Majang wrote:Related to that, I'm now playing 0.27 on underhound, and I cannot set the page-up and page-down keys for a macro. I need these for direction keys for my German Thinkpad keyboard that does not have a number pad.
When I try to set a key value, say for the page-up key (33) it uses the exclamation mark key, and when I try to do it from the key itself, nothing happens. Assigning a macro was never a problem until today, that I start playing the released version of 0.27 in the tournament. Any help will be welcome.
First guess as to what is happening here: the macro mapping interface incorrectly intercepts pgup in webtiles (there's a fix for this in trunk but I've stopped messing with 0.27 until after the tournament is over), and so you do need to enter it by keycode. But positive keycodes in crawl are interpreted as character codes (for the most part, ascii character codes). It happens that the
javascript keycode for pgup is 33, but this is the ascii code for !, which is how the macro entry menu interprets 33. So you'll need to use the crawl-internal keycode for pgup to set this by number, which is -246. Here's a quick list of the main ones: -245: pgdn, -246: pgup,-247: clear, -248: end, -249: home, -251: right, -252: left,-253: down, -254: up
If this isn't what's going on, I'd need more information to debug, can you enter some of the relevant keys in
this tool and send me a screenshot?