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Auto-Run (Shift + numpad direction) doesn't work on Windows7

PostPosted: Monday, 1st August 2011, 23:22
by davidonabus
Hey all,

I just downloaded the 0.8.1 version of Dungeon Crawl for windows.. Shift + Numpad doesn't run. I can run using the rogue commands, but that's not at all what I'm used to.

Any idea why this wouldn't be working for me? I can walk just fine using the numpad.

Thanks all!


Re: Auto-Run (Shift + numpad direction) doesn't work on Wind

PostPosted: Monday, 1st August 2011, 23:33
by galehar
Try to disable numlock.

Re: Auto-Run (Shift + numpad direction) doesn't work on Wind

PostPosted: Monday, 1st August 2011, 23:43
by davidonabus
Thanks for the quick reply. Turning off numlock = not being able to move at all for me.

I'm wondering if this has something to do with me having a MX 5500 revolution logitech keyboard :(


Re: Auto-Run (Shift + numpad direction) doesn't work on Wind

PostPosted: Monday, 8th August 2011, 20:12
by lordfrikk
I'm pretty sure it doesn't have to do anything with your keyboard, since it doesn't work on mine, either (I have Microsoft Sidewinder X4). What I did is that I created macros for SHIFT + NUMKEY and mapped them to Nethack/Rogue movement controls. Like so:

SHIFT+NUM7 mapped to Y
SHIFT+NUM8 mapped to K

I had to do something silimar on console, because for the love of god I couldn't get all the keys to work (not only movement keys, but stuff like SHIFT+NUM5 for rest/search).