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Improving Pan and the Hells
In my opinion, Abyss has been very greatly improved in terms of its structure, and all that is left is to differentiate the monsters more, and banish most demons from the Abyss, and there is already a thread discussing that here:
But, I wanted to start a separate discussion here in GDD specifically geared toward how to improve the Hells and Pan. Here's some of my ideas to get things rolling:
———The Hells———
1.) Hell effects reform
Goal: Make Hell effects dangerous rather than tedious. This means less frequent, but more meaningful, with uninteresting or unbalanced effects simply being removed, with prejudice.
-- Certain effects, like paralysis, freezing cloud, sticky flame, draining, and tormet should simply be removed—either potentially unbalanced (paralysis), or extremely boring.
-- Hell effects occur less frequently in general, but tend to be more dangerous compared to now; also they *intensify* in danger level as one approaches the seventh level, starting out fairly mild but becoming quite nasty by level 6. Level 7 can either be the worst, or a slight drop off back to moderate levels (as there are other dangers on seventh level, obviously)
-- Effects that are not removed should be divided into two groups:
1.) create danger: only happens at low tension
2.) intensify danger: only happens when tension is already at least moderate
-- Good examples of creating danger: random sudden teleport (not subject to cTele—no cheating it!); insta-shaft down one level (shouldn't happen on level 6 for obvious reasons); spawn difficult demons (not popcorn); receive "Mark" status
-- Good examples of intensifying danger: slow; dispel magic effects (won't happen when flying over water/lava); stasis; short duration (3 or 4 turn) silence centered on player; spawn silent specter; spawn moth of suppression; spawn eyes of draining; petrification; temporary blindness (cannot see any enemies except adjacent to you, but they can still see you!)—this should only last for maybe six or seven turns
2.) Better Differentiate the 4 Hells
Goal: Further distinguish between the "feel" of each branch of Hell
-- Each Hell gets an additional global effect that becomes more pronounced as one descends. Also, alter layout patterns in some of the Hells to better set them apart. Some ideas:
Tartarus: "Demonic Haze" 1, 2, or 3 squares at edge of LOS become "hazy"—although you can make out what enemies are there, you cannot target them. They can target you, however. Layout remains as it is now.
Dis: Make Dis more maze-like. The iron walls can shuffle around behind you, blocking retreat. In addition, as one nears level 7, a magic dampening field causes spell failure rates of conjurations and translocations spells to rise. (However, miscast effects caused by this dampening field are negated, you just fail the spell, lose a turn, and lose whatever mana cost of spell is.) On sixth level the average length of all charms spells is cut in half, on seventh level, by 75 percent.
Gehenna: Not sure. Perhaps a failure rate for scrolls, due to the heat. But something else is probably needed. Layout: Narrow corridors that open into cavernous spaces. Occasional cave-ins may occur, blocking off paths unexpectedly.
Cocytus: Not sure. Perhaps a failure rate for potions, due to the cold. But something else is probably needed. Levels 1 to 3 should be more open, but the middle levels are like a long ice cave. Level 7 opens back up onto the underground lake.
——— Pan ———
Goal: Break up the tedium. Best way to do that is with more themed levels, in my opinion. Also, perhaps, themed effects that randomly generate on regular (non-theme, non-rune) Pan levels.
-- [EDIT] Likelihood of Ziggurat spawning should increase if you have visited all four realms of the unique Pan Lords (whether you got the runes or not)
-- The domains belonging to Cerebov and the like, remain. They are already special enough. BUT we should have more things like the holy pan level. If around a third [edit: or less? a fourth? a fifth?] of all pan levels were theme levels, rune levels, or special effect levels, it would go a very very long way to making Pan less tedious. Theme levels shouldn't repeat, but if you trawl Pan long enough that you run out of the theme levels, that's fine.
-- Theme levels generally should have some thing in place to make you spend at least some time there. Example: Loot vault, portals out are "locked" until killing the resident pan lord, all three portals spawn in one place so they are more difficult to find
-- Level-wide effects would be relatively easy to implement, I'd imagine, but the theme levels would be more intensive to design.
1.) Some ideas for level-wide effects:
(You get a warning when one of these is triggered, upon entering the level. These effects only generate on random levels, not themed levels or rune levels)
-- God Wrath: "You have entered one of the realms under Trog's dominion. You must face his wrath!" Fairly frequent wrath effects while on level. You are immune if the god rolled is the one you worship. Some gods (the good ones, in particular) shouldn't be included in this.
-- Dead Silent: "An eerie quiet falls over this realm." Fields of silence randomly spawn, and quickly dissipate, throughout the level
-- Temporal Flux: "You feel unstuck in time." Time is experienced very differently in this realm. You and your enemies speed up and slow down at random.
-- Identity Crisis: "You feel the demons in this level are unreliable." All enemies on this level polymorph at regular intervals.
-- Marked Man: "You get the feeling that you are being watched." Permanent Mark status while on level.
-- Omniscience: "Everything is revealed." Permanent level-wide vitrification effect. You as well as all enemies can see through walls.
Some ideas for theme levels:
"The Gauntlet"
A domain created by a great Pan Lord who was obsessed with battle. Legend has it that his demonic armory is cached in this brutal realm.
-- A series of teleporters, each leading to a room with increasingly intense battles. You get access to portals leaving the level about half way through... But if you press onward, you get the treasure.
"Mirror Universe"
-- All the walls are reflective crystal, in narrow corridors. All three portals spawn together somewhere in the maze. The enemies are relatively weak, but shortly after you enter the realm, a mirror image of your character (like Mara's clone of you) spawns, and comes looking for you. (Your mirror image knows where you are, by the way—there is an equivalent of the "Mark" status, but only for your mirror image.)
"The Schoolyard"
A gathering place for fledgling demons. They grow up so fast...
-- No special layout, except that the portals spawn together and are hidden away somewhere
-- TONS of weaker demons—who are afraid of you and generally avoid battle

-- Increasingly while you are on the level, the demons "grow up" and become fiends and the like, polymorphing into tougher and tougher creatures, who then are not so afraid of you and do not avoid battle
"In Search of Lost Time"
Chock full of dangerous creatures in a state of suspended animation [read: paralyzed]. Be careful, though... the longer you stay, the more you upset the delicate balance of this strange realm.
-- High concentration of extremely dangerous enemies, who wake up progressively as you spend time in the realm.
A forgotten realm of eternal sunshine. You have an intense desire to linger here in this peaceful realm indefinitely, as you feel your troubles and cares melt away.
-- Layout random, but the features are different, very bright and pleasant (this can use same tiles as the Holy pan level for the most part)
-- While here, you slowly forget your skills, having skills lower randomly but cumulatively. This can affect all skills. The effect immediately ends, with skills restored to regular levels, once you leave the area (plus any experience gained while in Oblivion)
A strange realm that is continuously being eaten by ancient, evil forces.
-- All three portals in center, open layout. The edges are "eaten" away continuously, disintegrating into nothing, forcing everything into the center. Near the edges, malign gateways open, with eldritch tentacles galore.
EDIT: Another idea:
This realm is liked to the afterlife.
-- Can generate ghosts from any bones files of high level characters from *any* branch. Also has chance to generate a spectral version of uniques that you killed. (Mostly high-level uniques only, though maybe you get one or two "easter egg" spawns, and get chance to destroy Sigmund's soul 200K turns after you took him out way back on D4.)