Generic Brainstorming!

If it doesn't fit anywhere else, it belongs here. Also, come here if you just need to get hammered.

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Post Sunday, 4th May 2014, 19:56

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Don't you mean, "tunaight"? :D :D :D
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614 | D:1      | Slain by a gnoll

Temple Termagant

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Post Sunday, 4th May 2014, 20:03

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Hopeless, just in case you don't know, the posts since and including "Gozer the Gozerian" have all been an extended reference to Ghostbusters:

We can now all safely get back to brainstorming.
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Post Sunday, 4th May 2014, 20:07

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

New sprint proposal: Grimm's Absence.
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614 | D:1      | Slain by a gnoll

Shoals Surfer

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Post Sunday, 4th May 2014, 20:15

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Hopeless wrote:
File200 wrote:
Hopeless wrote:What if I am Loki?

My cat is named Loki. True story.

Interesting coincidence. Btw don't forget the tuna tonight.

My cat is posting on CYC. Truly a sign of the apocalypse.
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Blades Runner

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Post Sunday, 4th May 2014, 20:50

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Thundamoo wrote:Hopeless, just in case you don't know, the posts since and including "Gozer the Gozerian" have all been an extended reference to Ghostbusters:

We can now all safely get back to brainstorming.

lol Well I never claimed any cultural superiority. Heck I barely remember the movies much less the reference though now it seems so facepalming obvious in retrospect. Still, fun demi-thread.

As for brainstorming first we must find a brain and then storm it.

Shoals Surfer

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Post Monday, 5th May 2014, 03:46

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Bring back discussion on moon trolls, jelly species and nomes.

Add a dozen more werewolf threads to GDD.

Let the species proposals flow like water.

Add Facebook integration to Crawl.

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Slime Squisher

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Post Wednesday, 7th May 2014, 02:11

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

File200 wrote:Add Facebook integration to Crawl.

You have reached a new level!!!!

*ad pops up*


*closes ad*

*at 1 HP due to a Sigtasha combo*

*ad pops up*

{Remember, you can pay $14.99 to get a full health refill!}

"Stop... tempting.... me...."


"You have explored 4 levels! Only 5 more to unlock DEFE!"

"You kneel at the altar of Ashenzari.."


"Galehar, whyyyy!?!" :cry:
Last edited by treerex5 on Wednesday, 7th May 2014, 15:25, edited 1 time in total.
Lord of Lignification, we bow down to you.

...why aren't you bowing? Stop reading this and bow.

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all before, File200, rockygargoyle
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Wednesday, 7th May 2014, 12:37

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

treerex, your posts would be so much more enjoyable if they werent so exaggerated, with all capitals, an thousands of smilies, and the overall screamy tone.
my posts are to be read in a mildly playful tone, with a deep, sexy voice.
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Slime Squisher

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Post Wednesday, 7th May 2014, 15:26

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Hirsch I wrote:treerex, your posts would be so much more enjoyable if they werent so exaggerated, with all capitals, an thousands of smilies, and the overall screamy tone.

Fixed my post.

Better? I was just trying to emulate my facebook experience :D
Lord of Lignification, we bow down to you.

...why aren't you bowing? Stop reading this and bow.
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Slime Squisher

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Post Wednesday, 7th May 2014, 15:29

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Serious proposal:

Add an options button on the main menu and ingame, where you can change autopickup exclusions, when the game forces a --more-- prompt, and the like.
Lord of Lignification, we bow down to you.

...why aren't you bowing? Stop reading this and bow.
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Sewers Scotsman

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Post Wednesday, 7th May 2014, 15:36

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

CYC is no place for serious proposals.
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Wednesday, 7th May 2014, 15:39

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

dont sweat it.
but yeah, much better now.
also, I dont think an options button will be added. all of that can be managed quite efficiently by messing with the init file.
my posts are to be read in a mildly playful tone, with a deep, sexy voice.

Shoals Surfer

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Post Thursday, 8th May 2014, 02:16

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Allow demonspawn to "Reform" and worship good gods. You start under penance, but can eventually prove yourself to be faithful. If you pray at Zin's altar before joining either of the other good gods, he just recites at you.
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Dis Charger

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Post Thursday, 8th May 2014, 04:06

Item Concept: Eyeball Rod

Item Concept: Eyeball Rod

Either a normal rod or a fixedArt.

Most the reason I like the idea of it being a fixedArt is giving it a unique tile and physical description would be cool.
A strange gnarled rod of some indistinguishable slimy material with an enchanted eyeball at the end; constantly darting its gaze about.

Wielding the rod grants SInv.

When evoked, you may smite target the effect (3 MP, single spell). The eyeball rod is described as 'gazing at' the target. All effects ignore AC/EV, but check MR. Randomly picks one of the following: (Paralysis [Giant Eyeball], Confusion [Golden Eyeball], Anti-Magic status [Eye of Draining], Polymorph [Shining Eye], Disintegration [Eye of Devastation], Slow [Great Orb of Eyes], Teleport Other [Great Orb of Eyes], Enslavement [added non-eyeball effect])
I'm beginning to feel like a Cat God! Felid streaks: {FeVM^Sif Muna, FeWn^Dithmenos, FeAr^Pakellas}, {FeEE^Ashenzari, FeEn^Gozag, FeNe^Sif Muna, FeAE^Vehumet...(ongoing)}

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 8th May 2014, 22:02

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Unrandart (preidentified) ring which is cursed and cannot be removed by any means. It should not be too powerful and should have a drawback, otherwise you would not want to remove it any way. Something like (permanent +8 AC and random Silence) or (permanent +8 EV and random -Tele for small duration).

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 13th June 2014, 17:38

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Inspired by some thread in GDD.
Wn should have randomized resists (e.g. rPois and rF-).

Spider Stomper

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Post Sunday, 15th June 2014, 09:51

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Bean essence. Makes the player FAR less stealthy. Has no effect on herbivores.
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Temple Termagant

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Post Friday, 17th October 2014, 06:08

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

You have been cast into the Jurassic!

Replace the Abyss with the Jurassic. Player lands in an infinite level of swamp and forest, where they are attacked by dinosaurs. To return to dungeon, must find a series of portals each leading forward one geological era.
Actually, DrFE is only a terrible combo one seventh of the time. I like those odds.


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Post Friday, 17th October 2014, 06:21

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Vivificient wrote:Player lands in an infinite level of swamp and forest, where they are attacked by dinosaurs.

The Swamp is basically already this, though.

Spider Stomper

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Post Friday, 17th October 2014, 10:52

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

I will just dump these here to get them off my head. Do what you want with them.

Few monster ideas:
How about huge, multitile monsters? We already have cracens that are kinda like this, but I would like to see 2x2, 3x3, or even larger mega beasts. They could not fit in to smaller tunnels, but they would either be able to dig or otherwise reach you and perhaps spawn only on open areas.

Other similar idea: Multisectioned worms. If you cut it in half, you get two worms. There could be a minimum length of a worm so you do not have to kill each section separately, something like minimum of one head, one body and one tail section. They could also eat items to grow longer. (And if they hit a wall or them selves, they die? ;) ) More seriously, they could tangle and sections could overlap, allowing them to pass by them selves. This could be done so that only 2 sections can overlap at a time. 1 tile wide corridors require the worm to be able to go entirely over it self. The monster might be an interesting change to what we now have, since avoiding the head and looking for an opening to strike the worm could play a huge role in defeating them safely.

A new spell:
Soulwalk Translocations/Necromancy. Allows you to travel through a line of monsters all the way to the opposite side of them causing damage to every monster passed. The monsters must be next to each other, the first monster must be next to you and you will land next to the last monster in line. I was thinking of a blink spell that would damage everyone in between your starting position and destination, but this might be too powerful, since it would become a controlled blink that deals damage. Not sure if there is anything wrong with that, if the level is sufficient. :P There are not too many damage dealing Translocations spells, so this could be an option. (Assuming we need an offensive translocation)

New god: Tiny being
Gives piety for killing things larger than you. Passively summons permanent butterfly allies that flutter around you, more butterflies with more piety. Gifts jewelry.
This is pretty much as far as I have tought about this. :P

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 17th October 2014, 11:47

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Soulwalk sounds pretty cool, actually.

Vaults Vanquisher

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Post Saturday, 25th October 2014, 11:51

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

MrRokkomies wrote:New god: Tiny being
Gives piety for killing things larger than you. Passively summons Temporary butterfly allies that flutter around you, more butterflies with more piety. Doesn't gifts jewellery.

Give it an ability which shrinks enemies.
This is all you need, I'd worship.

Halls Hopper

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Post Wednesday, 29th October 2014, 14:40

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Just a bunch of animal-based enemy ideas I've had whilst playing Crawl.

Piranha: Lurk exclusively in shallow water. Have a nasty bite.
Plague Toad: A giant frog that belches miasmic clouds.
Paleosaur: Big, generic, terrifying dinosaur-like enemy.
Parrot: Like a bat, but shouts to alert all enemies nearby to your presence.
Pinata: A donkey-like animal that drops random loot when destroyed.

Red the Herring: A unique fish that you think is important but isn't. Casts mesmerise on you to get your attention.
Schrodinger: A unique felid who has a 50% chance of coming back every time he is killed.
The Baskervillian Hound: A unique hound surrounded by a ghostly aura. Capable of causing fear.
Nid Hog: A unique hog that is very powerful. Capable of tearing through plants and trees with ease.
Guams: A unique komodo dragon that, due to some magical shenanigans, has the wings and fire-breating abilities of a real dragon.
Elmer: A unique elephant that spent time in a circus with killer klowns. Attacks have random effects, like killer klowns. Very colourful.

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Halls Hopper

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Post Wednesday, 29th October 2014, 16:26

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

New god: God of Dance

Provides several invocations that must be maintained by continuous movement.
Example Dance-vocations:

Victory Dance - if you move around enemy corpses while this dance is active you get some additional experience. Obviously victory dancing was awesome. It must return to Crawl in some form.
Pole(arm) Dance - gives you skill in Polearms equal to your highest weapon skill or fighting skill; while active if you attack a monster you hop backwards from them like a Red Devil
Tukima's Ball - casts Tukima's Dance on every enemy in sight

Spider Stomper

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Post Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, 11:21

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

I have been thinking about ways to make slings stand out more. Bow is fast, single target damage dealer with dispersal ammo, crossbow is slow, single target damage dealer with penetration ammo. Blowguns do poison and have some hexes ammo, throwables are one handed. Slings just do not have much appeal since they are quite weak even with the recent changes, compared to the others.

To make them more interesting, lets give them AOE effect ammo. Fire bombs, gas bombs, fog bombs, noise bombs, etc. These ammunitions would be sparce but give some unique consumable options to sling users. (atleast the fog and noice bombs) I am not quite sure if making noise at the edge of you'r LOS would really be useful, but I am trying to be creative here. :)
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, 11:32

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Well, Projected Noise was op, so I guess noise ammo shouldn't be very common..
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, 13:21

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

hey, what if Xom liked playing pretend, and used other god's abilities and wrath?
"Hey, look at me, I'm Makleb!" *summons hostile demons at you*
it would be fun.
my posts are to be read in a mildly playful tone, with a deep, sexy voice.

Abyss Ambulator

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Post Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, 15:05

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Hirsch I wrote:hey, what if Xom liked playing pretend, and used other god's abilities and wrath?
"Hey, look at me, I'm Makleb!" *summons hostile demons at you*
it would be fun.

He already does that...

Swamp Slogger

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Post Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, 15:18

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

You detect *: Ashenzari
Mutations: Jiyva
Potion effects: Gozag
Destruction: Qazlal
Weapon/Armour gifts: Okawaru
Haste/might: old Okawaru
Berserk: Trog
Demons: Makhleb
Banishing: Lugonu
Stealth: Dithmenos
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, 15:26

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

I mean the flavour text.
my posts are to be read in a mildly playful tone, with a deep, sexy voice.

Dungeon Dilettante

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Post Thursday, 4th December 2014, 03:21

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

When playing a Felid, Natasha should become friendly immediately upon seeing you, and spend the rest of the game wandering at the edge of your radius. When you rest she should find a tile 3 or 4 spots away from you and rest as well.

This is just what real cats would do.

Spider Stomper

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Post Monday, 15th December 2014, 08:49

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

jabberwock wrote:When playing a Felid, Natasha should become friendly immediately upon seeing you, and spend the rest of the game wandering at the edge of your radius. When you rest she should find a tile 3 or 4 spots away from you and rest as well.

This is just what real cats would do.

And if you some how manage to take her all the way to the Orb, she will try to steal it from you.
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Snake Sneak

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Post Monday, 15th December 2014, 22:52

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

BobIsDead wrote:Nid Hog: A unique hog that is very powerful. Capable of tearing through plants and trees with ease.

You do know that Nidhog is actually a giant flying worm-like thing from Norse mythology, right?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
~380,000 (with wrapper on)

Halls Hopper

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Post Sunday, 18th January 2015, 22:29

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

McGeekster wrote:
BobIsDead wrote:Nid Hog: A unique hog that is very powerful. Capable of tearing through plants and trees with ease.

You do know that Nidhog is actually a giant flying worm-like thing from Norse mythology, right?

Yep. That's sort of the joke. Not a very good one, but I'll take what I can get.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 28th January 2015, 21:46

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

New god who allows to have abilities of several other gods. Piety is earned by kills.
When joining it a random god is selected and the player can get abilities of the selected god. After getting to * piety, a dialog is displayed "Do you want to abandon [the first randomly selected god] and join another god? Y/n"
If the answer is yes, the first god is abandoned and another random god is selected. But the player keeps abilities from the first god and even gets new abilities of the abandoned god after getting to required piety level. The cost is wrath, it never ends. After reaching ** piety the same dialog is displayed again and character can join third gods, incurring permanent wrath from the second one. The same happens at each star of piety. If the player answers "no" in any dialog, nothing happens. So at max piety character can have abilities of 1-6 gods and be under permanent wrath of 0-5 gods. To clarify, character has all abilities of all gods he ever worshiped (taking current piety level into account of course).
It could be fun games, especially for late game characters and zig visitors.
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Slime Squisher

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Post Wednesday, 28th January 2015, 22:15

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

BobIsDead wrote:Parrot: Like a bat, but shouts to alert all enemies nearby to your presence.

This would probably be hilarious, should repeat regular monster insults and non sensical things you would expect those monsters to say like a parrot would

Temple Termagant

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Post Thursday, 5th February 2015, 19:05

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Pereza0 wrote:
BobIsDead wrote:Parrot: Like a bat, but shouts to alert all enemies nearby to your presence.

This would probably be hilarious, should repeat regular monster insults and non sensical things you would expect those monsters to say like a parrot would

Why not have a parrot that constantly is swearing? It could be pretty funny ... Call him Polly the Foul-Mouthed Parrot. I think it would be funny if it followed you around, and also alerted monsters, as suggested...

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 5th February 2015, 19:08

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Crotalidae75 wrote:Why not have a parrot that constantly is swearing? It could be pretty funny ... Call him Polly the Foul-Mouthed Parrot. I think it would be funny if it followed you around, and also alerted monsters, as suggested...

That should be Okawaru's penance for hurting (not killing) allies. After getting some XP the parrot would fly away.

Spider Stomper

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Post Friday, 6th February 2015, 13:06

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

New god: Tiny being
Gives piety for killing things larger than you. Passively summons permanent butterfly allies that flutter around you, more butterflies with more piety. Gifts jewelry.
This is pretty much as far as I have tought about this. :P

Udate to my previous post about this god idea. Still not complete enough to be posted to GDD.

The tiny god often left in the shadow of more impressive and formidable gods, yet no less power full for those who take the time to notice him. He is not the defender of the small and weak, but rather a punisher of those who oppress the weak. He prefers to stay un noticed and makes no noice about his presence. In fact he dispices big burly boasters and hates loud noices. He aids his followers to stay out of harms way and silence those who try to step on the weak to gain more power for them selves.

Gain piety by killing things larger than you. Gain piety killing things stronger than you. Loose piety by making noice=>shouting. (perhaps even less than shouting, this would prevent the use of certain spells and items)

Ablities that he could have:
- Single target smite targeted silence/antimagic attack (which one it is would pretty much define what level ability it would be)
- Gives you permanent butterfly allies, that flutter around you. Starts out with 1 and maxes at 3 at full piety. If killed, butterflies will spawn back after a while when there are no monsters in los. You can safely shoot through them, but Tiny Being will instantly take them away for safe keeping.
- Passive protection from indirect attacks. (Clouds, fireballs, "auras", even hellfire) gives a chance to negate damage from these or reduces damage by x% or x amount.
-Activated protection that will negate the next source of damage. Has cooldown or huge piety cost to prevent spamming. Must be used at the right time and with a bit of luck to get the desired result.
-Item trading. Offer an item to trade and the tiny being will bring you something else in return. Results will vary, a bit like xom gifts.
-Blinding speed. For a few "turns" you move insanely fast. How ever, you have no time to react to anything. If you get hit by something, you will take more damage. When you activate the ability, you get X amount of moves (only movement and attacking/casting is allowed) you will then have to pre determin how you will use them and after that, your plan will be executed. If monsters move, act during this, your plan might be follied and especially if something manages to hit you, you will take severe punishment.
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Friday, 6th February 2015, 13:29

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

MrRokkomies wrote: Loose piety by making noice=>shouting. (perhaps even less than shouting, this would prevent the use of certain spells and items)

I like this mechanism. It would be interesting if you weren't allowed to use some spells and items based on the noise they make. Of course the forbidden spells and items must be clearly communicated to the player.

Item trading. Offer an item to trade and the tiny being will bring you something else in return. Results will vary, a bit like xom gifts.

How would this be implemented, so as not to encourage hoovering the dungeon for crap items to trade?

Blinding speed.

I'm not sure about this. I would have to carefully calculate the exact moves required for escaping via a staircase, for example. Targeting spells would be awkward I guess. I think it would be better to just give the player a few really fast actions, but we have already Okawary and Finesse...
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Spider Stomper

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Post Friday, 6th February 2015, 13:46

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Sprucery wrote:
MrRokkomies wrote: Loose piety by making noice=>shouting. (perhaps even less than shouting, this would prevent the use of certain spells and items)

I like this mechanism. It would be interesting if you weren't allowed to use some spells and items based on the noise they make. Of course the forbidden spells and items must be clearly communicated to the player.

Item trading. Offer an item to trade and the tiny being will bring you something else in return. Results will vary, a bit like xom gifts.

How would this be implemented, so as not to encourage hoovering the dungeon for crap items to trade?

Blinding speed.

I'm not sure about this. I would have to carefully calculate the exact moves required for escaping via a staircase, for example. Targeting spells would be awkward I guess. I think it would be better to just give the player a few really fast actions, but we have already Okawary and Finesse...

For item trading: (I will admit that the name of this god and this mechanic were inspired by Dark Souls) I was thinking something like praying on an item to offer it for trade, the god would either take it as a gift (if its worth is trivial) or go look for something to give to you from his stash. His stash is HUGE, being a god and all, so it would take time for him to get back to you. So it would take time to do and the results would not be guaranteed to be faworable to you. You could trade an artefact robe, that would be good to an other type of build, and get back something you could use, or perhaps its just an other artefact you do not want to use. Or if you trade in a ring of rF+, you might get a +0 plain dagger in return.

Other option would be to have something like "trade potions for potions, wands for wands and rings for rings" how ever, this might be too good. Strictly melee character could trade all brilliance potions away and loose nothing for a chance to get something really usefull.

Blinding speed: This was inspired by lagg. :P I play with my phone and some times I make several key presses, before I notice that they are not going through. After a while, they are all executed in quick sequence, some times resulting in a disaster. The idea was to give you power in exchange for loss of control.

Swamp Slogger

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Post Friday, 6th February 2015, 17:21

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

MrRokkomies wrote:
For item trading: (I will admit that the name of this god and this mechanic were inspired by Dark Souls) I was thinking something like praying on an item to offer it for trade, the god would either take it as a gift (if its worth is trivial) or go look for something to give to you from his stash. His stash is HUGE, being a god and all, so it would take time for him to get back to you. So it would take time to do and the results would not be guaranteed to be favorable to you. You could trade an artefact robe, that would be good to an other type of build, and get back something you could use, or perhaps its just an other artefact you do not want to use. Or if you trade in a ring of rF+, you might get a +0 plain dagger in return.

So, a little like old-style Nemelex Xobeh, but more random?

Spider Stomper

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Post Monday, 9th February 2015, 08:42

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

dornbeast wrote:
MrRokkomies wrote:
For item trading: (I will admit that the name of this god and this mechanic were inspired by Dark Souls) I was thinking something like praying on an item to offer it for trade, the god would either take it as a gift (if its worth is trivial) or go look for something to give to you from his stash. His stash is HUGE, being a god and all, so it would take time for him to get back to you. So it would take time to do and the results would not be guaranteed to be favorable to you. You could trade an artefact robe, that would be good to an other type of build, and get back something you could use, or perhaps its just an other artefact you do not want to use. Or if you trade in a ring of rF+, you might get a +0 plain dagger in return.

So, a little like old-style Nemelex Xobeh, but more random?

Except that with old Nemelex, you would just sac everything you came across, that you could not use to gain piety, and then stand in the shower of gifts. This would "trigger" gifting and would be pointless if you only offered junk. There could be some penalty while you wait for the god to come back with the gift. Something like temporary piety penalty for the time or inability to gain more piety while he is looking for a gift. (The Tiny Being is not paying attention to you while going through his stash.)

Lair Larrikin

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Post Monday, 9th February 2015, 20:34

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Last edited by Grinoldy on Wednesday, 11th February 2015, 00:14, edited 1 time in total.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Tuesday, 10th February 2015, 16:56

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

People streak Mu (6 games, then 3 games and still counting), people win Mu of Chei reliably... Why are difficulty levels in won't do list :(

Halls Hopper

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Post Monday, 16th February 2015, 11:32

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Pretty Plausible Portal Proposals

Cloud Canyons
Wide, winding passages made of cloud walls. What are cloud walls, you ask. Why, they are like ordinary rock walls. Except... you can't dig through them. Or shatter them. And lightning goes straight through them. Oh, and fire causes them to evapourate into mist. Also, one last thing, cold causes them to condense into a puddle of shallow water. So, come to think of it, they're not much like rock walls at all.

Enemies here are sky-themed. Ravens, griffons, hippogriffs, sky beasts, tengu, wind drakes and so forth. There's also a room filled with treasure somewhere amidst the winding branches of the cloud canyon, which is likely guarded by a storm dragon. Or, if you're very unlucky, multiple storm dragons. Still, that treasure is likely worth it. Though, if you don't want a bunch of treasure loosely weighted towards flying and electricity-themed abilities, you might want to leave it.

So is this just an excuse to plonk all flying and electricity themed enemies together, with some gimmick wall-altering abilities thrown in on top? Well... yes. The other idea was to replace cloud walls with chasms, places where you could go plummetting to your death if your flying ability cut out whilst you were over them. However, that felt like it'd make the place far more of a pain to explore, so cloud gimmicks it was.

The Prison
A relatively small and simple area. You start in a square room. You leave it, coming to a larger square room. Around the outer sides of this square room, on all sides, are cells. Rooms with iron walls along the sides and transparent walls along the front, letting you see the creature inside. It is almost always a lone creature, a creature that would be considered an out-of-depth monster if it had shown up on the floor that you found the Prison.

It is even more deadly than others of its kind, though as it carries equipment that is heavily weighted towards being more powerful than what a standard creature of its type carries. It even fills up its equipment slots more than a standard creature of its type, might have valuable rings, nice boots, or an artefact hat. Of the various creatures inside the cells, you will likely see several wearing or wielding things that you want. Or that you're curious about. All you have to do is open the runed door locking the creature in and fight it.

The prison, in this regard, is built around high risk and high reward. The deadlier the creature, the sweeter the reward. Sure, on paper it sounds like an excuse to give players access to a bunch of high level equipment, but a lot of the equipment will be stuff they already have (such as rings and amulets), or have better or equal versions of (such as armour and weapons). Most creatures will only have one or two pieces of equipment that benefit the player, the rest of their equipment will just be there to make them harder to kill.

A giant, unending battlefield, spreading out infinitely in all directions. Warrior enemies fill the place, of many different species and types. When these enemies are killed, they leave behind no corpse, nor any of their equipment, much like shadow creatures. Unlike shadow creatures, killing them still grants experience, though. As well as these deceased warriors, there are a rare few holy-themed enemies scattered around here and there.

What stops this from being an infinite source of experience is the time limit. When you enter Valhalla, you are informed that it is not yet your time. After some time exploring Valhalla, fighting through waves of enemies, you eventually feel a force pushing you back. Not long after getting this notification, you return to the dungeon, where you entered Valhalla, standing over the now inactive portal there.

Valhalla might seem like little more than an off-brand hybrid of the Bailey and the Abyss, but that's only because it is. However, it gives the player something that neither the Bailey nor the Abyss offer, and that is the lack of respite. In the Bailey, you can hold back and wait before progressing, or just leave altogether. In the Abyss, you are not constantly being bombarded by enemies. However, in Valhalla, there's almost always at least one enemy in view. Usually more. And they're all focussed entirely on killing you.

Spider Stomper

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Post Tuesday, 17th February 2015, 07:24

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

The Prison
A relatively small and simple area. You start in a square room. You leave it, coming to a larger square room. Around the outer sides of this square room, on all sides, are cells. Rooms with iron walls along the sides and transparent walls along the front, letting you see the creature inside. It is almost always a lone creature, a creature that would be considered an out-of-depth monster if it had shown up on the floor that you found the Prison.

It is even more deadly than others of its kind, though as it carries equipment that is heavily weighted towards being more powerful than what a standard creature of its type carries. It even fills up its equipment slots more than a standard creature of its type, might have valuable rings, nice boots, or an artefact hat. Of the various creatures inside the cells, you will likely see several wearing or wielding things that you want. Or that you're curious about. All you have to do is open the runed door locking the creature in and fight it.

The prison, in this regard, is built around high risk and high reward. The deadlier the creature, the sweeter the reward. Sure, on paper it sounds like an excuse to give players access to a bunch of high level equipment, but a lot of the equipment will be stuff they already have (such as rings and amulets), or have better or equal versions of (such as armour and weapons). Most creatures will only have one or two pieces of equipment that benefit the player, the rest of their equipment will just be there to make them harder to kill.

I like this one. Do you get to open just one door or can you choose to open them all? If it were just one, then the decision would be more interesting. Perhaps you could add more rules to the fight, like no poison, no spells, no buffs, silenced, etc. This could be done by making you first choose the way you fight, and then the monster. Or connect the conducts straight to the monsters. "Fight the Minotaur without spells" or "Take on the Lich without ranged options". If you break the rules, all the cell doors will open at once, making things much more interesting for you.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 22nd February 2015, 04:17

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Let's generate one scroll of blinking/teleportation/recharging on exit from every branch. It's weird to identify blinking in Zot in one game and have 8 scrolls of blinking after Lair in another. Similar issue was with recharging: it was ID-ed last in one game (after getting 2 runes I had 2 wands of HW as Mu and recharge was still unknown) and now I have 5 scrolls of recharging after Lair (+1 read IDed).


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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 22nd February 2015, 06:34

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

why do you hate RNG but play Crawl

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 22nd February 2015, 12:41

Re: Generic Brainstorming!

Sar wrote:why do you hate RNG but play Crawl

Because it's the best game even with its flaws.

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