Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 11:19

Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Since I got the idea from discussions about Nemelex removal; I thought I'd first bring it up here. (Also posting the rest of this post in r/roguelikes on Reddit).

This is a proposal for a game I'm thinking about making (from scratch). Comments here should be about things like if you are interested in playing such a game; features you'd like (or think it would need); trying to explain the core of the gameplay as quickly as possible, but its somewhat complex. This is an attempt at the kind of information you'd get in a user manual pamphlet of the final game.

Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh is a deckbuilding Roguelike. Instead of magic spells, collecting potions or scrolls; you only have your melee and your best deck of cards to survive the dungeon.

You play as a Human Gambler. You spawn in with a cane (weak melee weapon), a fancy suit and hat (stereotypical high roller/golden age of Vegas apparel), and your choice of decks of cards.
Starting decks contain 7 common level 0 cards, 2 uncommon level 0 cards and 1 lesser curse card. Each start deck has an obvious core theme (demonsummoning, fire, etc.)

There are no floor items in Nemelex; except cards. Upon picking up a floor card; you are given a chance to read it, information includes its current level, the card type, the rarity, the effect of the card and which skills the card's power draws from (if any). You are given the choice to add the card to your discard pile or destroy it.

In order to shuffle your deck you have to accumulated (an amount) of battle experience. This is to prevent filling your deck with growth cards and cycling through it repeatedly without seeing battle. This is flavored in game as the magic in the cards being recharged with the souls of your kills.

When shuffling, you get the chance to choose which of your cards you keep and which are permanently discarded (destroyed). Curse cards cannot be removed from your deck in this way. Decks have a strict minimum of 10 cards (to prevent completely rigging your deck) and the maximum allowed depends on your Shuffle Skill.

Card Leveling:
Most cards are low leveled when you first pick them up; this gives them the weakest version of the effect of the card. Cards gain experience through use (passive cards), killing enemies (attack and summoning cards) or are fixed level (growth cards). As a general statement; it should be rare for a card to reach max level in your deck; because, rarer cards with more unique and stronger effects will replace the common ones as you go.

Card Classes:
Destructive: Immediate blast of magical attack energy; this come in the form of a fireball, an explosion of wood fragments, or a poisonous cloud...but it's here to kill enemies directly. Gains experience on kills.
Pacts/Souls: Either a pact with a demon or the enslaved soul of a living creature. Summons the creature on the card to the field temporarily. Gains experience on kills. Can be destroyed. (If the creature dies before it abjures; it's dead forever. Demons are smart enough to self abjure if their HP gets too low to prevent this.) [Abjuration, Pact-Forming and Enslavement cards exist as enchantment cards directly associated with summoning. Enslavement/Pact-Formation will directly make an enemy creature into a card for later use.]
Enchantments Temporary buffs or maluses to the targeted creature. (Some are even permanent maluses). Includes healing. Gain experience with use.
Metamorphosis Changes the physical area around you itself. Everything from blinking everything around to growing plants or raising zombies. Most cards of this class do nothing to help you directly; but have profound effects to helping you control positioning. Gain experience on use.
Utility These cards have non-battle use and are permanents. Effects include destroying curse cards and improving your equipment. You need some in your deck to survive, but if you place too many, you may die by wasting too many turns cycling through them in a key battle. Some gain experience with use others are fixed level.
Growth Similar to utility, these cards have a permanent effect; specifically, they are used to skill your character. This makes them a necessary evil to mix into your deck at small (or large) amounts. Growth cards are your only source of skills in this game. These are fixed level.
Curse: Cards will horrible effects when you draw them. Can only be removed by a shuffle out

(non-card related)
Defense: Your hitpoints.
Melee: Your skill at hitting things with canes/staves/etc.
Luck: Affects the RNG; making rarer things more common on level generation. High luck means both better cards and rarer enemies.
Agility: Movement speed and dodging ability.

(card magic) Each is in a pair of two opposites. Training one thing makes it harder to train the opposite. These are little more opaque and focus on damage types and themes more than common usage.
Fire <-> Ice
Life <-> Death
Earth <-> Air
Nature <-> Technology

Otherwise: Semi-normal roguelike; though on a hex-based system. Perma-death; random floor generation; random monsters and drops...

None of this is set in stone -especially not the card magic skills- I may try both the opaque 'elementals' version (which focuses on damage type and synchroncity, rather that obviously knowing what the school does) displayed and the more obvious 'demonology for pact-making, etc.'

Thoughts? Questions?
I'm beginning to feel like a Cat God! Felid streaks: {FeVM^Sif Muna, FeWn^Dithmenos, FeAr^Pakellas}, {FeEE^Ashenzari, FeEn^Gozag, FeNe^Sif Muna, FeAE^Vehumet...(ongoing)}

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 14:31

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

I'd play the hell out of this. I'll think on it a bit for suggestions
Three wins: Gargoyle Earth Elementalist of Ash, Ogre Fighter of Ru, Deep Dwarf Fighter of Makhleb (0.16 bugbuild :( )

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 19:47

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

So, basically your idea is for a TCG with an adventure mechanic built in?

...that actually sounds really freaking cool. :3

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 19:52

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Roguelike with CCG elements! Make.it.happen. :)
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614 | D:1      | Slain by a gnoll

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 21:54

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

This sounds really cool, i'd love to see this be made.

Have you ever heard of the Lost Kingdoms series or the Baten Kaitos series. Both are card based RPGs, and while both are more action based they could be a good source of inspiration.

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 22:37

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

If Nemelex actually gets removed, he totally deserves his own spinoff game. :)

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Post Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 11:02

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

I've finally figured out what this idea reminds me of - Pokemon! Basically you walk around with pets/cards that fight for you and can be leveled, while looking for new pets/cards to add to your team/deck.

Obviously the card mechanics being proposed here are a lot more complicated than Pokemon's, that plus the random roguelike element sounds like it could be an interesting game.

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Post Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 14:26

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Very neat idea. Some suggestions:

1.) Trying to work in using all the cards you want to level up for various leveling strategies would sometimes overwhelm tactical play. One way to avoid this would be to make some slight adjustments to the level up method: If you use any summoning card, you gain "summon card experience points," and so on for destruction and the like. You then spend these points to upgrade cards of your choice.

2.) It sounds like you don't want item/loot generation and equipment strategy to be a big part of the game, but I think integrating a bit of that without going overboard would be fun. For instance: You don't get multiple slots, but can equip one artifact that boosts a stat or gives a power boost to certain types of cards or has other types of effects. (Can be used once per floor/level to evoke a certain type of effect like teleport, etc.) These artifacts spawn randomly but more often than not are in an optional part of the floor and are guarded by tougher-than-usual enemies for your depth.

3.) If 1 and 2 go in: You can only change your equipped artifact or spend points to upgrade cards in between levels. Once you've started a level you can't upgrade cards on the fly nor swap/fiddle around with your equipped artifact. You can carry experience over from floor to floor, and a certain # of artifacts can be carried on to a new floor even though you can equip only one; however, you are encouraged to spend experience to upgrade cards each level, and the maximum number of artifacts to equip that you can carry between levels should be very limiting.

EDIT: Oh yeah, one other thing. Be very careful not to fall into the "balance by rarity" trap. There can be exceptions but I think a good ideal to strive toward would be that the most straightforwardly powerful cards are fully leveled common/slightly uncommon cards. Rarer cards should be potentially very powerful, but not cards you want to play too often; they create powerful effects but at a steep cost/downside, or they provide a non-huge but continuous and cumulative benefit for the rest of the match (thus being most useful in difficult, prolonged encounters), or they introduce novel strategy/metagame considerations in terms of deck building. It would also make sense if rare cards didn't level, or didn't need to level up, very much to be used to good effect, as they are rare. In general rare cards should be ones that are strong, but which you only want to use sometimes. Obviously not every card would have to be designed that way, but as a general approach I think that's best.

I have Magic: The Gathering in mind here, a game with lots of examples of great game design, and lots of examples of astonishingly terrible game design. Most of the worst examples of the latter were mistakes committed under the sign of balancing by rarity: "We'll just make this mindlessly, uninterestingly super powerful card really, really rare." In its best moments, though, MtG strove to produce rare cards that weren't "Lol I win" cards, but rather risky and/or strategic cards that you had to shape your deck around in order to use well; they were extremely powerful if you did that, but if you didn't, they were just as likely to kill you instead of your opponent.

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Post Monday, 23rd June 2014, 18:59

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Since this has entered active development and y'all are likely to be my primary force of beta testers before the primary release; I thought I'd ask which of the 8 magic elements would you like to see finished first to be tested [these will be both skills and backgrounds, like Ice Elementalist is in crawl.] Rough descriptions follow:

Attack-focused skills:
Pyro - High damage, very risky. [damage self; set self on fire, etc.]
Cryo - Medium damage, evades most defenses.

Summoning-focused skills:
Natura - Taming and summoning of animals; creation of plants.
Techno - Control, enchantment and summoning of machines.

Enchantment-focused skills:
Vivio - Healing, Charms.
Necro - Zombies, Hexes.

Large Area of Effect-focused skills:
Geo - Manipulation of the dungeon. Damage all (including self) abilities. Armour growth and betrayal (using Armour against things).
Aero - Control of the weather. Field enchantments (constant spawning of plants; increase power of Cryo attacks, etc.). Flight; evasion growth.
I'm beginning to feel like a Cat God! Felid streaks: {FeVM^Sif Muna, FeWn^Dithmenos, FeAr^Pakellas}, {FeEE^Ashenzari, FeEn^Gozag, FeNe^Sif Muna, FeAE^Vehumet...(ongoing)}

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Post Monday, 23rd June 2014, 19:03

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

pizza tornado is in "active development" too, anyone got any ideas? the decision is pepperaoini or chease. come on, team effort guys

you will never develop jack if you have to ask the forums for every little detail. just do it already.
seattle washington. friends for life. mods hate on me and devs ignore my posts. creater of exoelfs and dc:pt

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Post Monday, 23rd June 2014, 19:16

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

twelwe wrote:pizza tornado is in "active development" too, anyone got any ideas? the decision is pepperaoini or chease. come on, team effort guys

you will never develop jack if you have to ask the forums for every little detail. just do it already.
This isn't every detail. I was just asking which playstyle to get up first. If nothing; it's going to be fire, then in order.

If you want every detail though...do you like that I'm having elemental resistances remove a die from the attack? This does make 2d4 a lot more different than it would normally be from 1d8. Do you prefer the star shaped; hexagonal or square rooms?

[I ended up bikeshedding that last one with one of my teammates a couple days ago; kept asking about what exactly the walls should look like...I mean; yes, he's the artist, but the curvature of edge walls was really annoying to go on about for hours.]

Please though; don't be fucking obnoxious here again; I don't need it.

Side Note:
DoNX will be out on Oct 20. I don't know when the first beta will be exactly yet; because there are a couple hundred cards to program; then balance. And a few dozen enemies that can't be cards; to do the same with. I will probably have to bikeshed on the exact power level of many of the cards; but I'm not about to bring many of those specifics up until...at least one of the backgrounds is playable.
I'm beginning to feel like a Cat God! Felid streaks: {FeVM^Sif Muna, FeWn^Dithmenos, FeAr^Pakellas}, {FeEE^Ashenzari, FeEn^Gozag, FeNe^Sif Muna, FeAE^Vehumet...(ongoing)}

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Post Monday, 23rd June 2014, 19:26

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

pizza tornado will be out april 2015
seattle washington. friends for life. mods hate on me and devs ignore my posts. creater of exoelfs and dc:pt

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Post Monday, 23rd June 2014, 20:03

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

I hope I'll have more time later to give some ideas, but first of all:

Hexagonal sounds great on paper, and I love it, but it tends to be a bitch to move around in with anything else than point-and-click, mostly because the majority of computer-available controllers are designed around orthogonal geometry. Yes, you can do something like u=NW, i =NE, h=W, j=center k=E, n=SW, m=SE, and it'll be laid out in an hexagonal pattern, but it'll still be awkward: human movement in a plane is clearly defined with two axes, three is weird. And it's a shame, but what can we do. Also, hex would leave out any possible use of a gamepad - not that I'm a proponent of controlling a roguelike with a gamepad, but there are those who are.

Of course, if you're planning on point-and-click input, the issue is entirely moot and you can happily use the lovely hexes :D but point and click roguelike has its own problems.

So unless you want to make your game more obscure/less generally enjoyable/put off some people merely by virtue of geometry, leave the hexes thing and use orthogonal.
Hirsch I wrote:Also,are you calling me a power-gamer? this is highly offensive! now excuse me, I have to go back to my GrBe game, that I savescummed until trog gave me a Vampiric +9 claymore.

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Post Monday, 23rd June 2014, 21:31

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Some detailed feedback on what you've already told us:

bcadren wrote:Basics:
There are no floor items in Nemelex; except cards. Upon picking up a floor card; you are given a chance to read it, information includes its current level, the card type, the rarity, the effect of the card and which skills the card's power draws from (if any). You are given the choice to add the card to your discard pile or destroy it.

I guess enemies also have chances to drop cards related to them upon defeat, right?

bcadren wrote:Card Leveling:
Most cards are low leveled when you first pick them up; this gives them the weakest version of the effect of the card. Cards gain experience through use (passive cards), killing enemies (attack and summoning cards) or are fixed level (growth cards). As a general statement; it should be rare for a card to reach max level in your deck; because, rarer cards with more unique and stronger effects will replace the common ones as you go.

Alternate suggestion: Leveling up of cards by copy merger.

bcadren wrote:Card Classes:
Destructive: Immediate blast of magical attack energy; this come in the form of a fireball, an explosion of wood fragments, or a poisonous cloud...but it's here to kill enemies directly. Gains experience on kills.
Pacts/Souls: Either a pact with a demon or the enslaved soul of a living creature. Summons the creature on the card to the field temporarily. Gains experience on kills. Can be destroyed. (If the creature dies before it abjures; it's dead forever. Demons are smart enough to self abjure if their HP gets too low to prevent this.) [Abjuration, Pact-Forming and Enslavement cards exist as enchantment cards directly associated with summoning. Enslavement/Pact-Formation will directly make an enemy creature into a card for later use.]

Experience by kills makes more sene in my eyes for "creature cards" than for "conjuration cards" (please excuse me for the inappropriate terminology, but I think it gets the point across, plus it's impossible for me to be already familiar with your game terminology)

If demon summons have the auto-abjuration gimmick, other "creature cards" should have different gimmicks / other boosts to compensate, unless it's part of the design that demon summons are the specialized "creature cards" and non-demon summoning cards are, overall, lesser in that task (that doesn't prevent the possibility of particular non-demon summon cards being better than particular demon summon cards, at all)

bcadren wrote:Enchantments Temporary buffs or maluses to the targeted creature. (Some are even permanent maluses). Includes healing. Gain experience with use.
Metamorphosis Changes the physical area around you itself. Everything from blinking everything around to growing plants or raising zombies. Most cards of this class do nothing to help you directly; but have profound effects to helping you control positioning. Gain experience on use.
Utility These cards have non-battle use and are permanents. Effects include destroying curse cards and improving your equipment. You need some in your deck to survive, but if you place too many, you may die by wasting too many turns cycling through them in a key battle. Some gain experience with use others are fixed level.

What equipment? There are no items, the equivalent of "equips" must be more utility cards. Where are permanents "placed"?

bcadren wrote:Growth Similar to utility, these cards have a permanent effect; specifically, they are used to skill your character. This makes them a necessary evil to mix into your deck at small (or large) amounts. Growth cards are your only source of skills in this game. These are fixed level.
Curse: Cards will horrible effects when you draw them. Can only be removed by a shuffle out

I think you are contradicting yourself here, aren't curse cards defined by the fact that they can't be gotten rid of via shuffling and must instead be neutralized or whatever with an utility card?

bcadren wrote:Skills:
(non-card related)
Defense: Your hitpoints.
Melee: Your skill at hitting things with canes/staves/etc.
Luck: Affects the RNG; making rarer things more common on level generation. High luck means both better cards and rarer enemies.
Agility: Movement speed and dodging ability.

I'm assuming these all are a base value enhanced by Growth cards.

bcadren wrote:(card magic) Each is in a pair of two opposites. Training one thing makes it harder to train the opposite. These are little more opaque and focus on damage types and themes more than common usage.
Fire <-> Ice
Life <-> Death
Earth <-> Air
Nature <-> Technology

If skills are represented by growth cards, then Earth skill is represented by a growth card in my deck. Growth cards are fixed-level. If growth cards are fixed level, the only way of developing my Earth skill is adding more Earth skill cards, or shuffling out my current Earth Skill card in exchange for a better one. In a system like this, antitraining seems very ad-hoc in my eyes: there's a rule in the game specifically preventing me from shuffling better Air Skill cards into my deck if I happen to have an Earth Skill card that is better than the Air Skill card I'm trying to introduce.

bcadren wrote:Otherwise: Semi-normal roguelike; though on a hex-based system. Perma-death; random floor generation; random monsters and drops...

None of this is set in stone -especially not the card magic skills- I may try both the opaque 'elementals' version (which focuses on damage type and synchroncity, rather that obviously knowing what the school does) displayed and the more obvious 'demonology for pact-making, etc.'

I thought it'd be like this:

Familiar Bonding - Pact/Nature (turn natural holiness monster into its card)
Sword Cane - Utility/Technology (melee equip)
Sanctuary - Metamorphosis/Life (area effect of peace)
Probability Fudger - Growth/Technology (permanent luck bonus)
Rage of the Honey Badger - Enchantment/Nature (some sort of berserk)
Arctic Aura - Metamorphosis / Ice (area effect of icy damage or debuffs)
Tesseract Trap - Pact/Technology (turn any monster into its card)
Honey Badger Sow - Soul/Nature (summons a raging badger)
Artillery Barrage - Destructive/Technology (some distance attack)
Blizzard Demon - Soul/Ice (summons a blizzard demon)
Rain of Blood - Metamorphosis/Death (nasty decomposition area effect)

i.e.: Every card has an element of the first set and another of the second set

bcadren wrote:Since this has entered active development and y'all are likely to be my primary force of beta testers before the primary release; I thought I'd ask which of the 8 magic elements would you like to see finished first to be tested [these will be both skills and backgrounds, like Ice Elementalist is in crawl.] Rough descriptions follow:

Attack-focused skills:
Pyro - High damage, very risky. [damage self; set self on fire, etc.]
Cryo - Medium damage, evades most defenses.

Summoning-focused skills:
Natura - Taming and summoning of animals; creation of plants.
Techno - Control, enchantment and summoning of machines.

Enchantment-focused skills:
Vivio - Healing, Charms.
Necro - Zombies, Hexes.

Large Area of Effect-focused skills:
Geo - Manipulation of the dungeon. Damage all (including self) abilities. Armour growth and betrayal (using Armour against things).
Aero - Control of the weather. Field enchantments (constant spawning of plants; increase power of Cryo attacks, etc.). Flight; evasion growth.

I personally would rather see Techno first of all, then Pyro and Aero. (great element selection btw).

I also think that all elements should have cards of all types in them (the difference being in the relative abundance of each) or failing that, that maybe each element lacks exactly one type of card or some such symmetrical arrangement.
Last edited by Psiweapon on Tuesday, 24th June 2014, 00:58, edited 1 time in total.
Hirsch I wrote:Also,are you calling me a power-gamer? this is highly offensive! now excuse me, I have to go back to my GrBe game, that I savescummed until trog gave me a Vampiric +9 claymore.

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Post Tuesday, 24th June 2014, 00:12

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

No ideas to help currently, but just want to say...I like how it actually has a release date. :)

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Post Thursday, 26th June 2014, 16:48

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Pizza tornado has its own thread: https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9255&p=172373

Folks who want to discuss/brainstorm ideas for pizza tornado branch and get excited about its upcoming release should do it there, and leave this thread for DNX. Thanks!

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Post Saturday, 6th September 2014, 06:53

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

October 20 is about a month and a half away are you still on track bcadren I want to know.
take it easy

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Post Wednesday, 17th September 2014, 05:09

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

bcadren wrote:Since I got the idea from discussions about Nemelex removal; I thought I'd first bring it up here. (Also posting the rest of this post in r/roguelikes on Reddit).

This is a proposal for a game I'm thinking about making (from scratch). Comments here should be about things like if you are interested in playing such a game; features you'd like (or think it would need); trying to explain the core of the gameplay as quickly as possible, but its somewhat complex. This is an attempt at the kind of information you'd get in a user manual pamphlet of the final game.

Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh is a deckbuilding Roguelike. Instead of magic spells, collecting potions or scrolls; you only have your melee and your best deck of cards to survive the dungeon.

You play as a Human Gambler. You spawn in with a cane (weak melee weapon), a fancy suit and hat (stereotypical high roller/golden age of Vegas apparel), and your choice of decks of cards.
Starting decks contain 7 common level 0 cards, 2 uncommon level 0 cards and 1 lesser curse card. Each start deck has an obvious core theme (demonsummoning, fire, etc.)

There are no floor items in Nemelex; except cards. Upon picking up a floor card; you are given a chance to read it, information includes its current level, the card type, the rarity, the effect of the card and which skills the card's power draws from (if any). You are given the choice to add the card to your discard pile or destroy it.

In order to shuffle your deck you have to accumulated (an amount) of battle experience. This is to prevent filling your deck with growth cards and cycling through it repeatedly without seeing battle. This is flavored in game as the magic in the cards being recharged with the souls of your kills.

When shuffling, you get the chance to choose which of your cards you keep and which are permanently discarded (destroyed). Curse cards cannot be removed from your deck in this way. Decks have a strict minimum of 10 cards (to prevent completely rigging your deck) and the maximum allowed depends on your Shuffle Skill.

Card Leveling:
Most cards are low leveled when you first pick them up; this gives them the weakest version of the effect of the card. Cards gain experience through use (passive cards), killing enemies (attack and summoning cards) or are fixed level (growth cards). As a general statement; it should be rare for a card to reach max level in your deck; because, rarer cards with more unique and stronger effects will replace the common ones as you go.

Card Classes:
Destructive: Immediate blast of magical attack energy; this come in the form of a fireball, an explosion of wood fragments, or a poisonous cloud...but it's here to kill enemies directly. Gains experience on kills.
Pacts/Souls: Either a pact with a demon or the enslaved soul of a living creature. Summons the creature on the card to the field temporarily. Gains experience on kills. Can be destroyed. (If the creature dies before it abjures; it's dead forever. Demons are smart enough to self abjure if their HP gets too low to prevent this.) [Abjuration, Pact-Forming and Enslavement cards exist as enchantment cards directly associated with summoning. Enslavement/Pact-Formation will directly make an enemy creature into a card for later use.]
Enchantments Temporary buffs or maluses to the targeted creature. (Some are even permanent maluses). Includes healing. Gain experience with use.
Metamorphosis Changes the physical area around you itself. Everything from blinking everything around to growing plants or raising zombies. Most cards of this class do nothing to help you directly; but have profound effects to helping you control positioning. Gain experience on use.
Utility These cards have non-battle use and are permanents. Effects include destroying curse cards and improving your equipment. You need some in your deck to survive, but if you place too many, you may die by wasting too many turns cycling through them in a key battle. Some gain experience with use others are fixed level.
Growth Similar to utility, these cards have a permanent effect; specifically, they are used to skill your character. This makes them a necessary evil to mix into your deck at small (or large) amounts. Growth cards are your only source of skills in this game. These are fixed level.
Curse: Cards will horrible effects when you draw them. Can only be removed by a shuffle out

(non-card related)
Defense: Your hitpoints.
Melee: Your skill at hitting things with canes/staves/etc.
Luck: Affects the RNG; making rarer things more common on level generation. High luck means both better cards and rarer enemies.
Agility: Movement speed and dodging ability.

(card magic) Each is in a pair of two opposites. Training one thing makes it harder to train the opposite. These are little more opaque and focus on damage types and themes more than common usage.
Fire <-> Ice
Life <-> Death
Earth <-> Air
Nature <-> Technology

Otherwise: Semi-normal roguelike; though on a hex-based system. Perma-death; random floor generation; random monsters and drops...

None of this is set in stone -especially not the card magic skills- I may try both the opaque 'elementals' version (which focuses on damage type and synchroncity, rather that obviously knowing what the school does) displayed and the more obvious 'demonology for pact-making, etc.'

Thoughts? Questions?

i can`t wait for the release 33 days from now is it? life <-> death nature <;> technoligy will be my strategy
seattle washington. friends for life. mods hate on me and devs ignore my posts. creater of exoelfs and dc:pt

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Post Monday, 20th October 2014, 07:24

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

It is happening!!!!!!!!!
That's a silly name!

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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Tuesday, 21st October 2014, 05:30

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

I, for one, am really happy to be playing Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh.

What is everyone's favourite cards
take it easy
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Blades Runner

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Post Tuesday, 21st October 2014, 09:33

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Arrhythmia wrote:I, for one, am really happy to be playing Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh.

What is everyone's favourite cards

The Disappointment õ_õ
Hirsch I wrote:Also,are you calling me a power-gamer? this is highly offensive! now excuse me, I have to go back to my GrBe game, that I savescummed until trog gave me a Vampiric +9 claymore.

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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Tuesday, 21st October 2014, 15:07

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

I will just hit everything with my cane, cane OP.
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Tuesday, 21st October 2014, 16:53

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

is this on steam?
seattle washington. friends for life. mods hate on me and devs ignore my posts. creater of exoelfs and dc:pt

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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Tuesday, 21st October 2014, 17:09

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

where does DoNX stand on gamergate
take it easy
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Tuesday, 21st October 2014, 18:09

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

This will be a necessary incarnation if Gammafunk has his way *grumble grumble*

My favorite cards are growth. WINK
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Post Wednesday, 22nd October 2014, 05:02

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

its sad that the developer never talked with us again. got famous, forgot us little guys. the name of his game even featured on world of warcraft!
my posts are to be read in a mildly playful tone, with a deep, sexy voice.

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Arrhythmia, duvessa, Slap and stab, TehDruid
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Post Thursday, 23rd October 2014, 00:07

Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Off topic, but what is bcadren's avatar? A sassy tree man or...
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Thursday, 23rd October 2014, 00:16

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Greyr wrote:Off topic, but what is bcadren's avatar? A sassy tree man or...

seattle washington. friends for life. mods hate on me and devs ignore my posts. creater of exoelfs and dc:pt
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Thursday, 23rd October 2014, 00:19

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

You crack me up twelwe
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 23rd October 2014, 00:45

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

hahahahaha I forgot about his 477 bits per voxel thing
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Post Tuesday, 28th October 2014, 18:25

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

612 | D:1      | Xom revived you
614 | D:1      | Xom revived you
614 | D:1      | Slain by a gnoll

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 29th October 2014, 00:57

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

If you want to stay up to date on this game's status, there was actually work done on it:


But the last update was in June. Hopefully posting the link to FB isn't against any rules - it's a FB account for his game company, not his personal FB. From there it links to his newgrounds, which does have some completed games, although I haven't tried any of them.
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Post Wednesday, 29th October 2014, 03:25

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

man, is it weird that he looks exactly as I tought he would?
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Wednesday, 29th October 2014, 15:33

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Hirsch I wrote:man, is it weird that he looks exactly as I tought he would?


ImageUploadedByTapatalk1414596758.948290.jpg (238.97 KiB) Viewed 16004 times
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Wednesday, 29th October 2014, 17:55

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

have you played his 3 dimentional Snake game?
I had fun doing it, actually. even if it made my head hurt.
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Post Thursday, 30th October 2014, 15:40

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Just gave it a shot... I was mostly impressed, it could use a heavy amount of polishing but at least it was refreshing.
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Thursday, 30th October 2014, 16:43

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

try it while drunk or high, its crazy.
my posts are to be read in a mildly playful tone, with a deep, sexy voice.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Monday, 17th November 2014, 15:43

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Here it is! Coin Crypt, a "deckbuilding roguelite"


Sorry to see the flavor was rebranded...
I enjoy trying to win distinct Race / Class / God combinations. Wins so far: HOFi^Beogh, MiGl^Trog, GhEE^Chei, GrNe^Kiku, DDMo^Yred, OgIE^Ash, VpEn^Dith, VSWr^Zin, OpWz^Sif, SpAs^Veh, CeHu^Qaz, NaWn^Xom, DsCj^Makh, FoSk^Ru

Halls Hopper

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Post Monday, 17th November 2014, 20:46

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Is it really it? because as I see the trailer has very little in common with the description in the first post.
That's a silly name!

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Monday, 17th November 2014, 21:32

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Since it also came out in 2013 I assume it was a joke, and the games are not in fact related at all :P
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Thursday, 20th November 2014, 09:38

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

please don`t bump this thread aside from serious release and gameplay announcements. i`m still epic excited about life/technoligy because i read some sci-fi shows when i was younger.
seattle washington. friends for life. mods hate on me and devs ignore my posts. creater of exoelfs and dc:pt

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Tomb Titivator

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Post Thursday, 20th November 2014, 16:22

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

I cant believe DoNX already has its own fork

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Shoals Surfer

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Post Friday, 16th December 2016, 16:33

Re: Dungeons of Nemelex Xobeh [Serious]

Kind of crummy Nemelex is getting axed, glad someone's doing good with a good mechanic. I'd play.
duvessa wrote:teleportitis is annoying but i dont think you could ever convince me it is dangerous, let alone crippling

duvessa wrote:DCSS Go: jump down the nearest manhole and fully explore the sewers before you go back out

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