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Forum Rules

PostPosted: Friday, 29th December 2017, 16:30
by Kate
The Tavern is an inclusive and friendly forum for Dungeon Crawl players and developers. Our rules are aimed at maintaining that atmosphere:

  • Bigotry (including but not limited to discrimination or hate speech based on race, gender, sexuality, religion or disability) will not be tolerated.
  • Do not harass or insult other users. Personal attacks and threatening behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • Making light of trauma and abuse is not acceptable, even as a joke or within the fictional context of the game.
  • Do not post illegal or offensive material.
  • No spamming or trolling.
If you break these rules your posts may be edited or removed. Repeated or extreme rule-breaking will result in a ban at the discretion of a moderator or administrator. The moderators reserve the right to ban users for reasons not explicitly covered above if deemed necessary.

Please use the "Report" button to bring posts to the attention of a moderator if required.

If you have any questions about these rules please PM a moderator for more information. Otherwise, relax and have fun!