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Tiles interface - spell keys

PostPosted: Monday, 14th March 2011, 20:50
by karaka
Just a small request, maybe this is already possible with some config file entry:
It would be nice if the spells subwindow on the bottom right hand part would show the key (keyboard char) that is assigned to each spell. Currently, a digit shows the spell level in the upper left corner. As I usually try to play as mouse-less as possible, showing the key would make casting spells more convenient with z, especially the ones that you dont use often (summon butterfiles, abjuration etc.), as well as programming macros with ~m (i have to repeatedly press z? to get all the spell keys). Not a big thing, but would make the interface a little more convenient.
Would be nice maybe for inventory items also.

Re: Tiles interface - spell keys

PostPosted: Monday, 14th March 2011, 20:57
by galehar
I totally agree. I though about it but haven't implemented it yet. Spell key would be much more useful than spell level. For inventory, the icon is already quite busy with the brand and the quantity. But you can get the letter if you mouse-over the icon.

Re: Tiles interface - spell keys

PostPosted: Monday, 14th March 2011, 22:50
by jpeg
Known issue. Codewise, it would be easy, and if that was all there was to it, I'd have added them sometime in 0.7. Unfortunately, we're still lacking the small letter tiles. I was desperate enough to try to draw them myself but the results were beyond abysmal. :oops:

To be more specific, we need "small letters (a-zA-Z) at a size of about 7×12 for the item slot overlay, preferably white and shaded like the numbers" (quoted from the tiles improvement wiki page). Any volunteers?

Re: Tiles interface - spell keys

PostPosted: Thursday, 17th March 2011, 18:33
by karaka
jpeg, you mean exporting just any font? Like this?
letters.png (2.92 KiB) Viewed 1915 times

Re: Tiles interface - spell keys

PostPosted: Thursday, 17th March 2011, 21:25
by galehar
The result needs to be readable, and the font not copyrighted, at the very least.