Crazy Yiuf's egregore

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Snake Sneak

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Post Friday, 6th November 2015, 00:17

Crazy Yiuf's egregore

I like to think about this wierd surfer guy as about elliot (or what his name were, jerk who loved long posts and fancy words) (I still keep one of his copypastas close to my heart...), which got condemned by moderators for his sins to roam CYC eternally (he doesn't appear at other subforums, I believe). This eventually shattered his sanity and gave taste to surfer avatars.
What would be fun is a God who uses piety like a fighting game style super meter. Piety decays rapidly outside of combat, builds up during fights, spend it for secret techniques and super moves.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 6th November 2015, 00:27

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Okay, here we go.

galehar wrote:I wonder what's the point of posts like this one. It uses exaggeration and broken logic to imply that the devs are stupid and keep making the game worse with bad design decisions. It doesn't contain any actual analysis or even basic reasoning.
I am not saying that this should be moderated. It doesn't break any forum rule, and we don't want to forbid people from saying bad things about the game. My point is that the only effect it has is to drive devs away. Most of us have gained a thick skin and we usually just ignore it. But it's not the case for everyone, and I believe that this kind of attitude is why DracoOmega left.
So, what's the point? I guess the people posting it does so because it makes them feel good. It's quite obvious that it doesn't make anyone else feel good and that it's useless for the game, so they must be doing it for themselves. Probably, it amuses the other cynics and they can thank each others.
I really don't care what you guys think, I'm just asking that you don't litter this forum with your petty bitterness. Keep it to Yiuf, reddit, SA and ##crawl.

And what I wonder is why overt insults are heavily moderated, while posts like this one, containing nothing but bile and hate, get a free pass just because they use back-handed insults and hurtful implications rather than direct statements. You make an entire thread for no reason other than to spew bile about me and accuse me of driving people away, which is of course bullshit because unlike you and dpeg, DracoOmega was overall an awesome dude. And you even include the bonus implication that any place of discussion you don't frequent is equivalent to the literal joke section of YOUR place of discussion. Your arrogance, at least, is worthy of such lofty placement. Meanwhile my post, as I will now endeavor to make clear, had plenty of real, useful content and was firmly grounded in analysis and extensive consideration.

Volteccer_Jack wrote:The goal here is to come up with an idea that sounds terribly overpowered, like cleaving, but is in actual practice usually useless, like cleaving.

This is because anything that is actually useful becomes terribly overpowered as soon as monsters get a hold of it.

Note that these first two sentences contain no personal opinions on my part. They are simply description of the current situation. If you think I am being cynical or that I don't like cleaving, you are projecting your own bias onto my words. When I played Crawl, I liked cleaving quite a bit, even if my preference was usually to not use it. The only change I would make would be to revert the unnecessary and in any case overly harsh Damage nerf Axes received, which was the real reason I largely stopped using Axes.

It is certainly unfortunate that cleaving is useless most of the time (except for the purpose earning a better turncount/score, but scoring mechanics in an intentionally random game don't interest me), but it is something we have to accept as long as monsters are allowed to have the same abilities. Anything strong enough to be properly useful will be overpowered in monster hands. There's no way around this fact. Monsters just have too many advantages and shortcuts and cheats and come in too many varieties. Anything really properly good will find a way to be dumb and overpowered when given to monsters (reaching has several good examples already). And I'm not saying monsters shouldn't get those abilities either - it absolutely benefits the game in some respects - but it comes with the cost that weapon abilities must be very weak.

Likewise, I believe it is a very good thing for abilities to look and sound overpowered. Being flashy and cool has little cost or downside, and makes these abilities much more attractive to players who might otherwise not spend much time with them, TSO's bitchin' halo being a prime example. Nothing cynical happening here, quite the opposite. It's one the things Crawl generally does well, to the point that if you don't like it, I would wager you don't like Crawl very much.

This way players can still delude themselves with feelings of badassitude as they cleave away at the mobs of rats until any kind of actual threat walks into view (at which point go back to standard tactics of obsessively refusing to engage more than one target at a time).

I imagine this maybe hurt somebody's little feelings but "delude" is the correct word to use in that sentence to get the idea across. And "obsessively refusing to engage more than one target" is one the fundamental rules you must follow in order to reliably succeed at crawl. Harsh truths, I suppose.

Reaching by the way, fails at basically every criteria ever given for weapon effects, and only remains as-is because changing something would mean an admittance of failure, either in the design of reaching or the design of the aforementioned criteria.

This remark was admittedly snappy, but only because it was a direct response to dpeg and galehar, who were, as usual, being extremely defensive and answering the concerns within the thread with politicking non-answers like "We adapted autofight to make it work, so it's acceptable" (why can't you do whatever that vague answer is supposed to mean for other abilities?). It's one thing to gloss over or simplify a complicated situation, but answers like that - vague noncommittal phrases that nevertheless assume a tone of finality - are clearly not designed to encourage or enliven discussion. Toxic feedback goes both ways.

Reaching, like summoning and pacification, is an absolute failure. All three are obviously overpowered to anyone with an understanding of crawl mechanics, and all are "balanced" only by the fact that, when used heavily over the course the game, they are incredibly annoying and unfun. That's a simple objective description of the situation. Not trying to be hurtful to anybody, but that's the situation and if the devs continue to ignore it, then it will continue to be an awful situation.

Here's me being hurtful:
Spoiler: show
If you want me to call the devs stupid, I'll point out that recent "nerfs" to summoning and pacification have had virtually no effect whatsoever on the fundamental problems with summoning and pacification (so that they remain very nearly as overpowered as ever) and by far the most noticeable effect of these "nerfs" is to make summoning and pacification EVEN MORE annoying and unfun. And since these changes have not been reverted, I will then draw the rather unkind conclusion that either A) it is the intention of the devs to balance overpowered mechanics by making them tedious and annoying and generally awful to use, or B) the devs value balance much more highly than fun and basic playability.

galehar wrote:VJ's posts are systematically contentless, outright insulting or just cynical.

My posts are some of the most consistently content-full in this forum. Compare to clowns like yourself and Xuaxua who are happy to fill thread after thread with meaningless unhelpful crap. And for the record, describing a flawed situation as flawed is not cynical, it is honest. I don't know how you can expect to improve the game if you refuse to take its problems seriously.

dpeg wrote:On "it makes good people leave". We had a dev leave because of abuse.

How come only the good devs leave because of abuse?

MarvinPA suggested a ban from GDD. That sounds like a good idea to me, and I've already set up the group. Volteccer_Jack is likely to have the honour to be the first member of this new group.

As long as folks like dpeg are exempt from the group, it will not substantively improve the quality of discussion. Meanwhile I don't even play Crawl at the moment, and won't play it again as long as mimics are allowed to waste the player's time, so I have literally no reason to even post here other than the intellectual pursuit of making a hypothetical roguelike that is better than another hypothetical roguelike. The idea that banning me would be an improvement is therefore amusing to me, but apparently you are pretty worked up so maybe it will prevent a nervous breakdown or something.

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Blades Runner

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Post Friday, 6th November 2015, 01:57

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

Wow, didn't know I was missing so much drama in GDD. Might start peeking in more often.

(I'll just say that while duvessa can be a condecending asshole sometimes, I consider him/her to be one of the more intelligent posters on this forum and he usually seems to be right about most things.)

(Actually, is that post even duvessas? Doesn't really seem like it. The first time I looked I thought these were posts that just got moved out of a thread in GDD. I don't know, I was pretty sleepy when I first saw this thread, I shouldn't have bothered posting)
Last edited by Laraso on Friday, 6th November 2015, 16:08, edited 3 times in total.


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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 6th November 2015, 06:44

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

I miss this guy.

Edit: the best Tavern copypasta is still the one about jelly-fucking though.
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Post Friday, 6th November 2015, 08:57

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore


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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Friday, 6th November 2015, 15:03

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

surfer avatars?
seattle washington. friends for life. mods hate on me and devs ignore my posts. creater of exoelfs and dc:pt

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 6th November 2015, 19:27

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

Laraso wrote:Actually, is that post even duvessas?
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Saturday, 7th November 2015, 00:02

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

I was sure I've heard it somewhere. thought I had a deja vu.
that's one well executed copy-pasta, IMO.
my posts are to be read in a mildly playful tone, with a deep, sexy voice.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 7th November 2015, 02:18

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore


Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Saturday, 7th November 2015, 11:09

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

Has anyone succeeded to find out what the fuck this thread is?
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Saturday, 7th November 2015, 22:02

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

Magipi wrote:Has anyone succeeded to find out what the fuck this thread is?

it is beautiful. :")
my posts are to be read in a mildly playful tone, with a deep, sexy voice.

Tomb Titivator

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Post Saturday, 7th November 2015, 23:58

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

Magipi wrote:Has anyone succeeded to find out what the fuck this thread is?

From wikipedia:

Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 18th November 2015, 14:51

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

duvessa wrote:
galehar wrote:VJ's posts are systematically contentless, outright insulting or just cynical.

My posts are some of the most consistently content-full in this forum. Compare to clowns like yourself and Xuaxua who are happy to fill thread after thread with meaningless unhelpful crap.

You should have joined my clan this tournament because I'd like to see you own its name.

I hope that was helpful.
"Be aware that a lot of people on this forum, such as mageykun and XuaXua, have a habit of making things up." - minmay a.k.a. duvessa
Did I make a lame complaint? Check for Bingo!
Totally gracious CSDC Season 2 Division 4 Champeen!
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Crypt Cleanser

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Post Wednesday, 18th November 2015, 19:10

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

beem killed jfk
Dearest Steve
thanks for the gym equipment
the plane crashed

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 20th November 2015, 02:12

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

Thread summary: Opens with a ghost reference, claiming someone got trapped in the CYC forum and haunts it forever, and somehow created surfing avatars. Twelve asks about this later on, as he has a surfing avatar.

Duvessa follows up with a copy-pasted old drama thread, about people arguing over the toxicity of forum posts. I don't recognize it, but as it mentions cleaving, it can't be all that old, I think cleaving went into .12?

Sar briefly mentions the poster who was attracted to jellies, without linking (for shame). Basically they found being enveloped in jellies (and the burning) to be very arousing. Imho, don't knock it until you've tried it, it's worth experiencing at least once.

Archaeo follows this up with the video of sledgehammering a chicken (that sounds so wrong) that was the result of a very popular thread debating medieval weaponry. Or at least, it became popular after the video was posted - it was a bit of a flame war prior.

Duvessa again links a meme/image-macro/internet-thing, with a quote about the power structure of society. I don't know the source of the quote, but it certainly sounds marxist - that labourers used to be cut off from each other on farms, supporting the upper class who take a cut and not having any means to effectively organize. Then when labourers were moved into factories, it gives them the proximity they need to communicate easily, organize, and overthrow their masters. Thus when the upper classes organized factories, what they actually organized was their own downfall, as their now empowered and unified labor force would overthrow them. This was considered inevitable; looking around ourselves now in 2015, I don't think it's actually happened. This is all pasted over an image of minions, the characters from despicable me and their own later spinoff "minions" movie. I haven't seen any of these, but they're basically generic stand in workers who only serve the villain's goals rather than their own. They seem somewhat like sheeple, if you'll forgive the conspiracy colloquialism. If I'm off on my characterization of minions, let me know, I'm not that familiar with them.

Magipi then asks "Has anyone succeeded to find out what the fuck this thread is?" which is why I am posting this - and Hirsch absolutely correct in that it is beautiful.

Xuaxua responds to the pasted forum drama, perhaps thinking it's more recent than it actually is. And finally Pubby finishes it all off with a JFK conspiracy, which no pointless random thread is complete without.

Tasonir "I spend too much time posting at work"

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Post Friday, 20th November 2015, 09:41

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

tasonir wrote:Archaeo follows this up with the video of sledgehammering a chicken

That's an axe whose blade boasts such a large angle that the head looks like a toblerone bar.
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Crypt Cleanser

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Post Friday, 20th November 2015, 14:03

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

It's a blunt, 18 pound splitting maul. Morons.
Dearest Steve
thanks for the gym equipment
the plane crashed

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 20th November 2015, 14:48

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

tasonir wrote:Sar briefly mentions the poster who was attracted to jellies, without linking (for shame).

My bad!
SchwaWarrior wrote:That and my burning love for Jellies has nothing to do with my orientation. n_n It's hard to explain, but... the thought of their thick, gelatinous form melding to my shape to grip me firmly, combined with the burning heat from the acid... it just gets me so excited. ♥ I don't think I'd like getting my flesh dissolved away, but say if I had a magical protection from acid dissolving, there would just be the heat and the tingling and the comforting pressure of its grip. That and... Jellies are such curious creatures. First glance you would think they're just a mindless monster... but, there's Jivya, so it's like underneath its quivering mass there's an actual consciousness and a soul and a heart. And on instinct I want to go to it and comfort it, and feel a bond form with it, and nurture that bond.

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Tomb Titivator

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Post Friday, 20th November 2015, 15:08

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

but where are the ladies am I right gentlemen
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Friday, 20th November 2015, 16:58

Re: Crazy Yiuf's egregore

twelwe knows, but he's not telling anybody :x smdh
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