Msysgit Obsolete

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Tomb Titivator

Posts: 771

Joined: Tuesday, 25th November 2014, 02:47

Post Monday, 31st August 2015, 03:13

Msysgit Obsolete

I've never manually compiled a program before, so trying to compile crawl and then create a fun vault has been my evening task. I'm having problems following the guide.

Building on Windows (MinGW)

NOTE: You cannot build Windows binaries on Windows 9x/ME using MinGW. On
9x/ME, you can use the Cygwin build instructions, or build a binary on a
Windows NT/2k/XP system (although it would require a good bit of porting to
run on 9x).

* To build Crawl on Windows, first download and install msysgit. msysgit is
  a full MinGW setup that even includes Git (which happens to be the source
  code management system used by the Crawl team). To get msysgit, click on
  the 'Download msysGit" button here:

  Do not use the download button at the top of the page; that package does
  not contain make or g++.
  NOTE: msysgit should be installed to a path that does not contain spaces,
        such as the default location 'c:\msysgit'.

* The default msysgit has an old version of GCC can't handle C++11. To
  update yours, Win-builds is recommended.

Upgrading GCC with Win-builds:

Follow steps 2-4 of the 'Installation For Use With MSYS or Cygwin' instructions
from the website, currently at:

Skip step 1 of the instructions, since you already have MSYS installed through
msysgit, and skip step 5 since you'll be compiling Crawl next.

For step 2 of the instructions, run the installer exe after downloading
it. You'll need to select the 'System to install for' and the architecture.

For the system, choose the 'Cygwin or MSYS' option and enter the path to the
folder where you installed msysgit, which is usually 'c:\msysgit'.

For the architecture, the installer should automatically detect this, in which
case note it now so you know which command you need to run in step 3 of the
Win-build instructions. If you're unsure which architecture you have, exit the
installer, start Msys by running 'c:\msysgit\msys.bat', and execute the command
'gcc -v'. Note the output line that reads e.g. Target: i686-w64-mingw32' or
'Target: x86_64-w64-mingw32' to indicate whether you have i686 or x86_64.

After choosing the system and architecture, click Ok and then Process on the
next screen to install the Win-builds packages. This will take some time to
download and install. You can close the installer after the installation is

For step 3 of the instructions, start msys by running 'c:\msysgit\msys.bat',
and run the appropriate command out of the two given, based on the architecture
you used/determined in step 2.

It's a good idea to follow step 4 of the instructions so that the Win-builds
version of GCC is selected every time you start MSYS.

After completing the instructions, check that you have an updated GCC in MSYS
by running the command 'gcc --version'. The version should be 4.8 or higher. If
the version is not at least 4.8, run the command 'which gcc', and check that
the path used for GCC is either '/opt/windows_32/bin/gcc' or
'/opt/windows_64/bin/gcc', depending on your system. If not, you're still using
the older GCC shipped with msysgit. In that case make sure you followed step 3
correctly to activate the Win-builds GCC.

Running MSYS and building Crawl:

* Start MSYS by running 'c:\msysgit\msys.bat'. This gives you the MinGW/MSYS
  build environment.

* cd to the Crawl source directory. For instance, if you have the crawl sources
  in c:\crawl\source, you would type 'cd /c/crawl/source'.

* Build Crawl by running 'make NO_PKGCONFIG=y'. If you want a graphical build,
  you will need to add ' TILES=y' on the 'make' command line.

* When the process finishes, you should be able to run crawl right from the
  source directory by typing './crawl'

* If you get a message about missing SDL.h even though you do have contribs
  installed, your version of msys may suffer from a bug that has been fixed
  since. Please either update msys, or delete /mingw/bin/sdl-config so it
  won't interfere with the copy shipped with Crawl.

* For you stubborn types who insist on using separate msys and git installs,
  make sure git.exe is in your PATH when trying to build from git! Otherwise,
  util/ will most likely fail to generate build.h.

NOTE: You may be able to omit 'NO_PKGCONFIG=y' in the make command to use
libraries that are shipped with Win-builds instead of compiling the contrib
libraries in the Crawl source. Using 'NO_PKGCONFIG=y' will increase compilation
time the first time Crawl is compiled, but it means fewer potential build
problems. The contrib libraries are changed infrequently, so subsequent
compilations will be faster as contribs won't require recompilation. If you do
want to use the Win-builds libraries and omit NO_PKGCONFIG=y, you will likely
still need to use some of the Crawl contribs, which you can enable by adding
any of the following make arguments (alone or in combination):


As of 12 days ago, msysgit is obsolete, superseded by Git-2.x, with msysgit being rolled into git for windows sdk. As such, this link in the text file

Redirects to

Proper Link:
Source Code:

Finally got msysgit installed. Trying to follow along the guide from here.

Tomb Titivator

Posts: 771

Joined: Tuesday, 25th November 2014, 02:47

Post Monday, 31st August 2015, 03:28

Re: Msysgit Obsolete

Installing win-builds problem. Fuck it, I'ma try cygwin.

Dungeon Master

Posts: 634

Joined: Sunday, 22nd September 2013, 14:46

Post Monday, 31st August 2015, 13:30

Re: Msysgit Obsolete

We're looking into updating the guide now. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Dungeon Master

Posts: 585

Joined: Sunday, 9th June 2013, 17:13

Post Tuesday, 1st September 2015, 16:31

Re: Msysgit Obsolete

OP, the guide has been updated with instructions for how to use Git for Windows SDK that you mentioned. I recommend this approach if have any trouble getting Cygwin to work. The SDK takes a little while to install, but is otherwise easy to get running and you have a working compilation environment with no gcc upgrade hassles.

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