 22:21

Re: Gozag Reporting

Wahaha wrote:Regardless, I'll stop posting about this unless someone makes a post misconstruing my argument.

The only argument you have here is against food, really.

The very good reason why shop funding scales with use is because its more fun that way. Gold per floor increases as you progress through the game due to reaching treasure rooms and dealing with larger packs of higher hd enemies. Lets say you get a free shop funding upon joining and every other shop costs 1900 gold. You worship gozag, you get the first shop, if its the one you want you save gold to buy what you need, otherwise now you have to gather 1900 gold for the next shop. Thats the equivalent of funding a shop for 800 and then another for 1000, except the interval in between funding a shop from 0 to 1900 is way higher, but only at the start of the game anyhow. Now you are at the early-mid part of the game struggling with gathering 1900 for the next shop instead of 1200, then another 1900 instead 1400, and so on, until you would be at 2000, at the sixth shop you are making 2000 way faster than when you joined gozag, but you are also better geared, but probably not due to the shops because you barely had the gold to fund them in the first place, it is more likely that your gear comes from anywhere but gozag shops. So now you are at the end-game, funding shops like crazy, mostly of them being garbage because you are just stacking consumables or looking for a specific unrand or some randart upgrade for your other randarts.
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Post Tuesday, 21st June 2016, 07:32

Re: Gozag Reporting

I've considered using Gozag with a Spriggan because of the food issue (corpses might as well be useful for something for a vegetarian, get dat monehh). Is that a good plan for a relatively new player?
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Post Tuesday, 21st June 2016, 09:15

Re: Gozag Reporting

"because of the food" is almost never a great reason to make a decision in Crawl, but Sp^Gozag is a pretty strong combo regardless. It's not that you should be worried about food with Sp, it's that not having to eat corpses means you get a bunch more gold, and plus you're already a Spriggan. Go for it.

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Post Tuesday, 21st June 2016, 14:22

Re: Gozag Reporting

There are two reasons why I came up with increasing costs:

1. You get more money as the game goes on.
2. By making shops (say) more expensive, bribing and petition become more attractive.

Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Sunday, 26th June 2016, 16:06

Re: Gozag Reporting

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/rast/ ... 160203.txt

10891 | D:11 | Identified the +11 battleaxe of Gezes {venom, rPois rF+} (You bought it in a shop on level 11 of the Dungeon)

This made the rest of the game easy (gargoyle so game would be easy regardless), but here are the other major purchases:

l - a +2 hat of spirit shield (worn).
W - a +2 pair of boots of running (worn).
O - the ring of Jeahegany (left hand) {AC+6 Str+4, =R}.
A - the ring "Wohahe" (right hand) {AC+5 Int+6}.

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Post Saturday, 2nd July 2016, 01:39

Re: Gozag Reporting

Bribe goes wrong.
zot.jpg (108.71 KiB) Viewed 14755 times
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Post Saturday, 2nd July 2016, 02:19

Re: Gozag Reporting

dynast wrote:Bribe goes wrong.

What's that green aura around bros?
take it easy

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Post Saturday, 2nd July 2016, 02:37

Re: Gozag Reporting

Arrhythmia wrote:What's that green aura around bros?

New ally marker.
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Post Saturday, 2nd July 2016, 02:41

Re: Gozag Reporting

dynast wrote:
Arrhythmia wrote:What's that green aura around bros?

New ally marker.

looks good, i like it
take it easy

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 2nd July 2016, 02:44

Re: Gozag Reporting

Arrhythmia wrote:
dynast wrote:Bribe goes wrong.

What's that green aura around bros?
it's a cloud of fart gas, to remind you that allies are stinking up the game

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Post Tuesday, 12th July 2016, 05:50

Re: Gozag Reporting

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/rast/ ... 054815.txt

Disappointing game. The few really good things I bought came late, anyway.

I bribed Zot:5 but it was pointless since I had already killed 80% of the mobs.

e - the ring of Robustness (left hand) {AC+8, =R}.
S - the ring "Xomaag" (right hand) {EV+1 Dex+6}. (mediocre)
R - a +2 pair of gloves of dexterity (worn)
s - a +8 fire dragon armour (worn). (bought at +2)
X - the +2 cloak of Starlight (worn) {rElec rC+ EV+4 Stlth--}.

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Post Wednesday, 13th July 2016, 04:34

Re: Gozag Reporting

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/rast/ ... 210035.txt

Purchased the two rings right before lair and the three aux armours right after:

J - the ring "Porelosa" (right hand) {rF- rC++ Int-5 Slay+5}
M - a +6 ring of protection (left hand) {=R}

K - a +2 cloak of poison resistance (worn)
P - a +2 helmet of see invisible (worn)
V - the +3 pair of gauntlets of War (worn) {Slay+5}

Later purchased:
c - the +2 pair of fencer's gloves (worn) {LBl+4 SBl+4 EV+3 Dex+6}
m - the +0 Maxwell's etheric cage (worn) {RegenMP+ *Contam rElec MP+4}
H - the brooch of Shielding (around neck) {Reflect SH+8}

Final stats and defenses with buffs on:
Health: 168/168    AC: 60    Str: 34    XL:     27
Magic:  42/42      EV: 38    Int: 16
Gold:   1376       SH: 34    Dex: 45

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Post Saturday, 23rd July 2016, 22:45

Re: Gozag Reporting

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/rast/ ... 223728.txt

X - a +9 lajatang of electrocution (weapon)
h - a +2 pair of boots of running (worn)
o - the +2 hat of the Bear Spirit (worn) {Spirit, +Rage rN+ MR++}
J - a +2 cloak of poison resistance (worn)
V - a +2 pair of gloves of dexterity (worn)
y - an amulet of regeneration (around neck)

Also bought
the +8 chain mail of Distant Worlds {rF++ Int+3}
the +7 plate armour of the Soldier {rF+++ Dex-5 SInv}
but floorgod gave me:
+8 chain mail of the Loofah {*Drain rF++ rN+ rCorr}
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Post Saturday, 23rd July 2016, 22:47

Re: Gozag Reporting

do you think you have enough rf+?
take it easy

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Post Sunday, 24th July 2016, 01:01

Re: Gozag Reporting

I listed the body armors as an example of Gozag providing endgame worthy items, even though I eventually found a similar but slightly better armor on the floor.

The annoying thing about getting hat of the bear spirit is that I'd already found a basic +2 hat of spirit shield on d:5, so it was only a small upgrade. Ah well, that's the rng for ya.

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Post Saturday, 6th August 2016, 16:07

Re: Gozag Reporting

At XL 10:
 11760 | D:8      | Bought a bone great sword for 264 gold pieces
 11767 | D:8      | Identified the +11 great sword of the Lost Cities {vamp, rElec MR+ Str+3} (You bought it in a shop on level 8 of the Dungeon)

I think you want to pick weapons with your first shop. Even if you don't instantly get an game winning weapon, there is usually at least one top tier base type which you can immediately start training and enchanting. There also seems to be good chances of randarts with big plusses; a +8 weapon of mediocre base type will still get you through Lair.

EDIT: I died in Vaults to stupidity.

Next game, first shop funded was antique weapon, first item purchased, for 356 gold pieces, was the +8 battleaxe "Xiehaime" {vamp, Dex+3}.
If that hadn't been available, I would have bought a runed demon blade (465 gold) or
the +6 arbalest "Damnation" {damnation, rF++ rC- MR+} (1785 gold) or
a translucent mace (248 gold) or even
a glowing quarterstaff (124 gold)
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Post Monday, 8th August 2016, 08:14

Re: Gozag Reporting

I haven't used big G in a little while due to my ongoing quest to achieve polytheist, but I did find bribe to be very effective in Zot:5, Elf:3, V:5 and Snake:4.

I've also found Gozag to be great for weapons and jewelry, as well as filling out your aux armor slots. An excellent supplier of unrands as well. Looking at my two wins with him, I see among the highlights:

y - the +2 hat of the Bear Spirit (worn) {Spirit, +Rage rN+ MR++}
E - the +5 ring mail "Gyqiaq" (worn) {rPois rC+++ rN+ Str-4
H - the brooch of Shielding (around neck) {Reflect SH+8}
Identified the +1 hat "Koluegow" {rF+ Str+4}
Bought the +3 crown of Dyrovepreva {rElec Int+2 SInv}

Not a bad haul, considering how many times I used bribe.

Tartarus Sorceror

Posts: 1739

Joined: Tuesday, 13th March 2012, 02:48

Post Thursday, 15th September 2016, 23:44

Re: Gozag Reporting

So the second and third DD^Gozag, ever, have been won:

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/rast/ ... 052004.txt
http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/Walke ... 030604.txt

My game was absolutely miserable, took forever to find even a crappy vampiric trident, and didn't find a good vamp weapon (battleaxe) until D:15. Was at 0 max mana multiple times until then. Shops were awful all game. Purchased 13 of them. Used bribe branch once.

Walker had Leech in a D:7 shop, so all he had to do was survive long enough to save up the 2465 gold to buy it. He bought 7 shops, bribed branch three times, and used only the free potion petition.

For this message the author Rast has received thanks:

Tartarus Sorceror

Posts: 1739

Joined: Tuesday, 13th March 2012, 02:48

Post Saturday, 15th October 2016, 05:07

Re: Gozag Reporting

$ be deep dwarf
$ follow gozag
$ get +9 vamp battleaxe
$ save up $30000% gold
$ acquire orb
$ proceed to tomb
$ bribe branch
$ it sucks
$ apparently the undead hate money
$ then why do they have so much of it?
$ spam bribe branch some more
$ at least it works on orb run spawns
$ spam teleport until you find the rune
$ teleport out again
$ bribe all the branches on the way up
$ win
$ shitpost on tavern

http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/rast/ ... 045602.txt

Tartarus Sorceror

Posts: 1822

Joined: Thursday, 31st May 2012, 15:45

Post Thursday, 30th March 2017, 14:20

Re: Gozag Reporting

So I bribed the Dungeon on the Orb Run with an OgFi. The only Pan Lord that spawned immediately walked away jangling a coin purse. Then this happened:
The goblin hits your Brimstone Fiend but does no damage.
Your Brimstone Fiend barely misses the goblin.
Your Brimstone Fiend hits the goblin!
The goblin dies!
There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here.
You have escaped!

Pretty lame pet, it missed the goblin! It had fun hellfiring bats though. My pet blizzard demon wouldn't fit next to the stairs with me so I had to leave it behind. Earlier on Zot:5, both ancient liches in the lungs became pets, and about half the OoFs became neutral or friendly. Turns out friendly OoFs don't do much to enemy OoFs, but they cut through Orb Guardians like a hot knife through butter.

So all in all, 10/10 would bribe again. Easiest Zot and Orb Run evar.
Won (52). Remaining (15): 5 species: Ba, Fe, Mu, Na, Op; 5 Backgrounds: AM, Wr, Su, AE, Ar; 5 gods: Jiyv, newNem, WJC, newSif, newFedh

Temple Termagant

Posts: 12

Joined: Wednesday, 1st February 2017, 23:58

Post Thursday, 29th August 2019, 01:28

Re: Gozag Reporting

Octopode needs money.
   [d]   400 gold - Hudisiaw's Jewellery Shoppe

 a -  588 gold   the ring of Egrank {Fire MR+++ Str-5 Slay+3}
 b -  460 gold   the ring of Lalojueh {rCorr Int+4}
 c -  473 gold   the ring "Jaziorro" {AC+3 Dex+4}
 g -  839 gold   the ring "Bailas" {rPois Str+4 Slay+3}
 j -  599 gold   the amulet of Husoluve {Acrobat Str+3 Int-3 Dex+3 Stlth+}
 o -  520 gold   the ring of Shadows {Umbra +Inv Stlth+}

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