Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

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Halls Hopper

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Post Thursday, 22nd March 2018, 07:38

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Heya Bel,

I find myself agreeing with almost everything you say and I put weight on your opinion, which is why it's a bit disheartening that you then come to different, heavily negative conclusions from it. Speaking to this recent reply, you point out the ways in which DE is a fantastic species, and I couldn't agree more - they have a lot of great things going for them. You noted that gear is fun - it absolutely is! - and that's an aspect in which DE has an advantage over FD. But I want to try and convey the idea that these two statements can potentially both be true at the same time:

- DE has something over FD because they can wear body armour.


- FD has something over DE because they can't wear body armour.

The lack of body armour definitely simplifies things as it relates to spellcasting. That's not "better" because it's in any way a strictly better design... rather it's better, in context, if the goal is to have such a species in the simple category. Both can happily coexist and I wouldn't be surprised to hear an experienced player say they enjoy DE more because they love collecting gear and DE is a caster species that lets them do that. I love DE too, but I think it's appropriately placed where it is. A more guided and simpler version makes sense in the simple category, and it's also important to hit some of the fantasy you're talking about, because there's currently nothing in the simple category that does so.


Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Thursday, 22nd March 2018, 10:04

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

My main issues with this species, as I said in the posts above, are that I don't really see it fulfilling its goal (as a newbie friendly spellcasting race), and that the implementation is quite close to DE (with some aspects of Dr, like no body armour, compensated by extra innate AC).

It's hard to actually know what newbies are looking for (most people in this thread are veteran players). As I asked above, have your friends/colleagues played DE mage types, and if so, what was their experience? Do they run out of MP in the early game? Where do they die? Do they get to Lair? Do they die in rune branches? In Depths? I don't trust my own recollections from years ago, but I rarely died due to running out of MP, when I played DE as a newbie.

The -1 MP/spell reduction, to my mind, is the only significant gimmick for this species. It is a fairly big buff, therefore the species is quite powerful. For instance, if the average spell cast is lvl 5, this translates to 20% more MP. This is more than what even DE or Dg get (and the boost is even bigger in the early part of the game). Since people like playing with powerful species, this can color perceptions. On top of it, the extra speed makes it even more powerful. To my mind, if the extra speed isn't removed, this gimmick is degenerate, and if the extra speed is removed (I think it should be), this gimmick is, by itself, rather insubstantial for a new species.

That said, I am not a dev, and don't have any special insight or influence into what gets into the game and what doesn't. Judging by the reaction in this thread, many other people feel quite positive about the species. So I put forth a different point of view. Make of that what you will.

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 22nd March 2018, 16:34

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

bel wrote:It's hard to actually know what newbies are looking for (most people in this thread are veteran players). As I asked above, have your friends/colleagues played DE mage types, and if so, what was their experience? Do they run out of MP in the early game? Where do they die? Do they get to Lair? Do they die in rune branches? In Depths? I don't trust my own recollections from years ago, but I rarely died due to running out of MP, when I played DE as a newbie.

If it's remotely helpful the last person I introduced to the game chose to play a merfolk transmuter (because it "sounded cool"), for whatever that's worth.
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Shoals Surfer

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Post Thursday, 22nd March 2018, 17:15

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Incidentally, the last person I introduced crawl to also loved to play transmuter, specifically Troll Transmuter that rushed for blade hands (Even after being informed that normal Troll melee was already crazy, and that blade hands was useless.)

The new player mindset isn't too esoteric, anything that seems powerful, but at the same time, unconventional, is attractive to them.

I remember ,as a new player, that I never used to play Fighter/Gladiator/Berserker and opted for weird combos that seemed to excite me.

Transmuter/Monk used to be my go to backgrounds because unarmed combat seemed cool.

I eventually had my first win with CeFi, which was a game less centered around 'cool' and more centered around sensible tactics.
16/26 on the way to GreaterOctopode (Win all backgrounds as an Octopode)

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Snake Sneak

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Post Thursday, 22nd March 2018, 17:20

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I can sort of count as a newbie voice; I can ascend melee characters fine (lately with roughly 20% win rate if you don't count the octopodes), but all my spellcasters die horrible deaths. And I've -mostly- been trying to play spellcasters lately, because I like casting.

Running out of mp is a severe issue for me even during lair. I do better as a Cj than many other starts because Searing Ray is very mp efficient, but IMB fails to kill stronger lair enemies before my MP runs out, and they don't get battlesphere anymore. I have to make Fulminant Prism fields and pray it actually kills the death yak or hydra, retreating up the stairs if the damage rolls are too low since I can't afford to let it touch me. I tried a DrWz and DrVM for hybrid builds to get around my difficulties, and it worked a lot better! But I still didn't manage to get past mephitic-immune enemies in Lair, every black mamba was terrifying if I couldn't get into a corridor and conjure flame it before it caught up to me. I tried a TeAE and next thing I know, all the stairs down to L:6 are clogged with enemies from my noisy lightning bolts and I die instantly when risking a step back down; I could take out some enemies, but the spells drew too many for me to handle at once.

Having a bonus to ac/sh and ev (from small) sounds really attractive so I can afford to have something in melee range for a short time, and the MP boon is even better so I'm not going "AUGH I USED MY ENTIRE MP BAR ON THE HYDRA AND IT'S STILL ALIVE, WHY?"

My vile clutch necromancers in 0.21 do the best, but I've still gotten them splatted before they finish their first rune branch. Vile Clutch is ridiculous though, especially in 0.21 and as a starter book spell. It's like the win spell I'm praying to find soon on my other characters, like OoD or Conjure Ball Lightning or Ignition. I feel like it'd be an easy win as soon as Vehumet gifts me a good blast spell and I can get it online.

The speed is a problem, but it's getting removed, based on posts in this thread. At that point I think the main issue is differentiating it from DE. Given that DE is just "frail with more mp and magic apts", literally just having the mp reduction and magic apts makes it... pretty similar. On the upside, DE can wear branded/randart robes, and wield a buckler/shield with a magic staff, and FD cannot, giving DE notably more spellpower potential. I think if FD didn't have quite as much INT as a DE does (DE's enormous INT is more or less unique to that race right now), they might be sufficiently different, along with FD's apts already being mostly elemental/conj while DE is also quite skilled at all the various nonelemental schools.

Without the flying EV bonus they could afford to get some focus shifted back into DEX and help leave having 40+ innate INT at 27 to Deep Elves; a high dodging skill alone will not put you to 40 EV without the flying bonus bypassing stepdown. IIRC they only have -1 UC so one of the things I wanted to do was start as a blaster and shift into transmutations, which doesn't work well on DE and benefits from that DEX. That's just me tho'. Even shifting a couple points into STR could be justified for avoiding newbie stat death, and since the species can't equip armor -anyway- (main boon of str) the negative impact of improving melee is almost nonexistant.

Since yeah. I think at this point it's kind of, "Deep Elf but a lot better", so making sure it's... NOT quite Deep Elf seems like a goal.

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bel, Realz

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Thursday, 22nd March 2018, 17:54

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

On an unrelated note, I suggest giving the species no spell hunger. In my experience, new players tend to pay a lot of attention to the ~hunger cost~ so having a species that explicitly does not need to care about it might help correct that. You'd encourage better skilling habits and provide a smoother experience by reducing the distraction of eating chunks after every fight (it would also be a good proof of concept for removing spell hunger from the game if there are still devs not convinced on that front).

For this message the author Hellmonk has received thanks: 9
bel, duvessa, johlstei, mrob, Patashu, Realz, Shtopit, Vajrapani, VeryAngryFelid

Swamp Slogger

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 04:13

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I know it'd be introducing another gimmick, but I wonder if it might be most effective just to give them a mutation that'd let them ignore a single hit every now and then. Say, once every 100 turns or so.
Provides that important "won't die because I stepped around a corner and was face-to-face with an ogre" effect, or the "full-health bolt-of-fire from across the screen." Critical failures of that sort are kinda the death of a lot of mages.

On the other hand, it removes the kiting of high speed, and the staying power of high health. It's imperfect, and it might actually be too strong in combination with a high EV character, but it might play a bit more like a normal mage - just with less of the "oops, I had one bad turn and died."

Mines Malingerer

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 05:49

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Aean wrote:I know it'd be introducing another gimmick, but I wonder if it might be most effective just to give them a mutation that'd let them ignore a single hit every now and then. Say, once every 100 turns or so.
Provides that important "won't die because I stepped around a corner and was face-to-face with an ogre" effect, or the "full-health bolt-of-fire from across the screen." Critical failures of that sort are kinda the death of a lot of mages.

How about: unless they're already at 1HP, any hit that would kill the character instead reduces them to 1HP.

EDIT: On second thoughts, this makes regen too powerful. Instead it should be something like "unless they're already at red HP".
Last edited by mrob on Friday, 23rd March 2018, 14:44, edited 1 time in total.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 07:29

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Hellmonk wrote:On an unrelated note, I suggest giving the species no spell hunger. In my experience, new players tend to pay a lot of attention to the ~hunger cost~ so having a species that explicitly does not need to care about it might help correct that. You'd encourage better skilling habits and provide a smoother experience by reducing the distraction of eating chunks after every fight (it would also be a good proof of concept for removing spell hunger from the game if there are still devs not convinced on that front).

Faerie dragon's spellpower aptitude is very good but having no spell hunger and decreased spell cost mean player barely needs to train spellcasting. As anecdote, my Enchanter was killing multiple Death Yaks with Dazzling Spray without running out of MP.
In addition to removing spell hunger we might remove training of spellcasting skill also, it would make the species more unique: the highest magic school would count as spellcasting and with the way spellcasting normally affects spell power and spell failure we would encourage specializing in a few magic schools (unlike Ogre who trains spellcasting and then casts low level spells from multiple schools).
Underestimated: cleaving, Deep Elf, Formicid, Vehumet, EV
Overestimated: AC, GDS
Twin account of Sandman25

Halls Hopper

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 07:44

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Sounds good, gonna try hungerless. I'm not certain outright removal is ideal over some kind of reduction (citing my earlier intention to not "bait-and-switch" players), but that's a great direction regardless.

Removing the skill outright is interesting, but that might really be too much of a bait-and-switch, where a player's experience on FD wouldn't translate as well to other species... so maybe, but I'll leave that open to debate.

So then, this is the current update (released under 1.6 if you want to try it - https://github.com/RealzHS/crawl/releases):

- Flying movespeed bonus removed.

- Flying EV bonus halved (to +10%).

- HP penalty modified to -10%.

- Spells do not cause hunger.

- Random Int/Dex level-up bonuses, instead of always Int

- Some apt changes (I feel less certain about how these should go given the adjustments, so any feedback is helpful).

edit: oh yeah, the automagic bug should be fixed as well - please let me know if you run into any other bugs or weirdness.
Last edited by Realz on Friday, 23rd March 2018, 18:36, edited 1 time in total.

For this message the author Realz has received thanks: 2
Vajrapani, VeryAngryFelid

Slime Squisher

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 08:54

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Realz wrote:edit: oh yeah, the automagic bug should be fixed as well - please let me know if you run into any other bugs or weirdness.

Your automagic.lua workaround for 0-MP automagic casting doesn't fix the plethora of other minor bugs that crop up because of the way you're implementing the FD spell cost reduction.

I was going to list them all here, but I stopped counting at 5.

In my opinion, you should really revert dc4015c and implement a fix targeted at spl-util.cc line 463 if you're hoping to get this merged into Stone Soup's trunk. I don't speak for the devteam, though, so maybe someone in ##crawl-dev will see a better fix.

Spoiler: show
spl-cast_cc__line_108+136_bugs.png (25.13 KiB) Viewed 17801 times

describe_cc__line_2752+2755_bugs.png (31.05 KiB) Viewed 17801 times

ctrl+click_0MP_tilereg-dgn_line_653_bug.png (418.67 KiB) Viewed 17801 times

Slime Squisher

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 14:44

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I'm keen on this proposal and hope it makes it in in some form.

I think commenters underestimate the value of -1MP cost for spells above level 1. Back when Vehumet gave a similar benefit, I really noticed the extra mid-game nuke or two that I could afford to pump out before I had to cut and run.

The "Sparkle Dust" proposal from Pereza0 on page 1 seems promising to me, as an alternative to speed 9. It doesn't add a lot of complexity for the player since it's a passive, and creates opportunities for learning players to notice positioning choices. Scores high on species fantasy too.

Edit: I see speed 9 is gone, but fragility is much reduced as well. I was imagining the following gameplay could find a sweet spot unique to the race: "you're fragile enough to have to run away from things that get close, speed 10 means you don't normally get to run-and-gun like Spriggans, but getting monsters to eat your dust gives you opportunities to open up space for an occasional nuke." Wouldn't work well vs brainful monsters in open areas, so that gets one thinking about terrain.
Last edited by mattlistener on Friday, 23rd March 2018, 18:36, edited 4 times in total.
Won with: KeAE^Sif, NaWz^Sif, NaTm^Chei, SpEn^Nmlx, GrEE^Qaz, HOFE^Veh, MiBe^Trog, DrFE^Hep, FoFi^Zin, CeHu^Oka, DjFE^Ash, DrIE^Ru, FeSu^Jiy, GnCA^Usk.
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Snake Sneak

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 15:24

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

TBH I'm surprised additional power suggestions keep happening. At this point the species has only -10% HP, but better offensive magic apts than Deep Elf with equal INT and more HP, an innate +4 Robe of Shielding, small for EV bonus and positive dodging apt, and -1 mp cost grants almost infinite mp earlygame and a still decent increase midgame. I know it's aimed at newbies, but doesn't it... already have enough? It's early game is much stronger all other casters and it doesn't even peter off in lategame anymore, it just can't stack spell power enhancers.

It's downsides now are just "can't get a robe brand", "can't use magic staff+buckler at once" and "can't afford to upgrade to a mid-grade shield" if you're even using one, unless you're got massive exp to spare. (Their innate SH bonus already bumps them up one shield level from normal- buckler grade with no shield, shield grade with a buckler.) This barely offsets the starting boons and leaves them dangerously close to "DE but better", which is why I suggested diffusing just a little INT into other stats earlier.

Shoals Surfer

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 15:36

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I quite like the new changes, I believe it's a lot closer to 'simple' caster speciea than the starting design.

I'll play test this version as well, and see how it compares.

Also, as a reply to the 'Its just a better DE', there's a lot of species that are better versions of existing ones(Minotaur and Human for example) That doesn't inherently make the species unsuitable for crawl.

As long as the actual gameplay of FD is uncluttered, clean, fun (and facilitates the use of magic) then I believe it has fulfilled it's purpose.
16/26 on the way to GreaterOctopode (Win all backgrounds as an Octopode)

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 15:49

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Do we really need free SH provided it is designed to be a simple species for new players? I had amulets of reflection, regeneration, magic regeneration and spirit shield in Lair in one of my games. That was tough choice.
Also free SH encourages using a buckler which is quite hard with -3 aptitude
Underestimated: cleaving, Deep Elf, Formicid, Vehumet, EV
Overestimated: AC, GDS
Twin account of Sandman25

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 17:46

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I reached D:9 as AE and I like current design. Spamming Airstrike and Lightning Bolt because you don't care about spell hunger/noise/MP is very fun and powerful. Also I like that there is no speed advantage, early Ogre did require some thinking.
Underestimated: cleaving, Deep Elf, Formicid, Vehumet, EV
Overestimated: AC, GDS
Twin account of Sandman25

Halls Hopper

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 18:50

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Ah yes Tumalu, I forgot to mention in that list of changes that the natural level-up stat bonus was changed to random Int/Dex instead of always Int, which combined with a DE's ability to wear Archmagi and greater ease of using an enhancer staff, should still give them the higher outside potential for raw Int and spell damage. I left the starting Int the same for now, because it's very relevant to early-game failure chance and such, but I'm open to modifying it if it seems necessary to further distinguish. Regardless, I think it is a way DE will be notably better later in the game. Edited that in to the above reply.

Implojin wrote:Your automagic.lua workaround for 0-MP automagic casting doesn't fix the plethora of other minor bugs that crop up because of the way you're implementing the FD spell cost reduction.

I was going to list them all here, but I stopped counting at 5.

In my opinion, you should really revert dc4015c and implement a fix targeted at spl-util.cc line 463 if you're hoping to get this merged into Stone Soup's trunk. I don't speak for the devteam, though, so maybe someone in ##crawl-dev will see a better fix.

The guidance is super appreciated, and I will continue to pursue a cleaner implementation. I'm new to C++ and have no formal programming training, so I definitely need to work on employing best practices and how to follow logically through the code to identify issues like these. Cheers!

Snake Sneak

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 21:22

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

VeryAngryFelid wrote:Do we really need free SH provided it is designed to be a simple species for new players? I had amulets of reflection, regeneration, magic regeneration and spirit shield in Lair in one of my games. That was tough choice.
Also free SH encourages using a buckler which is quite hard with -3 aptitude

I think the free SH makes the choice between a magic staff and buckler more interesting; just putting on a buckler with the +6 gives pretty solid SH score, but you'd also really like that staff. Without it you'd most likely ignore shields unless you found a nice casting-friendly randart AND an awesome buckler.

They only need to hit 5.2 skill to totally remove the buckler penalty. Even at -3 this isn't very much of an exp investment and you can get it working as soon as your starter book spells are castable.

All in all, I think the species is really coming together! :D

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 23rd March 2018, 21:36

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Tumalu wrote:They only need to hit 5.2 skill to totally remove the buckler penalty. Even at -3 this isn't very much of an exp investment and you can get it working as soon as your starter book spells are castable.

At that point I train Fighting and Dodging, it will be middle game when I can train for a buckler and at this point I am likely to find a staff.
Underestimated: cleaving, Deep Elf, Formicid, Vehumet, EV
Overestimated: AC, GDS
Twin account of Sandman25

Shoals Surfer

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Post Saturday, 24th March 2018, 00:23

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I've been trying out a FDFE in the latest version (1.6) and it's going well, except for that fact that I keep crashing whenever I try and clear Lair:6(It's the one with the elephant vault.)

I have no idea if this is FD-related, or just a crawl/my computer specific bug, but I've attached 3 of the crash reports. My terminal just outputs 'ERROR: range check error (80/80)' and then generates the crash report.

Also, I memorised 'Bolt of Fire' shortly before I started using it in Lair:6, perhaps that contributes to the crash? I've found a mantis report that seems to be about a similiar issue (https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=10193&nbn=1) but that seems to be caused by casting IMB not bolt of fire.
crash-Vajrapani - 1.6 - FAERIE-20180324-001104.txt
(54.54 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
crash-Vajrapani - 1.6 - FAERIE-20180324-001400.txt
(54.53 KiB) Downloaded 5 times
crash-Vajrapani - 1.6 - FAERIE-20180324-001746.txt
(54.61 KiB) Downloaded 2 times
16/26 on the way to GreaterOctopode (Win all backgrounds as an Octopode)

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Halls Hopper

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Post Saturday, 24th March 2018, 00:39

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

You're not the only person to report this so I'm going to assume it was something I did until I know with certainty it's not... so, thanks, and I'll look into it when I get a chance tonight.

Mines Malingerer

Posts: 44

Joined: Saturday, 17th December 2016, 18:26

Post Saturday, 24th March 2018, 02:19

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

The range check error crash is fixed in the latest git commit: "Fix crash when updating minimap for out-of-map tiles" (commit c9362ec4a232ddeda927bc9f4b6de1881d23f46e)

For this message the author mrob has received thanks: 2
Realz, Vajrapani

Halls Hopper

Posts: 66

Joined: Wednesday, 7th March 2018, 04:46

Post Saturday, 24th March 2018, 03:04

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I've updated the 1.6 release download to include the fix mrob noted - thanks!

Hopefully those who are mid-run can just re-dl and copy their saves/morgue folders over.

Shoals Surfer

Posts: 276

Joined: Sunday, 6th November 2016, 19:19

Post Saturday, 24th March 2018, 05:02

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 1.0 (tiles) character file.

1577891 Vajrapani - 1.6 - FAERIE the Pyromancer (level 27, 198/198 HPs)
             Began as a Faerie Dragon Fire Elementalist on Mar 23, 2018.
             Was the Champion of Vehumet.
             Escaped with the Orb
             ... and 3 runes on Mar 24, 2018!
             The game lasted 03:11:50 (82690 turns).

Vajrapani - 1.6 - FAERIE the Pyromancer (FDFE)     Turns: 82690, Time: 03:11:50

Health: 198/198    AC: 16    Str: 10    XL:     27
Magic:  50/53      EV: 35    Int: 36    God:    Vehumet [******]
Gold:   3407       SH:  6    Dex: 17    Spells: 22/74 levels left

rFire    + + .     SeeInvis +   a - staff of fire
rCold    . . .     Gourm    +   (shield currently unavailable)
rNeg     + . .     Faith    .   (armour unavailable)
rPois    +         Spirit   .   E - +2 hat {SInv}
rElec    +         Reflect  .   H - scarf {repulsion}
rCorr    +         Harm     .   S - +1 pair of gloves of the Catfish {rC+ rCorr Dex+2}
MR       ++++.                  Z - +2 pair of boots {Stlth+}
Stlth    +.........             i - amulet "Kychuol" {Gourm Str+3 Int+5}
HPRegen  0.83/turn              m - ring of Apteguc {+Fly rN+ MR++ Str+6}
MPRegen  0.33/turn              V - ring "Yroshabe" {Fire rElec rPois Str-4}

@: flying quickly and evasively, repel missiles
A: small, magic attunement, unstealthy, unfitting armour, rugged brown scales 1,
yellow scales 1, regeneration 1, wild magic 1, magical scales, able to fly
0: Orb of Zot
}: 3/15 runes: decaying, serpentine, slimy
a: Stop Flying, Renounce Religion

You escaped.
You worshipped Vehumet.
Vehumet was exalted by your worship.
You were completely stuffed.

You visited 11 branches of the dungeon, and saw 54 of its levels.
You visited the Abyss 1 time.
You visited 3 bazaars.

You collected 7484 gold pieces.
You spent 4077 gold pieces at shops.


Hand Weapons
 b - the +5 morningstar of Ambiguity {crush, *Slow +Inv rC+++ Stlth+}
   (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of Slime)   
   It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies.
   It renders you almost immune to cold.
   It lets you turn invisible.
   It may slow you when you take damage.
   It makes you more stealthy.
 w - the +9 staff of Wucad Mu {channel}
   (You took it off an orc warrior on level 13 of the Dungeon)
 h - 1565 stones (quivered)
 E - a +2 hat of see invisible (worn)
 H - a scarf of repulsion (worn)
 S - the +1 pair of gloves of the Catfish (worn) {rC+ rCorr Dex+2}
   (You found it on level 2 of the Vaults)   
   It affects your dexterity (+2).
   It protects you from cold.
   It protects you from acid and corrosion.
 Z - a +2 pair of boots of stealth (worn)
Magical Staves
 a - an uncursed staff of fire (weapon)
 p - an uncursed staff of conjuration
 c - an uncursed ring of protection from cold
 f - an uncursed ring of protection from fire
 i - the amulet "Kychuol" (around neck) {Gourm Str+3 Int+5}
   (You took it off a spriggan air mage on level 2 of the Depths)   
   [amulet of the gourmand]
   It allows you to eat raw meat even when not hungry.
   It affects your strength (+3).
   It affects your intelligence (+5).
 j - an uncursed ring of resist corrosion
 m - the ring of Apteguc (left hand) {+Fly rN+ MR++ Str+6}
   (You bought it in a shop in a bazaar)   
   [ring of positive energy]
   It affects your strength (+6).
   It protects you from negative energy.
   It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments.
   It lets you fly.
 A - an uncursed ring of protection from cold
 R - the ring of Phasing {EV+8}
   (You bought it in a shop in a bazaar)   
   [ring of evasion]
   It affects your evasion (+8).
 V - the ring "Yroshabe" (right hand) {Fire rElec rPois Str-4}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 2 of the Orcish Mines)   
   [ring of fire]
   It enhances your fire magic.
   It affects your strength (-4).
   It protects you from fire.
   It makes you vulnerable to cold.
   It insulates you from electricity.
   It protects you from poison.
 d - a wand of digging (19)
 v - a wand of acid (12)
 J - a wand of random effects (25)
 U - a wand of paralysis (27)
 X - a wand of clouds (8)
 g - 6 scrolls of blinking
 l - 2 scrolls of magic mapping
 o - 21 scrolls of remove curse
 q - 8 scrolls of fog
 y - 19 scrolls of teleportation
 I - 6 scrolls of amnesia
 L - 4 scrolls of fear
 M - 2 scrolls of summoning
 O - a scroll of enchant weapon
 Q - 4 scrolls of identify
 W - 2 scrolls of holy word
 Y - a scroll of silence
 e - 5 potions of resistance
 k - 6 potions of might
 n - 5 potions of brilliance
 r - 2 potions of mutation
 s - a potion of ambrosia
 t - 10 potions of agility
 x - 7 potions of heal wounds
 B - 15 potions of curing
 F - 6 potions of lignification
 G - a potion of magic
 K - 4 potions of cancellation
 P - 8 potions of haste
 C - a phial of floods
 D - 5 boxes of beasts
 z - 48 rations

 + Level 17.5 Fighting
 + Level 20.9 Dodging
 - Level 1.2 Stealth
 * Level 24.0 Spellcasting
 - Level 23.5 Conjurations
 + Level 24.4 Fire Magic
 - Level 10.1 Earth Magic
 - Level 8.9 Poison Magic
 * Level 15.0 Evocations

You had 22 spell levels left.
You knew the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power        Failure   Level  Hunger
a - Flame Tongue          Conj/Fire      #####        1%          1    None
b - Conjure Flame         Conj/Fire      ########     1%          3    None
c - Ignition              Fire           #########.   1%          8    None
d - Throw Flame           Conj/Fire      ######       1%          2    None
e - Fire Storm            Conj/Fire      #########.   1%          9    None
f - Bolt of Fire          Conj/Fire      #########.   1%          6    None
g - Poison Arrow          Conj/Pois      ########..   1%          6    None
h - Orb of Destruction    Conj           ########..   1%          7    None
i - Lehudib's Crystal Sp  Conj/Erth      ########..   1%          8    None
j - Blink                 Tloc           N/A          1%          2    None

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (15/15)            Temple (1/1) D:5            Lair (6/6) D:8
  Swamp (4/4) Lair:2        Snake (4/4) Lair:4        Slime (5/5) Lair:6
    Orc (2/2) D:10            Elf (3/3) Orc:2        Vaults (4/5) D:14
  Crypt (0/3) Vaults:3     Depths (5/5) D:15            Zot (5/5) Depths:5

Sif Muna
The Shining One

D:13 *   Orc:2 [([**   Elf:2 !   Elf:3 =}}   Snake:1 !   Snake:2 *?}:   Vaults:3 ?   Vaults:4 *

Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Depths:5
Abyss: Depths:4 Depths:5
Pandemonium: Depths:1 Depths:3
Ziggurat: Depths:3

Swamp:3 exclusion: oklob sapling
Elf:3 1 exclusion

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

Your spells do not cause hunger and MP costs are reduced by 1.
Your bright wings attract enemies. (Stealth-)
You cannot fit into any form of body armour.
You are small and have problems with some larger weapons.
Your scales shimmer with magical energies. (AC +6, SH +6)
You can fly continuously.
You are partially covered in rugged brown scales. (AC +1, +3% HP)
You are partially covered in yellow scales. (AC +2)
Your natural rate of healing is unusually fast.
Your spells are a little harder to cast, but a little more powerful.

Message History

Aim: a red devil, wielding a trident
Okay, then.
Casting: Poison Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Fire Storm (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - red devil
Aim: a red devil, wielding a trident
You feel a strong surge of power! A raging storm of fire appears!
The great blast of fire engulfs the red devil.
The red devil partially resists.
You kill the red devil!
Vehumet accepts your kill.
You feel your power returning.
Magic courses through your body.
You start resting.
An infernal demonspawn comes into view. It is wielding a mace.
An infernal demonspawn is nearby!
Char dumped to 'morgue/Vajrapani-16-FAERIE.txt'.
The infernal demonspawn shouts!
You have escaped!

...#  #.......#.#.##.#.#......
...#  ######.##.#.##.#.#......
...#       #.##...##.#.#......
...#       #>.................
........#  #.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈6........
#######.#  #.###≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.......
#     #.####........≈≈≈≈..≈≈≈≈
###   #.##≈≈...@.......≈≈≈≈≈≈≈
..#   #.#≈≈≈≈...........≈≈≈≈..
#.#   #.#≈≈≈≈≈≈...............
#.#   #.#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈......
#.#   #.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈....
#.#   #.#......≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈
#.#   #.#...)..........≈≈≈≈≈≈≈

You could see an infernal demonspawn.

Vanquished Creatures
  the Royal Jelly (Slime:5)
  9 ancient liches
  7 orbs of fire
  Mara (Swamp:3)
  Saint Roka (Vaults:1)
  Frederick (Vaults:4)
  Bai Suzhen (Vaults:4)
  Vashnia (Snake:3)
  4 Killer Klowns
  A caustic shrike (Depths:3)
  2 curse toes
  Nikola (Vaults:1)
  7 golden dragons
  2 bone dragons (Depths:5)
  2 liches
  A Tzitzimitl (Zot:5)
  3 electric golems
  10 tentacled monstrosities
  26 Orb Guardians
  3 deep elf blademasters
  A titan (Depths:3)
  20 acid blobs
  5 quicksilver dragons
  Asterion (Depths:3)
  Gastronok (Lair:2)
  5 death cobs
  3 tentacled starspawn (Abyss:4)
  9 shadow dragons
  3 draconian monks
  6 storm dragons
  7 thorn hunters
  5 sphinxes
  A daeva (Abyss:4)
  6 fire giants
  5 tengu reavers
  5 nagarajas
  8 draconian scorchers
  5 deep elf sorcerers (Elf:3)
  6 vault wardens
  10 azure jellies
  9 frost giants
  A ghost moth (Zot:5)
  Aizul (Snake:3)
  4 draconian knights
  2 iron dragons
  An orc warlord (Orc:2)
  A caustic shrike zombie (Depths:4)
  4 deep elf elementalists
  6 draconian shifters
  4 draconian annihilators
  A war gargoyle (Vaults:2)
  9 draconian stormcallers
  6 ironheart preservers
  A juggernaut skeleton (Depths:4)
  A caustic shrike skeleton (Depths:3)
  3 entropy weavers
  2 vampire knights
  15 very ugly things
  11 stone giants
  3 deep elf demonologists
  A lorocyproca (D:2)
  6 green draconians
  7 black draconians
  5 purple draconians
  7 deep elf annihilators
  4 yellow draconians
  Azrael (D:15)
  10 white draconians
  17 red draconians
  5 spark wasps
  7 ettins
  8 deep elf death magi
  A blizzard demon (D:15)
  15 death oozes
  Snorg (Lair:3)
  16 fire dragons
  9 deep elf high priests
  14 yaktaur captains
  9 ogre magi
  A hell beast (Depths:1)
  7 rakshasas
  An ice dragon (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4)
  3 vault guards
  13 ice dragons
  8 naga warriors
  11 great orbs of eyes
  13 centaur warriors
  31 hydras
  7 spriggan air magi
  9 anacondas
  5 alligators
  A death knight (Vaults:4)
  16 dancing weapons
  A ghost crab (Swamp:4)
  22 two-headed ogres
  10 deep troll earth magi
  9 death yaks
  6 shock serpents
  A deep troll shaman (Depths:1)
  4 tengu warriors
  8 spriggan berserkers
  2 orc high priests
  3 vampire magi (Depths:3)
  3 thrashing horrors (Abyss:4)
  16 naga sharpshooters
  19 deep elf knights
  A sun demon (D:3)
  A shadow wraith (Vaults:3)
  A fire crab (Abyss:4)
  8 hell knights
  A fire crab (shapeshifter) (Depths:5)
  3 skeletal warriors (Vaults:2)
  10 unseen horrors
  4 spriggan druids
  4 salamander mystics
  A wretched star (Abyss:4)
  A spark wasp zombie (Depths:3)
  A sixfirhy (Abyss:4)
  10 deep trolls
  5 flayed ghosts
  10 naga ritualists
  A shadow demon (Abyss:4)
  9 swamp dragons
  22 deep elf archers
  11 glowing orange brains
  An orange crystal statue (Depths:4)
  6 wizards
  4 shambling mangroves
  An orb spider (shapeshifter) (Depths:3)
  14 orc knights
  Pikel (D:8)
  A fire giant zombie (Vaults:2)
  A shadow dragon skeleton (Depths:4)
  A wolf spider (shapeshifter) (Depths:3)
  9 necromancers
  16 mana vipers
  13 harpies
  6 ironbrand convokers
  An oklob plant (Swamp:3)
  63 deep elf magi
  31 ugly things
  21 moths of wrath
  5 shining eyes
  5 wolf spiders
  8 cyclopes
  26 salamanders
  8 orc sorcerers
  A sphinx skeleton (Depths:4)
  A frost giant zombie (Depths:4)
  4 manticores (Depths:1)
  A tengu skeleton (Depths:4)
  13 vault sentinels
  2 worldbinders (Abyss:4)
  A fire giant skeleton (Depths:4)
  A frost giant skeleton (Vaults:2)
  Joseph (D:7)
  A stone giant skeleton (Vaults:1)
  A spiny frog (shapeshifter) (D:14)
  6 guardian serpents
  2 torpor snails (Lair:6)
  An eye of devastation (shapeshifter) (Depths:3)
  A rust devil (Zot:4)
  24 naga magi
  30 black mambas
  2 eyes of devastation
  13 spiny frogs
  5 spectral swamp worms (Depths:4)
  3 centaur skeletons
  16 yaktaurs
  A rime drake (Lair:6)
  3 kobold demonologists
  6 komodo dragons
  3 hellions
  10 freezing wraiths
  A rime drake (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3)
  3 efreet
  2 red devils
  3 ancient zymes (Abyss:4)
  A human skeleton (Vaults:1)
  4 tengu conjurers
  A troll (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3)
  A jumping spider (shapeshifter) (Abyss:4)
  3 hellwings
  8 tyrant leeches
  A wind drake (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  6 trolls
  31 hornets
  90 slime creatures
  2 hippogriffs (shapeshifter)
  6 bog bodies
  4 blink frogs (Lair:6)
  7 hippogriffs
  A dream sheep (shapeshifter) (Vaults:2)
  9 raiju (Abyss:4)
  A meliai zombie (D:13)
  Sigmund (D:5)
  5 shadows
  3 wyverns
  A spriggan (shapeshifter) (Depths:1)
  5 air elementals
  6 water elementals
  A ynoxinul (Abyss:4)
  A spriggan simulacrum (Depths:4)
  2 hogs (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  3 hogs (D:12)
  A human (D:12)
  6 golden eyes
  31 spriggans
  48 yaks
  5 wraiths
  2 neqoxecs (Abyss:4)
  A basilisk (shapeshifter) (Depths:3)
  3 basilisks
  28 fire elementals
  A fire bat (Abyss:4)
  A warg (shapeshifter) (Depths:3)
  8 vampire mosquitoes
  5 chaos spawn
  2 hungry ghosts
  2 spatial vortices (Abyss:4)
  8 large abominations
  7 wargs
  6 insubstantial wisps (Swamp:1)
  88 nagas
  Edmund (D:6)
  19 swamp worms
  4 acid dragons
  12 water moccasins
  8 hell hounds
  A floating eye (shapeshifter) (Vaults:2)
  6 porcupines
  2 slaves (D:8)
  5 small abominations
  17 swamp drakes
  70 orc warriors
  An orc zombie (Vaults:2)
  2 phantoms
  A black bear (shapeshifter) (Depths:3)
  7 eyes of draining
  A hornet zombie (D:12)
  6 ice beasts
  2 sky beasts
  4 black bears
  26 ogres
  An ettin simulacrum (Vaults:1)
  A boggart (shapeshifter) (Depths:3)
  2 necrophages
  21 centaurs
  18 wolves
  6 boggarts
  A manticore skeleton (Abyss:4)
  4 big kobolds
  14 crocodiles
  Blork the orc (D:5)
  14 bullfrogs
  A human zombie (Vaults:2)
  3 earth elementals
  A wyvern zombie (D:9)
  A deep troll simulacrum (Vaults:1)
  A glowing shapeshifter simulacrum (Depths:4)
  4 scorpions
  A wyvern skeleton (D:9)
  8 killer bees
  5 wights (D:8)
  2 human simulacra (Vaults:2)
  7 centaur zombies
  5 crimson imps
  2 quasits
  24 orc priests
  3 hounds
  7 jellies
  34 orc wizards
  A bullfrog skeleton (D:12)
  Jessica (D:3)
  3 iguanas
  14 worker ants
  A killer bee zombie (D:10)
  A hound zombie (D:6)
  3 hound skeletons
  A howler monkey skeleton (D:7)
  3 gnolls (D:10)
  11 adders
  6 shadow imps
  A white imp (D:7)
  2 ufetubi
  8 oozes
  2 adder skeletons
  A worm (D:2)
  A dart slug (D:1)
  5 leopard geckos
  101 orcs
  6 giant cockroaches
  2 gnoll zombies (D:3)
  6 goblins
  9 hobgoblins
  11 jackals
  29 kobolds
  5 quokkas
  2 bats (D:1)
  6 frilled lizards
  6 rats
  A bush (Lair:6)
  5 crawling corpses
  A fire vortex (Zot:5)
  3 fungi
  A starspawn tentacle (Abyss:4)
2265 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  A golden dragon (Zot:5)
  An Orb Guardian (Zot:5)
  A deep elf master archer (Elf:3)
  An acid blob (Slime:5)
  A draconian knight (Zot:5)
  A draconian shifter (Zot:1)
  A very ugly thing (Depths:3)
  A fire dragon (Depths:3)
  An orc knight (Vaults:2)
  A deep elf mage (Elf:3)
  An orc warrior (Vaults:1)
  2 ogres (Vaults:1)
13 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  2 hell hogs (Abyss:4)
  A fire bat (Abyss:4)
  A fire elemental (Elf:2)
  A floating eye (shapeshifter) (D:15)
  A slave (D:8)
  A boggart (Vaults:1)
  2 orcs (D:8)
  A butterfly (Lair:6)
  149 fire vortices
  28 fungi
  121 plants
  13 starspawn tentacles (Abyss:4)
321 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 2599 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | Vajrapani - 1.6 - FAERIE the Faerie Dragon Fire Elementalist began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 11/11 MP: 6/6
   148 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 17/17 MP: 7/7
   650 | D:1      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 21/21 MP: 9/9
  1359 | D:2      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 27/27 MP: 11/11
  1564 | D:2      | Learned a level 3 spell: Conjure Flame
  1569 | D:2      | Learned a level 4 spell: Sticky Flame
  1801 | D:2      | Learned a level 2 spell: Throw Flame
  1853 | D:2      | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One.
  2261 | D:3      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 31/31 MP: 12/12
  2592 | D:3      | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul.
  2768 | D:3      | Found an opulent altar of Gozag.
  2768 | D:3      | Noticed Jessica
  2771 | D:3      | Killed Jessica
  2792 | D:3      | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog.
  2839 | D:3      | Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna.
  2850 | D:3      | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas.
  3124 | D:4      | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw.
  3298 | D:4      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 33/36 MP: 14/14
  3325 | D:4      | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
  3449 | D:4      | Reached skill level 5 in Conjurations
  3449 | D:4      | Reached skill level 5 in Fire Magic
  3685 | D:4      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 23/41 MP: 15/15
  3881 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  4046 | D:5      | Noticed Blork the orc
  4077 | D:5      | Killed Blork the orc
  4077 | D:5      | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting
  4123 | D:5      | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  4191 | Temple   | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
  4268 | Temple   | Became a worshipper of Vehumet
  4846 | D:5      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 46/46 MP: 18/18
  4901 | D:5      | Learned a level 5 spell: Fireball
  5098 | D:5      | Noticed Sigmund
  5135 | D:5      | Killed Sigmund
  5135 | D:5      | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging
  6112 | D:6      | Noticed Edmund
  6138 | D:6      | Killed Edmund
  6608 | D:6      | Reached * piety under Vehumet
  6608 | D:6      | Offered knowledge of Sting by Vehumet.
  6928 | D:7      | Noticed Joseph
  6986 | D:7      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 51/51 MP: 20/20
  7543 | D:7      | Killed Joseph
  7543 | D:7      | Reached skill level 1 in Fighting
  8202 | D:8      | Reached ** piety under Vehumet
  8245 | D:8      | Noticed a kobold demonologist
  8258 | D:8      | Noticed an ice devil
  8262 | D:8      | Killed a kobold demonologist
  8262 | D:8      | Offered knowledge of Sandblast by Vehumet.
  8468 | D:8      | Reached skill level 10 in Conjurations
  8547 | D:8      | Reached XP level 10. HP: 61/61 MP: 22/23
  8768 | D:8      | Found a staircase to the Lair.
  8878 | D:8      | Offered knowledge of Stone Arrow by Vehumet.
  8937 | D:8      | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari.
  9409 | D:8      | Noticed Pikel
  9414 | D:8      | Killed Pikel
  9414 | D:8      | Reached *** piety under Vehumet
  9462 | D:8      | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru.
  9696 | D:9      | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 10035 | D:9      | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 10051 | D:9      | Killed a two-headed ogre
 10144 | D:9      | Killed a two-headed ogre
 10342 | D:9      | Reached XP level 11. HP: 69/69 MP: 25/25
 10346 | D:9      | Offered knowledge of Iskenderun's Mystic Blast by Vehumet.
 10775 | D:10     | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
 11104 | D:10     | Noticed a five-headed hydra
 11127 | D:10     | Killed a five-headed hydra
 11446 | D:10     | Reached **** piety under Vehumet
 11588 | D:10     | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
 11796 | Lair:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
 11839 | Lair:1   | Noticed a five-headed hydra
 11859 | Lair:1   | Killed a five-headed hydra
 11859 | Lair:1   | Offered knowledge of Mephitic Cloud by Vehumet.
 11875 | Lair:1   | Noticed a four-headed hydra
 11894 | Lair:1   | Killed a four-headed hydra
 11981 | Lair:1   | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
 12035 | Lair:1   | Noticed a death yak
 12067 | Lair:1   | Killed a death yak
 12067 | Lair:1   | Reached skill level 10 in Fire Magic
 12385 | Lair:1   | Noticed a death yak
 12388 | Lair:1   | Noticed a death yak
 12395 | Lair:1   | Killed a death yak
 12395 | Lair:1   | Reached skill level 10 in Spellcasting
 12395 | Lair:1   | Reached XP level 12. HP: 51/77 MP: 28/28
 12414 | Lair:1   | Killed a death yak
 12995 | Lair:2   | Noticed Gastronok
 13168 | Lair:2   | Killed Gastronok
 13778 | Lair:2   | Found a staircase to the Swamp.
 13809 | Lair:2   | Noticed a six-headed hydra
 13924 | Lair:2   | Killed a six-headed hydra
 14398 | Lair:2   | Reached ***** piety under Vehumet
 14403 | Lair:2   | Offered knowledge of Bolt of Fire by Vehumet.
 14411 | Lair:2   | Learned a level 6 spell: Bolt of Fire
 14861 | Lair:3   | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging
 15094 | Lair:3   | Noticed Snorg
 15098 | Lair:3   | Killed Snorg
 15622 | Lair:4   | Found a staircase to the Snake Pit.
 15888 | Lair:4   | Reached XP level 13. HP: 82/85 MP: 30/30
 16566 | Lair:5   | Reached skill level 15 in Conjurations
 17617 | Lair:6   | Entered Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts
 17844 | Lair:6   | Offered knowledge of Poison Arrow by Vehumet.
 18019 | Lair:5   | Learned a level 6 spell: Poison Arrow
 18205 | Orc:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
 18611 | Orc:1    | Noticed an ettin
 18633 | Orc:1    | Killed an ettin
 18965 | Orc:1    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 19349 | Orc:1    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 19511 | Orc:2    | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines
 19511 | Orc:2    | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls.
 19513 | Orc:2    | Reached skill level 1 in Poison Magic
 19610 | Orc:2    | Found a flickering gateway to a bazaar.
 19703 | Bazaar   | Entered a bazaar
 19734 | Bazaar   | Found Yhanayve's Distillery.
 19738 | Bazaar   | Found Wotunteqa's Armour Boutique.
 19738 | Bazaar   | Found Egic's Jewellery Boutique.
 19739 | Bazaar   | Found Unkir's Weapon Boutique.
 19772 | Bazaar   | Bought the ring of Apteguc {+Fly rN+ MR++ Str+6} for 350 gold pieces
 19774 | Bazaar   | Bought the ring of Phasing {EV+8} for 896 gold pieces
 19774 | Bazaar   | Found the ring of Phasing {EV+8}
 19789 | Bazaar   | Bought an uncursed ring of poison resistance for 140 gold pieces
 20050 | Orc:2    | Reached XP level 14. HP: 93/93 MP: 7/32
 20738 | Orc:2    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 20952 | Orc:2    | Found Egeck's Eclectic Emporium.
 21173 | Orc:2    | Bought a scroll of enchant armour for 127 gold pieces
 21317 | Orc:2    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 21846 | Orc:2    | Offered knowledge of Orb of Destruction by Vehumet.
 21904 | Orc:2    | Noticed an orc warlord
 21919 | Orc:2    | Killed an orc warlord
 21919 | Orc:2    | Reached skill level 5 in Poison Magic
 22202 | Orc:2    | Found Mattul's Antique Weapon Emporium.
 22220 | Orc:2    | Found Ceofymus's Antique Armour Shoppe.
 22221 | Orc:2    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 22246 | Orc:2    | Bought a pair of polished gloves for 218 gold pieces
 22256 | Orc:2    | Identified the cursed +0 pair of gloves "Cokluorph" {*Drain Int+4 SInv} (You bought it in a shop on level 2 of the Orcish Mines)
 22387 | Orc:2    | Found Peiwn's General Store.
 22615 | Orc:2    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
 22690 | Orc:2    | Found Ysmat's Armour Boutique.
 23583 | D:11     | Learned a level 7 spell: Orb of Destruction
 24667 | D:12     | Offered knowledge of Lightning Bolt by Vehumet.
 25962 | D:13     | Reached ****** piety under Vehumet
 26381 | D:13     | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
 26506 | D:13     | Reached XP level 15. HP: 100/100 MP: 23/33
 27209 | D:13     | Offered knowledge of Bolt of Cold by Vehumet.
 27410 | D:13     | Found Okychy's Assorted Antiques.
 27420 | D:13     | Bought a scroll labeled UKHOSS SIGE for 33 gold pieces
 28190 | D:14     | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations
 29784 | D:14     | Found a gate to the Vaults.
 29953 | D:15     | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
 29961 | D:15     | Found the +4 moon troll leather armour {Spirit, Regen++ MP+5}
 30558 | D:15     | Offered knowledge of Spellforged Servitor by Vehumet.
 30718 | D:15     | Noticed Azrael
 30722 | D:15     | Killed Azrael
 31097 | D:15     | Found a staircase to the Depths.
 31501 | Swamp:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp
 32582 | Swamp:1  | Reached XP level 16. HP: 109/109 MP: 17/34
 32719 | Swamp:1  | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting
 33445 | Swamp:2  | Offered knowledge of Ozocubu's Refrigeration by Vehumet.
 33460 | Swamp:2  | Learned a level 8 spell: Ignition
 33542 | Swamp:2  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 33549 | Swamp:2  | Killed a thorn hunter
 33996 | Swamp:3  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 33998 | Swamp:3  | Killed a thorn hunter
 34694 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Mara
 34696 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Vajrapani - 1.6 - FAERIE's illusion
 34700 | Swamp:3  | Killed Mara
 34706 | Swamp:3  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 34798 | Swamp:3  | Killed a thorn hunter
 35492 | Swamp:3  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 35555 | Swamp:3  | Identified a scroll of acquirement
 35610 | Swamp:3  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 35613 | Swamp:3  | Killed a thorn hunter
 35643 | Swamp:3  | Killed a thorn hunter
 35728 | Swamp:3  | Offered knowledge of Lehudib's Crystal Spear by Vehumet.
 35728 | Swamp:3  | Offered knowledge of Fire Storm by Vehumet.
 35728 | Swamp:3  | Offered knowledge of Chain Lightning by Vehumet.
 36108 | Swamp:4  | Entered Level 4 of the Swamp
 36206 | Swamp:4  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 36209 | Swamp:4  | Reached skill level 15 in Fire Magic
 36210 | Swamp:4  | Killed a thorn hunter
 36458 | Swamp:4  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 36460 | Swamp:4  | Killed a thorn hunter
 36601 | Swamp:4  | Reached XP level 17. HP: 117/117 MP: 31/35
 37921 | Swamp:4  | Got a decaying rune of Zot
 38271 | Snake:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Snake Pit
 38577 | Snake:1  | Found Tisho's Distillery.
 38855 | Snake:1  | Bought 2 potions of curing for 96 gold pieces
 39106 | Orc:2    | Bought a potion of experience for 850 gold pieces
 39106 | Orc:2    | Reached XP level 18. HP: 124/124 MP: 36/36
 39307 | Snake:1  | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas.
 40277 | Snake:2  | Found a stormy altar of Qazlal.
 40706 | Snake:2  | Found Muotu Veuse's Gadget Boutique.
 40706 | Snake:2  | Found Kogaaf's Magic Scroll Shop.
 40707 | Snake:2  | Found Uthykegh's Book Boutique.
 40712 | Snake:2  | Found Izodghyf's Assorted Antiques.
 41554 | Snake:3  | Noticed Aizul
 41573 | Snake:3  | Killed Aizul
 42224 | Snake:3  | Reached XP level 19. HP: 125/129 MP: 9/37
 42455 | Snake:3  | Got a fine copper ring
 42461 | Snake:3  | Identified the ring of Johoiges {rPois rN++ Int+3} (You took it off a naga on level 3 of the Snake Pit)
 42794 | Snake:3  | Noticed Vashnia
 43462 | Snake:3  | Killed Vashnia
 43611 | Snake:3  | Learned a level 9 spell: Fire Storm
 44030 | Snake:4  | Entered Level 4 of the Snake Pit
 46388 | Snake:4  | Got a serpentine rune of Zot
 46859 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults
 47311 | Vaults:1 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 136/136 MP: 39/39
 47897 | Vaults:1 | Noticed Nikola
 47900 | Vaults:1 | Killed Nikola
 48149 | Vaults:1 | Noticed Saint Roka
 48153 | Vaults:1 | Killed Saint Roka
 48153 | Vaults:1 | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging
 48593 | Vaults:2 | Found a flickering gateway to a bazaar.
 48605 | Bazaar   | Entered a bazaar
 48605 | Bazaar   | Found Mushre's Magic Scroll Emporium.
 48605 | Bazaar   | Found Hetafice's Armour Shop.
 48605 | Bazaar   | Found Feneil's Food Shoppe.
 48605 | Bazaar   | Found Puilugapp's Distillery.
 48607 | Bazaar   | Found Faqaqaim's Distillery.
 48607 | Bazaar   | Found Deonov's General Store.
 50648 | Vaults:2 | Got a pair of brightly glowing gloves
 50736 | Vaults:3 | Found Fafoipp's Magic Scroll Boutique.
 50772 | Vaults:3 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 69 gold pieces
 50772 | Vaults:3 | Bought a scroll of teleportation for 69 gold pieces
 51188 | Vaults:3 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 144/144 MP: 36/41
 51287 | Vaults:3 | Found a staircase to the Crypt.
 52478 | Vaults:4 | Noticed Bai Suzhen
 52480 | Vaults:4 | Killed Bai Suzhen
 53200 | Vaults:4 | Found Nuetant's General Store.
 53616 | Vaults:4 | Noticed Frederick
 53619 | Vaults:4 | Killed Frederick
 54166 | Vaults:4 | Got a shimmering trident
 54167 | Vaults:4 | Identified the +11 trident "Paqobaus" {protect, SInv} (You found it on level 4 of the Vaults)
 54636 | Elf:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls
 55316 | Elf:1    | Reached skill level 15 in Spellcasting
 55447 | Elf:1    | Identified the +1 pair of gloves of the Catfish {rC+ rCorr Dex+2} (You found it on level 2 of the Vaults)
 56206 | Elf:1    | Reached XP level 22. HP: 152/152 MP: 37/43
 57001 | Elf:2    | Learned a level 8 spell: Lehudib's Crystal Spear
 57233 | Elf:2    | Reached skill level 1 in Earth Magic
 57295 | Elf:2    | Found Zeohug's Distillery.
 58092 | Elf:2    | Found a runed gate.
 58092 | Elf:2    | Found a runed gate.
 58093 | Elf:2    | Found a runed gate.
 58136 | Elf:3    | Entered Level 3 of the Elven Halls
 58922 | Elf:3    | Found Uta Ydoe's Jewellery Boutique.
 58923 | Elf:3    | Found Roezekos's Gadget Shoppe.
 58923 | Elf:3    | Found Mirr's Gadget Shoppe.
 59047 | Elf:3    | Reached skill level 5 in Earth Magic
 60259 | Elf:3    | Identified the Tome of Talismans
 60273 | Elf:3    | Identified the Compendium of Dark Augmentations
 60285 | Elf:3    | Got a fine iron amulet
 60286 | Elf:3    | Identified the amulet of Zeapuvvu {Inacc rN+ Str+6 Int-5} (You found it on level 3 of the Elven Halls)
 60469 | Orc:2    | Bought the ring "Yroshabe" {Fire rElec rPois Str-4} for 591 gold pieces
 60614 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths
 60981 | Depths:1 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 159/159 MP: 31/45
 62466 | Depths:1 | Found a gateway to Hell.
 62602 | Depths:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Earth Magic
 62704 | Depths:1 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium.
 63001 | Depths:1 | Identified the Reference Book on the Ashen Birds
 63732 | Depths:2 | Noticed a golden dragon
 63741 | Depths:2 | Killed a golden dragon
 64213 | Depths:2 | Got a coiled amethyst amulet
 64321 | Depths:2 | Identified the amulet "Kychuol" {Gourm Str+3 Int+5} (You took it off a spriggan air mage on level 2 of the Depths)
 64646 | Depths:3 | Noticed Asterion
 64649 | Depths:3 | Killed Asterion
 64978 | Depths:3 | Found a gateway to a ziggurat.
 64980 | Depths:3 | Noticed a caustic shrike
 64981 | Depths:3 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 167/167 MP: 26/46
 64984 | Depths:3 | Killed a caustic shrike
 65464 | Depths:3 | Noticed an ancient lich
 65467 | Depths:3 | Killed an ancient lich
 65855 | Depths:3 | Identified the +1 great sword "Hontist" {antimagic, rElec rC+ MR+ Str-3} (You took it off a yaktaur captain on level 3 of the Depths)
 66384 | Depths:3 | Noticed an ancient lich
 66388 | Depths:3 | Killed an ancient lich
 66388 | Depths:3 | Reached skill level 5 in Evocations
 66501 | Depths:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting
 67389 | Depths:4 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss.
 67705 | Depths:4 | Found a gateway to a bazaar.
 67727 | Bazaar   | Entered a bazaar
 67743 | Bazaar   | Found Acucu's Gadget Emporium.
 67762 | Bazaar   | Found Tilocisk's Distillery.
 67794 | Bazaar   | Found Taget's Distillery.
 67803 | Bazaar   | Found Guas's Gadget Emporium.
 67825 | Bazaar   | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink
 68568 | Lair:6   | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
 68698 | Slime:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime
 68704 | Slime:1  | Reached XP level 25. HP: 140/175 MP: 31/48
 68832 | Slime:2  | Gained mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [a shining eye]
 69076 | Slime:3  | Gained mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [a shining eye]
 69251 | Slime:5  | Entered Level 5 of the Pits of Slime
 69431 | Slime:5  | Noticed the Royal Jelly
 69433 | Slime:5  | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
 69458 | Slime:5  | Killed the Royal Jelly
 69981 | Slime:5  | Found the +5 robe of Night {Dark MR+ SInv}
 69988 | Slime:5  | Got a slimy rune of Zot
 70072 | Slime:5  | Identified Ofroxked's Almanac of the Frostbite and Weightlessness
 70084 | Slime:5  | Identified the Guide on Lucky Translocation
 70146 | Slime:5  | Got a dazzling morningstar
 70147 | Slime:5  | Identified the cursed +2 morningstar "Faerie's Curse" {protect, rElec MR+ Str+2 Dex-2} (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of Slime)
 70152 | Slime:5  | Got a crystal morningstar
 70153 | Slime:5  | Identified the +5 morningstar of Ambiguity {crush, *Slow +Inv rC+++ Stlth+} (You found it on level 5 of the Pits of Slime)
 70672 | Elf:3    | Bought an uncursed ring of protection from cold for 350 gold pieces
 70962 | Depths:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Depths
 71864 | Depths:5 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot.
 72353 | Depths:5 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 144/181 MP: 26/49
 72634 | Zot:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot
 72643 | Zot:1    | Noticed an orb of fire
 72645 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: You expend magic power (3 MP) to strengthen your wands. [an orb of fire]
 72646 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: You are dopey. (Int -2) [an orb of fire]
 72647 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: You are very dopey. (Int -4) [an orb of fire]
 72649 | Zot:1    | Killed an orb of fire
 72649 | Zot:1    | Reached skill level 10 in Evocations
 72671 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: You are very dopey. (Int -4) [potion of mutation]
 72671 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: You are clumsy. (Dex -2) [potion of mutation]
 72671 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: You are dopey. (Int -2) [potion of mutation]
 72671 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: Your flesh is heat resistant. (rF+) [potion of mutation]
 72671 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons. (rPois) [potion of mutation]
 72671 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: You are weak. (Str -2) [potion of mutation]
 73029 | Zot:1    | Identified the cursed +2 trident of Nigezo {venom, +Inv rPois rF- MR++} (You found it on level 1 of the Realm of Zot)
 73181 | Zot:1    | Noticed an orb of fire
 73189 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: Scrolls take you a little longer to read. [an orb of fire]
 73190 | Zot:1    | Killed an orb of fire
 73324 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons. (rPois) [potion of mutation]
 73324 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: You expend magic power (3 MP) to strengthen your wands. [potion of mutation]
 73324 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: Your flesh is heat resistant. (rF+) [potion of mutation]
 73324 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking damage. [potion of mutation]
 73324 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: You expend magic power (3 MP) to strengthen your wands. [potion of mutation]
 73324 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in rugged brown scales. (AC +1, +3% HP) [potion of mutation]
 73324 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of mind. [potion of mutation]
 73325 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking damage. [potion of mutation]
 73325 | Zot:1    | Lost mutation: Scrolls take you a little longer to read. [potion of mutation]
 73325 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking damage. [potion of mutation]
 73325 | Zot:1    | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, but a little more powerful. [potion of mutation]
 73745 | Snake:1  | Bought a potion of mutation for 128 gold pieces
 73745 | Snake:1  | Bought a potion of haste for 160 gold pieces
 74221 | Zot:1    | Cast into level 4 of the Abyss (the power of Zot)
 74287 | Abyss:4  | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu.
 74428 | Abyss:4  | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu.
 74445 | Abyss:4  | Noticed an ancient lich
 74470 | Abyss:4  | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu.
 74596 | Abyss:4  | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu.
 74877 | Zot:1    | Escaped the Abyss
 76794 | Zot:3    | Reached XP level 27. HP: 171/195 MP: 27/50
 77354 | Zot:3    | Noticed an orb of fire
 78353 | Zot:3    | Killed an orb of fire
 78374 | Zot:3    | Lost mutation: You expend magic power (3 MP) to strengthen your wands. [potion of mutation]
 78374 | Zot:3    | Lost mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, but a little more powerful. [potion of mutation]
 78374 | Zot:3    | Lost mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of mind. [potion of mutation]
 78374 | Zot:3    | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) [potion of mutation]
 78374 | Zot:3    | Gained mutation: Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+) [potion of mutation]
 78374 | Zot:3    | Gained mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of mind. [potion of mutation]
 78375 | Zot:3    | Lost mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) [potion of mutation]
 78375 | Zot:3    | Lost mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of mind. [potion of mutation]
 78375 | Zot:3    | Lost mutation: Your body sometimes deteriorates upon taking damage. [potion of mutation]
 78375 | Zot:3    | Lost mutation: Your flesh is cold resistant. (rC+) [potion of mutation]
 78375 | Zot:3    | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in yellow scales. (AC +2) [potion of mutation]
 78375 | Zot:3    | Gained mutation: Your natural rate of healing is unusually fast. [potion of mutation]
 78375 | Zot:3    | Gained mutation: Your spells are a little harder to cast, but a little more powerful. [potion of mutation]
 79990 | Zot:5    | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot
 80208 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 80210 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 80227 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 80230 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 80271 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 80293 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 80372 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 80374 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 80396 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 80404 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 80626 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 80628 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 80873 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 80875 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 81175 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 81182 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 81428 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 81438 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 81441 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 81451 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 81585 | Zot:5    | Identified Voko's Guide on the Birds
 81875 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 81879 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 82040 | Zot:5    | Got the Orb of Zot
 82563 | D:4      | Noticed Xinud the pandemonium lord
 82572 | D:3      | Reached skill level 15 in Evocations
 82690 | D:$      | Escaped with the Orb!

Skill      XL: |  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
Conjurations   |     2     3  4  5  6  8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18    19 20    21 22    23          | 23.5
Spellcasting   |     3        4     5  6  7  8 10 11 12                13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 24 | 24.0
Fire Magic     |        4        5  6     8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22             23 24 | 24.4
Dodging        |           3     4     5  6  8  9 10 11 12 13    14       15 16 17    18 19    20 | 20.9
Fighting       |                          2  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11       12 13    14 15    16 17 | 17.5
Poison Magic   |                                      2  8                                        |  8.9
Evocations     |                                            3  4                       7  9 11 15 | 15.0
Earth Magic    |                                                                 8 10             | 10.1
Stealth        |                                                                                  |  1.2

Action                   |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 || total
Melee: Unarmed           |       |     1 |    12 |       |       |       |       |       |       ||    13
       Short sword       |       |       |    40 |    56 |    59 |       |       |       |       ||   155
       Staff             |       |       |       |       |    10 |    13 |     2 |    21 |     4 ||    50
 Cast: Flame Tongue      |    59 |    92 |    20 |     6 |    13 |       |       |       |     5 ||   195
       Throw Flame       |       |    27 |   155 |   196 |       |       |       |       |       ||   378
       Sticky Flame      |       |     1 |    13 |    42 |     1 |       |       |       |       ||    57
       Conjure Flame     |       |     1 |     8 |    28 |       |       |       |       |       ||    37
       Fireball          |       |       |    20 |    69 |    66 |     7 |       |       |       ||   162
       Bolt of Fire      |       |       |       |    26 |   215 |   291 |   459 |   387 |   425 ||  1803
       Poison Arrow      |       |       |       |       |   339 |    56 |    63 |    93 |   115 ||   666
       Orb of Destructio |       |       |       |       |     8 |     1 |       |     8 |    14 ||    31
       Ignition          |       |       |       |       |       |    12 |    67 |    57 |    36 ||   172
       Fire Storm        |       |       |       |       |       |       |    16 |    35 |    70 ||   121
       Lehudib's Crystal |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    28 |    47 ||    75
       Blink             |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     1 |     4 ||     5
 Abil: Fly               |       |       |       |     1 |       |       |       |     1 |       ||     2
       Stop Flying       |       |       |       |     1 |       |       |       |     1 |       ||     2
Evoke: Wand              |       |       |    13 |       |       |       |     3 |     8 |    20 ||    44
       Staff of Wucad Mu |       |       |       |       |     6 |     3 |       |       |    23 ||    32
       Phial of floods   |       |       |       |       |       |     1 |       |     1 |       ||     2
       Box of beasts     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     3 ||     3
  Use: Scroll            |       |     3 |    16 |     8 |    11 |    14 |     9 |    14 |    17 ||    92
       Potion            |       |       |       |       |     1 |     2 |       |     2 |    19 ||    24
 Stab: Sleeping          |       |       |     1 |       |       |       |       |       |       ||     1
  Eat: Chunk             |     1 |     6 |     4 |    12 |    20 |     4 |    15 |    24 |    31 ||   117
       Ration            |       |     1 |     3 |     3 |     9 |     7 |     8 |     7 |     4 ||    42
Armor: Skin              |    10 |     6 |    24 |    33 |    26 |    15 |     8 |    25 |    23 ||   170
Dodge: Dodged            |    19 |    24 |   101 |   162 |   291 |   146 |   153 |   212 |   249 ||  1357
       Deflected         |       |       |       |       |     1 |     4 |    23 |    23 |    11 ||    62
Block: Other             |    11 |    18 |    25 |    44 |    79 |    23 |    46 |    36 |    44 ||   326

Finished up a FDFE game in 1.6. I love the absence of spell hunger and FD is still very,very strong at normal movespeed. As I suspected, the fast movespeed, from the initial design, was superfluous.
The added HP was also pretty nice, and let me have some breathing space in bad situations.

(Finding resists in the lategame is kind of a pain though, since you don't have innate resists(like most draconians, who also can't wear body armour) and can't wear body armour, like certain dragon scales, which is where I tend to find most of my resists. But, that's just a minor thing, because I dislike ring swapping and I got pretty lucky with randarts and staves that plugged up the holes in my resists, in the end, anyway.)

No encumberance + no spell hunger + -1 MP on spells + high aptitudes = VERY smooth caster experience.

This character was won in 3 hours and 11 minutes and 86k turns, that's about my normal time to finish a melee character. My fastest magic-using character took about 5 hours and roughly 110k turns, so there's a lot of excess time cut out of the game. Playing a 'pure' caster, for me, is usually an excruciating and slow experience but this FDFE was super fun :D

IMO, this species definitely ticks all the 'simple' boxes now, and I sincerely hope it gets merged into Stone Soup.

(A suggestion: Maybe turn the +6 SH bonus into an AC bonus ? SH is worse when you are fighting multiple enemies(or enemies with multiple attacks.), and the new player isn't likely to meticulously fight and lure enemies 1v1, so a pure AC + EV bonus may be more effective in making them more tanky in the earlygame.)
16/26 on the way to GreaterOctopode (Win all backgrounds as an Octopode)

Progress so far : OpFi, OpGl, OpWn, OpAr, OpCK, OpMo, OpBe, OpHu, OpVM, OpAM, OpWr, OpFE, OpEE, OpNe, OpTm, OpSk

For this message the author Vajrapani has received thanks:

Snake Sneak

Posts: 128

Joined: Friday, 9th March 2018, 20:26

Post Saturday, 24th March 2018, 13:23

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

More AC might be more effective than having some SH, but the species is already pretty strong as-is. And starting with like 10 ac as a caster just sounds silly, TBH- it's not supposed to be Super Draconian. If anything, I was going to say the shields apt should go up to -1. You STILL probably don't want to use a buckler over a staff long-term, so shields don't need to be even further discouraged; just a minimum negative to show the species isn't well-suited. This also makes it more viable to run a buckler short-term if you find one early.

Same reasoning why melee apts mostly shouldn't be -3 (although one or two isn't a big deal), as it's already clearly unsuited and doesn't need further discouraging etcetc. Unlike say Deep Elf, who is -only- held back from shields and melee by their aptitudes, not because they literally can't use most of the equipment you need for such a build.

For this message the author Tumalu has received thanks:

Mines Malingerer

Posts: 44

Joined: Saturday, 17th December 2016, 18:26

Post Saturday, 24th March 2018, 18:32

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I don't like how spamming L1 spells is in most cases strictly better than resting. Even with SInv, it's still better to Summon Butterflies or Summon Small Mammals than rest. Maybe HPregen/MPregen should be set to 0 every turn you cast a spell.

EDIT: That sounds too complicated. I'd just give them SInv and a toned down version of Sacrifice Love that only prevents summoning spells. This also helps the "simple" goal, because summons are complicated.

Snake Sneak

Posts: 128

Joined: Friday, 9th March 2018, 20:26

Post Saturday, 24th March 2018, 20:28

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Literally any character that doesn't worship Trog can occasionally cast Summon Butterflies while resting for next to no cost but I don't think anyone does. Is this really a problem?

Edit: After further consideration, having butterflies out only helps assuming you're going to run away. They'll clog up your line of fire, actually leaving you worse off in terms of attacking. If there's truly any issue, SInv alone would fix it.

Ziggurat Zagger

Posts: 4432

Joined: Friday, 8th May 2015, 17:51

Post Sunday, 25th March 2018, 10:13

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

It is problem with Summon Butterflies, not with new species.
Underestimated: cleaving, Deep Elf, Formicid, Vehumet, EV
Overestimated: AC, GDS
Twin account of Sandman25

For this message the author VeryAngryFelid has received thanks:

Mines Malingerer

Posts: 44

Joined: Saturday, 17th December 2016, 18:26

Post Sunday, 25th March 2018, 17:08

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I 3-runed a version 1.6 FDFE^Vehumet.

Early game is easy (the early ghost of a previous character was from seeing if it was possible to make it to Lair by literally only autoexplore/autoattack/autotravel to next level when explored (it might be if you're very lucky but I didn't manage it)). -1MP cost makes a big difference, and the good defenses means an early D1 jackal pack isn't a potential run ender like with most casters. FE is a good background because the good apts means you can get Fireball very early, and easily get Firestorm by Zot if you find it.

I don't consider myself a particularly good player, but I've 15-runed a Spriggan and a Demonspawn before, and did a few 3-runes too. I like this species, and I think it meets the goal of a strong and simple beginner species. It definitely doesn't need fast movement.

 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.22-a0-293-gc9362ec4a2 (tiles) character file.

1693879 Mofeum the Sorcerer (level 27, 193/193 HPs)
             Began as a Faerie Dragon Fire Elementalist on Mar 25, 2018.
             Was the Champion of Vehumet.
             Escaped with the Orb
             ... and 3 runes!
             The game lasted 04:04:30 (78628 turns).

Mofeum the Sorcerer (FDFE)                         Turns: 78628, Time: 04:04:31

Health: 193/193    AC: 18    Str:  5    XL:     27
Magic:  53/54      EV: 34    Int: 41    God:    Vehumet [******]
Gold:   7938       SH:  6    Dex: 23    Spells: 8/76 levels left

rFire    + + +     SeeInvis +   w - +8 lance {slay drac, rPois rF+ rC+ AC+3}
rCold    + . .     Gourm    .   (shield restricted)
rNeg     + + .     Faith    .   (armour unavailable)
rPois    +         Spirit   .   R - +2 hat {Int+3}
rElec    +         Reflect  .   p - scarf {rC+ rF+}
rCorr    .         Harm     .   u - -1 pair of gloves of an ossuary {rPois MR+}
MR       ++++.                  F - +2 pair of boots
Stlth    +.........             s - macabre finger necklace {rN+}
HPRegen  0.42/turn              n - ring "Jejolar" {rElec MR+ Int+6}
MPRegen  0.34/turn              M - ring "Wewnytz" {rPois AC+4 Dex+2 SInv}
                                X - ring of the Special Seas {Fire rN+ Dex+7 Stlth+}

@: flying quickly and evasively, deflect missiles
A: small, magic attunement, unstealthy, unfitting armour, antennae 1, claws 1,
sense surroundings 1, magical scales, able to fly
0: Orb of Zot
}: 3/15 runes: decaying, silver, gossamer
a: Stop Flying, Renounce Religion

You escaped.
You worshipped Vehumet.
Vehumet was exalted by your worship.
You were not hungry.

You visited 11 branches of the dungeon, and saw 53 of its levels.
You visited the Abyss 1 time.
You also visited: Trove.

You collected 11123 gold pieces.
You spent 3185 gold pieces at shops.


Hand Weapons
 i - a +2 dagger of flaming
 w - the +8 lance "Wyrmbane" (weapon) {slay drac, rPois rF+ rC+ AC+3}
   (You took it off Frederick on level 2 of the Depths)   
   It affects your AC (+3).
   It protects you from fire.
   It protects you from cold.
   It protects you from poison.
 e - 1477 arrows
 p - a scarf of resistance (worn)
 u - the -1 pair of gloves of an ossuary (worn) {rPois MR+}
   (You took it off Nikola on level 3 of the Swamp)   
   It protects you from poison.
   It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments.
 F - a +2 pair of boots (worn)
 R - a +2 hat of intelligence (worn)
Magical Staves
 q - an uncursed staff of fire
 g - an uncursed ring of protection from cold
 n - the ring "Jejolar" (left hand) {rElec MR+ Int+6}
   (You acquired it on level 14 of the Dungeon)   
   [ring of protection from magic]
   It affects your intelligence (+6).
   It insulates you from electricity.
   It affects your resistance to hostile enchantments.
 s - the macabre finger necklace (around neck) {rN+}
   (You took it off a deep elf sorcerer on level 3 of the Elven Halls)   
   [amulet of nothing]
   It protects you from negative energy.
 A - the ring of Lufahoub {rF+ Dex+6 Slay+2}
   (You took it off a boggart on level 4 of the Depths)   
   [ring of dexterity]
   It affects your dexterity (+6).
   It affects your accuracy and damage with ranged weapons and melee attacks
   It protects you from fire.
 C - an uncursed ring of fire
 M - the ring "Wewnytz" (right hand) {rPois AC+4 Dex+2 SInv}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 2 of the Orcish Mines)   
   [ring of protection]
   It affects your AC (+4).
   It affects your dexterity (+2).
   It protects you from poison.
   It lets you see invisible.
 X - the ring of the Special Seas (on amulet) {Fire rN+ Dex+7 Stlth+}
   (You acquired it on level 1 of the Spider Nest)   
   [ring of fire]
   It enhances your fire magic.
   It affects your dexterity (+7).
   It protects you from fire.
   It makes you vulnerable to cold.
   It protects you from negative energy.
   It makes you more stealthy.
 h - a wand of enslavement (43)
 o - a wand of disintegration (88)
 z - a wand of clouds (18)
 D - a wand of iceblast (77)
 H - a wand of acid (18)
 Q - a wand of flame (38)
 Y - a wand of digging (3)
 Z - a wand of scattershot (4)
 a - 13 scrolls of identify
 d - 4 scrolls of blinking
 k - a scroll of amnesia
 x - 6 scrolls of immolation
 y - 4 scrolls of fear
 E - a scroll of holy word
 G - 2 scrolls of magic mapping
 J - 29 scrolls of remove curse
 K - 4 scrolls of vulnerability
 V - 16 scrolls of teleportation
 f - 3 potions of invisibility
 j - 3 potions of magic
 l - 15 potions of heal wounds
 m - 12 potions of might
 r - 4 potions of brilliance
 t - 5 potions of mutation
 v - 4 potions of resistance
 L - 7 potions of agility
 N - 3 potions of ambrosia
 O - 9 potions of cancellation
 P - 20 potions of curing
 S - 4 potions of haste
 c - a phantom mirror
 B - a lightning rod (4/4)
 I - 3 boxes of beasts
 T - a fan of gales
 W - 3 sacks of spiders
 b - 70 rations

 + Level 17.6 Fighting
 - Level 16.0 Dodging
 - Level 1.2 Stealth
 - Level 25.4 Spellcasting
 - Level 22.2 Conjurations
 - Level 4.0 Hexes
 - Level 4.0 Charms
 - Level 4.0 Summonings
 - Level 16.7 Necromancy
 - Level 4.0 Translocations
 - Level 15.1 Transmutations
 - Level 21.1 Fire Magic
   Level 5.3 Ice Magic
 - Level 19.2 Air Magic
 - Level 4.0 Earth Magic
 - Level 4.1 Poison Magic
 + Level 15.0 Evocations

You had 8 spell levels left.
You knew the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power        Failure   Level  Hunger
a - Fireball              Conj/Fire      ########..   0%          5    None
b - Blink                 Tloc           N/A          1%          2    None
c - Flame Tongue          Conj/Fire      #####        0%          1    None
d - Mephitic Cloud        Conj/Pois/Air  ########     0%          3    None
e - Fire Storm            Conj/Fire      ########..   1%          9    None
f - Dazzling Spray        Conj/Hex       ######       0%          3    None
g - Regeneration          Chrm/Necr      #######...   0%          3    None
h - Cause Fear            Hex            ######....   1%          4    None
i - Summon Butterflies    Summ           ######..     1%          1    None
j - Deflect Missiles      Chrm/Air       #######...   1%          6    None
k - Conjure Flame         Conj/Fire      ########     0%          3    None
l - Sticks to Snakes      Tmut           ########     0%          2    None
m - Tornado               Air            ########..   2%          9    None
n - Necromutation         Tmut/Necr      ########..   3%          8    None
o - Passwall              Tmut/Erth      #######...   0%          2    None
x - Orb of Destruction    Conj           ########..   1%          7    None

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (15/15)            Temple (1/1) D:7            Lair (6/6) D:9
  Swamp (4/4) Lair:2       Spider (4/4) Lair:4        Slime (0/5) Lair:6
    Orc (2/2) D:9             Elf (3/3) Orc:2        Vaults (5/5) D:14
  Crypt (3/3) Vaults:2       Tomb (0/3) Crypt:3      Depths (5/5) D:15
    Zot (5/5) Depths:5   

Nemelex Xobeh
Sif Muna
Wu Jian
The Shining One

D:5 %   D:9 =   D:11 !*   Orc:2 [%=!   Elf:3 ?   Vaults:1 !   Vaults:5 [   Depths:2 %(%[
Depths:4 (

Hell: Depths:1 Depths:2 Depths:3 Depths:4 Depths:5
Abyss: Depths:4
Pandemonium: Depths:1 Depths:3 Depths:5
Ziggurat: Depths:5

D:4 exclusion: downstairs
D:7 1 runed door

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

Your spells do not cause hunger and MP costs are reduced by 1.
Your bright wings attract enemies. (Stealth-)
You cannot fit into any form of body armour.
You are small and have problems with some larger weapons.
Your scales shimmer with magical energies. (AC +6, SH +6)
You can fly continuously.
You have a pair of small antennae on your head.
You have sharp fingernails.
You passively map a small area around you.

Message History

Aiming: Fire Storm (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor, f - iron imp
Aim: an iron imp
You feel a surge of power! A raging storm of fire appears!
The great blast of fire engulfs the iron imp.
The iron imp partially resists.
You kill the iron imp!
Vehumet accepts your kill.
You feel your power returning.
(D) Dungeon        (T) Temple         (L) Lair           (S) Swamp         
(N) Spider Nest    (M) Slime Pits     (O) Orcish Mines   (E) Elven Halls   
(V) Vaults         (C) Crypt          (W) Tomb           (U) Depths         
(H) Hell           (Z) Zot           
Where to? (Enter - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help)
There is a stone staircase leading up here.
You fly upwards.
There is a stone staircase leading down here.
There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here.
Unknown command.
You have escaped!


There were no monsters in sight!

Vanquished Creatures
  10 ancient liches
  Mennas (Depths:5)
  4 orbs of fire
  the Lernaean hydra (Swamp:4)
  Saint Roka (Crypt:3)
  Xtahua (Depths:4)
  Frederick (Depths:2)
  3 Killer Klowns (Zot:5)
  2 curse toes (Zot:5)
  4 caustic shrikes (Depths:5)
  Jory (Crypt:3)
  7 golden dragons
  Nikola (Swamp:3)
  Arachne (Spider:4)
  5 electric golems
  5 liches
  Jorgrun (Swamp:2)
  Rupert (Spider:1)
  An Ice Fiend (Zot:5)
  2 shard shrike skeletons
  2 deep elf blademasters (Elf:3)
  16 tentacled monstrosities
  27 Orb Guardians
  5 quicksilver dragons
  4 acid blobs (Depths:3)
  The ghost of Mofeum the Devastator, an adept FDWz of Vehumet (Elf:3)
  3 titans
  3 ancient champions
  9 death cobs
  A deep elf master archer (Elf:3)
  Kirke (D:14)
  17 storm dragons
  A tentacled starspawn (Abyss:5)
  10 sphinxes
  3 thorn hunters
  7 shadow dragons
  16 draconian monks
  Donald (Swamp:3)
  5 tengu reavers
  2 azure jellies (Depths:3)
  8 revenants
  2 iron dragons
  7 frost giants
  3 balrugs
  Aizul (Spider:4)
  11 fire giants
  8 vault wardens
  2 orc warlords (Orc:2)
  5 emperor scorpions (Spider:4)
  The ghost of Mofeum the Devastator, a journeyman FDFE of Vehumet (Elf:1)
  7 ghost moths
  Louise (Depths:4)
  4 draconian knights
  8 draconian scorchers
  5 deep elf elementalists (Elf:3)
  12 deep elf sorcerers
  A spriggan defender (Depths:4)
  7 ghouls
  12 very ugly things
  15 ironheart preservers
  2 draconian stormcallers (Zot:3)
  18 stone giants
  A reaper (D:9)
  8 draconian annihilators
  5 curse skulls
  7 draconian shifters
  13 green draconians
  5 deep elf demonologists
  2 war gargoyles (Vaults:5)
  Nessos (Lair:4)
  3 entropy weavers
  19 vampire knights
  A lorocyproca (Depths:1)
  9 red draconians
  A minotaur (shapeshifter) (Depths:2)
  5 black draconians
  2 black suns (D:5)
  13 purple draconians
  17 deep elf annihilators
  10 spark wasps
  10 white draconians
  4 yellow draconians
  Snorg (D:11)
  A merfolk javelineer (Depths:4)
  A blizzard demon (Depths:5)
  3 eidola (Crypt:2)
  21 ettins
  A crystal guardian (Vaults:4)
  7 statues (Depths:2)
  12 deep elf death magi
  18 yaktaur captains
  A mummy priest (Crypt:3)
  8 fire dragons
  12 deep elf high priests
  11 jiangshi
  Josephine (D:12)
  15 great orbs of eyes
  6 rakshasas
  A monstrous demonspawn (D:5)
  2 ghost crabs
  33 vault guards
  5 centaur warriors
  15 ice dragons
  16 hydras
  An alligator snapping turtle (shapeshifter) (Depths:4)
  5 spriggan air magi
  2 catoblepae (Lair:6)
  7 alligators
  4 death knights
  13 ogre magi
  37 two-headed ogres
  10 deep troll shamans
  24 dancing weapons
  7 tengu warriors
  A death yak (Lair:6)
  3 thrashing horrors (Abyss:5)
  13 vampire magi
  7 hell knights
  8 orc high priests
  6 deep troll earth magi
  2 spriggan berserkers
  3 large abominations (Abyss:5)
  Sonja (D:12)
  4 soul eaters
  A titan zombie (Crypt:3)
  Nergalle (Lair:4)
  3 sun demons
  27 deep elf knights
  2 sixfirhies
  34 skeletal warriors
  8 shadow wraiths
  A wretched star (Abyss:5)
  A salamander mystic (Depths:5)
  A storm dragon skeleton (Crypt:1)
  6 iron trolls
  2 death drakes (Depths:5)
  2 unseen horrors
  9 flayed ghosts
  4 spriggan druids
  26 deep trolls
  A death drake (shapeshifter) (Depths:1)
  7 wizards
  2 small abominations
  A gelid demonspawn (Depths:5)
  17 deep elf archers
  3 glowing orange brains
  11 swamp dragons
  21 orc knights
  Pikel (D:5)
  3 obsidian statues
  6 lindwurms
  2 shambling mangroves
  A golden dragon skeleton (Crypt:1)
  3 shadow dragon zombies
  25 phantasmal warriors
  8 harpies
  13 ironbrand convokers
  An iron dragon zombie (Crypt:3)
  9 necromancers
  22 orb spiders
  4 orc sorcerers
  23 wolf spiders
  68 deep elf magi
  A cyclops (Vaults:1)
  A fire giant zombie (Crypt:3)
  A faun (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5)
  The ghost of Mofeum the Conjurer, a novice FDFE (D:5)
  23 moths of wrath
  4 salamanders
  2 black mambas
  61 ugly things
  4 centaur zombies
  12 vault sentinels
  2 manticores (Lair:6)
  A toenail golem (Zot:5)
  2 rust devils
  An eye of devastation (shapeshifter) (Elf:2)
  2 elephants (Lair:6)
  An alligator snapping turtle zombie (Crypt:2)
  An orange demon (Depths:5)
  2 smoke demons (Abyss:5)
  2 storm dragon simulacra
  A black mamba (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3)
  2 gargoyles (D:13)
  7 torpor snails
  A dire elephant skeleton (Abyss:5)
  A pale draconian zombie (Crypt:1)
  14 spiny frogs
  12 demonic crawlers
  12 rime drakes
  12 komodo dragons
  A hellwing (Depths:1)
  3 efreet
  36 yaktaurs
  A redback zombie (Crypt:3)
  A yellow draconian zombie (Crypt:1)
  22 freezing wraiths
  A queen bee (shapeshifter) (Depths:4)
  2 ice devils (Depths:1)
  An iron troll skeleton (Crypt:3)
  10 trolls
  4 tengu conjurers
  A hydra zombie (Crypt:3)
  2 red devils (Depths:5)
  A harpy zombie (Crypt:3)
  6 guardian mummies (Crypt:3)
  29 jumping spiders
  A meliai (shapeshifter) (Vaults:3)
  3 meliai (D:15)
  A merfolk (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5)
  23 hornets
  2 trolls (shapeshifter)
  5 tyrant leeches
  A wind drake (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  A merfolk (D:11)
  47 slime creatures
  15 hippogriffs
  A polar bear (Lair:3)
  A tengu simulacrum (Vaults:1)
  2 dream sheep (Lair:6)
  A slime creature (shapeshifter) (Elf:2)
  18 bog bodies
  3 ettin zombies (Crypt:3)
  A hippogriff (shapeshifter) (Vaults:1)
  10 blink frogs
  A hydra skeleton (Crypt:2)
  3 air elementals
  2 black mamba zombies
  73 redbacks
  8 water elementals
  A flying skull (Crypt:1)
  3 starcursed masses (Abyss:5)
  4 shadows
  A fire dragon skeleton (Abyss:5)
  17 wraiths
  A vampire (D:10)
  5 spriggans
  29 tarantellas
  4 wyverns
  2 fire bats (Abyss:5)
  16 yaks
  2 fire elementals (Elf:1)
  3 hogs (D:14)
  17 humans (D:14)
  A hungry ghost (D:9)
  6 steam dragons (Lair:5)
  3 basilisks
  Grum (D:8)
  A basilisk (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4)
  2 neqoxecs
  A hog (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4)
  28 vampire mosquitoes
  A soldier ant (shapeshifter) (Depths:1)
  13 wargs
  17 swamp worms
  16 insubstantial wisps
  8 water moccasins
  2 acid dragons
  A spiny frog zombie (Crypt:3)
  6 porcupines
  2 hell hounds (Depths:5)
  A floating eye (shapeshifter) (Depths:4)
  6 sky beasts
  A faun skeleton (Crypt:2)
  An ice beast (shapeshifter) (Vaults:5)
  74 orc warriors
  5 black bears
  26 swamp drakes
  7 ice beasts
  A dream sheep zombie (Crypt:2)
  2 phantoms (D:9)
  A two-headed ogre skeleton (Crypt:3)
  A black bear (shapeshifter) (D:15)
  32 ogres
  2 eyes of draining
  4 necrophages
  12 boggarts
  11 wolves
  22 centaurs
  A snapping turtle skeleton (Abyss:5)
  A swamp dragon skeleton (Crypt:2)
  13 crocodiles
  18 bullfrogs
  2 wyvern zombies
  2 big kobolds
  An earth elemental (Elf:1)
  3 wyvern skeletons
  4 scorpions
  A troll zombie (D:9)
  A human simulacrum (Vaults:3)
  7 killer bees
  13 wights
  A spriggan skeleton (Crypt:1)
  2 electric eels
  2 howler monkeys
  7 crimson imps
  5 quasits
  A bullfrog zombie (D:13)
  7 hounds
  An iron imp (D:2)
  7 jellies
  24 orc wizards
  A basilisk zombie (Crypt:2)
  43 orc priests
  A gnoll shaman (Orc:2)
  7 centaur skeletons
  7 iguanas
  Jessica (D:3)
  7 bullfrog skeletons
  Ijyb (D:4)
  A hell rat (Lair:6)
  8 worker ants
  A felid zombie (Crypt:1)
  5 ogre zombies (D:9)
  An acid dragon skeleton (Crypt:1)
  A felid skeleton (Crypt:2)
  A naga skeleton (Crypt:3)
  A hound skeleton (D:5)
  A worker ant zombie (D:10)
  5 gnolls (Orc:2)
  9 adders
  2 howler monkey skeletons
  7 shadow imps
  An ooze (Depths:3)
  A worm (D:2)
  2 dart slugs
  7 leopard geckos
  136 orcs
  2 ball pythons
  9 bats
  3 giant cockroaches
  8 goblins
  8 hobgoblins
  10 jackals
  15 kobolds
  5 quokkas
  11 frilled lizards
  A goblin skeleton (D:9)
  A goblin zombie (D:9)
  5 hobgoblin zombies (D:9)
  A jackal skeleton (D:5)
  A leopard gecko skeleton (D:6)
  A leopard gecko zombie (D:5)
  2 orc skeletons (D:9)
  10 orc zombies (D:9)
  5 rats
  A bush (Elf:3)
  A butterfly (Lair:3)
  4 crawling corpses (Elf:3)
  26 fire vortices
  A fungus (Lair:2)
  A lurking horror (Abyss:5)
  27 plants
  2 starspawn tentacles (Abyss:5)
2688 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  A tentacled monstrosity (Zot:4)
  2 Orb Guardians (Zot:5)
  A quicksilver dragon (Depths:3)
  A deep elf master archer (Elf:3)
  2 storm dragons
  A shadow dragon (Vaults:5)
  An ironheart preserver (Vaults:3)
  A stone giant (Vaults:3)
  A ghoul (Crypt:1)
  A very ugly thing (Depths:3)
  A vampire knight (Crypt:3)
  A black draconian (Depths:5)
  A white draconian (Zot:1)
  A statue (Depths:2)
  2 red draconians (Zot:3)
  2 dire elephants (Lair:6)
  2 great orbs of eyes
  A vault guard (Vaults:5)
  3 two-headed ogres
  A hydra (Swamp:3)
  A deep troll shaman (Depths:4)
  2 death yaks (Lair:6)
  A deep troll earth mage (Depths:3)
  A skeletal warrior (Crypt:2)
  A ghost moth zombie (Crypt:3)
  An orb spider (Spider:4)
  A lindwurm (Lair:6)
  2 wolf spiders
  A deep elf mage (Vaults:3)
  A rime drake (Lair:6)
  2 jumping spiders
  A hippogriff (D:13)
  A dream sheep (shapeshifter) (Vaults:4)
  A wraith (Crypt:3)
  5 redbacks
  An ice dragon skeleton (Crypt:1)
  3 orc warriors
  An eye of draining (Abyss:5)
  2 boggarts
  2 centaurs
  A wight (Crypt:1)
  An electric eel (Spider:2)
  2 crimson imps
  2 orc priests
  An orc wizard (Vaults:2)
  A shadow imp (Depths:5)
  A halfling zombie (Crypt:2)
  9 orcs
  A giant cockroach zombie (Crypt:3)
  A jackal zombie (Crypt:2)
  2 crawling corpses (Elf:3)
  A fungus (Lair:6)
  A plant (Lair:6)
82 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A spriggan (Swamp:4)
  A wizard (D:14)
  A deep elf mage (Depths:2)
  A moth of wrath (Zot:5)
  A hornet (Swamp:4)
  An orc warrior (Elf:2)
  A killer bee (D:11)
  2 orcs (Orc:2)
  790 fire vortices
  18 fungi
  30 plants
  4 starspawn tentacles (Abyss:5)
851 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 3621 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | Mofeum the Faerie Dragon Fire Elementalist began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 11/11 MP: 6/6
   127 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 17/17 MP: 7/7
   146 | D:1      | Found a shattered altar of Ashenzari.
   430 | D:1      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 21/21 MP: 9/9
  1033 | D:2      | Learned a level 3 spell: Conjure Flame
  1064 | D:2      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 27/27 MP: 10/10
  1069 | D:2      | Reached skill level 5 in Fire Magic
  1442 | D:3      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 28/31 MP: 11/11
  2026 | D:3      | Noticed Jessica
  2029 | D:3      | Killed Jessica
  2029 | D:3      | Reached skill level 5 in Conjurations
  2036 | D:3      | Learned a level 5 spell: Fireball
  2421 | D:4      | Noticed Ijyb
  2431 | D:4      | Killed Ijyb
  2431 | D:4      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 27/36 MP: 4/12
  2808 | D:4      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 41/41 MP: 13/13
  2810 | D:4      | Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw.
  2946 | D:4      | Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna.
  3012 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  3092 | D:5      | Noticed Mofeum's ghost (novice FDFE)
  3796 | D:5      | Killed Mofeum's ghost
  3796 | D:5      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 24/46 MP: 3/14
  3941 | D:5      | Found Doisurphaf's Food Shop.
  4303 | D:5      | Noticed Pikel
  4316 | D:5      | Killed Pikel
  4316 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Fighting
  4316 | D:5      | Reached skill level 3 in Spellcasting
  4316 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations
  4385 | D:6      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 54/54 MP: 16/16
  4411 | D:6      | Reached skill level 4 in Spellcasting
  5617 | D:6      | Learned a level 3 spell: Mephitic Cloud
  5850 | D:7      | Learned a level 2 spell: Sticks to Snakes
  6006 | D:7      | Found a runed door.
  6088 | D:7      | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  6097 | Temple   | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
  6206 | Temple   | Became a worshipper of Vehumet
  6547 | D:7      | Reached skill level 1 in Air Magic
  6547 | D:7      | Reached skill level 1 in Poison Magic
  6558 | D:7      | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting
  6562 | D:7      | Reached skill level 1 in Transmutations
  7105 | D:8      | Reached XP level 10. HP: 63/63 MP: 16/19
  7599 | D:8      | Reached * piety under Vehumet
  7599 | D:8      | Offered knowledge of Shock by Vehumet.
  7599 | D:8      | Reached skill level 10 in Conjurations
  7647 | D:8      | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging
  7733 | D:8      | Noticed a two-headed ogre
  7747 | D:8      | Killed a two-headed ogre
  7856 | D:8      | Reached skill level 10 in Fire Magic
  7858 | D:8      | Noticed Grum
  7874 | D:8      | Killed Grum
  8045 | D:9      | Reached skill level 6 in Spellcasting
  8302 | D:9      | Identified the +6 spear "Ivaost" {freeze, Str+7} (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon)
  8308 | D:9      | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
  8411 | D:9      | Reached ** piety under Vehumet
  8419 | D:9      | Offered knowledge of Freeze by Vehumet.
  8464 | D:9      | Found a staircase to the Lair.
  8623 | D:9      | Found Ludgh's Jewellery Shoppe.
  8633 | D:9      | Bought the ring of Midsummer {rF++ Dex+2} for 320 gold pieces
  8660 | D:9      | Noticed a two-headed ogre
  8664 | D:9      | Killed a two-headed ogre
  8664 | D:9      | Reached XP level 11. HP: 69/69 MP: 3/22
  9159 | D:9      | Offered knowledge of Stone Arrow by Vehumet.
  9164 | D:9      | Learned a level 3 spell: Stone Arrow
  9244 | D:10     | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
  9278 | D:10     | Noticed a two-headed ogre
  9286 | D:10     | Killed a two-headed ogre
  9741 | D:10     | Noticed a brown ugly thing
  9745 | D:10     | Killed a brown ugly thing
  9975 | D:10     | Reached *** piety under Vehumet
 10869 | D:11     | Found Lizxuhuo's Changing Room.
 10893 | D:11     | Reached skill level 7 in Spellcasting
 11072 | D:11     | Noticed a deep elf mage
 11075 | D:11     | Killed a deep elf mage
 11172 | D:11     | Offered knowledge of Airstrike by Vehumet.
 11217 | D:11     | Reached skill level 5 in Evocations
 11292 | D:11     | Found Kiwakhlalyt's Distillery.
 11305 | D:11     | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
 11330 | D:11     | Bought a potion of degeneration for 15 gold pieces
 11330 | D:11     | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 75 gold pieces
 11404 | D:11     | Noticed a skeletal warrior
 11404 | D:11     | Noticed a skeletal warrior
 11407 | D:11     | Noticed a skeletal warrior
 11417 | D:11     | Killed a skeletal warrior
 11420 | D:11     | Killed a skeletal warrior
 11433 | D:11     | Killed a skeletal warrior
 11576 | D:11     | Learned a level 3 spell: Dazzling Spray
 11697 | D:11     | Reached XP level 12. HP: 77/77 MP: 21/25
 11869 | D:11     | Noticed Snorg
 11875 | D:11     | Killed Snorg
 11875 | D:11     | Reached skill level 8 in Spellcasting
 12639 | D:12     | Noticed Sonja
 12639 | D:12     | Killed Sonja
 12643 | D:12     | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 12665 | D:12     | Killed a two-headed ogre
 12671 | D:12     | Reached **** piety under Vehumet
 13057 | D:12     | Offered knowledge of Ignite Poison by Vehumet.
 13059 | D:12     | Noticed Josephine
 13063 | D:12     | Learned a level 4 spell: Cause Fear
 13064 | D:12     | Killed Josephine
 13080 | D:12     | Reached skill level 9 in Spellcasting
 13299 | D:13     | Reached skill level 1 in Hexes
 13302 | D:13     | Reached ***** piety under Vehumet
 13302 | D:13     | Offered knowledge of Spellforged Servitor by Vehumet.
 13669 | D:13     | Noticed a five-headed hydra
 13673 | D:13     | Killed a five-headed hydra
 13674 | D:13     | Reached XP level 13. HP: 85/85 MP: 11/28
 14161 | Lair:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
 14401 | Lair:1   | Found a transporter.
 14465 | Lair:1   | Found a transporter.
 15458 | Lair:2   | Reached skill level 10 in Spellcasting
 15707 | Lair:2   | Found a staircase to the Swamp.
 16324 | Lair:3   | Found the +3 sling "Punk" {acid, rCorr}
 16383 | Lair:3   | Offered knowledge of Iron Shot by Vehumet.
 17016 | Lair:4   | Noticed Nessos
 17019 | Lair:4   | Killed Nessos
 17021 | Lair:4   | Noticed Nergalle
 17026 | Lair:4   | Killed Nergalle
 17391 | Lair:4   | Learned a level 1 spell: Summon Butterflies
 17398 | Lair:4   | Learned a level 6 spell: Iron Shot
 17447 | Lair:4   | Found a hole to the Spider Nest.
 17789 | Lair:5   | Reached XP level 14. HP: 83/93 MP: 21/30
 17793 | Lair:5   | Reached skill level 1 in Earth Magic
 17803 | Lair:5   | Reached skill level 1 in Summonings
 17809 | Lair:5   | Identified the cursed +2 whip "Sang" {freeze, rC+ Dex+6} (You found it on level 5 of the Lair of Beasts)
 17898 | Lair:5   | Reached skill level 11 in Spellcasting
 17933 | Lair:5   | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging
 18580 | Lair:6   | Entered Level 6 of the Lair of Beasts
 18677 | Lair:6   | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
 18677 | Lair:6   | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
 18985 | Lair:6   | Found a stormy altar of Qazlal.
 19087 | Lair:6   | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink
 19542 | Lair:6   | Reached skill level 1 in Translocations
 19545 | Lair:6   | Noticed a dire elephant
 19668 | Lair:6   | Offered knowledge of Yara's Violent Unravelling by Vehumet.
 19671 | Lair:6   | Killed a dire elephant
 20252 | Lair:6   | Noticed a dire elephant
 20328 | Lair:6   | Killed a dire elephant
 20900 | Lair:6   | Found a runed door.
 21801 | Orc:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
 22074 | Orc:2    | Entered Level 2 of the Orcish Mines
 22075 | Orc:2    | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls.
 22095 | Orc:2    | Offered knowledge of Iskenderun's Battlesphere by Vehumet.
 22098 | Orc:2    | Reached XP level 15. HP: 89/100 MP: 3/32
 22217 | Orc:2    | Noticed an orc warlord
 22238 | Orc:2    | Noticed an orc warlord
 22253 | Orc:2    | Reached skill level 12 in Spellcasting
 22898 | Orc:2    | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) [a neqoxec]
 22937 | Orc:2    | Killed an orc warlord
 23301 | Orc:2    | Killed an orc warlord
 23910 | Orc:2    | Found Iryess's Jewellery Emporium.
 23913 | Orc:2    | Found Coycisol's Food Shoppe.
 23914 | Orc:2    | Found Dugonwaesh's Distillery.
 23915 | Orc:2    | Found Osmiaq's Armour Emporium.
 23922 | Orc:2    | Bought the ring "Wewnytz" {rPois AC+4 Dex+2 SInv} for 889 gold pieces
 23922 | Orc:2    | Bought an uncursed ring of see invisible for 240 gold pieces
 23926 | Orc:2    | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 90 gold pieces
 23926 | Orc:2    | Bought 2 potions of curing for 108 gold pieces
 23926 | Orc:2    | Bought a potion of might for 72 gold pieces
 23926 | Orc:2    | Bought a potion of curing for 54 gold pieces
 23926 | Orc:2    | Bought a potion of resistance for 180 gold pieces
 23926 | Orc:2    | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 90 gold pieces
 23926 | Orc:2    | Bought a potion of haste for 180 gold pieces
 24083 | Swamp:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp
 24134 | Swamp:1  | Offered knowledge of Bolt of Fire by Vehumet.
 24706 | Swamp:1  | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting
 24821 | Swamp:1  | Reached skill level 13 in Spellcasting
 25717 | Swamp:2  | Reached skill level 15 in Conjurations
 25749 | Swamp:2  | Reached skill level 15 in Fire Magic
 26006 | Swamp:2  | Reached XP level 16. HP: 109/109 MP: 28/32
 26017 | Swamp:2  | Noticed Jorgrun
 26021 | Swamp:2  | Killed Jorgrun
 26269 | Swamp:2  | Offered knowledge of Orb of Destruction by Vehumet.
 26278 | Swamp:2  | Learned a level 7 spell: Orb of Destruction
 26992 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Nikola
 27009 | Swamp:3  | Killed Nikola
 27034 | Swamp:3  | Reached skill level 14 in Spellcasting
 27043 | Swamp:3  | Learned a level 3 spell: Regeneration
 27153 | Swamp:3  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 27157 | Swamp:3  | Killed a thorn hunter
 27157 | Swamp:3  | Reached skill level 1 in Charms
 27157 | Swamp:3  | Reached skill level 1 in Necromancy
 27220 | Swamp:3  | Noticed Donald
 27223 | Swamp:3  | Killed Donald
 28063 | Swamp:4  | Entered Level 4 of the Swamp
 28070 | Swamp:4  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 28073 | Swamp:4  | Killed a thorn hunter
 28137 | Swamp:4  | Noticed a thorn hunter
 28140 | Swamp:4  | Killed a thorn hunter
 28510 | Swamp:4  | Reached skill level 5 in Necromancy
 28690 | Swamp:4  | Reached ****** piety under Vehumet
 28964 | Swamp:4  | Noticed the 27-headed Lernaean hydra
 28973 | Swamp:4  | Reached XP level 17. HP: 115/115 MP: 13/33
 28984 | Swamp:4  | Offered knowledge of Conjure Ball Lightning by Vehumet.
 29353 | Swamp:4  | Killed the 27-headed Lernaean hydra
 29559 | Swamp:4  | Got a decaying rune of Zot
 29746 | Swamp:4  | Reached XP level 18. HP: 121/121 MP: 34/34
 29747 | Swamp:4  | Reached XP level 19. HP: 127/127 MP: 35/35
 29781 | Swamp:4  | Learned a level 6 spell: Freezing Cloud
 30667 | D:14     | Reached skill level 1 in Ice Magic
 30953 | D:14     | Noticed Kirke
 30966 | D:14     | Killed Kirke
 31182 | D:14     | Identified a scroll of acquirement
 31183 | D:14     | Got a slimy jade ring
 31184 | D:14     | Identified the ring "Jejolar" {rElec MR+ Int+6} (You acquired it on level 14 of the Dungeon)
 31482 | D:14     | Found a gate to the Vaults.
 31570 | D:14     | Reached skill level 5 in Air Magic
 31808 | D:15     | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
 32825 | D:15     | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru.
 32963 | D:15     | Found a staircase to the Depths.
 33341 | Elf:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls
 33384 | Elf:1    | Noticed Mofeum's ghost (journeyman FDFE)
 33388 | Elf:1    | Killed Mofeum's ghost
 34117 | Elf:1    | Reached skill level 15 in Spellcasting
 34329 | Elf:1    | Identified the +6 trident "Hydrabane" {elec, rPois} (You found it on level 1 of the Elven Halls)
 34743 | Elf:1    | Identified the Compendium of Combat Magic
 35325 | Elf:2    | Reached XP level 20. HP: 135/135 MP: 33/37
 35416 | Elf:2    | Reached skill level 5 in Ice Magic
 35899 | Elf:2    | Found a runed gate.
 35899 | Elf:2    | Found a runed gate.
 35899 | Elf:2    | Found a runed gate.
 36007 | Elf:2    | Offered knowledge of Fire Storm by Vehumet.
 36007 | Elf:2    | Offered knowledge of Shatter by Vehumet.
 36007 | Elf:2    | Offered knowledge of Tornado by Vehumet.
 36030 | Elf:2    | Learned a level 9 spell: Fire Storm
 36811 | Elf:3    | Entered Level 3 of the Elven Halls
 37257 | Elf:3    | Noticed Mofeum's ghost (adept FDWz)
 37265 | Elf:3    | Killed Mofeum's ghost
 37443 | Elf:3    | Found Akkoont's Magic Scroll Emporium.
 37446 | Elf:3    | Bought a scroll of identify for 36 gold pieces
 37446 | Elf:3    | Bought a scroll of identify for 36 gold pieces
 37446 | Elf:3    | Bought a scroll of blinking for 135 gold pieces
 37446 | Elf:3    | Bought a scroll of identify for 36 gold pieces
 37446 | Elf:3    | Bought a scroll of holy word for 135 gold pieces
 37585 | Elf:3    | Reached skill level 16 in Spellcasting
 37673 | Elf:3    | Reached XP level 21. HP: 140/140 MP: 28/39
 37680 | Elf:3    | Reached skill level 17 in Spellcasting
 37924 | Elf:3    | Got a coiled pewter ring
 38215 | Elf:3    | Identified Kikubaaqudgha's Handbook of Black Rituals
 38294 | Elf:3    | Identified the Catalogue of Good Luck
 38324 | Elf:3    | Identified the ring "Yxilluir" {-Tele rF+ MR+ MP+9} (You took it off a deep elf mage on level 3 of the Elven Halls)
 38448 | Elf:3    | Identified the cursed +1 whip "Fuffi" {drain, Str+2 SInv} (You found it on level 3 of the Elven Halls)
 38450 | Elf:3    | Identified the +1 scimitar of Kywiqepn {holy, rPois Stlth+} (You took it off a deep elf demonologist on level 3 of the Elven Halls)
 38490 | Elf:3    | Identified the cursed +0 pair of gloves "Najuil" {-Cast rF+ rN+ Int+2} (You found it on level 3 of the Elven Halls)
 38832 | Swamp:3  | Identified the -1 pair of gloves of an ossuary {rPois MR+} (You took it off Nikola on level 3 of the Swamp)
 39537 | Spider:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Spider Nest
 40036 | Spider:1 | Noticed Rupert
 40037 | Spider:1 | Killed Rupert
 40224 | Spider:1 | Got a glittering brass ring
 40225 | Spider:1 | Identified the ring of the Special Seas {Fire rN+ Dex+7 Stlth+} (You acquired it on level 1 of the Spider Nest)
 41605 | Spider:3 | Reached skill level 18 in Spellcasting
 42181 | Spider:4 | Entered Level 4 of the Spider Nest
 42184 | Spider:4 | Noticed Arachne
 42185 | Spider:4 | Killed Arachne
 42199 | Spider:4 | Noticed Aizul
 42200 | Spider:4 | Killed Aizul
 43147 | Spider:4 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 146/146 MP: 16/41
 43683 | Spider:4 | Got a gossamer rune of Zot
 43796 | Spider:4 | Learned a level 9 spell: Tornado
 44094 | Vaults:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults
 44737 | Vaults:1 | Found Nis Dips's Distillery.
 44745 | Vaults:1 | Bought a potion of curing for 57 gold pieces
 44745 | Vaults:1 | Bought a potion of curing for 57 gold pieces
 44745 | Vaults:1 | Bought a potion of curing for 57 gold pieces
 44745 | Vaults:1 | Bought a potion of heal wounds for 95 gold pieces
 44745 | Vaults:1 | Bought a potion of brilliance for 76 gold pieces
 44745 | Vaults:1 | Bought a potion of magic for 152 gold pieces
 46743 | Vaults:2 | Reached skill level 19 in Spellcasting
 46794 | Vaults:2 | Found a staircase to the Crypt.
 48006 | Vaults:3 | Reached skill level 10 in Air Magic
 48836 | Vaults:3 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 152/152 MP: 25/43
 50658 | Vaults:4 | Identified the +2 quick blade "Ceconapn" {vamp, rN+} (You found it on level 4 of the Vaults)
 50686 | Vaults:4 | Reached skill level 20 in Spellcasting
 51173 | Crypt:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt
 52206 | Crypt:1  | Reached XP level 24. HP: 158/158 MP: 32/44
 52788 | Crypt:1  | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
 52873 | Crypt:2  | Reached skill level 15 in Air Magic
 54259 | Crypt:3  | Entered Level 3 of the Crypt
 55307 | Crypt:3  | Noticed Saint Roka
 55308 | Crypt:3  | Killed Saint Roka
 55650 | Crypt:3  | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
 55744 | Crypt:3  | Noticed Jory
 55749 | Crypt:3  | Killed Jory
 56006 | Crypt:3  | Reached XP level 25. HP: 163/163 MP: 37/44
 56163 | Crypt:3  | Identified the Papyrus of Mutagenic Dislocation
 56314 | Crypt:3  | Found a staircase to the Tomb.
 56829 | Vaults:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Vaults
 56831 | Vaults:5 | Reached skill level 5 in Transmutations
 57070 | Vaults:5 | Got a transparent lead ring
 57071 | Vaults:5 | Identified the ring of Ritarot {Int+3 Stlth-} (You found it on level 5 of the Vaults)
 57110 | Vaults:5 | Reached skill level 21 in Spellcasting
 57518 | Vaults:5 | Reached skill level 10 in Necromancy
 57599 | Vaults:5 | Noticed an ancient lich
 57600 | Vaults:5 | Killed an ancient lich
 57899 | Vaults:5 | Lost mutation: Your magical capacity is low. (-10% MP) [potion of mutation]
 57899 | Vaults:5 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small antennae on your head. [potion of mutation]
 57899 | Vaults:5 | Gained mutation: You have sharp fingernails. [potion of mutation]
 57899 | Vaults:5 | Gained mutation: You passively map a small area around you. [potion of mutation]
 58085 | Vaults:5 | Found Onialeto's Armour Boutique.
 58173 | Vaults:5 | Learned a level 8 spell: Necromutation
 58657 | Vaults:5 | Identified the amulet "Quq Zoty" {+Rage rF- rC+ Dex+2} (You acquired it on level 5 of the Vaults)
 58704 | Vaults:5 | Identified the Disquisition on Enhancements and Stolen Souls
 58767 | Vaults:5 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 169/169 MP: 34/50
 58776 | Vaults:5 | Got a silver rune of Zot
 58945 | Vaults:5 | Identified the cursed +2 broad axe of Ipsyt {antimagic, rPois rF+ rC+ MR++} (You found it on level 5 of the Vaults)
 59164 | Depths:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Depths
 59182 | Depths:1 | Reached skill level 10 in Transmutations
 60513 | D:14     | Learned a level 6 spell: Deflect Missiles
 60598 | Depths:2 | Found Vouggeat's Food Boutique.
 61262 | Depths:1 | Found a gateway to Hell.
 61421 | Depths:1 | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure.
 61560 | Depths:1 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium.
 62086 | Depths:2 | Found Senifo's Food Shop.
 62148 | Depths:2 | Found Vitsotedgh's Armour Shop.
 62151 | Depths:2 | Found Wuxozu's Weapon Boutique.
 63147 | Depths:1 | You paid a toll of a +6 demon whip to enter a treasure trove
 63148 | Trove    | Entered a treasure trove
 63175 | Trove    | Got a shimmering platinum ring
 63179 | Trove    | Got a coiled sapphire amulet
 63181 | Trove    | Got a transparent bronze ring
 63208 | Trove    | Got a pair of transparent gloves
 63272 | Depths:1 | Identified the +0 pair of gloves of Fuifeaci {rC+ MP+9 Int-5} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 63274 | Depths:1 | Identified the ring "Rier" {-Tele AC+3 Str+3 Int+4 Dex+2} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 63276 | Depths:1 | Identified the amulet "Fofuceh" {+Rage rElec} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 63278 | Depths:1 | Identified the ring of the Postmodern Runes {Wiz Stlth+} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 64085 | Depths:2 | Noticed Frederick
 64087 | Depths:2 | Killed Frederick
 64436 | Depths:2 | Found a radiant altar of Vehumet.
 64962 | Depths:3 | Reached XP level 27. HP: 174/174 MP: 25/50
 64981 | Depths:3 | Reached skill level 15 in Necromancy
 66124 | Depths:3 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
 66764 | Depths:4 | Got a wavering lapis lazuli ring
 66935 | Depths:4 | Reached skill level 15 in Transmutations
 67125 | Depths:4 | Identified the cursed ring "Adghimot" {rC+ AC-6} (You took it off a tengu reaver on level 4 of the Depths)
 67170 | Depths:4 | Noticed Louise
 67172 | Depths:4 | Killed Louise
 67290 | Depths:4 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss.
 67467 | Depths:4 | Found Inurony's Weapon Boutique.
 67536 | Depths:4 | Noticed Xtahua
 67538 | Depths:4 | Killed Xtahua
 67847 | Depths:4 | Reached skill level 22 in Spellcasting
 68412 | Depths:4 | Got a heavily runed iron ring
 68478 | Depths:4 | Identified the ring of Lufahoub {rF+ Dex+6 Slay+2} (You took it off a boggart on level 4 of the Depths)
 68708 | Depths:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Depths
 68728 | Depths:5 | Noticed Mennas
 68778 | Depths:5 | Killed Mennas
 68824 | Depths:5 | Reached skill level 23 in Spellcasting
 69252 | Depths:5 | Found a gate to the Realm of Zot.
 69961 | Depths:5 | Reached skill level 24 in Spellcasting
 70580 | Depths:5 | Found a gateway to a ziggurat.
 70984 | Zot:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot
 70995 | Zot:1    | Reached skill level 25 in Spellcasting
 73374 | Zot:3    | Cast into level 5 of the Abyss (a Zot trap)
 73374 | Abyss:5  | Entered Level 5 of the Abyss
 73429 | Abyss:5  | Reached skill level 10 in Evocations
 73490 | Zot:3    | Escaped the Abyss
 74818 | Zot:4    | Noticed an orb of fire
 74826 | Zot:4    | Killed an orb of fire
 75431 | Zot:5    | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot
 75504 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting
 75845 | Zot:5    | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging
 75846 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 75858 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 75937 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 76118 | Zot:4    | Killed an ancient lich
 76412 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 76413 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 76450 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 76451 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 76505 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 76507 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 76509 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 76510 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 76617 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 76633 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 76640 | Zot:5    | Noticed an orb of fire
 76641 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 76642 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 76644 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 76649 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 76866 | Zot:5    | Killed an orb of fire
 77327 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 77699 | Zot:5    | Noticed an ancient lich
 77700 | Zot:5    | Killed an ancient lich
 77801 | Zot:5    | Learned a level 2 spell: Passwall
 78042 | Zot:5    | Got the Orb of Zot
 78144 | Zot:4    | Noticed Vuatiej the pandemonium lord
 78557 | D:5      | Reached skill level 15 in Evocations
 78628 | D:$      | Escaped with the Orb!

Vault maps used:
D:1:      dpeg_arrival_orchard, nrook_uturn, roderic_lattice_a,
D:2:      first_ration
D:3:      uniq_jessica
D:4:      eat_drink_and_be_merry_uskayaw, led_sif_pool, uniq_ijyb
D:5:      serial_shops, shop, uniq_pikel
D:7:      minmay_temple_entry_mist, uniq_crazy_yiuf_cottage
D:8:      uniq_grum
D:9:      lair_entry_dummy, zombieorc1_lemuel, serial_shops, shop
D:10:     serial_co_window_serial, co_window_paths_b, co_window_corner_a,
          co_window_cross_1, co_window_corner_a, co_window_corner_a,
          co_window_corner_a, co_window_of_opportunity_a,
          co_window_unsneaky_path_a, co_window_unsneaky_path_c,
          co_window_broadway_a, co_window_cross_3, co_window_paths_e,
          glass_columns_b, glass_columns_a
D:11:     serial_shops, shop, hangedman_stone_soup, nicolae_transmutations_shop,
D:12:     nrook_mini_backslash, uniq_sonja, uniq_josephine
D:13:     special_room
D:14:     grunt_vaults_entry_tiered, minmay_misc_feat_pillars,
          hangedman_decor_slide_cut, uniq_kirke
D:15:     grunt_enter_depths_hoard, nicolae_ru_path_of_blood, spider_trap
Temple:   regret_index_temple_sigil_plot
Lair:1:   gammafunk_cloud_chamber, st_stairs_6
Lair:2:   swamp_mist, wad_woods_road_02
Lair:3:   forest_entry_grove, lemuel_fruit_fields, grunt_megastairs_5
Lair:4:   dummy_spider_entry, uniq_nergalle, uniq_nessos
Lair:5:   bobbens_dragon_lair_wall, grunt_megastairs_2, serial_bayou_shore_b
Lair:6:   wormcave, hangedman_lair_in_review, slime_altar_1,
Swamp:1:  evilmike_swamp_ruin_house_1, swamp_pool1
Swamp:2:  evilmike_swamp_ruin_rubble_1, uniq_jorgrun
Swamp:3:  cheibrodos_swamp_heart_of_darkness, evilmike_swamp_ruin_house_3,
          infiniplex_staircase_pool, uniq_donald, uniq_nikola
Swamp:4:  grunt_swamp_rune_castle, infiniplex_staircase_pool_2
Spider:1: uniq_rupert
Spider:3: nicolae_orb_island
Spider:4: spider_rune_water, uniq_arachne, uniq_aizul
Orc:1:    basic_altar, trog_hazing_becter
Orc:2:    st_orc_pillars, mines5_lemuel
Elf:1:    minmay_elf_sorcery
Elf:3:    minmay_elf_hall_hex, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_behind_doors
Vaults:1: nicolae_vaults_asterisk, v_alt_pattern_4, vaults_mumra_chevron,
          v_alt_pattern_1, hangedman_vaults_pinch, ontoclasm_vaults_eye,
          vaults_room_pools, nicolae_vaults_statue_guard, vaults_dpeg_hooks,
          serial_shops, shop
Vaults:2: v_misc_16, vaults_standard_mumra_x, minmay_crypt_entry_simple_box,
          grunt_vaults_focal, nicolae_vaults_bisected_slash,
          ontoclasm_vaults_ligature, nicolae_vaults_gold_heap
Vaults:3: vaults_room_grunt_arrival_checkpoint, ontoclasm_vaults_fault,
          v_rooms_3, vaults_mumra_hexcomb, nicolae_vaults_little_squares_4,
          hangedman_vaults_variations, v_alt_pattern_5,
          nicolae_vaults_circle_grid_b, v_alt_pattern_3, v_rooms_1,
Vaults:4: hangedman_vaults_snaps, v_misc_27, v_misc_2, hangedman_vaults_corner,
          v_alt_pattern_6, v_pattern_4, vaults_room_semicircle,
          nicolae_vaults_little_squares_6, vaults_room_pool, st_octagons_1,
          ontoclasm_vaults_hangar, vaults_room_pools
Crypt:1:  cheibrodos_crypt_down_in_the_bonehoard
Crypt:2:  grunt_megastairs_4
Crypt:3:  church_of_pain_bobbens, tomb_entry_shell_bobbens, uniq_saint_roka
Depths:1: minmay_the_grid_3x3, rand_demon_pan_entry_1,
          nicolae_trove_entry_crystal, grunt_hell_entry_dis_old,
          hangedman_abyss_or_decor_stabs, hangedman_aviary
Depths:2: evilmike_halls_of_destruction, lightli_too_deep,
          serial_bayou_lagoon_a, grunt_decor_one_mirror, minmay_shoptagon
Depths:3: hourglass_vault, special_room, pan_entry, hell_entry,
Depths:4: minmay_nested_s, minmay_misc_feat_alley, hell_entry,
          nicolae_abyss_entry_one_way_or_another, serial_shops,
          nicolae_shop_crystal, serial_bayou_shore_a, uniq_xtahua
Depths:5: lemuel_castle_with_subvaults, enter_ziggurat_a, hellmouth_1,
          grunt_pan_entry_zigzag, hangedman_decor_push, uniq_mennas
Zot:1:    grunt_ministairs_13, st_single_dragon_hoard_2
Zot:4:    st_stairs_8
Abyss:5:  hangedman_abyss_rune_flesh_and_stone, hangedman_abyss_shoalhut
Trove:    trove_garden

Skill      XL: |  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
Conjurations   |  2     3  4  5  6  8  9    10 11 12 13    15 16 17    18 19 20 21 22             | 22.2
Fire Magic     |  4        5     6  8  9    10 11 12    13 15          16 18 19 20 21             | 21.1
Fighting       |                       1  3  4  5  6  7  8 10          11                      17 | 17.6
Dodging        |                       3  4  5  7  8  9 10             11                      16 | 16.0
Spellcasting   |                       3  5  6  7  9 10 11 13 14       15 16 18 19 20    21    25 | 25.4
Evocations     |                       1  3  4  5  6                    7  8                   15 | 15.0
Air Magic      |                          1  4                          6       10 14 19          | 19.2
Poison Magic   |                          1  4                                                    |  4.1
Transmutations |                          1  3  4                                         9 13 15 | 15.1
Hexes          |                                   2  4                                           |  4.0
Earth Magic    |                                         4                                        |  4.0
Summonings     |                                         4                                        |  4.0
Translocations |                                         3  4                                     |  4.0
Charms         |                                               4                                  |  4.0
Necromancy     |                                               6                         11 14 16 | 16.7
Ice Magic      |                                                        4  5                      |  5.3
Stealth        |                                                                                  |  1.2

Action                   |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 || total
Melee: Unarmed           |     1 |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       ||     1
       Dagger            |       |     1 |    68 |    39 |       |       |       |       |       ||   108
       Staff             |       |       |       |     7 |    43 |     2 |    10 |     1 |     5 ||    68
       Whip              |       |       |       |       |    26 |       |       |     1 |     2 ||    29
       Lance             |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    30 ||    30
 Cast: Flame Tongue      |    68 |   118 |   205 |   442 |   336 |    14 |    80 |    14 |       ||  1277
       Conjure Flame     |       |     1 |     6 |    14 |     2 |       |       |       |       ||    23
       Fireball          |       |       |    21 |   109 |   390 |    68 |   213 |   105 |    33 ||   939
       Sticks to Snakes  |       |       |       |     5 |    52 |     6 |     6 |       |       ||    69
       Dazzling Spray    |       |       |       |     6 |    59 |    12 |     3 |       |     1 ||    81
       Stone Arrow       |       |       |       |     5 |     9 |       |       |       |       ||    14
       Mephitic Cloud    |       |       |       |    12 |    16 |       |       |       |       ||    28
       Cause Fear        |       |       |       |       |     2 |       |       |       |       ||     2
       Blink             |       |       |       |       |    25 |    17 |     7 |     1 |    16 ||    66
       Summon Butterflie |       |       |       |       |    10 |       |       |       |     2 ||    12
       Iron Shot         |       |       |       |       |     3 |       |       |       |       ||     3
       Orb of Destructio |       |       |       |       |       |    70 |   107 |     9 |    55 ||   241
       Regeneration      |       |       |       |       |       |     2 |     5 |       |    13 ||    20
       Freezing Cloud    |       |       |       |       |       |       |     5 |       |       ||     5
       Fire Storm        |       |       |       |       |       |       |   128 |   327 |   657 ||  1112
       Tornado           |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     9 ||     9
       Deflect Missiles  |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     4 ||     4
       Necromutation     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |    27 ||    27
 Abil: Fly               |       |       |       |       |       |     1 |       |       |       ||     1
       Stop Flying       |       |       |       |       |       |     1 |       |       |       ||     1
       End Transformatio |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     2 ||     2
Evoke: Wand              |       |       |       |       |     1 |     1 |     5 |     2 |     1 ||    10
       Sack of spiders   |       |       |       |       |       |     3 |       |       |       ||     3
       Fan of gales      |       |       |       |       |       |     1 |       |       |       ||     1
       Lightning rod     |       |       |       |       |       |       |     4 |       |       ||     4
       Phantom mirror    |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
  Use: Potion            |       |       |     2 |       |     8 |     6 |     2 |     2 |     8 ||    28
       Scroll            |       |       |       |    23 |    15 |     3 |    19 |     3 |    29 ||    92
 Stab: Invisible         |       |       |       |       |     4 |       |       |       |       ||     4
       Distracted        |       |       |       |       |     2 |       |       |       |       ||     2
       Petrified         |       |       |       |       |     1 |       |       |       |       ||     1
       Sleeping          |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
  Eat: Chunk             |       |     6 |     5 |    14 |    20 |     5 |    15 |    19 |    12 ||    96
       Ration            |       |       |     2 |     2 |     5 |     2 |     8 |     6 |    15 ||    40
Armor: Skin              |     8 |     4 |    24 |    22 |    31 |    13 |    16 |     8 |    30 ||   156
Dodge: Dodged            |    28 |    40 |    87 |   197 |   363 |   146 |   131 |    48 |   251 ||  1291
       Deflected         |       |       |       |       |    19 |     1 |    10 |       |    30 ||    60
Block: Other             |    14 |    18 |    33 |    64 |   107 |    33 |    27 |     6 |    50 ||   352

Table legend:
 A = Spawn XP
 B = Non-spawn XP
 C = Spawn XP percentage of total XP
 D = Spawn monster count
 E = Non-spawn monster count
 F = Spawn count percentage of total count
 G = Total turns spent on level

                 A         B        C        D         E        F        G   
      Total |    8791 | 1823792 |   0.5 |      16 |    2678 |   0.6 |   78628
        D:1 |       0 |      38 |   0.0 |       0 |      21 |   0.0 |     835
        D:2 |       0 |      99 |   0.0 |       0 |      24 |   0.0 |     558
        D:3 |       0 |     137 |   0.0 |       0 |      20 |   0.0 |     957
        D:4 |       0 |     367 |   0.0 |       0 |      19 |   0.0 |    1175
        D:5 |       0 |    1700 |   0.0 |       0 |      23 |   0.0 |     895
        D:6 |       0 |    1316 |   0.0 |       0 |      39 |   0.0 |    1444
        D:7 |       0 |     930 |   0.0 |       0 |      21 |   0.0 |    1226
        D:8 |       0 |    3057 |   0.0 |       0 |      26 |   0.0 |     969
        D:9 |       0 |    2831 |   0.0 |       0 |      48 |   0.0 |    1492
       D:10 |       0 |    2791 |   0.0 |       0 |      25 |   0.0 |    1614
       D:11 |       0 |    7118 |   0.0 |       0 |      45 |   0.0 |    2043
       D:12 |       0 |    7242 |   0.0 |       0 |      32 |   0.0 |     758
       D:13 |       0 |    9047 |   0.0 |       0 |      53 |   0.0 |     909
       D:14 |       0 |   24506 |   0.0 |       0 |      81 |   0.0 |    2128
       D:15 |       0 |   14861 |   0.0 |       0 |      37 |   0.0 |    1918
     Lair:1 |       0 |    2767 |   0.0 |       0 |      15 |   0.0 |    1305
     Lair:2 |       0 |    4879 |   0.0 |       0 |      22 |   0.0 |     935
     Lair:3 |       0 |    5779 |   0.0 |       0 |      27 |   0.0 |     950
     Lair:4 |       0 |    4647 |   0.0 |       0 |      13 |   0.0 |     844
     Lair:5 |       0 |    8593 |   0.0 |       0 |      28 |   0.0 |     845
     Lair:6 |       0 |   20782 |   0.0 |       0 |      51 |   0.0 |    3109
    Swamp:1 |       0 |   18034 |   0.0 |       0 |      56 |   0.0 |    1963
    Swamp:2 |       0 |   12461 |   0.0 |       0 |      32 |   0.0 |     966
    Swamp:3 |       0 |   22554 |   0.0 |       0 |      34 |   0.0 |    1290
    Swamp:4 |       0 |   33413 |   0.0 |       0 |      54 |   0.0 |    1747
   Spider:1 |       0 |   13649 |   0.0 |       0 |      39 |   0.0 |    1111
   Spider:2 |       0 |   15999 |   0.0 |       0 |      52 |   0.0 |     807
   Spider:3 |       0 |   14082 |   0.0 |       0 |      29 |   0.0 |    1028
   Spider:4 |       0 |   45165 |   0.0 |       0 |      94 |   0.0 |    1423
      Orc:1 |       0 |    2882 |   0.0 |       0 |      24 |   0.0 |     458
      Orc:2 |       0 |   21310 |   0.0 |       0 |     136 |   0.0 |    1810
      Elf:1 |       0 |   21039 |   0.0 |       0 |      33 |   0.0 |    1687
      Elf:2 |       0 |   36973 |   0.0 |       0 |      63 |   0.0 |    1985
      Elf:3 |       0 |   94241 |   0.0 |       0 |      87 |   0.0 |    2071
   Vaults:1 |       0 |   18121 |   0.0 |       0 |      46 |   0.0 |    1684
   Vaults:2 |       0 |   22001 |   0.0 |       0 |      45 |   0.0 |    1672
   Vaults:3 |       0 |   59621 |   0.0 |       0 |      93 |   0.0 |    1955
   Vaults:4 |       0 |   85281 |   0.0 |       0 |     133 |   0.0 |    2218
   Vaults:5 |       0 |  139155 |   0.0 |       0 |     118 |   0.0 |    1989
    Crypt:1 |       0 |   47168 |   0.0 |       0 |      59 |   0.0 |    2130
    Crypt:2 |       0 |   36371 |   0.0 |       0 |      52 |   0.0 |    1310
    Crypt:3 |       0 |   88098 |   0.0 |       0 |     121 |   0.0 |    2364
   Depths:1 |       0 |   69395 |   0.0 |       0 |      85 |   0.0 |    2389
   Depths:2 |       0 |   69145 |   0.0 |       0 |      77 |   0.0 |    2036
   Depths:3 |       0 |   66350 |   0.0 |       0 |      77 |   0.0 |    1575
   Depths:4 |       0 |   93927 |   0.0 |       0 |      76 |   0.0 |    2404
   Depths:5 |       0 |  101324 |   0.0 |       0 |      82 |   0.0 |    2312
      Zot:1 |       0 |   54628 |   0.0 |       0 |      32 |   0.0 |    1316
      Zot:2 |       0 |   41092 |   0.0 |       0 |      31 |   0.0 |     588
      Zot:3 |       0 |   51309 |   0.0 |       0 |      33 |   0.0 |    1694
      Zot:4 |       0 |   68302 |   0.0 |       0 |      32 |   0.0 |    1220
      Zot:5 |       0 |  229553 |   0.0 |       0 |      70 |   0.0 |    2147
    Abyss:5 |    8791 |    7662 |  53.4 |      16 |      13 |  55.2 |     116

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Monday, 26th March 2018, 07:23

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Middle/late game is very enjoyable due to spamming high level spells. Probably the species has too high aptitudes but I guess it is designed to be that powerful (Tornado, Freezing Cloud, OoD, Born Revivification, 20+ Fighting/Dodging, Lajatang at min delay in 3 rune game, though of course I still died anyway :-)).
I am playing Berserker again at the moment and it is fine in this role as well (eveningstar + buckler do not require much XP and lack of armour means you can spend more on other skills)
Underestimated: cleaving, Deep Elf, Formicid, Vehumet, EV
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Halls Hopper

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Post Monday, 26th March 2018, 10:16

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I've been watching people play and reading lots of feedback, and playing a bunch myself... I've done another minor balance pass and released a new version (1.8 on the 'releases' github link in the OP). I'm going to slow down with noodling from here until I've collected much more feedback on this version (-1 MP costs, hungerless spells, apts/stats heavily directed towards damaging spells, but otherwise flat-ish enough such that someone can potentially get creative if they feel like it).

I've also updated the OP with updated screenshots and stats, with those from the original proposal still there if you'd like to compare and see what has changed. At least let me know what you think of the tiles, if you haven't seen them already =)

Thanks everyone who's played so far. I plan to transition to learning/working on some other fun project soon (Demigod rework maybe?) - cheers!

Dungeon Dilettante

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Post Tuesday, 27th March 2018, 02:06

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I've been playtesting, very fun! Definitely will rank as "Simple", but we need something to introduce newbs to blaster casters :P And this is coming from someone who sucks at casters and the furthest I've gotten normally is Orc:2 with a DEFE. Elf:2 with a MiBe, but that's another story.
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Zot Zealot

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Post Tuesday, 27th March 2018, 03:01

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I really like how this species is shaping up. I think you're right that the design is nearly "finished". Here are my final bikeshedding suggestions:

* Stat increase per 5 XL (most species are 4, this will further emphasise the idea this species is stronger in early game)
* Staves aptitude to -2 (they are already encouraged to use staves as spell enhancers, no need to give a little apt bonus too. I think newbies will still use them anyway if they are "no worse" than other alternatives)
* The big one: reflavour from dragons. I think this makes them too similar to draconian. I like the "faerie" theme a lot though.

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Stairdancer, Vajrapani

Lair Larrikin

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Post Tuesday, 27th March 2018, 08:45

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Hello Tavern!

I had to register just to show my support for the Faerie Dragon. Ever since AOW2 I liked them for beeing such a weak high-level Unit. So here's my vote to keep them as Dragons. (Or at least please don't turn them into another humanoid race).
If all the world were apple pie,
And all the sea were ink,
And all the trees were bread and cheese,
I'd still play Dungeon Crawl.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Tuesday, 27th March 2018, 11:56

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

If being dragon is a problem, we can have just Fairy (from AoW 3)

Edit. Looking at "Strong will" of the fairy made me realize that we might give Clarity mutation, makes sense from both gameplay and lore perspective.
Underestimated: cleaving, Deep Elf, Formicid, Vehumet, EV
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Twin account of Sandman25

Halls Hopper

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Post Tuesday, 27th March 2018, 22:25

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I just started a 1.8 game, my fist since 1.3, and the first thing I noticed is the removal of using tab for casting my lvl 1 spell. Was this intentional? I found it to be a pretty nice feature in my other games and would love to see it back.

Halls Hopper

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Post Tuesday, 27th March 2018, 22:32

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

PlatinumSpider wrote:I just started a 1.8 game, my fist since 1.3, and the first thing I noticed is the removal of using tab for casting my lvl 1 spell. Was this intentional? I found it to be a pretty nice feature in my other games and would love to see it back.

This is a custom setting (that I had unintentionally enabled by default in that build), not a feature of the species itself, but you can re-enable it.

Go to your settings folder, and edit 'init.txt', and at the bottom on its own line add: 'automagic_enable = true'

It casts whatever spell you have set to the letter 'a' in your spell list.
Last edited by Realz on Wednesday, 28th March 2018, 00:06, edited 1 time in total.

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Halls Hopper

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Post Tuesday, 27th March 2018, 23:27

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Thanks, though you typod the setting and I didn't notice when I C-V'd it. I figured it out when I actually read it. Works now, thanks.

Dungeon Dilettante

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Post Friday, 30th March 2018, 04:28

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I vote to keep them as dragons. We don't need more humanoid races.

Temple Termagant

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Post Saturday, 31st March 2018, 11:46

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I, as a long time badplayer, was thinking about Vp-like hunger dependant mana, but I scrapped it almost immediately, as it would either feel like channel, or will force new players to top their satiation, which is a bad habit to have.

Another option is using food as a resource to get something - like with Fedhas. Ate a lunch - enjoy your something bonus - but this has to be something useful, and not already introduced to the game as a consumable. Maybe someone will have a better idea.

I only have one right now - making dragons glow with happiness with every consumed ration (like contamination, but harmless to the player) and weakening / harming / teleporting away foes / themselves?
Maybe do this integrally, ate once - enemies are drained, 2 times - contaminated (like with Irradiate), 3 times - teleported away? This would limit the amount of uses and utility it has, while also providing new players with another safety button to avoid them getting surrounded. Yes, it takes 3 turns, but teleport also takes time, and drained enemies are weaker, and if you got yourself into this mess, you will likely want an incentive to get out in a safer way. It will also be available all throughout the game without the need to identify tele scrolls in panic attempts to run away.


In regards to DE and new players - new players like to get into bad situations. And if with Mi or HO you can tab your way out of a bad situation, with DE you cannot - if it's centaur, you will die. If it's immune monster, you will die. If it's bees, you will die. If it's OOD spawn, you will die. If it's stereogre next to you, you will die. Newer players learn with deaths, but they have to die too much to learn, and some people learn very slowly.

9 speed would have solved some of those problems, but being able to drop more nukes, in regard to both hunger and spell points, is usually better, as this is the glass cannon approach DE are encouraged to do - and they do it pretty well, except they have much less room for mistakes. FD will have 1. no armor encumberance penalty 2. less concerns about conserving mana 3. no blacking out in the middle of a fight from hunger 4. less concerns about last resort retreating via impassable ground 5. if my suggestion from previous point gets implemented, a way to disengage / weaken strong encounters.
Won: HaFi (5), DsGl (15), GrWz (15)
Ka-Crashing in CPA... With no survivors!

Dungeon Dilettante

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Post Monday, 30th April 2018, 19:31

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I've been playing Faerie Dragons for a couple days now and I'm really enjoying it, I think they can change the answer to the new player's question of "What should I choose for a wizard?" from "Don't."

If you're looking for nerf ideas that preserve the core concept, #1 on my list would be to give them a minus (or at least no bonus) to MP. The MP shaving you have implemented is already a functional bonus to MP, so a penalty to max MP can help to introduce the concept of careful conservation of MP when the player starts needing their mid-level spells.

I do find the Faerie Dragon just a little overstrong around D:1-4. Positioning almost doesn't matter, just blast blast blast, and if something gets next to you you can often let it stand there for a half dozen rounds and still live. I would suggest splitting the shimmering scales into a 3-level mutation that doesn't fully mature until XL:9 or so. +2 AC/SH can still really help you out in the very early dungeon, making a couple turns next to a foe survivable, but it still lights a fire under you to find a better place to stand.
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Zot Zealot

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Post Tuesday, 1st May 2018, 11:13

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

This species was rejected by the dev team:

The consensus right now is that we're not going to merge this, but I will leave this PR open for now in case any other devs wanted to comment. I don't think that the premise of this species is a good one. The benefits you've given FD make the early game easier through some quite extreme mutations (very high AC and SH bonus and free L1 spells from turn 1) yet don't make heavy spell usage characters easy to play past that point. Low-defense, low HP characters using spells extensively are difficult for new players because using spells to keep monsters sufficiently away from you requires a lot of knowledge and careful execution. The FD mutations don't alter this fundamentally relative to the existing species associated with magic in crawl. Many of the large list of mutations FD has are in fact shared with these other species (large AC bonus, uniformly good magic apts, low HP, innate flight, EV bonus in flight).

You mentioned the Simple category specifically, but this species wouldn't actually fit the working definition Lasty used since it has a long and complicated mutation list. There's some interest in reforming the definitions of these categories, but unless and until that happens you'd certainly not want to aim for the Simple category with such a relatively complicated species.

The MP cost reduction mutation does weird things to L1 spell usage and was removed from Vehumet in the past in part because of this. I mention this because it was one aspect that at least one dev expressed some interest in, but if you reuse the idea in any future proposal, it might be better to simply try an increased rate of MP regen.

For this message the author chequers has received thanks: 5
duvessa, genericpseudonym, PseudoLoneWolf, Realz, VeryAngryFelid

Blades Runner

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Post Tuesday, 1st May 2018, 20:25

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Just glancing over this, it looks like an attempt to fix the disparity of melee vs. casting to make a more viable pure spell caster by plugging some of the worst holes into a species, rather than fixing the core problems (and not needing this species.)

1. Armour penalizes casting a lot, it barely does anything to melee. It's hard to play with low AC. Remove casting success chance penalties for wearing armour and make it only based on spellcasting ability, OR make people slash themselves when wearing heavy armour, and using weapons with low weapon and armour skill.

2. Mana runs out so much more quickly than melee ability. Perhaps spellcasting should not only increase mana pool, but decrease the mana cost of spells... OR, add fatigue to melee so that after you swing 3 or 4 times, you're tired and you can barely do any damage.

Even with those adjusted you still have issues of resistances, MR and everything else causing you to need 3x as much experience to rely primarily on magic.

Seriously, why is this so hard for some people to see?! There are a few things that sorta work, "Vile Clutch", etc. but because these examples exist hardly means there isn't a problem. It would be better to fix the overall problem, then reduce the power of the few ridiculously overpowered spells which people have figured out a way to use as a crutch.

Halls Hopper

Posts: 66

Joined: Wednesday, 7th March 2018, 04:46

Post Wednesday, 2nd May 2018, 03:04

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Thank you to everyone who participated, and very especially THANK YOU! to those who playtested and provided gameplay feedback.

I had planned on another revision (just some implementation cleanup, removal of flying EV bonus, and dropping UC from 0 to -1), but I probably won't worry about it at this point.

Overall, I think it landed in a good place; it certainly was pretty fun at least. I'm a bit discouraged that it didn't get a chance for wider playtesting and feedback from some time spent in trunk, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I still believe it's desirable to have more guidance regarding spells. Regardless of how successful you consider this attempt, a species that smooths out some of the initial experience represents only one path towards potential improvement. I'd love to see more effort on the topic someday, be it by the devs or any other element of the community.

The devs (or anyone, really) can still do anything they want with Faerie Dragon if they decide at some point that they have a use for it, or any part of it. Maybe I'm biased, but I think the tiles turned out pretty sweet =)


(fake edit: I know it's a little bland compared to a whole new species, but if you want to try it, I'd love any and all playtesting feedback for the Sif Muna adjustments I posted a while ago <3)

For this message the author Realz has received thanks: 2
chequers, Vajrapani

Spider Stomper

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Joined: Monday, 3rd April 2017, 11:44

Post Wednesday, 2nd May 2018, 21:22

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

i think it;s great that you've gone ahead and programmed out a new race, but it honeslty doesn't fulfill what you set out to achieve which was "My ideal outcome would see Faerie Dragons as very clearly strong at killdudes with spells, especially on earlier floors, but with meaningful drawbacks such that they don't play exactly the same as other species and aren't necessarily better off throughout all stages of the game."
There are plenty of other species which does fulfill this role, including gnoll, demigod and human(!), except that it appears to be one that you have identified an image problem, and a fairy fulfills that image problem, as it is the most obviously "magical" humanoid species in people mental images. Though I suppose a talking cat fulfills that role too.
Last edited by Plantissue on Wednesday, 2nd May 2018, 22:09, edited 1 time in total.

Shoals Surfer

Posts: 276

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Post Wednesday, 2nd May 2018, 21:42

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

I'm a little disappointed that this species didn't at least get an experimental branch. At least it was pretty fun to play.

Btw, Realz, are you planning on expanding upon your demigod reform idea? I'd be interested in playtesting that, if there's a 'working' version.
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 2nd May 2018, 21:49

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Honestly I'm a fan and I do think it does fulfill the design goal of being very strong with spells. Being able to fall back on infinite level 1 spells for the early game is huge and does make them play differently in the early game, although this is somewhat reduced as you move into higher level spells. I built a local mac version just to test them:

 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 1.1-sif-1-gca738b9dea (tiles) character file.

Tasonir the Geomancer (FDEE)                        Turns: 7162, Time: 00:22:40

Health: 74/74      AC:  9    Str: 18    XL:     11   Next: 25%
Magic:  13/24      EV: 25    Int: 39    God:    Cheibriados [*****.]
Gold:   495        SH:  6    Dex: 24    Spells: 10/24 levels left

rFire    + . .     SeeInvis .   i - +2 short sword (venom)
rCold    . . .     Gourm    .   (shield restricted)
rNeg     . . .     Faith    .   (armour unavailable)
rPois    .         Spirit   .   (helmet restricted)
rElec    .         Reflect  .   F - +2 cloak
rCorr    .         Harm     .   (no gloves)
MR       +....                  (no boots)
Stlth    +.........             d - amulet of regeneration
HPRegen  0.62/turn              o - ring of protection from fire
MPRegen  0.19/turn              u - +4 ring of intelligence

@: flying evasively, very slow
A: small, magic attunement, unstealthy, unfitting armour, magical scales, able
to fly
a: Stop Flying, Bend Time, Temporal Distortion, Slouch, Step From Time, Renounce

You are on level 10 of the Dungeon.
You worship Cheibriados.
Cheibriados is extremely pleased with you.
You are not hungry.

You have visited 2 branches of the dungeon, and seen 11 of its levels.

You have collected 495 gold pieces.


Hand Weapons
 i - a +2 short sword of venom (weapon)
 b - 217 stones (quivered)
 e - 6 curare-tipped needles
 f - 101 arrows
 F - a +2 cloak (worn)
 d - an amulet of regeneration (around neck)
 o - a ring of protection from fire (left hand)
 u - a +4 ring of intelligence (right hand)
 s - a wand of scattershot (5)
 C - a wand of polymorph (23)
 D - a wand of flame (17)
 j - 5 scrolls of magic mapping
 m - 2 scrolls of blinking
 t - a scroll of teleportation
 w - a scroll labeled YGRIOM VYSENK
 y - 3 scrolls of remove curse
 A - 2 scrolls of holy word
 B - 4 scrolls of identify
 E - a scroll labeled SOKESM CIXKODGH
 a - 5 potions of might
 g - 6 potions of curing
 h - 5 potions of lignification
 k - 3 potions of magic
 l - a golden potion
 n - 6 potions of mutation
 p - 2 fuming cyan potions
 q - a metallic ruby potion
 r - a yellow potion
 v - a bubbling golden potion
 z - a purple potion
 c - 27 rations
 x - 4 chunks of flesh

 + Level 6.6 Fighting
 + Level 8.3 Dodging
 - Level 1.2 Stealth
 - Level 7.4 Spellcasting
 - Level 7.5 Conjurations
 - Level 5.3 Transmutations
 - Level 9.2 Earth Magic
 + Level 4.8 Invocations

You have 10 spell levels left.
You know the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power        Failure   Level  Hunger
a - Stone Arrow           Conj/Erth      ######       1%          3    None
b - Sandblast             Erth           ######       1%          1    None
c - Ozocubu's Armour      Chrm/Ice       ##......     8%          3    None
d - Lee's Rapid Deconstr  Erth           ######....   1%          5    None
e - Sticks to Snakes      Tmut           ######..     1%          2    None

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (10/15)            Temple (1/1) D:5             Orc (0/2) D:9
  Lair: D:8-11     

Nemelex Xobeh
Sif Muna
The Shining One

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

Your spells do not cause hunger and MP costs are reduced by 1.
Your bright wings attract enemies. (Stealth-)
You cannot fit into any form of body armour.
You are small and have problems with some larger weapons.
Your scales shimmer with magical energies. (AC +6, SH +6)
You can fly continuously.

Message History

Aim: a yak (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Lee's Rapid Deconstruction (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Dir - move target cursor
The wall shatters!
The blast of rock fragments hits the yak.
The yak is almost dead.
The blast of rock fragments hits the adder.
You kill the adder!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Saving game... please wait.
Welcome back, Tasonir the Faerie Dragon Earth Elementalist.
Cheibriados says: Take it easy.
Press ? for a list of commands and other information.
Char dumped to '/Users/admin/Library/Application Support/Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup/morgue/Tasonir.txt'.
Saving game... please wait.

       #.#####.# ..... #......
#..##....###.#[#       #..#..#
#.  #..........####^####.##..#
 ...........@.# #.#########[..
   .#..####Y###  .#       #...
          #.#     #       #...
    ..Y.h.Y.#             #...
    ..h.Y##.#             #...
    ..Y.  Y..             #...
    ..Y   ...             #...
    #.   ####.            ....
    #        .

You can see 3 yaks.

Vanquished Creatures
  Snorg (D:10)
  Pikel (D:4)
  3 hornets (D:9)
  Grinder (D:6)
  Prince Ribbit (D:7)
  5 yaks
  A hungry ghost (D:9)
  Eustachio (D:6)
  Edmund (D:6)
  2 black bears
  5 orc warriors
  3 ice beasts
  A phantom (D:6)
  A necrophage (D:9)
  3 ogres
  A centaur (D:8)
  2 big kobolds
  A wyvern zombie (D:8)
  3 bullfrogs
  A water moccasin skeleton (D:4)
  9 scorpions
  12 killer bees
  A howler monkey (D:7)
  3 crimson imps
  A bullfrog zombie (D:10)
  4 orc priests (D:9)
  7 orc wizards
  A jelly (D:5)
  A gnoll shaman (D:4)
  2 centaur skeletons
  4 hounds
  Crazy Yiuf (D:6)
  Jessica (D:2)
  4 iguanas
  4 worker ants
  A killer bee zombie (D:8)
  A hound zombie (D:5)
  A howler monkey zombie (D:6)
  3 gnolls (D:9)
  19 adders
  An adder skeleton (D:9)
  An adder zombie (D:9)
  4 worms
  2 dart slugs
  5 leopard geckos
  49 orcs
  4 giant cockroaches
  8 goblins
  10 hobgoblins
  2 jackals (D:7)
  4 quokkas
  10 bats
  5 frilled lizards
  A jackal skeleton (D:5)
  25 kobolds
  12 rats
261 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  A two-headed ogre (D:8)
  A bullfrog (D:8)
2 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A slave (D:4)
  An ogre (D:4)
  3 gnolls (D:4)
5 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 268 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place    | Note
     0 | D:1      | Tasonir the Faerie Dragon Earth Elementalist began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 11/11 MP: 5/5
    28 | D:1      | Reached skill level 4 in Earth Magic
    46 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 17/17 MP: 7/7
   586 | D:2      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 21/21 MP: 8/8
   591 | D:2      | Learned a level 3 spell: Stone Arrow
   601 | D:2      | Reached skill level 5 in Earth Magic
   679 | D:2      | Reached skill level 1 in Conjurations
   698 | D:2      | Noticed Jessica
   702 | D:2      | Killed Jessica
   702 | D:2      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 27/27 MP: 0/10
  1175 | D:2      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  1181 | D:2      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 31/31 MP: 0/11
  1188 | D:2      | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
  2056 | D:4      | Reached skill level 6 in Earth Magic
  2059 | D:4      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 36/36 MP: 2/13
  2228 | D:4      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 41/41 MP: 5/16
  2267 | D:4      | Noticed Pikel
  2282 | D:4      | Killed Pikel
  2282 | D:4      | Reached skill level 5 in Spellcasting
  2282 | D:4      | Reached skill level 5 in Conjurations
  2282 | D:4      | Reached skill level 7 in Earth Magic
  2282 | D:4      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 28/46 MP: 3/18
  2570 | D:4      | Reached skill level 8 in Earth Magic
  2760 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  2842 | D:5      | Found an opulent altar of Gozag.
  3047 | D:5      | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  3063 | Temple   | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
  3076 | Temple   | Became a worshipper of Cheibriados the Contemplative
  3485 | D:6      | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul.
  3488 | D:6      | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru.
  3562 | D:6      | Reached * piety under Cheibriados
  3567 | D:6      | Found the +7 Singing Sword
  3613 | D:6      | Noticed Eustachio
  3621 | D:6      | Killed Eustachio
  3621 | D:6      | Reached skill level 9 in Earth Magic
  3622 | D:6      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 48/51 MP: 2/21
  3903 | D:6      | Learned a level 2 spell: Sticks to Snakes
  4169 | D:6      | Learned a level 5 spell: Lee's Rapid Deconstruction
  4178 | D:6      | Noticed Edmund
  4182 | D:6      | Killed Edmund
  4193 | D:6      | Noticed Grinder
  4193 | D:6      | Reached skill level 1 in Fighting
  4198 | D:6      | Killed Grinder
  4483 | D:6      | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
  4483 | D:6      | Found a radiant altar of Vehumet.
  4540 | D:6      | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog.
  4759 | D:6      | Found a runed door.
  4925 | D:6      | Noticed Crazy Yiuf
  4928 | D:6      | Killed Crazy Yiuf
  5001 | D:7      | Noticed Prince Ribbit
  5007 | D:7      | Killed Prince Ribbit
  5008 | D:7      | Reached ** piety under Cheibriados
  5012 | D:7      | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging
  5042 | D:7      | Reached XP level 10. HP: 59/63 MP: 3/23
  5212 | D:7      | Reached *** piety under Cheibriados
  5630 | D:8      | Reached skill level 5 in Transmutations
  5905 | D:8      | Noticed a two-headed ogre
  5912 | D:8      | Killed a two-headed ogre
  5912 | D:8      | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
  5912 | D:8      | Reached skill level 1 in Invocations
  6270 | D:8      | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon.
  6325 | D:9      | Reached **** piety under Cheibriados
  6629 | D:9      | Reached ***** piety under Cheibriados
  6644 | D:9      | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
  6646 | D:9      | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
  6721 | D:9      | Learned a level 3 spell: Ozocubu's Armour
  6865 | D:9      | Paralysed by a hornet for 2 turns
  6868 | D:9      | Reached XP level 11. HP: 38/72 MP: 14/24
  7077 | D:10     | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
  7090 | D:10     | Noticed Snorg
  7096 | D:10     | Killed Snorg
  7120 | D:10     | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.

Skill      XL: |  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 |
Earth Magic    |  4     5     6     7  9          |  9.2
Conjurations   |        1  2  3  4  5  7          |  7.5
Spellcasting   |        3        4  5  7          |  7.4
Fighting       |                          3  6    |  6.6
Dodging        |                          5  7  8 |  8.3
Transmutations |                          4  5    |  5.3
Invocations    |                             3  4 |  4.8
Stealth        |                                  |  1.2

Action                   |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 | 10-12 || total
Melee: Short sword       |       |       |     1 |     1 ||     2
 Cast: Sandblast         |    44 |    15 |    30 |    51 ||   140
       Stone Arrow       |     3 |    50 |   106 |   134 ||   293
       Lee's Rapid Decon |       |       |     6 |     5 ||    11
       Sticks to Snakes  |       |       |       |     2 ||     2
       Ozocubu's Armour  |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
  Use: Scroll            |       |       |     9 |     5 ||    14
 Stab: Sleeping          |       |       |       |     1 ||     1
  Eat: Chunk             |       |     4 |     5 |     4 ||    13
Armor: Skin              |     2 |     2 |     3 |    16 ||    23
Dodge: Dodged            |     8 |    10 |    34 |   105 ||   157
Block: Other             |       |     3 |     9 |    26 ||    38

While EE is still somewhat limited in terms of needing stones, the 1 mana reduction helps you move into stone arrow a bit earlier as well. Normally the limiting factor on getting stone arrow "online" isn't so much the failure rate, but just that it costs 3 mana. The damage per cast is higher; the damage per mana is not. You don't want to be spamming stone arrow on a character that sill only has 10 mana; it's a great deal easier when it only costs 2 mana, AND when you hit 0 mana, you can still cast sandblast. It definitely makes it easier to completely ignore any source of non-spell damage - so far I've done two melee attacks all game and that was only because I had a short sword of venom; I didn't really need to poison anything I just felt like it.

I do think that eventually the -1 mana cost will be less impactful, but I don't think making it a 3 rank mutation that scales up to 1/2/3 is an improvement . -3 is just too big; I could see a version where at some later level (say 15 or 20) you got a -2 mana cost mutation, but even that is probably overkill.

Comparing it to the other races plantissue mentions: Demigods/humans/gnolls are good with magic, sure, but they're all good with everything else equally. FD is uniquely pushed towards magic with the -1 cost. I understand if just that one mutation isn't considered enough to carry a race by itself, but I hope that we eventually get some version of a race in this style. If instead of -1 mana cost the eventual race goes with something like +0.5 mana regen (or even +1), that'd be fine too. Imho 0.5 mana regen would be about the right value, but now I'm getting away ahead of myself here...

Regardless, thanks for the experimental race, I will go ahead and finish this game soonish. I intend to fully convert it to my normal unarmed combat statue form build just to mess around with the concept of it having to be a caster. I did notice that while it has -2 with all weapons, it's 0 with unarmed combat, so they're actually quite strongly suited for statue form.

I'd love to see this on an experimental branch for the servers that usually host those; even if it isn't going to be added some people like playing forks and experiments :)

For this message the author tasonir has received thanks: 3
Fingolfin, PseudoLoneWolf, quik
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Snake Sneak

Posts: 111

Joined: Saturday, 10th March 2018, 18:00

Post Thursday, 3rd May 2018, 00:45

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

tasonir wrote:I'd love to see this on an experimental branch for the servers that usually host those; even if it isn't going to be added some people like playing forks and experiments :)

I second this! I think it'd be a lot of fun and would bring it to a wider audience. Just because this wasn't accepted doesn't mean it can't be accepted later after revision. It can evolve until then.

For this message the author PseudoLoneWolf has received thanks:

Ziggurat Zagger

Posts: 5382

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Post Thursday, 3rd May 2018, 00:52

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Not sure if something got borked in only my version of the FD build or if this is affecting all of the FD branch, but I'm getting crashes when exploring to one specific spot on lair:5. I think it's trying to set an autoexclusion, which then causes crawl to die.

ERROR: range check error (80 / 80)

Version: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 1.1-sif-1-gca738b9dea
Platform: unix (OS X)
Bits: 64
Game mode: normal
Tiles: yes

Command line: ./crawl

RC options:
restart_after_game = true

Crash caused by signal #4: Illegal instruction: 4

Obtained 19 stack frames.
0x00000001024289e4: write_stack_trace(__sFILE*, int) + 116
0x00000001024301f0: do_crash_dump() + 1488
0x000000010242877c: crash_signal_handler(int) + 188
0x00007fff65305f5a: _sigtramp + 26
0x0000000000580001: 0x0 + 5767169
0x00000001024327d0: _GLOBAL__sub_I_dbg_asrt.cc + 0
0x0000000102680276: is_explore_horizon(coord_def const&) + 342
0x000000010268029e: get_cell_map_feature(coord_def const&) + 14
0x0000000102a4544d: TilesFramework::update_minimap(coord_def const&) + 93
0x00000001024dd10d: set_exclude(coord_def const&, int, bool, bool, bool) + 1101
0x00000001024dca78: set_auto_exclude(monster const*) + 248
0x000000010244780a: _monster_warning(activity_interrupt_type, activity_interrupt_data const&, std::__1::shared_ptr<Delay>, std::__1::vector<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > > >*) + 954
0x000000010244707e: interrupt_activity(activity_interrupt_type, activity_interrupt_data const&, std::__1::vector<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > > >*) + 366
0x00000001029c06e4: update_monsters_in_view() + 452
0x0000000102aed7c0: world_reacts() + 80
0x0000000102aef95e: _input() + 2062
0x0000000102ae4ee5: _launch_game_loop() + 5957
0x0000000102ae3738: main + 888
0x0000000102383104: start + 52

/usr/bin/gdb not executable.

Compilation info:
Compiled with GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2) on May  1 2018 at 18:05:25
Build platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0
CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -DUSE_TILE -DUSE_TILE_LOCAL -DUSE_SDL -DUSE_GL -DUSE_FT -Wall -Wformat-security -Wundef -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-format-zero-length -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wno-parentheses -Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Iutil -I. -Irltiles -isystem contrib/install/x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0/include/SDL2 -isystem contrib/install/x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0/include/freetype2 -isystem contrib/install/x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0/include -DWIZARD -DASSERTS -DPROPORTIONAL_FONT="contrib/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf" -DMONOSPACED_FONT="contrib/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf" -DCLUA_BINDINGS -isystem /usr/include/ncurses
LDFLAGS: -rdynamic -O2

Place info:
branch = 5, depth = 5

Level id: Lair:5
Level build method = , level layout type  = rooms, absdepth0 = 14
Level vaults:


The stone arrow hits the crocodile.
The crocodile is severely wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - crocodile
Aim: a crocodile (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the crocodile.
You kill the crocodile!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
You see here a wand of random effects (33).
A yak comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
A yak comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
What are your orders?
 t - Shout!
Orders for allies: a - Attack new target.
                   r - Retreat!             s - Stop attacking.
                   g - Guard the area.      f - Follow me.
 Anything else - Cancel.
You shout for attention! The yak bellows! You hear a bellow! x5
A yak comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
A yak comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
The yak bellows!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is severely wounded.
A yak comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
The yak bellows!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is lightly wounded.
A yak comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (lightly wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is severely wounded.
The yak bellows! x2
The yak completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is almost dead.
You block the yak's attack. x2
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
The yak completely misses you.
You block the yak's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow misses the yak. The yak completely misses you.
The yak gores you but does no damage.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is almost dead.
You block the yak's attack. x2
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
The yak completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow misses the yak. The yak completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
The yak barely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is heavily wounded.
The yak gores you but does no damage.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is almost dead.
The yak completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The blast of sand hits the yak.
The yak is lightly wounded.
b - 281 stones
You block the yak's attack.
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (lightly wounded)
The blast of sand hits the yak.
The yak is severely wounded.
b - 280 stones
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (severely wounded)
The blast of sand hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
b - 279 stones
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The blast of sand hits the yak.
The yak is heavily wounded.
b - 278 stones
You block the yak's attack.
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (moderately wounded)
The blast of sand hits the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
b - 277 stones
You block the yak's attack.
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (moderately wounded)
The blast of sand hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
b - 276 stones
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
You see here a yak corpse.
You see here a wand of random effects (33).
You are feeling very hungry.
You see here a yak skeleton.
Done exploring.
Done exploring.
Move the cursor to view the level map, or type ? for a list of commands.
Returning to the game...
Key pressed, stopping travel.
Move the cursor to view the level map, or type ? for a list of commands.
Returning to the game...
Key pressed, stopping travel.
(D) Dungeon        (T) Temple         (L) Lair           (S) Swamp         
(N) Spider Nest    (O) Orcish Mines   
Where to? (Enter - Lair:4 @ (x,y), ? - help)
There is a stone staircase leading down here.
You fly downwards.
Found 6 gold pieces.
There is a stone staircase leading up here.
A water moccasin comes into view.
You see here 6 gold pieces.
You now have 1462 gold pieces (gained 6).
The water moccasin hisses angrily.
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - water moccasin
Aim: a water moccasin
The stone arrow misses the water moccasin.
You block the water moccasin's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - water moccasin
Aim: a water moccasin
The stone arrow hits the water moccasin.
The water moccasin is severely wounded.
The water moccasin completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - water moccasin
Aim: a water moccasin (severely wounded)
The stone arrow misses the water moccasin.
The water moccasin completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - water moccasin
Aim: a water moccasin (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the water moccasin.
You kill the water moccasin!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
P - a scroll labeled CAUNAC VAIN
Magic restored.
Found a stone staircase leading down.
A blink frog comes into view.
The blink frog croaks.
Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.
2 blink frogs come into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
The blink frog moves out of view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow misses the blink frog.
The blink frog gives a loud, deep croak!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow misses the blink frog. The blink frog blinks!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow misses the blink frog. You block the blink frog's attack. The blink frog misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow misses the blink frog. The blink frog completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
The blink frog is almost dead.
You block the blink frog's attack. The blink frog completely misses you. The blink frog misses you. The blink frog blinks!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (almost dead)
The stone arrow misses the blink frog.
The blink frog hits you but does no damage.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (almost dead)
The stone arrow misses the blink frog. The blink frog completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
You kill the blink frog!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Your Fighting skill increases to level 9!
You block the blink frog's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
The blink frog is heavily wounded.
The blink frog hits you. The blink frog blinks!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - blink frog, p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow misses the blink frog. The blink frog blinks! x2
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
The blink frog is moderately wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
The blink frog is severely wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
You kill the blink frog!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (water, heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
You kill the blink frog!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
You butcher the blink frog corpse.
T - 4 chunks of flesh
Eating one of 4 chunks of flesh. You eat one of the 4 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible.
You now have 1474 gold pieces (gained 12).
3 bats and a vampire bat come into view.
The bat moves out of view. You block the bat's attack.
Found a paperback book.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - bat
Aim: a bat
The stone arrow hits the bat.
You kill the bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
The bat completely misses you. You block the bat's attack. x2
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - bat
Aim: a bat
The stone arrow hits the bat.
You kill the bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
The vampire bat completely misses you. You block the bat's attack.
A bat comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - bat
Aim: a bat
The stone arrow hits the bat.
You kill the bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
The vampire bat barely misses you. You block the bat's attack. You block the vampire bat's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - vampire bat
Aim: a vampire bat
The stone arrow hits the vampire bat.
The vampire bat is almost destroyed.
You block the vampire bat's attack. The bat misses you. The bat completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - vampire bat
Aim: a vampire bat (almost destroyed)
The stone arrow hits the vampire bat.
You destroy the vampire bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
You block the bat's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - bat
Aim: a bat
The stone arrow hits the bat.
You kill the bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
A bat and a vampire bat come into view.
You see here a bat corpse.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
3 bats come into view.
You block the bat's attack. The bat completely misses you. x2; You block the bat's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - bat
Aim: a bat
The stone arrow hits the bat.
You kill the bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
You block the bat's attack. x2
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You don't have enough magic to cast that spell.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You don't have enough magic to cast that spell.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You don't have enough magic to cast that spell.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - bat
Aim: a bat
The blast of sand hits the bat.
You kill the bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
b - 275 stones
The bat completely misses you. You block the vampire bat's attack. You block the bat's attack. The bat completely misses you.
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - bat
Aim: a bat
The blast of sand hits the bat.
You kill the bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
b - 274 stones
The bat completely misses you. x2; You block the vampire bat's attack.
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - vampire bat
Aim: a vampire bat
The blast of sand hits the vampire bat.
You destroy the vampire bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
b - 273 stones
You block the bat's attack. The bat completely misses you.
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - bat
Aim: a bat
The blast of sand hits the bat.
You kill the bat!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
b - 272 stones
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
You see here a bat corpse.
You start resting.
Eating one of 3 chunks of flesh. You eat one of the 3 chunks of flesh. This raw flesh tastes terrible.
Magic restored.
You see here a bat corpse.
g - 6 potions of curing (gained 1)
You pick up a book of Cantrips and begin reading...
You add the spells Confusing Touch, Animate Skeleton, Summon Small Mammal and Apportation to your library.
A yak comes into view.
The yak bellows! You hear a bellow!
A six-headed hydra comes into view.
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
Casting: Sandblast (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is heavily wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is severely wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
A yak comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - six-headed hydra
Aim: a six-headed hydra
The stone arrow hits the six-headed hydra.
The six-headed hydra is moderately wounded.
The yak bellows!
2 yaks come into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - six-headed hydra
Aim: a six-headed hydra (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow misses the six-headed hydra.
The yak bellows! x2; You hear a bellow!
A yak comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - six-headed hydra
Aim: a six-headed hydra (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the six-headed hydra.
The six-headed hydra is heavily wounded.
The six-headed hydra misses you. The six-headed hydra bites you!
You block the six-headed hydra's attack.
The six-headed hydra misses you.
You block the six-headed hydra's attack.
The six-headed hydra completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - six-headed hydra
Aim: a six-headed hydra (heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the six-headed hydra.
The six-headed hydra is severely wounded.
The six-headed hydra bites you.
You block the six-headed hydra's attack.
The six-headed hydra completely misses you.
The six-headed hydra misses you.
The six-headed hydra completely misses you.
You block the six-headed hydra's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - six-headed hydra
Aim: a six-headed hydra (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the six-headed hydra.
The six-headed hydra is almost dead.
The six-headed hydra bites you but does no damage.
The six-headed hydra closely misses you.
You block the six-headed hydra's attack.
The six-headed hydra bites you!
The six-headed hydra closely misses you.
You block the six-headed hydra's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - six-headed hydra
Aim: a six-headed hydra (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the six-headed hydra.
You kill the six-headed hydra!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Your Spellcasting skill increases to level 10!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is heavily wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is almost dead.
You block the yak's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
You block the yak's attack.
You punch the yak!
The yak is lightly wounded.
The yak closely misses you. The yak completely misses you. You block the yak's attack.
You hit the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
You block the yak's attack. The yak misses you. The yak completely misses you.
You barely miss the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
The yak misses you. The yak completely misses you. x2
All of the chunks of flesh in your inventory have rotted away.
You hit the yak but do no damage.
The yak is moderately wounded.
You block the yak's attack. The yak misses you. You block the yak's attack.
You hit the yak but do no damage.
The yak is moderately wounded.
You block the yak's attack. The yak completely misses you. You block the yak's attack.
You hit the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
The yak completely misses you. The yak gores you but does no damage.
You barely miss the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
The yak gores you! You block the yak's attack. The yak completely misses you.
You punch the yak!
The yak is heavily wounded.
You block the yak's attack. The yak gores you but does no damage. You block the yak's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak
The stone arrow hits the yak.
The yak is severely wounded.
You block the yak's attack. x2; The yak gores you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - yak
Aim: a yak (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
The yak misses you. You block the yak's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - yak
Aim: a yak (heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
The yak completely misses you.
You hit the yak.
The yak is lightly wounded.
The yak completely misses you.
You hit the yak.
The yak is lightly wounded.
You hit the yak.
The yak is moderately wounded.
The yak gores you.
You punch the yak!
The yak is heavily wounded.
The yak gores you!
You hit the yak but do no damage.
The yak is heavily wounded.
You block the yak's attack.
You hit the yak.
The yak is severely wounded.
The yak gores you.
You punch the yak!
The yak is almost dead.
You block the yak's attack.
You hit the yak.
The yak is almost dead.
You block the yak's attack.
You hit the yak.
You kill the yak!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
No target in view!
You start resting.
HP restored.
Things that are here:
a yak corpse; a hydra corpse
Found a hand axe.
Found a stone staircase leading up.
You see here a hand axe.
Key pressed, stopping explore.
A komodo dragon and a porcupine come into view.
The komodo dragon moves out of view.
The porcupine twitches its whiskers.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - porcupine
Aim: a porcupine
The stone arrow hits the porcupine.
You kill the porcupine!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon
The stone arrow misses the komodo dragon.
You block the komodo dragon's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon
The stone arrow hits the komodo dragon.
The komodo dragon is moderately wounded.
You block the komodo dragon's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the komodo dragon.
The komodo dragon is severely wounded.
The komodo dragon completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the komodo dragon.
You kill the komodo dragon!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
A porcupine comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
A komodo dragon comes into view.
The komodo dragon hisses angrily.
The komodo dragon hisses menacingly.
The komodo dragon moves out of view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
Found an escape hatch in the floor.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - porcupine
Aim: a porcupine
The stone arrow hits the porcupine.
You kill the porcupine!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon
The stone arrow hits the komodo dragon.
The komodo dragon is moderately wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the komodo dragon.
The komodo dragon is heavily wounded.
You block the komodo dragon's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the komodo dragon.
The komodo dragon is severely wounded.
You block the komodo dragon's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon (severely wounded)
The stone arrow misses the komodo dragon.
The komodo dragon completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - komodo dragon
Aim: a komodo dragon (severely wounded)
The stone arrow hits the komodo dragon.
You kill the komodo dragon!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
A porcupine comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
There is a fountain of clear blue water here.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - porcupine
Aim: a porcupine
The stone arrow hits the porcupine.
The porcupine is almost dead.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - porcupine
Aim: a porcupine (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the porcupine.
You kill the porcupine!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
T - a scroll labeled FEYNOHUCET
A blink frog comes into view.
A blink frog is nearby!
The blink frog gives a loud, deep croak!
You block the blink frog's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
The blink frog is moderately wounded.
You block the blink frog's attack. The blink frog completely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (moderately wounded)
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
You kill the blink frog!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
Key pressed, stopping explore.
A black mamba comes into view.
A crocodile comes into view.
The black mamba hisses angrily.
The black mamba moves out of view. You block the black mamba's attack.
A blink frog comes into view.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - black mamba
Aim: a black mamba
The stone arrow hits the black mamba.
The black mamba is heavily wounded.
The blink frog gives a loud, deep croak!
You block the black mamba's attack. x2
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - black mamba
Aim: a black mamba (heavily wounded)
You miscast Stone Arrow.
You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.
Wisps of smoke drift from your hands. The blink frog blinks! The black mamba bites you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - black mamba
Aim: a black mamba (heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the black mamba.
The black mamba is almost dead.
The black mamba completely misses you. You block the black mamba's attack.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - black mamba
Aim: a black mamba (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the black mamba.
You kill the black mamba!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - crocodile
Aim: a crocodile
The stone arrow hits the crocodile.
You kill the crocodile!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
The blink frog is heavily wounded.
The blink frog closely misses you.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
The blink frog is almost dead.
You block the blink frog's attack. x2
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - blink frog
Aim: a blink frog (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the blink frog.
You kill the blink frog!
Cheibriados thoroughly appreciates the change of pace.
Found a stone staircase leading down.
Your magical contamination has completely faded away.
Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
A hippogriff comes into view.
The hippogriff screeches!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - hippogriff
Aim: a hippogriff
The stone arrow hits the hippogriff.
The hippogriff is heavily wounded.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - hippogriff
Aim: a hippogriff (heavily wounded)
The stone arrow hits the hippogriff.
The hippogriff is almost dead.
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
Aiming: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - hippogriff
Aim: a hippogriff (almost dead)
The stone arrow hits the hippogriff.
You kill the hippogriff!
Cheibriados appreciates the change of pace.
A polar bear comes into view.
A polar bear is nearby!
Casting: Stone Arrow (safe; 1% risk of failure)
Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.
You can't see any susceptible monsters within range! (Use Z to cast anyway.)
Found 7 gold pieces.
What are your orders?
 t - Shout!
Orders for allies: a - Attack new target.
                   r - Retreat!             s - Stop attacking.
                   g - Guard the area.      f - Follow me.
 Anything else - Cancel.
You shout for attention! The polar bear growls angrily. You hear a screech! x2


Game state:

mouse_enabled: 0, waiting_for_command: 0, terminal_resized: 0
io_inited: 1, need_save: 1, saving_game: 0, updating_scores: 0:
seen_hups: 0, map_stat_gen: 0, type: 1, arena_suspended: 0

prev_cmd = CMD_MOVE_DOWN
repeat_cmd = CMD_NO_CMD

Name:    [Tasonir]
Species: Faerie Dragon
Job:     Earth Elementalist

HP: 90/90; mods: 0/0
MP: 19/29; mod: 0
Stats: 21 (21) 44 (44) 27 (27)
Position: (68, 28), god: Cheibriados (17), turn_is_over: 1, banished: 0
Standing on/in/over feature: floor

Skills (mode: manual)
Name            | can_train | train | training | level | points | progress
Fighting        |     X     |   1   |    50    |    9  |   3027 | 352/654
Short Blades    |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/70
Long Blades     |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/70
Axes            |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/70
Maces & Flails  |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/59
Polearms        |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/70
Staves          |     X     |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/59
Slings          |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/70
Bows            |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/70
Crossbows       |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/70
Throwing        |     X     |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/59
Dodging         |     X     |   0   |     0    |    9  |   1910 | 18/462
Stealth         |     X     |   0   |     0    |    1  |    127 | 43/168
Shields         |     X     |   0   |     0    |    5  |   1616 | 355/504
Unarmed Combat  |     X     |   0   |     0    |    6  |   1109 | 59/350
Spellcasting    |     X     |   1   |    50    |   10  |   2594 | 240/547
Conjurations    |     X     |   0   |     0    |    7  |   1150 | 161/283
Hexes           |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/50
Charms          |     X     |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/50
Summonings      |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/50
Necromancy      |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/35
Translocations  |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/50
Transmutations  |     X     |   0   |     0    |    5  |    848 | 98/300
Fire Magic      |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/35
Ice Magic       |     X     |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/35
Air Magic       |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/35
Earth Magic     |     X     |   0   |     0    |    9  |   1706 | 116/389
Poison Magic    |           |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/35
Invocations     |     X     |   0   |     0    |    9  |   2693 | 443/550
Evocations      |     X     |   0   |     0    |    0  |      0 | 0/59

Spell bugs:


    #12: 1474
    #22: 1
    #23: 7935
    #24: -958254733
    #27: 51876
    #49: 1523
    #59: 1

    magical scales: 1 (innate)
    able to fly: 1 (innate)

Inventory bugs:

    eq slot #1, inv slot #31: +2 cloak
    eq slot #3, inv slot #34: +2 pair of gloves of archery
    eq slot #4, inv slot #38: +1 pair of boots
    eq slot #5, inv slot #24: +2 buckler of protection
    eq slot #7, inv slot #23: +5 ring of evasion
    eq slot #8, inv slot #20: +4 ring of intelligence
    eq slot #9, inv slot #3: amulet of regeneration


.... ...................#
.... #...# #.........#
##..       #.#P.P...##
.. .       # ##P.....
..#           ........
...          ........$
...         #......H./P

clua stack:

dlua stack:

Lua persistent data:
ice_cave_hard: false
bailey_type: bailey_polearm

Lua marker contents:

Shoals Surfer

Posts: 276

Joined: Sunday, 6th November 2016, 19:19

Post Thursday, 3rd May 2018, 01:01

Re: Species Proposal - Faerie Dragon

Yeah, I had that exact error in lair as well. It is the same floor as the dire elephant vault?

The range check error is fixed in the latest version of the FD branch, because it includes this specific fix: https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/c ... 881d23f46e
16/26 on the way to GreaterOctopode (Win all backgrounds as an Octopode)

Progress so far : OpFi, OpGl, OpWn, OpAr, OpCK, OpMo, OpBe, OpHu, OpVM, OpAM, OpWr, OpFE, OpEE, OpNe, OpTm, OpSk

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