Teleportitis in Zot

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Slime Squisher

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Post Thursday, 18th May 2017, 15:34

Teleportitis in Zot

How do you deal w/ teleportitis in Zot, specifically Zot: 5? Assuming you are out of mutation potions, is the best bet to farm a safer area until you can remove the mut?
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Shoals Surfer

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Post Thursday, 18th May 2017, 18:19

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

It's the worst; the only vaguely safe strategy at that point imo would be to worship a god with a very good get-out-of-jail card, like lugonu.
Or be strong enough to survive several failed tp scrolls, untill you land in a safe area, each taking lots of turns to trigger.
Or eat mutagenic flesh until it goes away. Any other bad mutations are a lot better than teleportitis in z5.

I'm sure someone will come along and say teleportitis is only a minor inconvenience, so take the above with a grain of salt.
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Thursday, 18th May 2017, 18:25

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

With the caveat that I've hardly ever been in this situation... :o

Oh yeah, mutagenic flesh is a catchy idea 8-) You might even find some ugly things wandering around the lower Dungeon, if you have some time/food to wander around yourself? They often show up in Abyss. too.

Otherwise basically I'd say, yes if you cam find "safer" places left that you feel more comfortable with. If you haven't done Crypt, Elf, or even very early Ziggurat levels, this may be a good time to go and look for those potions. (Elf 3 and later level Zigs can present some challenges similar to Zot 5, though.) Slime or Abyss if you feel especially strong there. I don't know if I'd risk it on Vault 5, unless you're feeling really strong and sustainable against crowds.

If you're up to par strength for Zot and not too unlucky with the layout of Zot 5, half the floor may be more empty or relatively safe to clear. Maybe try to lure stuff upstairs and fight it there, rather than risking the teleport on a fresh level 5. Try to lure some individual stuff out of the orb chambers, if you can without meeting too much stuff you're not equipped to deal with kiting a little. (And if you can without marching across half the floor and risking the port anyway.)

If you must go into the orb chambers with teleportitis, the big danger is getting dropped in the middle of them again by random porting just when you wanted to leave. The usual beware of large crowds and preempt/divide them any way you can.
Pop scrolls of fog, enslave strong dumb minions if you have means, read a tele scroll early and hope for the best asap, position yourself along corners/walls where random blinks may get you closer to the exit (or maybe closer to the fight you want if casters are hanging back out of reach), call out summons, deploy nuke spells. Just anything to reduce the density/attack frequency of the opposition at any one time. You don't know whether you'll be doing it again or landing just in the same area or another crowd with the next teleport, so piecemeal contact is better (unless just sometimes, you can Firestorm etc. stuff down real fast). If you can reduce the numbers with the first few contacts and not get swamped too horribly, then the odds of survival will gradually get better.

Also note where the teleport traps are and use them to get another tele roll and hopefully get out of the orb chamber. Permanent ones can be kinda nice. You can also lure some mobs over them to hopefully get them out of the fray.
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Slime Squisher

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Post Thursday, 18th May 2017, 18:38

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

Equip an art that has -tele.
Swap to Zin and putz around in crypt or something until you can clear your muts.
Go knock out the first few floors of a zig for some !mutation.

On most characters though, I'd just ignore it. If you're in Zot:5, your character is strong enough to handle it. Read or quaff or evoke or call down the wrath of your god or channel your inner master blaster or just walk away™ when it triggers, you'll be fine as long as you don't stand there shouting while you tank all the things.

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Abyss Ambulator

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Post Thursday, 18th May 2017, 19:20

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

I think it's super dangerous. You could get dropped in the orb chamber with its many orb guardians at any point.

If you do try, don't forget to haste early in bad situations.

Halls Hopper

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Post Thursday, 18th May 2017, 20:33

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

I lost a guy to this (granted there were other contributing factors) on Zot:5. Supposedly early floors of Zigs are a good place to find cure!mut (if you're playing 0.19) or regular mutation if not. Obviously if you have a -tele artifact that fits roughly with what you want to do that's a good option too.
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Friday, 19th May 2017, 08:27

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

Yeah, no. Its super dangerous, and you dont want to go to z:5 with it.

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Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Friday, 19th May 2017, 08:55

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

Just wait until Minmay arrives.

duvessa wrote:teleportitis is annoying but i dont think you could ever convince me it is dangerous

Abyss Ambulator

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Post Friday, 19th May 2017, 11:24

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

I didn't used to believe it, but teleporting on Z:5 and snatching the orb with apportation is actually pretty straightforward. That's more or less my go-to strategy now.

When I first starting playing I religiously cleared all of Z:1-4. Then I cleared the random part of Z:5, then one outer chamber, then the other outer chamber, them one lung, then the other lung, then the orb chamber. During the course of this I had to fight lots of OoF's, ALiches, GDragons and so on. It was slow, dangerous and used consumables.

Now I don't clear Z levels, just head down the first staircase and keep going. Read mapping on Z:5 if I have it, buff up especially if I have plenty of stuff, then tele. Land anywhere dangerous? Tele, haste, walk away, use summons, use evokers, whatever. Landed in a lung? Haste, summons, get the orb, tele.

Some species/gods make this easier than others. On my last DD^Makh I had blurry vision and berserkitis. Started zerk half-way through a teleport and landed in an awkward spot, then got slowed/exhausted. The character was fine, because I just quaffed haste, dumped my boxes of beasts, sacks of spiders and evokers and walked to the orb.

Granted, DD is very strong, but the basic fact is: If you tele on Z:5 you have to fight far fewer dangerous monsters. Orb guardians are not particularly scary. If the orb chamber was full of ALiches, then I might not advocate this strategy.
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Slime Squisher

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Post Friday, 19th May 2017, 15:29

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

I would love to watch people who tell it's not dangerous, actually do Zot:5 with teleportitis.

So many things can go wrong if you land in one of the lungs (and may I say that is very likely case when your +Tele kicks in). Especially now that teleports are delayed and PoG-spell doesn't work there anymore.

Shifters surrounding you with nasties, liches abjuring your summons, dispel breaths cancelling your buffs and teleports, tormenting monsters being summoned... Good luck with all that to anyone who attempts.

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Shoals Surfer

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Post Friday, 19th May 2017, 19:32

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

Sphara wrote:I would love to watch people who tell it's not dangerous, actually do Zot:5 with teleportitis.

So many things can go wrong if you land in one of the lungs (and may I say that is very likely case when your +Tele kicks in). Especially now that teleports are delayed and PoG-spell doesn't work there anymore.

Shifters surrounding you with nasties, liches abjuring your summons, dispel breaths cancelling your buffs and teleports, tormenting monsters being summoned... Good luck with all that to anyone who attempts.

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Abyss Ambulator

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Post Friday, 19th May 2017, 21:50

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

Sphara wrote:I would love to watch people who tell it's not dangerous, actually do Zot:5 with teleportitis.

So many things can go wrong if you land in one of the lungs (and may I say that is very likely case when your +Tele kicks in). Especially now that teleports are delayed and PoG-spell doesn't work there anymore.

Shifters surrounding you with nasties, liches abjuring your summons, dispel breaths cancelling your buffs and teleports, tormenting monsters being summoned... Good luck with all that to anyone who attempts.

It was easy in pre-0.19, very easy in 0.17-0.18, but is no longer that safe, imo
Zot is much more dangerous now with the teleport change unless you have digging, which is also rarer due to updates
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Spider Stomper

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Post Saturday, 20th May 2017, 17:44

Re: Teleportitis in Zot

You can't even do much digging in the lungs, they're made of unnaturally hard walls. You need certain capstone god abilities to be cozy; stuff like Shadow Form, Sanctuary, or an active bribe.

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