Post Sunday, 28th February 2016, 21:57

Crawl compile problems: mingw can't find git directory?

Hi guys, I'm having a bit of trouble getting the latest version of crawl from Git to compile on my Windows 10 machine. I had previously been using the old version of Msys and it was working fine, but when I upgraded to Msys2 and the Git SDK things got weird. I'm not really very well versed in compiling stuff like this; I've been able to muddle my way through and figure things out in the past, but if I need to deviate from the instructions or try to configure things on my own I quickly get lost.

Anyway, I can compile the latest source w/ dependencies file if I download it from the website, but I can't get the most recent source files from git to make properly. I'm pretty sure it's due to missing dependencies, but I'm running into a problem when trying to get Git to update the sub-modules.

When I run that command in the Git SDK (Msys2?) terminal window, I get this response:
user@machine MINGW64 /c/crawl (master)
$ git submodule update --init
C:\git-sdk-64\mingw64/libexec/git-core\git-submodule: 310: /mingw64/libexec/git-core/git-sh-setup: builtin: not found
Unable to determine absolute path of git directory

Is this due to my old installations of msys or git or something? I uninstalled all the older versions I could find in the Windows uninstaller and then reinstalled both Git and the Git SDK, but it didn't help... Is it a path variable problem? I tried putting my Git SDK location at the end of the main path variable, but it didn't seem to do anything...

If anyone has any tips on how to solve this, I'd appreciate it.