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Auto Explore not stopping while playing online

PostPosted: Saturday, 25th August 2018, 09:51
by loudmushroom
I’m having a problem with my auto explore....

My auto explore never stops when I press a key when I play online. If I play offline on a pc it does work correctly. I’ve played on two servers (Australia and France) and get the same results.

I’ve tried to slow the game down as much as possible with the settings since I can’t get the game to stop when I hit a key during auto explore. I’ve played it online on an iPad and android tablet and can’t get travel key stop function to work. If anyone can figure out from my rc file settings what I need to change it would be greatly appreciated. It’s frustrating when the game walks past items and I have to manually walk back to items.

My rc file has the following lines in it:

Default_manual_training = true

Show_more = false

Autofight_stop = 50

Auto_eat_chunks = true

Auto_butcher = true

Auto_exclude += electric eel

Travel_delay = 20

Explore_delay = 20

Explore_greedy = true

Explore_stop = items, stairs, shops, altars, portals, branches, runed_doors, artefacts, runes

Travel_key_stop = true

Travel_open_doors = false

Easy_quit_item_prompts = true