Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 24th June 2016, 20:13

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

genericpseudonym wrote:Time to abandon your god and switch to Fedhas!

I considered it indeed :)
But that would decrease my chance to win significantly. I didn't melee much with Str 7 and it was in Depths when game is almost over.

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Post Friday, 24th June 2016, 20:59

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

It's just Arga, not like it was a +9 vamp eveningstar
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Saturday, 25th June 2016, 11:34

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I once thought that getting a god was a thing for the late game.
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Post Thursday, 30th June 2016, 16:49

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

Twice I've gotten to the orb, buffed up, headed to the first floors of the dungeon and forgot to actually pick up the orb. One of those times I was even sober!
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Post Thursday, 30th June 2016, 19:35

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I used to put level up points into attributes other than DEX
take it easy

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 30th June 2016, 19:36

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

Cheibrodos wrote:I used to put level up points into attributes other than DEX

Do you mean you never put them in Dex?

Abyss Ambulator

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Post Thursday, 30th June 2016, 19:48

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

Cheibrodos wrote:I used to put level up points into attributes other than DEX

That's usually a good idea in the early game, isn't it?

Slime Squisher

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Post Thursday, 30th June 2016, 20:04

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

This has to be some sort of an old meme, i vaguely remember a copypasta from the Tavern which stated that "dex is better than sex" (you can still find it).
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Post Thursday, 30th June 2016, 20:38

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

4Hooves2Appendages wrote:
Cheibrodos wrote:I used to put level up points into attributes other than DEX

That's usually a good idea in the early game, isn't it?

It's a good idea all game, depending on the character. Still, dex is usually the right choice...
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Thursday, 30th June 2016, 21:22

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I used to save scum TrBes. I don't think I ever won doing that.
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Post Friday, 1st July 2016, 16:31

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

xentronium wrote:I used to save scum TrBes. I don't think I ever won doing that.

I taught my brother how to save scum. He drowned on shoals, then got killed by his drowned ghost, then got gangbanged by his two ghosts and finally stopped playing the game.
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Post Saturday, 2nd July 2016, 05:57

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

That reminds me...It used to be possible to copy a map file (including all items on the floor) and replace another map file with the copied one. So I would go into wiz mode, create a bunch of artifacts, put them on the ground, and start a new game with the OP stuff.
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Post Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 11:00

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I could not understand why anybody would ever learn poison arrow when venom bolt is easier to cast and bolts do more damage than arrows.

It seemed like fire/cold wands were marginally stronger than flame/frost so I just used them on hobgoblins and other junk monsters.

I thought wand of hasting was a purely useless/harmful wand that exists as a zap-identifcation trap.

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Post Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 12:44

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I once made a dwarf paladin, met an ogre and got one-shotted.
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Post Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 13:08

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I started off playing centaur hunters, and figured with their bad defensive apts meant it was stupid to train any defenses, and their deformed body meant it was stupid to wear heavy armor.

Due to this line of thinking, I thought ravens were one of the hardest monsters in the game. My poor centaurs would just get destroyed by them, as they were typically one of the first monsters I'd run into that I couldn't kite.

This also lead to my first winning centaur having an amazing 3 EV!

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Post Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 17:15

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I didn't have a numpad and was too lazy to use the normal numbers (let alone learn vikeys) so I played exclusively with arrow keys and autoexplore for the first few weeks.

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 17:27

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I couldn't play without mouse and couldn't understand how players can play without mouse.
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I still don't understand how players can play console

I was using mouse to cast spells as DEFE, moving mouse pointer from spell icon to desired target all the time. Of course it took several in-game days for 15 runes. Eventually I misclicked and casted Borgnjor's Revivification instead of Fire Storm.
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Of course I created a thread in GDD to request a confirmation for the spell. It got refused for technical reasons but in several years I submitted a "confirm_action" patch and now I get "Really use Corrupt?" and "Really use Borgnjor's Revivification?" when playing with my init.txt

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Post Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 19:05

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

cerebovssquire wrote:I didn't have a numpad and was too lazy to use the normal numbers (let alone learn vikeys) so I played exclusively with arrow keys and autoexplore for the first few weeks.

One person on tileschat had a laptop without a numpad and was too lazy to learn vikeys, so she played exclusively using the num-row.
take it easy
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 19:57

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

It never occurred to me for the longest time that you could somehow walk right over a Shaft tile, and not automatically fall in!

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Post Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 20:13

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

The very first game of crawl I played had the starting vault where a whole slew of deadly monsters are behind a closed door. (It might be runed, I’m not sure.)

In any case, I thought “surely they wouldn’t put this room here if it wasn’t beatable by a new character” and opened the door. Then I died. It was a very confusing introduction to the game.

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Post Thursday, 7th July 2016, 06:39

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

Sandman25 wrote:I still don't understand how players can play console

It's ok, I don't understand how people can play tiles.

Arrhythmia wrote:
cerebovssquire wrote:I didn't have a numpad and was too lazy to use the normal numbers (let alone learn vikeys) so I played exclusively with arrow keys and autoexplore for the first few weeks.

One person on tileschat had a laptop without a numpad and was too lazy to learn vikeys, so she played exclusively using the num-row.

I'm embarrassed to say that I've done this before.

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Post Thursday, 7th July 2016, 07:54

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

Arrhythmia wrote:One person on tileschat had a laptop without a numpad and was too lazy to learn vikeys, so she played exclusively using the num-row.

I have a numpad but I still use the num row quite often (for repositioning, etc). Somehow my brain can easily map numbers into directions but I could never get the hang of vikeys.

I used to play console only but I switched to Webtiles recently (new Windows machine, no builtin ssh, too lazy to install putty) and now I can't get used to console again. Help!

But playing with a mouse (for offline Tiles) is simply beyond me.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 7th July 2016, 16:51

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I dont know how people play with anything other than vikeys, they are just so much less work (even less work than the number pad)

Here is how you learn to use vikeys:
1. Put your fingers on hjkl
2. Use your leftmost finger to move left, use your rightmost finger to move right
3. The two in the middle are down and up, in that order.
4. The diagnols are around your leftmost finger, yubn, move that finger in the direction you want to go and press the button.
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Thursday, 7th July 2016, 18:03

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

Siegurt wrote:1. Put your fingers on hjkl

mavis beacon is screaming
take it easy

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Tomb Titivator

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Post Thursday, 7th July 2016, 18:14

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

DracheReborn wrote: (new Windows machine, no builtin ssh, too lazy to install putty)

You don't even install putty. You just download it and run the executable.

Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Thursday, 7th July 2016, 20:32

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

I got a laptop from work with no numpad, so I had to learn the vi keys. At first, they made no sense, and I couldn't manage to press the right buttons. Now, they continue to make no sense, but at least 95% of the time I press the right button(Most common mistakes are up instead of down, or down-right instead of down-left).

Sometimes I play a weird hybrid of arrow keys and vi key diagonals... for some reason. My hand just wants to do that sometimes.

Swamp Slogger

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Post Saturday, 9th July 2016, 01:25

Re: Share stories from when you were new and bad at Crawl

Arrhythmia wrote:
cerebovssquire wrote:I didn't have a numpad and was too lazy to use the normal numbers (let alone learn vikeys) so I played exclusively with arrow keys and autoexplore for the first few weeks.

One person on tileschat had a laptop without a numpad and was too lazy to learn vikeys, so she played exclusively using the num-row.

I learned vikeys so I could play webtiles on my phone.

It's actually turned out to be pretty intuitive after some learning, I even prefer it when on keyboard with a numpad, because I can have both hands on the keyboard and access my skill menu, inventory, autoexplore, etc. all without moving either hand.

I still play webtiles over console though, so I can't claim nerd superiority with it.

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