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Can't compile Stone Soup a second time?

PostPosted: Monday, 17th October 2011, 01:45
by Glome
So I'm fairly new to Linux and was messing around with compiling my first program from source: Stone Soup! After installing all the dependencies, I was able to compile and play the tiles version perfectly. I ended up deleting the compiled program and source because I wanted to compile it without wizard mode. Thing is, after downloading and attempting to compile the source again, I get this nice block of errors.

anthony@linux-dx5l:~/bin/stone_soup-0.9.1/source> make TILES=Y
which: no advpng in (/home/anthony/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin)
which: no pngcrush in (/home/anthony/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin)
make: *** contrib: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [.contrib-libs] Error 2

I don't know what this means or how I might go about fixing it, other than that apparently something the compiler expects to find is not there. Any help is much appreciated.

Re: Can't compile Stone Soup a second time?

PostPosted: Monday, 17th October 2011, 20:48
by galehar
It's looking for contribs. Install them with this command:

git submodule update --init

(no idea how you were able to compile it without contribs the first time)

Re: Can't compile Stone Soup a second time?

PostPosted: Monday, 17th October 2011, 23:41
by Glome
Well, after learning what git is and how to use it, I was able to successfully compile the source again. Much thanks!

It is confusing though, because the download page says that for the latest release version (0.9.1 correct?), all you need to do is download the tarball and compile the source. Even more confusing is that it worked for me the first time...

Re: Can't compile Stone Soup a second time?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 18th October 2011, 18:43
by jpeg
For the record, there's no need to download the source again. All you need to do, is "make clean" followed by the new make command. Compiling takes some time, but it's easy to switch between tiles and console, or wizard and non-wizard that way.

As for why it didn't work the second time, if you tried compiling in the same directory there might have been remnants from the previous build, resulting in gcc thinking that the contribs already existed.