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Migrating ghosts and hiscores to new version?

PostPosted: Sunday, 22nd May 2016, 09:11
by Malevolent
Okay, so I generally play offline, and I've been playing on version 0.18-a0-1788 for a while. Now, after my current character dies or wish, I wish to upgrade to the latest version in the development branch, but I'd like to retain my hiscores and bones files, if possible. My question is: is this possible to do without compatibility issues breaking something, and if so, what do I need to copy over to the new directory? (My guess is: the saves/bones directory for the ghosts and the saves/scores(-*) files for the hiscores. Anything else needed? And once again, can this potentially cause any kind of issues?)

Re: Migrating ghosts and hiscores to new version?

PostPosted: Monday, 23rd May 2016, 00:30
by Siegurt
I have done this for years with no issues, and yes save/morgue scores and possibly settings are what you want to preserve