I'm not saying people can't pooh-pooh my plans, but they should understand that the important parts of the plan, the parts worth discussing, are not the specific formulas. Questions like "what key will be used to equip/unequip a launcher?" are good, and can only help me come up with better plans. Questions like "how much damage will a short bow do at 15 bows skill with 10 fighting, 12 dex, and 13 strength?" are bad questions. These questions can only help if the design goals are definitely correct but are in some way contingent on the specific numbers chosen, which is not the case here.
Also, asking for "formulas" does not to me mean "ballpark". To me this is like saying "tell me the exact details, but just give me a quick overview."
So, let me address the good questions that HbG offered:
What is 'meaningfully limited' and 'powerful'?
By "meaningfully limited", I mean generating about the same amount of ammo on the floor as now, but mulching all ammo that monsters fire or drop. If that doesn't feel right, I'll revisit it. The intention is to make it sufficiently limited that you cannot use it on every powerful monster you meet.
By "powerful", I mean being more damaging than equivalent melee weapons in general, but particularly at high investment. So, a hunter's starting launcher at starting skill would do more DOTthan any other starting weapon at starting skill -- somewhere in the range of 10-40% more. At very high skill (20+), a launcher might get as high as 50-100% more than equivalent melee DOT. This will have to be considered carefully, because there's a potential for overall power creep here and I would like to avoid that.
Do artifact launchers still exist, but stripped to their enchantment and brand?
My plan is to remove randart launchers but allow unrand launchers. Without non-enchantment, non-brand properties, the only meaningful attribute of a randart is unenchantability, and I'm not sure that's worth much by itself.
Where does the launcher slot go and what commands are associated with it?
I'm not sure what you mean by "go". I was initially thinking of putting it on w, but that creates a lot of complications. I then considered W/T since that already has the interface required to cleanly support it. After speaking w/dpeg recently, I'm thinking perhaps it should go on Q, but that would require doing something about blowguns, the last launcher that supports multiple ammo types.
Do you want launchers to be on the same footing in terms of power and ammo constraint?
I'm still going back and forth on this. I like the division of crossbow and bow by attack speed/armour penetration. I also like the idea of having a single ranged skill (e.g. Launchers), but if we were to do this I'd want to unify them to take a single type of ammo so that you don't end up collecting both bolts and arrows and bullets and a bow and a crossbow and a sling and then choosing which one to use based on ammo availability and monster threat level. That would be worse than current weapon switching.
IMO I think it's not nice to destroy unlimited non-magical ranged archetypes because they promise a unique if niche playstyle.
The problem is that we do not have a unlimited non-magical ranged archetype that promises a unique playstyle, and ranged is only niche because it's so unpleasant for so many players. Ranged combat is not unique (it overlaps with wands and conjurations), and it's also also fundamentally flawed as constructed right now.
Imagine if we had a form of attack where when you press "rest" repeatedly monsters on screen start randomly dying. Imagine that doing this is about as effective as attacking those monsters in melee, but you can do it from anywhere on screen. Imagine that there are items in the game that buffed that form of combat but not other forms. Would that be unique? Would it be interesting or worth preserving? Now switch the "rest" key to tab and "randomly" to "whichever monsters you choose" and you don't have to imagine: that's what ranged combat is right now.