[proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

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Zot Zealot

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Post Thursday, 19th April 2018, 04:38

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Does anybody get the silver rune? How do you do it beyond getting lucky with teleports?

Spider Stomper

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Post Thursday, 19th April 2018, 14:27

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

chequers wrote:Does anybody get the silver rune? How do you do it beyond getting lucky with teleports?

Yeah I did it last night on a JiTK 9 rune game and have done it on others. I generally just teleport immediately. I usually hit V3 with a character that is tough enough to take things for a bit. I had to teleport 4 times last night. Other time once or twice. I almost never wind up at v3 with too few teleports scrolls. Also I try to have some stealth by that point and some regen, those two typically allow you to recover ok. I wouldn't call it getting "lucky" with teleports, since it usually works fine after a try or three. I have seen people just make a run to a side or an interior with a corridor or whatever but generally that the same as a bad teleport I find.

I have also done it as Qazlal twice(maybe more?), I generally teleport there too and make my way to an edge which invariably fills the entire corridor and I killed everything.


I think there should be one more Bazaar entrance on zot 4 or 5, on the JiTK 9 rune last night (entered Pan on U1 so hit U2 bazzar after pan) I was overall happy with the bazaar but I still had like 3k gold left on zot 5, part of that was I didn't find much to buy that was worthwhile after the first couple things but, also I am pretty sure it was about 1500 gold gained that is useless after U2. Once the last Bazaar spawns all gold is useless to non-gozag

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Temple Termagant

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Post Monday, 23rd April 2018, 22:46

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

So I was playing a gnoll and I had swamp so I learned summon forest, after I was done swamp I read amnesia to get rid of summon forest but I did not get the five spell levels back...
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Zot Zealot

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Post Monday, 23rd April 2018, 23:36

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Maybe spell levels should be removed. Only half joking.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Tuesday, 24th April 2018, 01:01

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Very minor bug: the game counted 6 branches for my DUZH speedrun. I never entered temple (is there even temple in hellcrawl anymore? think it was removed), so I'm assuming the other two were the bazaar and elf. Elf being a portal vault I'd assume it shouldn't count as a branch, and probably the same with bazaar although that's a bit more murky, since you can leave and return to it, so it probably needs to be considered a branch by the game?

All of this only matters if you want your morgues to look pretty, but hey, add it to the low priority list.

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Friday, 11th May 2018, 20:11

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I'm not dead but I'm moving for a new job. Probably going to be a few weeks before I can start work on hellcrawl again.


Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Friday, 25th May 2018, 06:39

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I tried a Nemelex game (NaTm) in the latest version. I did find an amulet of faith somewhere around D:6, so it was easier than usual. Some general observations:

(a) Nem is, as usual, really good.
(b) Early game Nemelex is a crapshoot but really OP. Example: I had only just taken Nemelex and Invo was something like 2 or 3, when I ran into Grum's pack right after I descended a staircase. I blind drew from destruction and at some point got Wild Magic (IIRC). It killed almost the entire pack in one shot. I checked the messages, and found that it did something like 150 damage (in total) instantly, which is crazy.
(c) Decks of escape seem really scarce. At one point, I had received something like 70 each of summoning and destruction, but only 5 of escape. Not sure if this is intentional or just bad luck.
(d) I never ran out of piety or cards whenever I wanted to use decks (same as normal Crawl experience).

Temple Termagant

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Post Sunday, 3rd June 2018, 11:57

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Two and a half bug like things. The first one and a half bugs are if you enslave soul something that has summoned things the summoned things do not go away like they would if you killed them, the same sort of thing happens if your enslaved Mara copies a summoner and the copy is still there after the original is dead. The other bug like thing is that good gods do not care about regenerate being cast before you join them and if you cast it when you are worshiping them they can stop being mad at you with out you turning it off.

Sorry if someone else has pointed these out.

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Crypt Cleanser

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Post Thursday, 21st June 2018, 02:38

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Hot fresh content:
  • Species stuff:
    • Hill Orc is removed.
    • "new species": Mountain Dwarf. Sturdy frame, increasing levels of wild magic as they level up. Normal HP. Otherwise similar to HO.
    • Tengu no longer get fast movement while flying.
    • Tengu get better melee and ranged weapon apts.
    • Tengu get claws 1 and horns 1.
    • Troll nerf: start with claws 1, increasing to 2 at xl 11 and 3 at xl 21.
    • Vampires are now called Jiangshi
    • Jiangshi get the hop ability per the old ba/fr mut but do not get batform.
    • Jiangshi get undead-lite resists: rPois, rC+, rN++.
    • Jiangshi get a limited version of hp on kill - 50% chance when killing a corpse-leaving monster.
    • Ghoul is removed.
    • Deep Elves get -1 mp cost on non-sustained spells, like the FD species proposal did.
  • Mechanical stuff:
    • Torment no longer affects monsters with the same alignment as the caster (player-usable torment still affects the player and informs the player of this).
    • Ranged weapons have slightly less accuracy.
    • Sleeping monsters get an EV check. This affects ranged anything and spells but not stabbing.
    • Spell memorization never takes more than 1 turn.
    • All characters get an extra 2 spell levels to ease the earlygame spell slot limits.
    • Holy wrath and silver brands are completely merged, tentatively calling the brand holy silver.
    • Manuals no longer take up inventory space.
    • Dex stepdown is pushed back to 24 (ie dex is a little more effective).
    • Flay damage does 40% current hp instead of the insane formula it had before.
    • Overhauled miscast effects. The set is much more limited and much more tied to spell school.
    • Zot traps finally removed from generating in the couple vaults that still placed them.
    • Hot new monster spell called Curse that places a temporary "zot trap" near you. The effect set from this is limited to the really bad hex effects, basic goal is a different way of playing around hexes using positioning. This replaces banishment in all monster books that had banishment. I have a couple other ideas to try if it ends up being bad.
    • Player distortion banishment is an unthing; the distortion effect and unwield cause heavy contam instead of banish.
    • Swamp worms no longer submerge. I did not add harpoon shot yet, not sure if I'm going to.
    • Vehumet spell gifts stick around in the spell library (still need to do some work with the piety behavior of this)
    • Good gods forbid you from casting evil permabuffs and dispel any that you have active when you join.
  • Spell stuff:
    • Portal projectile is a permabuff.
    • New permabuff: piercing shot, a level 5 charms/tloc spell that makes your shots penetrate. Mutually exclusive with pproj, sustaining one will deactivate the other.
    • Summon mana viper's cap is now 1 (was 2).
    • Sandblast damage is a little less nuts.
    • Song of slaying scales a little worse, cigotuvi's embrace is a little weaker.
    • Cleaned up spell damage formulas a little for static discharge, chain lightning, and iood.
  • Miscellaneous stuff:
    • Lugonu altars show up in dungeon again. Lugonu should be the only way to get abyssed now, I think.
    • Naga mages and Nagaraja cast dimension anchor instead of teleport other.
    • Slime is 3 floors (was 4).
    • Improved the bazaar shop gen code and did some cleanup on the set of bazaar maps.

100% committed to summoning reform in the next update, unless it doesn't happen again. Also going to be taking a look at Xom, Jiyva (again), and Qazlal (again), probably some other gods and spells, and maybe species (at least one of pubby ogre or realz dg are probably coming in some form). Good chance I end up working on some other small projects during the next couple months so no guarantee that I'll get another non-bugfix update out for a while though.

E: bugfix update to address some skill level crashes. Update also includes mutation changes and part of the upcoming Jiyva 3.0 rework.

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Crypt Cleanser

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Post Thursday, 5th July 2018, 13:58

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Why is silence lvl 4?

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Thursday, 5th July 2018, 21:53

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Silence was, imo, a relatively bad spell at level 5, so I moved it to level 4 to make it a little more attractive.

Spider Stomper

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Post Friday, 6th July 2018, 21:19

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I am not sure what you did so xp/skilling but it seems to be 10x slower and is borderline unplayable and not fun.

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Friday, 6th July 2018, 21:44

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

There was an attempt to fix another bug that caused that, but I replaced that fix with a better one. Should fix on server update, ie tonight or tomorrow.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Saturday, 7th July 2018, 03:57

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Good news. Kobold and Gnoll were still playable but getting a bit boring. The skill trainings were disastrous and made everything else unplayable. I hopped in Severen's game and we had a bit of a whinefest before he killed himself :D

But his last 2 games knocked me down a couple spots on the top 20 so maybe don't update it for him.

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Post Saturday, 7th July 2018, 15:55

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Seems to be fixed, Thanks @Hellmonk

Mines Malingerer

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Post Saturday, 7th July 2018, 21:17

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Confirmed, fixed.
moonstruk.jpg (142.53 KiB) Viewed 30990 times

Mines Malingerer

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Post Wednesday, 11th July 2018, 05:27

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

What is going on with the Trolls and 2headed ogres killing me in D:2 now? Lmao, was this intended? It's dumb. :(
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Zot Zealot

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Post Sunday, 15th July 2018, 09:41

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I picked up a manual of crossbows, which was marked useless.

Spider Stomper

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Post Monday, 16th July 2018, 18:15

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Had a rather promising OpBe run ruined by DOOM on vaults 3, it triggered when I was in the middle of going through the 3rd of the 4 major sections. Can you please make DOOM trigger different on V3, the level is much larger and takes much longer, especially if the rune is in the last one you go to. There is absolutely no way I could have done an OpBe (true Be, no switching) any faster nor was I doing anything scummy other than throw luring about 5 or so moves.

Edit: well its not entirely ruined as I ran to depths without the rune, but its crap.


Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Monday, 16th July 2018, 19:56

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

You get a warning about 500 turns before the DOOM trigger, don't you? I agree that a uniform breakpoint for every level is crap, but it is what it is. You don't need the silver rune to win.

A simple approach to fix this would be to scale the DOOM counter by, say, 150% on every branch end. So, you'd have 4500 turns to clear D:15, Orc:2, Snake:3, Vaults:3, Tar:7 and so on. If this is too much or too little, one could combine this fix with a reduction in the DOOM counter for non-branch-end floors, or adjust the scaling factor.
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Zot Zealot

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Post Monday, 16th July 2018, 23:48

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I initially hated the doom counter on vaults:$ too, but now I sorta like it. You need to approach the level with the goal of *not* clearing everything. It's much more of a hit and run strategy.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Thursday, 19th July 2018, 01:45

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I've taken to making sure I have like 7 in axes even if I'm not using one, and sitting in the middle mashing tab pretty successfully ... Drain/Vampiric does the trick
Or just making sure I have the piety to DA everything ...
Or big stealth ...

I've actually never hit the doom timer in V:3, only Shoals it seems :(


Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Thursday, 19th July 2018, 02:45

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

There's nothing inherently wrong with a timer. One can make any rules in a game, and people can adapt to them.

However, there was a long discussion upthread about how the "anti-scumming" timer is not really about scumming. severen was (I presume) not "scumming" here in any reasonable sense of the word. I won't repeat the arguments again here.


My own experience with Vaults:$ is that it is not uncommon to come close to the DOOM timer. Especially if the first three quadrants I check don't contain the rune.

Other places I have come close to hitting the timer in include Snake:$ (rarely) and Orc:$ (only once).

The Snake:$ case is much worse than the others because
(a) the only exit is right where you find the rune, so you can't even skip the rune and bail.
(b) many Snake:$ endings are based on huge vaults which require a lot of luring. And Nagas are slow, so it requires even more time to lure them out.

I have never actually hit the timer in any of my games. I either died before the timer ran out, or escaped in time.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Thursday, 19th July 2018, 04:45

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Eh, the timer needs to be there ... Loud god like Qazlal that attract the entire map would make the difficulty absolutely negligible ... Especially in shoals where if you don't have flying the difficulty is heavily increased but you could, so to say, just duck into one of the rooms and rest it until things show up for you to hit.

Not that Qaz isn't completely overpowered on any race without negative aptitudes for invocations in the first place ... Being able to 1shot Cerebov is a ridiculousness in itself.

On another note: The Dith changes are cool, would be cooler if they were applied to melee weapons, though I can see where the issues would be there.
Some of the mutagenic muts are just ... Lol. Once you get a demonspawn going with both spines and the freezy mutation from the shafts ... Well you can literally just walk around until you hit the sbranches and everything falls over around you.

Worst mutation addition seems to be the tentacle. Stack it with the poison barb and that'd be cool. Maybe the same with beak/drain bite. I dunno. Even then it'd be pretty negligible later on whereas most of the others retain their usefulnesses.

Also the log gets heavily irritating when you have sustains going like DChan/Infest/Spectral Weapon/Animate Dead/etc. and you're just pressing enter 3,000 times per turn because your clouds are hitting them as Qazlal. Is there a way to edit this? When Snake Pits were broken when arrows were first taken out was bad, this gets downright maddening lol

Mines Malingerer

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Post Thursday, 19th July 2018, 14:13

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

bel wrote:I tried a Nemelex game (NaTm) in the latest version. I did find an amulet of faith somewhere around D:6, so it was easier than usual. Some general observations:

(a) Nem is, as usual, really good.
(b) Early game Nemelex is a crapshoot but really OP. Example: I had only just taken Nemelex and Invo was something like 2 or 3, when I ran into Grum's pack right after I descended a staircase. I blind drew from destruction and at some point got Wild Magic (IIRC). It killed almost the entire pack in one shot. I checked the messages, and found that it did something like 150 damage (in total) instantly, which is crazy.
(c) Decks of escape seem really scarce. At one point, I had received something like 70 each of summoning and destruction, but only 5 of escape. Not sure if this is intentional or just bad luck.
(d) I never ran out of piety or cards whenever I wanted to use decks (same as normal Crawl experience).

There's (D), but also (E): Nemelex cards don't disappear if you switch gods. This in and of itself seems broken as all heck! If I play Nemelex I tend to switch after I have some stacks built up ... Because why not? Granted you don't get the almighty Draw 4 ... But still way too strong. You can literally find a lategame altar like Qaz and use your cards as you build up his piety to head into Pan as summons and the like will keep you safe. Pair Nem with DChan / Infest and you're invincible from anything without smite targeting ...

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Friday, 20th July 2018, 23:46

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Looking into the monster gen thing, haven't found anything yet. Thanks for info on the timer etc, will try to tweak that again soonish perhaps (I also want to modify level gen and the sbranch end vaults in some way). Nemelex cards will be reclaimed on abandonment in the next version. I'm pushing a little more Jiyva stuff and tweaking a xom rework for that, but I'll try to get it up in the next week or so.

Re: the log, I think you'd want to disable force_more with rcfile configuration and then customize back in whatever stuff you actually want to force_more on; this is a problem for some characters in mainline as well but I suppose having lots of crap going literally all the time instead of most of the time makes it even worse.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Saturday, 21st July 2018, 11:56

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Okay. IMO Qazlal needs some tweaking too. Either less scaling for Upheaval (Last game 2 upheavals killed Antaeus) and Disaster area ... Slower piety gain maybe? He just feels so much stronger than any other god right now, and with his huge piety gains you can really just blink and DA in any troubling situation and have all your piety back by the next time you need it, no matter what ... And no matter what everything dies.

Of course, on top of the noted above, the kills will proc effects for stuff like demonspawn regen mutation, Jiangshi passive ... Song of Slaying ...
Heck, in a full room in Hell you can literally Disaster Area and watch your piety go up instead of down, especially with a faith amulet.

Also DA/Upheaval are like basically the strongest spells in the game except they're invokes so they're not spells which makes it even better ...
I think you could half the piety gain and it still wouldn't be too much of a challenge.


Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Saturday, 21st July 2018, 13:50

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I haven't played Qazlal in a while, but it being strong in the later game may not be a bad thing. Since upstairs don't exist in Hellcrawl, the noise is a fairly big disadvantage, especially in the earlier parts of the game.

I tested some of what you were saying above in wizmode and 27 invo; I didn't manage to replicate your experience. I could not one-shot Cerebov with disaster area. Neither was I able to two-shot Antaeus with Upheaval, not even close (he took 10 shots). I did several trials, so I doubt that what you're saying is typical. Maybe you got very lucky.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Saturday, 21st July 2018, 18:06

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

bel wrote:I haven't played Qazlal in a while, but it being strong in the later game may not be a bad thing. Since upstairs don't exist in Hellcrawl, the noise is a fairly big disadvantage, especially in the earlier parts of the game.

I tested some of what you were saying above in wizmode and 27 invo; I didn't manage to replicate your experience. I could not one-shot Cerebov with disaster area. Neither was I able to two-shot Antaeus with Upheaval, not even close (he took 10 shots). I did several trials, so I doubt that what you're saying is typical. Maybe you got very lucky.

It's quite typical. You probably are not placing your disaster area right ...
Positioning is quite important for it, which is where blinking comes in. If you are adjacent to the Pan lord, they will take extremely reduced damage. Try placing yourself 2 or 3 squares out from him, and THEN disaster area. I can replicate it just fine. Also with upheaval, it's quite easy to kill the pan lords in 2 or 3 hits ... Supposing you get an element they are not resistant to.

I've done this build many times ... To the tune of 15+ wins. You can literally 1shot anything in the game with disaster area with minimal effort on placement to set it up.

Also due to his nature, Qazlal is powerful all the way through. It's not just DA and Upheaval, he gives the resistances based off the last hit you take, including physical ... Plus the passive, massive shields boost and passive clouds.

I'm quite sure what you are doing wrong is your disaster area placement. Many people have viewed my games and been stunned at me just running through 1shotting everything in Pan/Hell exit.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Saturday, 21st July 2018, 18:08

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl


Crypt Cleanser

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Post Thursday, 26th July 2018, 00:48

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

New update.
  • Several new mutations in the general mut pool. Too lazy to list them all here.
  • Several new Jiyva exclusive mutations. Ditto.
  • "Completion" of the major Jiyva overhaul:
    • In addition to the aforementioned new mutations, mutation gifts begin earlier, are less frequent, and are much less likely to be removed (so you will accumulate a larger, less shifting mut set).
    • Slimify works on everything, always turns the target into a (hostile) slime creature.
    • The jelly conduct and all the weird heal on item slurping passive stuff is removed. The random loot eating conduct is removed. Stat shuffling is removed. Getting a rune for free is removed. I want to add another passive or active later on, maybe. Also might want to rename or reflavor the god since the concept has diverged a lot from mainline.
  • My one and only attempt at Xom reform. If this sucks then I'm willing to either not care or remove Xom, not trying to salvage it again.
    • Mutation gifts on an xp timeout (randomized but generally a bit over 2 levels), where Xom removes your entire mutation set and gives you a new one composed of random mutations, length scaling with experience level.
    • Item gifts on a shorter xp timeout (randomized, usually you'll get a couple per experience level). Item type and quality is still very random, but should no longer include equipment you can't use.
    • Xom's other random actions only occur in combat (chance scaling with the total "threat level" of enemies in los - this isn't a great metric but I couldn't immediately think of a better one) and the set has been curated. No more banishment, no more random teleport. No more strategic effects from random Xom actions; those are all handled via xp timeout.
    • Xom no longer has any type of piety system and does not grow bored.
  • Nemelex reclaims decks on abandonment.
  • Slightly nerfed qaz upheaval and disaster area power scaling.
  • Wand of polymorph always turns the thing into a slime creature and is called wand of slimification.
  • Fixed some really dumb bugs.

This will be the last non-bugfix update before the 0.22 tournament; here's hoping it goes better than the last one. I do not have as much time to work on hellcrawl anymore, so my update pace is probably going to slow down a lot. If anyone is interested in assisting with hellcrawl development, please message me. I check discord and irc most often but a pm on tavern is fine too.

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chequers, nago

Mines Malingerer

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Post Friday, 27th July 2018, 16:43

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Xom is still annoying. The random environment effects are a little more reasonable ... Should be immune to Xom's clouds though so as to better utilize those effects.
Also, stacking opposing mutations starts to get REALLY annoying. With it switching so often you end up with a lot of overlap ... ie; Shiny / Stealth+++ cancelling each other ...
Jiyva gets better static mutations, so there's nothing that I can see really pushing Xom as a better option in any scenario, except that you might get lucky and he'll throw you some nice equips.
Maybe some static Xom implement at piety req. would make him more viable? Dunnooooooo I can't stand him still

Mines Malingerer

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Post Monday, 30th July 2018, 03:43

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Give Siegmund his Scythe back!
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Zot Zealot

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Post Monday, 30th July 2018, 04:19

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Playing Hellcrawl Xom as a non-magic user is quite good, since you get a lot of manuals it seems. I do agree that Xom feels like Okawaru + Jiyva though, the effects plus random gifts aren't interesting enough. I don't think Xom is in a bad enough spot to remove though. Just maybe needs someone to come along and carve out the niches of Oka/Xom/Jiyva a little more clearly.

Jiyva is super fun, finally a way to play which gives you an absolute buttload of semi-permanent mutations.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Thursday, 2nd August 2018, 18:33

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Speaking of mutations, there is no mutation message when you acquire the mutation 'Your non-sustained spells cost 1 less MP to cast'.
A very minor, non-issue thing, but it's missing. =]

Swamp Slogger

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Post Friday, 3rd August 2018, 08:33

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Bazaars should all fit within LOS, since otherwise you need to explore by hand every time you return to one to look for new shops (I think?)
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Snake Sneak

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Post Friday, 3rd August 2018, 16:01

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

New Yred causes wicked crazy log spam. I Enslaved Pikel, sent him promptly to his death against a pack of orcs and ogres, and while he's dead I get 4-5 "Unlinked Item held by dead monster" notifications in the log every turn, forcing --more-- for each one.

In addition, if I hit Enter one too many times, it repeats the whole stack of notifications without even taking a turn. If I DON'T press enter too many times, I can take one turn as normal before logspam.

Spider Stomper

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Post Friday, 10th August 2018, 19:27

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

So trunk copied the spell book system in HC, when can we get rid of food and curses and get permabuffs too?

Dungeon Dilettante

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Post Friday, 17th August 2018, 18:17

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Here's a suggestion, if removing Xom is still being considered: merge Makhleb, Trog and Xom into a single blood god of chaos and call it something like Throxomneb or perhaps something even more khorny, then make such into a god who, instead of despising all magic with a strange blind spot for evocations, despises ranged attacks as cowardly, including reach attacks with polearms, except if you're using a polearm, shooting or casting a long range spell at point-blank range. That would be cool IMO and more flexible than Trog's restrictions, but it is probably too much.

On a less serious note, make Chei gift 6* piety worshipers with exclusive anachronistic unrandarts like a chainsaw with evocable berserk that uses the blades skill so you can stab things with it while berserk(still more practical than a triple sword), a "double wand of scattershot" with infinite ammo like bows, twice as much damage, shorter range and wider spread, etc.

Mines Malingerer

Posts: 32

Joined: Saturday, 7th July 2018, 03:56

Post Thursday, 30th August 2018, 17:01

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Okay tourney's over bring it back lol

Swamp Slogger

Posts: 172

Joined: Thursday, 1st September 2011, 00:21

Post Sunday, 16th September 2018, 21:12

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I dig hellcrawl, but it does seem to crash a lot. Here's looping errors from my game on gnollcrawl

Spoiler: show
Unlinked temporary item:
64 arrows
item #96: base: 1; sub: 2; plus: 0; plus2: 0; special: 0
quant: 64; ident: 0x00000000; ident_type: 0
x: 0; y: 0; link: 95

Unlinked temporary item:
100 arrows
item #97: base: 1; sub: 2; plus: 0; plus2: 0; special: 0
quant: 100; ident: 0x00000000; ident_type: 0
x: 0; y: 0; link: 96

Unlinked temporary item:
45 arrows
item #108: base: 1; sub: 2; plus: 0; plus2: 0; special: 0
quant: 45; ident: 0x00000000; ident_type: 0
x: 0; y: 0; link: 107


and here's a similar but different error from project357.org:

Spoiler: show
Unlinked item held by dead monster:
+5 triple sword of flaming
item #10: base: 0; sub: 37; plus: 5; plus2: 0; special: 1
quant: 1; ident: 0x20020002; ident_type: 0
x: -2; y: -2; link: 27007

Unlinked item held by dead monster:
+2 fire dragon scales
item #11: base: 2; sub: 20; plus: 2; plus2: 0; special: 0
quant: 1; ident: 0x20020000; ident_type: 0
x: -2; y: -2; link: 27007

Unlinked item held by dead monster:
+5 ring of intelligence
item #12: base: 6; sub: 15; plus: 5; plus2: 0; special: 101
_ quant: 1; ident: 0x20000000; ident_type: 1


I've played a lot of hc lately and these are the only two times, but I used to play a lot of vanilla and I don't think I ever had a game die on me.

If there's some way to salvage this scenario, I'm interested.

Swamp Slogger

Posts: 172

Joined: Thursday, 1st September 2011, 00:21

Post Sunday, 16th September 2018, 21:34

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

And my gnollcrawl game is back; if this was an intervention, thanks.
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Snake Sneak

Posts: 111

Joined: Saturday, 10th March 2018, 18:00

Post Monday, 17th September 2018, 14:20

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Mattchew wrote:I dig hellcrawl, but it does seem to crash a lot.... If there's some way to salvage this scenario, I'm interested.

Those "unlinked item errors" look like the same (or similar) ones that I was having on my Yred run mentioned previously. I can't possibly fix this, but do you remember how you triggered them? I'm personally curious and I figure more detail will help Hellmonk with debugging.

Swamp Slogger

Posts: 172

Joined: Thursday, 1st September 2011, 00:21

Post Monday, 17th September 2018, 17:51

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

> but do you remember how you triggered them?

Not really. Both times I was getting mobbed by enemies and there was a lot going on every turn. Once was in the vestibule of Hell and another time was, I think, Vaults 2. I was taking normal combat type actions, nothing like char dumps or other system-ish behavior.

Shoals Surfer

Posts: 276

Joined: Sunday, 6th November 2016, 19:19

Post Tuesday, 18th September 2018, 18:53

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Hellcrawl is now playable on this webserver : https://x-crawl.de/

It is based in Germany, so any Europe-based players who want to play hellcrawl online with low latency may find it amicable.
16/26 on the way to GreaterOctopode (Win all backgrounds as an Octopode)

Progress so far : OpFi, OpGl, OpWn, OpAr, OpCK, OpMo, OpBe, OpHu, OpVM, OpAM, OpWr, OpFE, OpEE, OpNe, OpTm, OpSk

Slime Squisher

Posts: 368

Joined: Thursday, 11th April 2013, 21:07

Post Wednesday, 19th September 2018, 07:17

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

So, it turns out that I can't compile anything newer than Hellcrawl 5.4 locally when passing PCH=y with make. (The commit causing the problem is somewhere between 5.4 and 5.5, anyway, I didn't track down exactly where the problem started.)

Running make without PCH=y is fine, but this stumped me for a minute until I saw AppHdr.h being referenced and thought to try different compile flags.

This is happening under Windows 7 + MSYS2 with ccache installed, with everything up to date.

Might want to take a look at this, or at least add a note to INSTALL.txt not to use PCH=y when compiling in current Hellcrawl versions, if you have the time.

Slime Squisher

Posts: 368

Joined: Thursday, 11th April 2013, 21:07

Post Wednesday, 19th September 2018, 11:38

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Did a 9 rune speedrun mode to check out what was new since I last played.

One thing that I might suggest is adding a way to restore rot for Vine Stalker.

VS is obviously very strong so maybe this isn't needed from a balance point of view, but from a perceptual player fairness point of view it was a little frustrating when I realized a few floors in that any extra turns spent dicking around were irreversibly lowering my max HP.

Spoiler: show
 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 5.7-8-g3a8b389a23 (tiles) character file.

295199794 VsMo the Miracle Worker (level 27, 105/105 (145) HPs) *SPEED*
             Began as a Vine Stalker Monk on Sept 19, 2018.
             Was the Champion of Okawaru.
             Escaped with the Orb
             ... and 9 runes!
             The game lasted 03:30:03 (23373 turns).

VsMo the Miracle Worker (Vine Stalker Monk)        Turns: 23373, Time: 03:30:03

HP:   105/105 (145) AC: 32 (37%)Str: 36  XL:     27
MP:   36/36         EV: 34    Int: 14    God:    Okawaru [6*[200]]
Gold: 1742          SH: 38    Dex: 22    Spells: 3/43 levels left

rFire    + + +     SeeInvis .     - Unarmed
rCold    + + .     Faith    .   j - +8 large shield {AC+3}
rNeg     . . .     Spirit   +   L - quicksilver dragon scales of the Slorg {rF+ MR+}
rPois    .         Reflect  +   y - +2 helmet
rElec    .                      P - +1 cloak {MP+9}
rCorr    .                      q - +0 pair of gloves {Str+3}
MR       ++++.                  H - +1 pair of boots of the Exiled Songs {rF+ Str+3 Int+4 Stlth-}
Stlth    ..........             p - +3 amulet of reflection
Regen    1.5/turn               m - ring "Tohumira" {Fire rC+ Str+3 Dex+5}
MPRegen  0.5/turn               o - ring of wizardry

@: exhausted, hasted, Turns until doom, very quick
A: fangs 3, cold resistance 1, frail 1, regeneration 3, wild magic 1, magic
shield, antimagic bite, no device heal 3, rot immunity, repel shadows, exposed,
0: Orb of Zot
}: 9/9 runes: decaying, slimy, silver, obsidian, demonic, glowing, magical,
fiery, dark
a: End Haste, Finesse, Renounce Religion

You were on level 0 of Gehenna.
You worshipped Okawaru.
Okawaru was exalted by your worship.
You were not hungry.

You visited 10 branches of the dungeon, and saw 43 of its levels.
You visited Pandemonium 1 time, and saw 5 of its levels.
You visited the bazaar 3 times.
You also visited: Bailey, Ice Cave, Volcano and Elven Halls.

You collected 3434 gold pieces.
You spent 1692 gold pieces at shops.


Hand Weapons
 a - a +9 vampiric broad axe
 l - the +7 sceptre of Asmodeus
   (You took it off Asmodeus on level 7 of Gehenna)
 s - the +8 mithril axe "Arga" {speed, MR+}
   (You found it in the Elven Halls)   
   Attacks with this weapon are significantly faster.
   It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments.
 u - 22 curare darts (quivered)
 O - 296 javelins of penetration
 b - the +7 chain mail of the Big Bang {-Tele rElec rC++ rCorr}
   (You found it in an ice cave)   
   It greatly protects you from cold.
   It insulates you from electricity.
   It prevents most forms of teleportation.
   It protects you from acid and corrosion.
 d - a +0 crystal plate armour
 h - +2 pearl dragon scales
 i - a +4 plate armour of cold resistance
 j - a +8 large shield of protection (worn)
 q - a +0 pair of gloves of strength (worn)
 y - a +2 helmet (worn)
 E - the +11 plate armour "Maugric" {rPois rCorr}
   (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 5 of the Realm of Zot)   
   It protects you from poison.
   It protects you from acid and corrosion.
 F - the +0 pair of boots of the Game of Life {rC+ rN+ Int+2}
   (You acquired it in a bailey)   
   It affects your intelligence (+2).
   It protects you from cold.
   It protects you from negative energy.
 G - +0 gold dragon scales
 H - the +1 pair of boots of the Exiled Songs (worn) {rF+ Str+3 Int+4 Stlth-}
   (You acquired it in a bailey)   
   It affects your strength (+3).
   It affects your intelligence (+4).
   It protects you from fire.
   It makes you less stealthy.
 K - a +3 plate armour of positive energy
 L - the quicksilver dragon scales of the Slorg (worn) {rF+ MR+}
   (You found it on level 3 of the Pits of Slime)   
   It protects you from fire.
   It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments.
 P - a +1 cloak of magical power (worn)
 V - +0 storm dragon scales
 Y - a +2 pair of boots of running
Magical Staves
 x - an uncursed staff of air
 m - the ring "Tohumira" (left hand) {Fire rC+ Str+3 Dex+5}
   (You bought it in a shop in a bazaar)   
   [ring of fire]
   It enhances your fire magic.
   It affects your strength (+3).
   It affects your dexterity (+5).
   It protects you from fire.
   It protects you from cold.
 o - a ring of wizardry (right hand)
 p - a +3 amulet of reflection (around neck)
 z - an uncursed ring of fire
 A - an uncursed ring of poison resistance
 D - a +5 ring of strength
 N - an uncursed ring of positive energy
 S - an uncursed ring of resist corrosion
 U - the ring of Bautapn {rC+ MR+ Dex+5}
   (You found it in the Elven Halls)   
   [ring of dexterity]
   It affects your dexterity (+5).
   It protects you from cold.
   It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments.
 c - 3 scrolls of fear
 e - 4 scrolls of teleportation
 f - 5 scrolls of blinking
 t - 4 scrolls of holy word
 w - 7 scrolls of immolation
 I - a scroll of summoning
 X - a scroll of silence
 n - 6 potions of lignification
 r - a potion of cancellation
 v - 5 potions of berserk rage
 B - 5 potions of ambrosia
 C - a potion of resistance
 J - 3 potions of flight
 Q - 3 potions of magic
 Z - 3 potions of invisibility
 g - a box of beasts
 k - a disc of storms
 R - 3 phantom mirrors
 T - a crystal ball of energy
 W - the horn of Geryon

 - Level 22.3(27) Fighting
 - Level 22.9(27) Armour
 - Level 22.5(27) Dodging
 - Level 2.4 Stealth
 - Level 22.7(27) Shields
 - Level 22.0(27) Unarmed Combat
 - Level 5.0 Hexes
 O Level 27 Charms
 - Level 10.0 Translocations
 * Level 17.2 Transmutations
 - Level 16.6 Air Magic
 - Level 9.4 Invocations

You had 3 spell levels left.
You knew the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power        Failure   Level  Hunger
a - Swiftness             Chrm/Air       68 (100)     1%          2    N/A
b - Repel Missiles        Chrm/Air       68 (100)     1%          2    N/A
c - Passwall              Tmut/Erth      31 (200)     1%          2    N/A
d - Regeneration          Chrm/Necr      49 (200)     1%          3    N/A
e - Blade Hands           Tmut           58 (200)     1%          5    N/A
f - Apportation           Tloc           36 (1000)    1%          1    N/A
g - Silence               Hex/Air        39 (200)     2%          4    N/A
h - Statue Form           Tmut/Erth      31 (150)     54%         6    N/A
i - Haste                 Chrm           78 (200)     26%         9    N/A
j - Deflect Missiles      Chrm/Air       68 (200)     1%          6    N/A

Your spell library contained the following spells:

 Spells                   Type           Power        Failure   Level  Hunger
 Magic Dart               Air            25 (25)      1%          1    N/A
 Conjure Flame            Fire/Air       45 (100)     2%          3    N/A
 Confuse                  Hex            18 (100)     7%          3    N/A
 Invisibility             Hex            18 (200)     100%        7    N/A
 Controlled Blink         Tloc           N/A          100%        8    N/A
 Freezing Cloud           Ice/Air        30 (200)     58%         6    N/A
 Death's Door             Chrm/Necr      49 (200)     97%         8    N/A
 Summon Small Mammal      Summ           0 (25)       17%         1    N/A
 Fire Storm               Fire           0 (200)      100%        9    N/A
 Summon Horrible Things   Summ           0 (200)      100%        8    N/A
 Animate Dead             Necr           0 (200)      80%         4    N/A
 Pain                     Necr           0 (25)       17%         1    N/A
 Control Undead           Necr           0 (200)      80%         4    N/A
 Vampiric Draining        Necr           0 (200)      41%         3    N/A
 Haunt                    Necr/Summ      0 (200)      100%        7    N/A
 Borgnjor's Revivificati  Necr           0 (200)      100%        8    N/A
 Ozocubu's Refrigeration  Ice            0 (200)      100%        7    N/A
 Summon Ice Beast         Ice/Summ       0 (100)      80%         4    N/A
 Ozocubu's Armour         Chrm/Ice       49 (100)     1%          4    N/A
 Call Imp                 Summ           0 (100)      24%         2    N/A
 Sublimation of Blood     Necr           0 (200)      24%         2    N/A
 Tukima's Dance           Hex            18 (100)     7%          3    N/A
 Summon Greater Demon     Summ           0 (200)      100%        7    N/A
 Iron Shot                Erth           0 (200)      100%        6    N/A
 Spider Form              Tmut           58 (200)     1%          3    N/A
 Dragon Form              Tmut           58 (200)     12%         7    N/A
 Necromutation            Tmut/Necr      31 (200)     54%         6    N/A
 Death Channel            Necr           0 (200)      100%        6    N/A
 Throw Icicle             Ice            0 (100)      80%         4    N/A
 Airstrike                Air            57 (200)     1%          4    N/A
 Shadow Creatures         Summ           N/A          100%        6    N/A
 Confusing Touch          Hex            18 (50)      2%          1    N/A
 Ignite Poison            Fire/Tmut      47 (100)     1%          3    N/A
 Call Canine Familiar     Summ           0 (100)      41%         3    N/A
 Ensorcelled Hibernation  Hex/Ice        9 (50)       10%         2    N/A
 Metabolic Englaciation   Hex/Ice        9 (200)      80%         5    N/A
 Summon Butterflies       Summ           0 (100)      17%         1    N/A
 Shatter                  Erth           0 (200)      100%        9    N/A
 Dispersal                Tloc           36 (200)     38%         6    N/A
 Static Discharge         Air            57 (100)     1%          3    N/A
 Corona                   Hex            18 (90)      2%          1    N/A
 Alistair's Intoxication  Tmut           58 (100)     1%          5    N/A
 Lee's Rapid Deconstruct  Erth           0 (200)      98%         5    N/A
 Sandblast                Erth           0 (25)       17%         1    N/A
 Conjure Ball Lightning   Air            57 (200)     16%         7    N/A
 Chain Lightning          Air            57 (200)     71%         8    N/A
 Excruciating Wounds      Chrm/Necr      49 (200)     2%          5    N/A
 Monstrous Menagerie      Summ           0 (200)      100%        7    N/A
 Petrify                  Tmut/Erth      31 (100)     6%          4    N/A
 Passage of Golubria      Tloc           N/A          3%          4    N/A
 Orb of Destruction       Erth           0 (200)      100%        7    N/A
 Malign Gateway           Summ/Tloc      18 (200)     100%        7    N/A
 Tornado                  Air            57 (200)     100%        9    N/A
 Leda's Liquefaction      Hex/Erth       9 (200)      47%         4    N/A
 Summon Hydra             Summ           0 (200)      100%        7    N/A
 Darkness                 Hex            18 (200)     100%        7    N/A
 Beastly Appendage        Tmut           50 (50)      1%          1    N/A
 Disjunction              Tloc           36 (200)     100%        8    N/A
 Iskenderun's Battlesphe  Chrm/Summ      49 (100)     2%          5    N/A
 Fulminant Prism          Air            57 (200)     1%          5    N/A
 Dazzling Spray           Hex/Fire       13 (50)      19%         3    N/A
 Force Lance              Tloc/Erth      18 (100)     7%          3    N/A
 Infusion                 Chrm           25 (25)      1%          1    N/A
 Song of Slaying          Chrm           78 (100)     1%          2    N/A
 Spectral Weapon          Chrm/Summ      49 (100)     2%          5    N/A
 Searing Ray              Fire           0 (50)       24%         2    N/A
 Summon Lightning Spire   Summ/Air       30 (100)     6%          4    N/A
 Summon Guardian Golem    Hex/Summ       9 (100)      19%         3    N/A
 Spellforged Servitor     Summ           0 (200)      100%        7    N/A
 Summon Mana Viper        Hex/Summ       9 (100)      80%         5    N/A
 Hydra Form               Tmut           58 (200)     2%          6    N/A
 Irradiate                Tmut           58 (200)     1%          5    N/A
 Yara's Violent Unravell  Hex/Tmut       40 (200)     6%          5    N/A
 Infestation              Hex/Necr       9 (200)      100%        7    N/A
 Lesser Beckoning         Tloc           36 (100)     1%          3    N/A
 Ignition                 Fire           0 (200)      100%        8    N/A
 Piercing Shot            Chrm/Tloc      61 (200)     1%          5    N/A

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (15/15)             Swamp (3/3) Orc:2         Slime (3/3) Orc:2 Vaults:3
    Orc (2/2) D:15         Vaults (3/3) D:15 Swamp:3 Depths (3/3) D:15 Slime:3 Vaults:3
   Hell (1/1)                 Geh (7/7) Hell            Zot (5/5) Depths:3
 Bazaar (1/1)             
 Snake: Orc:2       Spider: Orc:2          Dis: Hell:1         Coc: Hell:1
   Tar: Hell:1     

Nemelex Xobeh
Sif Muna
Wu Jian
The Shining One

Bazaar !(}![(*=!

Hell: Zot:5
Pandemonium: Depths:3

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You have razor-sharp teeth.
You regenerate.
When hurt, damage is shared between your health and your magic reserves.
Your bite disrupts and absorbs the magic of your enemies.
Potions cannot restore your health.
You are immune to rotting.
Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+)
You are frail. (-10% HP)
Your spells are a little harder to cast, but a little more powerful.
Shadows flee at your approach. (+LOS)
You are less able to defend yourself (AC -3, EV -3, SH - 3).
You shine softly (Stealth---).

Message History

The bolt of magma misses you.
There is an open door here.
You punch the molten gargoyle (8)! Your bite misses the molten gargoyle.
The molten gargoyle is moderately damaged.
You block the molten gargoyle's attack.
You punch the molten gargoyle (14)! You bite the molten gargoyle (9)! You drain its power.
You destroy the molten gargoyle!
Okawaru accepts your kill.
You hear a sizzling splash.
You block the sun demon's attack.
You pummel the sun demon (35)!!
You bite the sun demon, but do no damage.
The sun demon is severely wounded.
You pound the sun demon into fine dust (70)!!!
You kill the sun demon!
Okawaru accepts your kill.
There is a large open door here.
There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here.
You can't go down here!
You have escaped!

˜˜.$§§§§§§˜˜˜..##..#.#.#..#              ###
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   ### ######   ###########˜˜˜˜§§˜˜§˜§˜˜˜§§˜

There were no monsters in sight!

Vanquished Creatures
  Cerebov (Pan)
  Asmodeus (Geh:7)
  the Royal Jelly (Slime:3)
  Lom Lobon (Pan)
  Gloorx Vloq (Pan)
  2 seraphim
  Mnoleg (Pan)
  Mennas (Pan)
  8 orbs of fire (Zot:5)
  7 ancient liches
  4 Killer Klowns
  Boris (Depths:3)
  the Lernaean hydra (Swamp:3)
  2 curse toes
  Geryon (Hell)
  Saint Roka (Orc:2)
  3 golden dragons
  2 elevengus (Geh:6)
  5 diesel robins (Zot:3)
  A pearl dragon (Pan)
  Jory (Depths:1)
  2 antimatter elves (Zot:1)
  7 giant giants
  A Shadow Fiend (Geh:6)
  A bone dragon (Depths:3)
  16 Brimstone Fiends
  3 electric golems
  7 ghost robins
  4 zotbots
  7 liches
  4 Hell Sentinels
  Rupert (Orc:2)
  6 Ice Fiends
  A titan (Vaults:3)
  5 quicksilver dragons
  3 deep elf blademasters (Elf)
  9 pandemonium lords
  19 acid blobs
  A subtractor snake (Zot:2)
  52 Orb Guardians
  4 iron trolls
  An eldritch tentacle (Pan)
  17 Executioners
  Kirke (Swamp:3)
  5 ancient champions
  14 death cobs
  10 shadow dragons
  3 tentacled monstrosities
  6 Orb Childs
  2 storm dragons (Depths:3)
  18 plutonium crabs
  Donald (Swamp:1)
  4 thorn hunters
  8 fire giants
  2 tengu reavers
  6 azure jellies
  7 daevas (Pan)
  27 balrugs
  11 deep elf sorcerers
  2 ghost moths
  An orc warlord (Orc:2)
  6 deep elf elementalists (Elf)
  7 angels
  7 vault wardens
  3 frost giants
  3 revenants (Depths:1)
  2 curse skulls
  5 stone giants
  5 war gargoyles
  2 spriggan defenders (Depths:3)
  11 reapers
  8 cacodemons
  A juggernaut skeleton (Depths:2)
  10 very ugly things
  9 ophanim (Pan)
  8 ironheart preservers
  5 mutatatotots
  9 apis (Pan)
  15 deep elf annihilators
  4 lorocyprocas
  5 deep elf demonologists (Elf)
  3 quicksilver dragon zombies
  5 green deaths
  6 ettins
  A death ooze (Slime:3)
  3 crystal guardians
  5 blizzard demons
  4 yaktaur captains
  4 deep elf death magi
  5 quicksilver dragon skeletons
  5 deep elf high priests
  8 great orbs of eyes
  2 ogre magi
  16 hydras
  4 ice dragons
  4 hell beasts
  8 rakshasas
  6 spriggan air magi
  3 eidola
  8 centaur warriors
  28 vault guards
  A death knight (D:15)
  2 ghost crabs
  6 alligators
  6 two-headed ogres
  34 hell hogs
  2 tengu warriors (D:15)
  3 deep troll shamans
  3 deep troll earth magi
  An orc high priest (Orc:2)
  A dancing weapon (Vaults:1)
  A spriggan berserker (Depths:3)
  4 death scarabs (Depths:3)
  34 sun demons
  2 titan zombies (Geh:1)
  Urug (D:12)
  A titan skeleton (Hell)
  A storm dragon zombie (Geh:4)
  A death scarab (shapeshifter) (Vaults:2)
  8 soul eaters
  2 deep elf knights
  5 spriggans
  5 shadow wraiths
  8 cherubim (Pan)
  49 hell knights
  12 skeletal warriors
  3 unseen horrors
  A spriggan druid (Swamp:3)
  8 sixfirhies
  2 anaconda zombies
  An unseen horror (shapeshifter) (Vaults:2)
  11 swamp dragons
  3 storm dragon skeletons
  A deep elf archer (D:15)
  2 glowing orange brains (Pan)
  A golden dragon skeleton (Geh:6)
  12 deep trolls
  4 flayed ghosts
  2 shadow demons
  A golden dragon zombie (Depths:2)
  2 shambling mangroves
  An obsidian statue (Depths:2)
  24 zotlings
  A wolf spider zombie (Geh:5)
  4 anaconda skeletons
  3 phantasmal warriors
  13 necromancers
  8 wizards
  11 oklob plants (Zot:3)
  5 ironbrand convokers
  10 ugly things
  An iron troll simulacrum (IceCv)
  3 iron dragon zombies
  3 stone giant zombies
  A harpy (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3)
  2 tengu skeletons
  10 orc knights
  A sphinx skeleton (Vaults:1)
  4 cyclopes
  20 deep elf magi
  3 shining eyes
  6 orc sorcerers
  2 shadow dragon skeletons (Geh:6)
  4 manticores
  A hornet (Swamp:3)
  3 fire giant zombies
  2 frost giant zombies
  27 large abominations
  A guardian serpent (Zot:1)
  2 salamanders (Geh:7)
  3 iron dragon skeletons
  2 stone giant skeletons (Geh:1)
  19 moths of wrath
  A toenail golem (Geh:6)
  16 rust devils
  2 fire giant skeletons
  2 gargoyles
  Joseph (D:10)
  3 shock serpent skeletons
  5 black mambas
  12 molten gargoyles
  21 smoke demons
  3 frost giant skeletons
  3 ice statues (IceCv)
  4 vault sentinels
  2 dire elephant skeletons
  18 orange demons
  An orb spider (shapeshifter) (D:14)
  3 eyes of devastation
  8 spiny frogs
  A yaktaur zombie (Vaults:1)
  13 tormentors
  A komodo dragon (Swamp:3)
  3 rime drakes
  6 demonic crawlers (Pan)
  A yaktaur (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3)
  3 anaconda simulacra (IceCv)
  8 yaktaurs
  2 spectral merfolk (Depths:2)
  39 hellions
  5 efreet
  2 harpy zombies
  25 ice devils
  24 hellwings
  6 meliai
  6 trolls
  A harpy skeleton (Geh:6)
  3 tyrant leeches
  2 hydra skeletons
  A fire dragon zombie (Geh:1)
  45 slime creatures
  6 ettin zombies
  A raiju (Depths:2)
  7 blink frogs
  8 bog bodies (Swamp:3)
  An ice dragon zombie (Geh:1)
  A meliai zombie (D:12)
  9 shadows
  3 air elementals (Depths:3)
  2 fire dragon skeletons
  A dire elephant simulacrum (IceCv)
  A wraith (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3)
  11 ynoxinuls
  A black mamba zombie (D:12)
  2 ettin skeletons
  3 vampires
  A water elemental (Depths:2)
  An alligator skeleton (Pan)
  2 ice dragon skeletons
  5 wyverns
  A water elemental (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  A spriggan (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  A black mamba skeleton (Geh:2)
  11 wraiths
  A fire bat (Volcano)
  23 fire elementals
  4 hogs (Swamp:3)
  9 golden eyes
  6 yaks (D:11)
  Eustachio (D:4)
  11 chaos spawn
  2 steam dragons
  11 vampire mosquitoes
  5 neqoxecs
  Menkaure (D:6)
  2 merfolk zombies
  3 harpy simulacra (IceCv)
  Edmund (D:4)
  7 wargs
  An acid dragon (D:12)
  A minotaur simulacrum (Depths:2)
  17 swamp worms
  25 hell hounds
  52 orc warriors
  A merfolk skeleton (Pan)
  A small abomination (Geh:6)
  2 hydra simulacra
  4 water moccasins
  2 floating eyes
  A spiny frog skeleton (Geh:7)
  2 spectral trolls (Depths:2)
  4 spectral spriggans (Depths:2)
  4 ice beasts
  A phantom (D:8)
  7 swamp drakes
  14 ogres
  12 wasps
  2 snapping turtle zombies (Geh:5)
  An ettin simulacrum (IceCv)
  2 eyes of draining
  2 boggarts (Zot:1)
  2 manticore skeletons
  A snapping turtle skeleton (Geh:5)
  A blink frog zombie (D:11)
  16 centaurs
  A swamp dragon skeleton (Geh:6)
  3 wolves (Depths:2)
  2 earth elementals (Volcano)
  A bullfrog (D:7)
  A wyvern zombie (D:12)
  3 wyvern skeletons
  3 scorpions
  4 spectral ogres (Depths:2)
  13 killer bees
  9 crimson imps
  2 spectral nagas (Depths:2)
  A troll skeleton (Geh:5)
  3 jellies
  2 electric eels (D:13)
  6 howler monkeys
  A lava snake (Volcano)
  5 quasits
  A wasp zombie (D:7)
  6 centaur zombies
  21 orc priests
  4 hounds
  An iron imp (Geh:1)
  2 centaur skeletons
  A human skeleton (Geh:1)
  23 orc wizards
  11 worker ants
  An iguana (D:4)
  A naga zombie (Geh:1)
  7 gnolls
  8 adders
  A naga simulacrum (Depths:2)
  6 shadow imps
  An ufetubus (Geh:4)
  2 oozes (D:2)
  An adder zombie (D:5)
  3 dart slugs
  101 orcs
  10 quokkas
  6 bats
  6 giant cockroaches
  10 goblins
  4 hobgoblins
  8 jackals
  A ball python (D:2)
  5 frilled lizards
  A jackal zombie (D:5)
  8 kobolds
  A rat (D:1)
  5 briar patches (Swamp:3)
  7 bushes (Zot:3)
  A fire vortex (Volcano)
  A fungus (Zot:3)
  7 plants (Zot:3)
2038 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  An azure jelly (Slime:3)
1 creature vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A lich (Geh:6)
  A deep elf master archer (Elf)
  2 ironheart preservers
  2 stone giants
  A deep elf annihilator (Pan)
  2 green deaths (Pan)
  A yaktaur captain (Vaults:3)
  A spatial maelstrom (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3)
  A cherub (Pan)
  A flayed ghost (Geh:7)
  A wizard (Pan)
  A deep elf archer (Vaults:3)
  A large abomination (Geh:6)
  2 yaktaurs
  An ice devil (Geh:6)
  A hog (Swamp:3)
  A spriggan (Swamp:3)
  A wasp (Swamp:3)
  An ogre (Vaults:3)
  7 centaurs
  A shadow imp (Geh:1)
  An ufetubus (Geh:6)
  An orc (Orc:2)
  A fungus (Depths:2)
  A plant (D:14)
35 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 2074 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | VsMo the Vine Stalker Monk began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 11/11 MP: 3/3
    84 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 5/16 MP: 4/4
   273 | D:1      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 8/19 MP: 4/6
   511 | D:1      | Gained mutation: Your natural rate of healing is unusually fast. [Vine Stalker growth]
   511 | D:1      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 18/23 MP: 7/7
   655 | D:2      | Reached skill level 5 in Unarmed Combat
   675 | D:2      | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
   832 | D:2      | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru.
   845 | D:2      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 2/18 MP: 6/8
   926 | D:2      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 21/23 MP: 10/10
   943 | D:2      | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
   944 | D:2      | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
   952 | D:2      | Became a worshipper of Warmaster Okawaru
   952 | D:2      | Reached * piety under Okawaru
   952 | D:2      | Reached ** piety under Okawaru
  1303 | D:3      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 26/26 MP: 11/11
  1317 | D:3      | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul.
  1423 | D:3      | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One.
  1532 | D:3      | Found a radiant altar of Vehumet.
  1567 | D:3      | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog.
  1652 | D:4      | Noticed Eustachio
  1665 | D:4      | Killed Eustachio
  1665 | D:4      | Gained mutation: You have razor-sharp teeth. [Vine Stalker growth]
  1665 | D:4      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 30/30 MP: 14/14
  1717 | D:4      | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh.
  1718 | D:4      | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos.
  1722 | D:4      | Found a stormy altar of Qazlal.
  1726 | D:4      | Found an opulent altar of Gozag.
  1728 | D:4      | Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna.
  1729 | D:4      | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw.
  1732 | D:4      | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin.
  1736 | D:4      | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon.
  1762 | D:4      | Reached skill level 10 in Unarmed Combat
  1767 | D:4      | Noticed Edmund
  1788 | D:4      | Killed Edmund
  1907 | D:4      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  1907 | D:4      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  1908 | D:4      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  1909 | D:4      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  1909 | D:4      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  1909 | D:4      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  1909 | D:4      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  2113 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  2146 | D:5      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 9/34 MP: 11/16
  2155 | D:5      | Reached *** piety under Okawaru
  2309 | D:5      | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
  2349 | D:5      | Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council.
  2672 | D:6      | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
  2798 | D:6      | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
  2823 | D:6      | Noticed Menkaure
  2827 | D:6      | Killed Menkaure
  2948 | D:6      | Reached XP level 10. HP: 44/44 MP: 17/17
  3164 | D:7      | Got the +4 cloak of Death's Door {*Slow rPois rF- rN+++}
  3210 | D:7      | Reached **** piety under Okawaru
  3223 | D:7      | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu.
  3360 | D:7      | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting
  3373 | D:7      | Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados.
  3734 | D:8      | Reached XP level 11. HP: 46/53 MP: 19/19
  3741 | D:8      | Found a flagged portal.
  3827 | Bailey   | Entered a bailey
  3843 | Bailey   | Reached skill level 5 in Invocations
  4005 | Bailey   | Got the +0 pair of boots of the Game of Life {rC+ rN+ Int+2}
  4006 | Bailey   | Noticed an orc knight
  4053 | Bailey   | Reached skill level 1 in Shields
  4103 | Bailey   | Reached ***** piety under Okawaru
  4120 | Bailey   | Killed an orc knight
  4192 | Bailey   | Noticed an orc knight
  4253 | Bailey   | Killed an orc knight
  4253 | Bailey   | Reached skill level 5 in Shields
  4302 | Bailey   | Got the +1 pair of boots of the Exiled Songs {rF+ Str+3 Int+4 Stlth-}
  4516 | D:8      | Received a gift from Okawaru
  5107 | D:10     | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
  5262 | D:10     | Gained mutation: You heal very quickly. [Vine Stalker growth]
  5262 | D:10     | Reached XP level 12. HP: 45/58 MP: 17/22
  5343 | D:10     | Reached skill level 1 in Armour
  5406 | D:10     | Noticed Joseph
  5447 | D:10     | Killed Joseph
  5561 | D:10     | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh.
  5916 | D:11     | Found a gateway to a bazaar.
  5941 | Bazaar   | Entered a bazaar
  5941 | Bazaar   | Found Wamerr's Antique Weapon Shoppe.
  5941 | Bazaar   | Found Veerout's Distillery.
  5941 | Bazaar   | Found Qaydeymp's Distillery.
  5957 | Bazaar   | Found Anus's Antique Weapon Shoppe.
  5957 | Bazaar   | Found Haiw's Antique Armour Emporium.
  5972 | Bazaar   | Bought a potion of augmentation for 75 gold pieces
  5972 | Bazaar   | Bought a potion of augmentation for 75 gold pieces
  5972 | Bazaar   | Bought a potion of lignification for 45 gold pieces
  5972 | Bazaar   | Bought a potion of resistance for 150 gold pieces
  5984 | Bazaar   | Bought a potion of haste for 210 gold pieces
  6048 | D:11     | Reached skill level 5 in Armour
  6105 | D:11     | Reached XP level 13. HP: 62/62 MP: 21/21
  6116 | D:11     | Received a gift from Okawaru
  6329 | D:12     | Received a gift from Okawaru
  6377 | D:12     | Noticed Urug
  6386 | D:12     | Killed Urug
  6471 | D:12     | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging
  6504 | D:12     | Reached XP level 14. HP: 53/67 MP: 23/23
  6892 | D:13     | Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council.
  7297 | D:14     | Reached skill level 10 in Shields
  7549 | D:14     | Reached XP level 15. HP: 70/70 MP: 24/24
  7653 | D:15     | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
  7665 | D:15     | Reached ****** piety under Okawaru
  7723 | D:15     | Found a dark tunnel.
  7736 | Volcano  | Entered a volcano
  7805 | Volcano  | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
  7813 | Volcano  | Received a gift from Okawaru
  8002 | D:15     | Found a gate to the Vaults.
  8161 | D:15     | Found a staircase to the Depths.
  8172 | D:15     | Received a gift from Okawaru
  8172 | D:15     | Reached skill level 15 in Unarmed Combat
  8192 | D:15     | Reached XP level 16. HP: 64/75 MP: 26/26
  8256 | D:15     | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
  8391 | Orc:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
  8626 | Orc:2    | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines
  8626 | Orc:2    | Noticed Saint Roka
  8653 | Orc:2    | Killed Saint Roka
  8765 | Orc:2    | Found a runed door.
  8765 | Orc:2    | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
  8765 | Orc:2    | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
  8765 | Orc:2    | Noticed an azure jelly
  8772 | Orc:2    | Killed an azure jelly
  8786 | Orc:2    | Noticed Rupert
  8796 | Orc:2    | Killed Rupert
  8860 | Orc:2    | Received a gift from Okawaru
  8897 | Orc:2    | Found a gateway to a bazaar.
  8950 | Orc:2    | Found a staircase to the Swamp.
  8962 | Orc:2    | Reached XP level 17. HP: 74/84 MP: 27/27
  9100 | Bazaar   | Bought an uncursed ring of resist corrosion for 300 gold pieces
  9243 | Swamp:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp
  9378 | Swamp:1  | Found a frozen archway.
  9451 | IceCv    | Entered an ice cave
  9599 | IceCv    | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting
  9704 | IceCv    | Noticed an Ice Fiend
  9714 | IceCv    | Killed an Ice Fiend
  9727 | IceCv    | Got the +7 chain mail of the Big Bang {-Tele rElec rC++ rCorr}
  9954 | Swamp:1  | Noticed Donald
  9963 | Swamp:1  | Killed Donald
 10160 | Swamp:2  | Received a gift from Okawaru
 10350 | Swamp:2  | Noticed a tentacled monstrosity
 10357 | Swamp:2  | Killed a tentacled monstrosity
 10456 | Swamp:2  | Reached XP level 18. HP: 84/90 MP: 25/29
 10602 | Swamp:3  | Entered Level 3 of the Swamp
 10623 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Kirke
 10641 | Swamp:3  | Killed Kirke
 10651 | Swamp:3  | Got Zaforoma's Grimoire of Self-Knowledge
 11108 | Swamp:3  | Reached skill level 15 in Shields
 11144 | Swamp:3  | Reached XP level 19. HP: 58/91 MP: 30/30
 11147 | Swamp:3  | Received a gift from Okawaru
 11192 | Swamp:3  | Noticed the 27-headed Lernaean hydra
 11202 | Swamp:3  | Killed the 27-headed Lernaean hydra
 11226 | Swamp:3  | Found a gate to the Vaults.
 11234 | Swamp:3  | Got a decaying rune of Zot
 11236 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults
 11326 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Armour
 11669 | Vaults:1 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 87/92 MP: 32/32
 11842 | Vaults:2 | Found a gateway to a bazaar.
 11878 | Bazaar   | Bought the ring "Tohumira" {Fire rC+ Str+3 Dex+5} for 837 gold pieces
 12329 | Vaults:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru
 12381 | Vaults:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Vaults
 12381 | Vaults:3 | Found a staircase to the Depths.
 12381 | Vaults:3 | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
 12420 | Vaults:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging
 12461 | Vaults:3 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 93/93 MP: 33/33
 12749 | Vaults:3 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 98/98 MP: 35/35
 12820 | Vaults:3 | Got a silver rune of Zot
 12892 | Slime:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime
 12931 | Slime:1  | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging
 13032 | Slime:1  | Received a gift from Okawaru
 13257 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: Potions take you a little longer to quaff. [a shining eye]
 13261 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: Shadows flee at your approach. (+LOS) [a shining eye]
 13262 | Slime:2  | Paralysed by a floating eye for 4 turns
 13265 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: Potions take you longer to quaff. [a shining eye]
 13278 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) [a shining eye]
 13279 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is very low. (-20% MP) [a shining eye]
 13281 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [a shining eye]
 13296 | Slime:2  | Lost mutation: Potions take you longer to quaff. [potion of mutation]
 13296 | Slime:2  | Lost mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of mutation]
 13296 | Slime:2  | Lost mutation: Your magical capacity is very low. (-20% MP) [potion of mutation]
 13296 | Slime:2  | Lost mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) [potion of mutation]
 13296 | Slime:2  | Lost mutation: Shadows flee at your approach. (+LOS) [potion of mutation]
 13296 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +5) [potion of mutation]
 13296 | Slime:2  | Lost mutation: Potions take you a little longer to quaff. [potion of mutation]
 13296 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons. (rPois) [potion of mutation]
 13380 | Slime:2  | Received a gift from Okawaru
 13405 | Slime:3  | Entered Level 3 of the Pits of Slime
 13483 | Slime:3  | Reached XP level 23. HP: 69/102 MP: 41/41
 13487 | Slime:3  | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
 13487 | Slime:3  | Found a staircase to the Depths.
 13487 | Slime:3  | Noticed the Royal Jelly
 13511 | Slime:3  | Killed the Royal Jelly
 13593 | Slime:3  | Got the quicksilver dragon scales of the Slorg {rF+ MR+}
 13624 | Slime:3  | Got the Collected Works on the Volcanoes and Transmutation
 13641 | Slime:3  | Got Duxkue's Catalogue of Weightlessness
 13696 | Slime:3  | Got a slimy rune of Zot
 13870 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths
 13985 | Depths:1 | Found a portal to the Elven Halls.
 13999 | Depths:1 | Got the Tome of Experimentation
 14121 | Depths:1 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 107/107 MP: 42/42
 14134 | Elf      | Entered the Elven Halls
 14226 | Elf      | Received a gift from Okawaru
 14477 | Elf      | Got the ring of Bautapn {rC+ MR+ Dex+5}
 14509 | Elf      | Got the Papyrus of Creation
 14834 | Depths:1 | Noticed Jory
 14849 | Depths:1 | Killed Jory
 14849 | Depths:1 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 111/111 MP: 44/44
 15169 | Depths:2 | Paralysed by a floating eye for 3 turns
 15334 | Depths:2 | Noticed an ancient lich
 15338 | Depths:2 | Killed an ancient lich
 15412 | Depths:3 | Entered Level 3 of the Depths
 15530 | Depths:3 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium.
 15579 | Depths:3 | Noticed Boris
 15591 | Depths:3 | Killed Boris
 15591 | Depths:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru
 15591 | Depths:3 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 116/117 MP: 46/46
 15737 | Depths:3 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot.
 15891 | Pan      | Entered the realm of Gloorx Vloq.
 15891 | Pan      | Entered Pandemonium
 16004 | Pan      | Noticed Gloorx Vloq
 16015 | Pan      | Killed Gloorx Vloq
 16033 | Pan      | Got a dark rune of Zot
 16154 | Pan      | Entered the realm of Cerebov.
 16159 | Pan      | Received a gift from Okawaru
 16209 | Pan      | Reached XP level 27. HP: 127/128 MP: 48/48
 16274 | Pan      | Noticed Cerebov
 16327 | Pan      | Killed Cerebov
 16352 | Pan      | Got the Catalogue of the Doomed Birds
 16387 | Pan      | Got a fiery rune of Zot
 16650 | Pan      | Entered the realm of Lom Lobon.
 16934 | Pan      | Noticed Lom Lobon
 16962 | Pan      | Killed Lom Lobon
 16973 | Pan      | Got a magical rune of Zot
 17153 | Pan      | Entered the realm of Mnoleg.
 17215 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You expend magic power (3 MP) to strengthen your wands. [mutagenic glow]
 17221 | Pan      | Noticed Mnoleg
 17231 | Pan      | Lost mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons. (rPois) [a shining eye]
 17239 | Pan      | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking damage. [a shining eye]
 17240 | Pan      | Killed Mnoleg
 17240 | Pan      | Received a gift from Okawaru
 17269 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -5) [mutagenic glow]
 17294 | Pan      | Got a glowing rune of Zot
 17318 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You are weak. (Str -5) [mutagenic glow]
 17360 | Pan      | Gained mutation: Your body often deteriorates upon taking damage. [a cacodemon]
 17382 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [mutagenic glow]
 17395 | Pan      | Noticed Mennas
 17414 | Pan      | Killed Mennas
 17557 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You are occasionally teleported next to monsters. [a cacodemon]
 17568 | Pan      | Lost mutation: You are occasionally teleported next to monsters. [potion of mutation]
 17568 | Pan      | Lost mutation: Your body often deteriorates upon taking damage. [potion of mutation]
 17568 | Pan      | Lost mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -5) [potion of mutation]
 17568 | Pan      | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +5) [potion of mutation]
 17568 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You have supernaturally acute eyesight. (SInv) [potion of mutation]
 17569 | Pan      | Lost mutation: You expend magic power (3 MP) to strengthen your wands. [potion of mutation]
 17569 | Pan      | Lost mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [potion of mutation]
 17569 | Pan      | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking damage. [potion of mutation]
 17569 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You have large cloven feet. [potion of mutation]
 17569 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You are less able to defend yourself (AC -3, EV -3, SH - 3). [potion of mutation]
 17569 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You are dopey. (Int -5) [potion of mutation]
 17569 | Pan      | Gained mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further mutation. [potion of mutation]
 17570 | Pan      | Lost mutation: You are dopey. (Int -5) [potion of mutation]
 17570 | Pan      | Lost mutation: You are weak. (Str -5) [potion of mutation]
 17570 | Pan      | Lost mutation: You have large cloven feet. [potion of mutation]
 17570 | Pan      | Lost mutation: You have supernaturally acute eyesight. (SInv) [potion of mutation]
 17570 | Pan      | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +5) [potion of mutation]
 17593 | Pan      | Noticed a seraph
 17599 | Pan      | Killed a seraph
 17616 | Pan      | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One.
 17666 | Pan      | Received a gift from Okawaru
 17690 | Pan      | Got a demonic rune of Zot
 17694 | Pan      | Got the Reference Book on Protection
 17951 | Pan      | :oops, too much shields
 17985 | Pan      | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin.
 18090 | Depths:3 | Escaped Pandemonium
 18161 | Zot:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot
 18169 | Zot:1    | Reached skill level 15 in Armour
 18196 | Zot:1    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 18896 | Zot:2    | Noticed a Killer Klown
 18904 | Zot:2    | Killed a Killer Klown
 19145 | Zot:3    | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped body. [mutagenic glow]
 19348 | Zot:3    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 19405 | Zot:3    | Noticed a Killer Klown
 19411 | Zot:3    | Killed a Killer Klown
 19564 | Zot:4    | Lost mutation: You are less able to defend yourself (AC -3, EV -3, SH - 3). [potion of mutation]
 19564 | Zot:4    | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong. (Str +5) [potion of mutation]
 19564 | Zot:4    | Lost mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped body. [potion of mutation]
 19564 | Zot:4    | Lost mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further mutation. [potion of mutation]
 19564 | Zot:4    | Gained mutation: Shadows flee at your approach. (+LOS) [potion of mutation]
 19564 | Zot:4    | Gained mutation: Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+) [potion of mutation]
 19564 | Zot:4    | Gained mutation: You have large cloven feet. [potion of mutation]
 19565 | Zot:4    | Lost mutation: Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+) [potion of mutation]
 19565 | Zot:4    | Lost mutation: Shadows flee at your approach. (+LOS) [potion of mutation]
 19565 | Zot:4    | Lost mutation: You have large cloven feet. [potion of mutation]
 19565 | Zot:4    | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +5) [potion of mutation]
 19565 | Zot:4    | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped body. [potion of mutation]
 19565 | Zot:4    | Gained mutation: Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+) [potion of mutation]
 19761 | Zot:5    | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot
 19840 | Zot:5    | :and too much armour
 19840 | Zot:5    | ::/
 19854 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 19859 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 19861 | Zot:5    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 19870 | Zot:5    | Gained mutation: Shadows flee at your approach. (+LOS) [mutagenic glow]
 19873 | Zot:5    | Got the +11 plate armour "Maugric" {rPois rCorr}
 19878 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 19890 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 19894 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 19895 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 19895 | Zot:5    | Noticed a Killer Klown
 19904 | Zot:5    | Gained mutation: You shine softly (Stealth---). [an orb of fire]
 19904 | Zot:5    | Gained mutation: You are resistant to hostile enchantments. (MR+) [mutagenic glow]
 19906 | Zot:5    | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute. (Int +5) [an orb of fire]
 19907 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 19909 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 19913 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 19915 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 19924 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 19925 | Zot:5    | Killed a Killer Klown
 19932 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 19984 | Zot:5    | Found a gateway to Hell.
 20008 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 20029 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 20029 | Zot:5    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 20044 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 2 in Charms
 20046 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 2 spell: Swiftness
 20047 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 2 spell: Repel Missiles
 20048 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 2 spell: Passwall
 20049 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 3 spell: Regeneration
 20050 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 5 spell: Blade Hands
 20051 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation
 20052 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 4 spell: Silence
 20055 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 6 spell: Statue Form
 20056 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 9 spell: Haste
 20057 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 6 spell: Deflect Missiles
 20062 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 20065 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 20066 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 3 in Charms
 20072 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 20074 | Zot:5    | Gained mutation: You are less able to defend yourself (AC -3, EV -3, SH - 3). [an orb of fire]
 20075 | Zot:5    | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, but a little less powerful. [an orb of fire]
 20082 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 20086 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 20086 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 6 in Charms
 20088 | Zot:5    | Gained mutation: You are frail. (-10% HP) [an orb of fire]
 20093 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 20093 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 7 in Charms
 20097 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 20097 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 8 in Charms
 20103 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 20103 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 10 in Charms
 20113 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 20114 | Zot:5    | Noticed a Killer Klown
 20116 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 20123 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 20123 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 11 in Charms
 20129 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 20129 | Zot:5    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 20129 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 12 in Charms
 20140 | Zot:5    | Killed a Killer Klown
 20150 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 20152 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 5 in Translocations
 20168 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 20185 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 10 in Translocations
 20246 | Zot:5    | Got the Orb of Zot
 20250 | Hell     | Entered the Vestibule of Hell
 20250 | Hell     | Noticed Geryon
 20280 | Hell     | Killed Geryon
 20280 | Hell     | Reached skill level 13 in Charms
 20318 | Hell     | Reached skill level 14 in Charms
 20401 | Hell     | Reached skill level 15 in Charms
 20407 | Hell     | Received a gift from Okawaru
 20417 | Hell     | Found a gateway to the ashen valley of Gehenna.
 20503 | Hell     | Reached skill level 16 in Charms
 20551 | Hell     | Reached skill level 17 in Charms
 20670 | Geh:1    | Entered Level 1 of Gehenna
 20670 | Geh:1    | Found a gateway to Hell.
 20691 | Geh:1    | Reached skill level 18 in Charms
 20762 | Geh:1    | Lost mutation: Armour fits poorly on your strangely shaped body. [potion of mutation]
 20762 | Geh:1    | Lost mutation: You are resistant to hostile enchantments. (MR+) [potion of mutation]
 20762 | Geh:1    | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little easier to cast, but a little less powerful. [potion of mutation]
 20762 | Geh:1    | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, but a little more powerful. [potion of mutation]
 20762 | Geh:1    | Gained mutation: You regenerate. [potion of mutation]
 20779 | Geh:1    | Noticed a seraph
 20799 | Geh:1    | Killed a seraph
 20799 | Geh:1    | Reached skill level 19 in Charms
 20922 | Geh:1    | Reached skill level 20 in Charms
 21007 | Geh:1    | Noticed Lanat the pandemonium lord
 21023 | Geh:1    | Killed Lanat the pandemonium lord
 21030 | Geh:1    | Noticed Ibbikh the pandemonium lord
 21031 | Geh:1    | Reached skill level 21 in Charms
 21040 | Geh:1    | Killed Ibbikh the pandemonium lord
 21082 | Geh:1    | Noticed Riace the pandemonium lord
 21104 | Geh:1    | Killed Riace the pandemonium lord
 21135 | Geh:1    | Noticed Dong the pandemonium lord
 21159 | Geh:1    | Killed Dong the pandemonium lord
 21159 | Geh:1    | Reached skill level 22 in Charms
 21166 | Geh:1    | Reached skill level 1 in Air Magic
 21215 | Geh:1    | Reached skill level 5 in Air Magic
 21254 | Geh:1    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 21403 | Geh:2    | Reached skill level 10 in Air Magic
 21475 | Geh:2    | Noticed Anaris the pandemonium lord
 21543 | Geh:2    | Killed Anaris the pandemonium lord
 21620 | Geh:2    | Noticed Hiyxe the pandemonium lord
 21637 | Geh:2    | Killed Hiyxe the pandemonium lord
 21673 | Geh:2    | Reached skill level 15 in Air Magic
 21805 | Geh:3    | Reached skill level 1 in Hexes
 21840 | Geh:3    | Reached skill level 5 in Hexes
 21880 | Geh:4    | Noticed Ettoo the pandemonium lord
 21892 | Geh:4    | Killed Ettoo the pandemonium lord
 21897 | Geh:4    | Reached skill level 23 in Charms
 21901 | Geh:4    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 22073 | Geh:4    | Reached skill level 24 in Charms
 22315 | Geh:5    | Reached skill level 25 in Charms
 22420 | Geh:5    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 22576 | Geh:6    | Reached skill level 26 in Charms
 22760 | Geh:6    | Reached skill level 27 in Charms
 22760 | Geh:6    | Reached skill level 1 in Transmutations
 22829 | Geh:6    | Noticed Nenkom the pandemonium lord
 22830 | Geh:6    | Reached skill level 5 in Transmutations
 22843 | Geh:6    | Killed Nenkom the pandemonium lord
 22865 | Geh:6    | Noticed Siudodas the pandemonium lord
 22890 | Geh:6    | Killed Siudodas the pandemonium lord
 22897 | Geh:6    | Reached skill level 10 in Transmutations
 22966 | Geh:6    | Noticed a seraph
 22967 | Geh:7    | Entered Level 7 of Gehenna
 23044 | Geh:7    | Received a gift from Okawaru
 23237 | Geh:7    | Reached skill level 15 in Transmutations
 23293 | Geh:7    | Noticed Asmodeus
 23308 | Geh:7    | Killed Asmodeus
 23317 | Geh:7    | Got an obsidian rune of Zot
 23373 | Geh:$    | Escaped with the Orb!

Skill      XL: |  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
Unarmed Combat |     4     5  6  7  9 11                   15 16                      20 21    22 | 22.0
Fighting       |                          8 11                13 16                      18 21 22 | 22.3
Invocations    |                             4  5  9                                              |  9.4
Shields        |                                8       10 11       15 16                      22 | 22.7
Armour         |                                   5  9                12 14                   22 | 22.9
Dodging        |                                      6  9                10 14 17 19          22 | 22.5
Charms         |                                                                               27 | 27.0
Translocations |                                                                               10 | 10.0
Air Magic      |                                                                               16 | 16.6
Hexes          |                                                                                5 |  5.0
Transmutations |                                                                               17 | 17.2
Stealth        |                                                                                  |  2.4

Action                   |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 || total
Melee: Unarmed           |    65 |   130 |   194 |   398 |   465 |   669 |   559 |   523 |  3238 ||  6241
       Bite              |    13 |    35 |    65 |   134 |   243 |   332 |   341 |   283 |  1729 ||  3175
       Punch             |     1 |       |     6 |     7 |       |       |       |       |     7 ||    21
 Cast: Haste             |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     2 ||     2
       Blade Hands       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
Invok: Finesse           |       |       |       |     1 |       |     3 |       |       |    12 ||    16
 Abil: End Transformatio |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
       End Haste         |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
Evoke: Wand              |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     8 ||     8
       Horn of Geryon    |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
  Use: Scroll            |       |       |     2 |     8 |     1 |     4 |     6 |     9 |     5 ||    35
       Potion            |       |       |       |     1 |       |     3 |     1 |     3 |    20 ||    28
 Stab: Sleeping          |     3 |     7 |       |       |       |       |       |       |       ||    10
       Paralysed         |       |     2 |       |       |       |       |       |       |       ||     2
       Distracted        |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     4 ||     4
       Invisible         |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     4 ||     4
Armor: Robe              |    10 |     4 |       |       |       |       |       |       |       ||    14
       Plate armour      |       |    34 |    52 |       |    94 |   148 |   132 |    38 |    58 ||   556
       Ring mail         |       |       |     2 |       |       |       |       |       |       ||     2
       Chain mail        |       |       |    27 |   125 |    41 |    10 |       |       |     6 ||   209
       Crystal plate arm |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    42 |    53 ||    95
       Gold dragon scale |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |   121 ||   121
       Quicksilver drago |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    43 ||    43
Dodge: Dodged            |    24 |    50 |    61 |   143 |   156 |   207 |   170 |    69 |   768 ||  1648
Block: Shield            |       |       |       |   108 |   104 |       |       |       |       ||   212
       Large shield      |       |       |       |       |   372 |   617 |   557 |   386 |  2886 ||  4818
       Reflection        |       |       |       |       |    24 |    50 |    40 |    42 |    72 ||   228

Spider Stomper

Posts: 241

Joined: Saturday, 29th October 2016, 17:41

Post Sunday, 23rd September 2018, 06:36

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Hmmmm I did a normal 9 rune in 18.5k turns on berotato. That speedrun is 23.3k. Is speedrun mode actually any faster?

Mines Malingerer

Posts: 32

Joined: Saturday, 7th July 2018, 03:56

Post Tuesday, 9th October 2018, 12:35

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

I think that's the whole point of speedrun, is the irreversible rot, for every class, not just Vine Stalker...

Mines Malingerer

Posts: 32

Joined: Saturday, 7th July 2018, 03:56

Post Tuesday, 16th October 2018, 14:55

Re: [proclick] new fork, hellcrawl

Things that still need addressing:

Qazlal still 1shotting pan lords with DA
Remove Devastation brand (Why the hell is this a thing, anyway? Lol)
Fix Jiyva's mutation imbues (It seems that you can sometimes get one, two, three, or no divine mutations, and also that Mutagenic Shafts can remove them and you don't get another one to replace it, ever.)
Decide on some added factor to sustains besides the reserved mana pool cost. Things like Song of Slaying, Death Channel, Infestation, Animate Dead, etc. are just too strong and too desirable in their current forms. Maybe some negative penalty for turning them off, such as red-level Drain.
Remove miscasts (This is more personal preference than anything)
Add a 1-time use Ziggurat Figurine T_T

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