onton wrote:To the topic: maybe implement signs? If people are willing to place them and more people are willing to read them - let them do it. If not, things just stay as they are with no extra work and message spam.
Emphasis mine - it's very difficult to implement something
without doing any work ... some might say impossible!
Having said that I actually like the idea of "readable furniture" which is basically what this is; and it's not even too hard to do in LUA. It would give vault designers a consistent way to communicate information to the player without being over the top or getting in the way. Currently you can use door warnings or floor / LOS triggers, neither of which methods are always appropriate, and they can break the game flow a bit. Maybe you want to play a melee character who doesn't
want to or can't actually read signs...
I had an idea a while back for a serial graveyard vault where all the graves had different epitaphs telling some backstories of various unfortunate adventurers; I started making it but was a bit stuck on the best way to script "reading" the graves in LUA. I wanted the player to have to go up close to read the graves, so I could ambush them with a zombie of whoever is described in the epitaph rising up from the grave. But since there's no comparable mechanism anywhere else in Crawl it seemed there was a risk it might not work properly on a lot of players.
Of course you still have to think pretty carefully about what the signs actually say and who wrote it, and whether one is even necessary; ... but as a suggestion with the hungry kobolds from claws' example they could have put up a sign something like "Free Treasure This Way ->" ... which tells a bit more story of how the halflings ended up in there, without ramming anything too obvious down your throat.
roctavian wrote:VargrVeum wrote:I know some people like the achievement system in games, but I don't know that it'd be suited to crawl
There was actually a deadly serious thread about achievements a while back. There seemed to be a whole bunch of people who thought this was an amazing idea, despite me pointing out that Crawl
already has achievements, like: the first time you reach a particular branch, the first time you get a rune, the first time you beat the game. I don't
need the game to validate my effort by giving me a virtual medal, I
know how hard it's been! Not to mention the tourney banners which actually are an achievements system but really a bit more interesting because they're part of a meaningful competitive structure. So please let's stop any further talk of achievements right now before anyone else starts taking it seriously