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Proposal: Better / more streamlined use of Beogh allies

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th October 2013, 02:30
by and into
This could potentially be extended to other perma-allies, or maybe not. Trying out with Beogh would be a start, though.

There have been improvements implemented, and more are being talked about, for eliminating annoying problems and awkward interface with perma-allies. Beyond this, I had some ideas for setting general parameters for ally behavior. According to dpeg, this is something that has been talked about before and the dev team is pretty open to it, but nothing workable has yet been agreed upon and implemented. I have some experience using Beogh but I'm sure I could use feedback on this, so I came to post it in Tavern. My hope is that this thread can lead to a concrete proposal to put on the development wiki.

What I imagine here is something along the lines of the sacrifice behavior you can set on the Nemelex screen. The aim would be to set some basic parameters for the tactics employed by your orc allies. Any command given in combat (with "t") would overrule these settings for an appropriate period. For instance, if you use "t" to command everyone to attack something, that overrules the tactics you set, until the thing you commanded them to attack is killed (or teleports away or whatever), then their behavior goes back to what you set on the god screen. The default settings would be what ally behavior is like now.

Major design goals: Very clear and simple tactics, nothing extremely complicated, and easy to communicate to player. No micromanaging. Intent here is to actually streamline ally combat by pre-setting certain behaviors, in order to avoid having to use "t" so much in combat—but doing so should very much be optional. You can ignore the ally tactics screen entirely and still get good use out of your orcish troops (as now).

So here's a draft of a concrete proposal, I'm hoping people with more experience playing Beogh can point out things that should be added or taken away.

The idea is that, from Beogh's god screen (accessed via ^), you hit ! (as with Nemelex) to get to the detailed description screen where you can set some global tactics for your orcs. Interface would be something like below—default behavior is double asterisked **, each of the options in one section is mutually exclusive to the others, and as with skills the currently set tactic would be indicated with a + as opposed to - (which means non-activated):

Beogh the Brigand

[Detailed description]

Set your allies' battlefield tactics below.
[Perhaps also a sentence here noting that any command given in combat will overrule the tactics set here.]


How would you command your army?

"In battle, focus your attacks on...
[a] + Whatever is closest." **
[b] - The mightiest foe in your vicinity." [just going based on HD would probably work fine as definition of "mightiest"]
[c] - Magic users first."

"When you are injured in combat... [ally is < 25% health]
[d] + Fight to the death!" **
[e] - Fall back to my position and stay by my side."
[f] - Run, you fool! Save yourself so that you can continue to serve me." [ally enters "fleeing" mode]

"When your great leader, chosen of Beogh, is injured in combat... [player is < 50% health]
[g] + Press on with the attack, undeterred!" **
[h] - Destroy whatever is attacking me." [allies try to surround and attack enemies that have damaged player in the last X turns]
[i] - Fall back to my position and cover me." [allies attempt to surround the squares adjacent to player in preparation of covering player's retreat]

Re: Proposal: Better / more streamlined use of Beogh allies

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th October 2013, 03:50
by minstrel
I wholeheartedly support all of these. Being late right now, I don't have any to add to it off the top of my head.

If I had to choose only one of those sets of behavior preferences to see implemented, it would be the second. Allies needlessly dying during trivial fights is frustrating. After that, I'd choose the first set and then the third. Getting those buggers to take out the enemy summoners rather than endlessly fight all the summons would be terrific. I could live with or without being able to fine tune their defensive behavior with regards to me.

Re: Proposal: Better / more streamlined use of Beogh allies

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th October 2013, 06:53
by dpeg
This looks good! Global commands like these are an improvement.

Re: Proposal: Better / more streamlined use of Beogh allies

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th October 2013, 09:47
by DracheReborn
This is a great idea, but is there a reason to restrict it to Beogh? Should apply for all allies, I think, i.e. all those that work with the 't' commands (which I think is all allies).

How about enabling these options through Ctrl-T instead? The ally pickup options currently mapped to Crtl-T could be added into these global ally settings (and it's actually sensible to put them together).

I think it would be nice if these settings are also available through the rcfile. Then perhaps you can do more complicated lua things, like make your allies "retreat if damaged" if facing a melee opponent but "fight to the death" if facing a ranged threat (since they'll just get picked off if they try to retreat).

While we're at it, can we do something about 'tw'? It's unintuitive as hell. The description say w(Wait here!) when it actually means w(wander all over the level).

Re: Proposal: Better / more streamlined use of Beogh allies

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th October 2013, 10:13
by jejorda2
DracheReborn wrote:How about enabling these options through Ctrl-T instead? The ally pickup options currently mapped to Crtl-T could be added into these global ally settings (and it's actually sensible to put them together).

I would expect ^ commands to take no turns to take effect, while I think ctrl-t commands use a turn. There's no reason changes to these tactics shouldn't take a turn, but I wouldn't want some ctrl-t options to take turns while others don't.

Also, loosely related, ^^ should be equivalent to ^! in the same way that II is equivalent to I! or whatever the command is to switch spell details when you have a spell in slot I. Pressing ^ repeatedly should toggle between the two religion screens.

Re: Proposal: Better / more streamlined use of Beogh allies

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th October 2013, 11:20
by DracheReborn
jejorda2 wrote:I would expect ^ commands to take no turns to take effect, while I think ctrl-t commands use a turn. There's no reason changes to these tactics shouldn't take a turn, but I wouldn't want some ctrl-t options to take turns while others don't.

Are you sure? I've never noticed ctrl-t using up a turn (but then I've always used it outside of combat). I don't think changing ally pickup behavior should take a turn, if it does now. Maybe you're thinking of the 't' command, which does take a turn?

Which raises the issue (a slight one, maybe): technically this is a buff in ally play, since behavior that you previously needed to use 't' for is now automated and takes zero time. But IMO the interface improvement should come first.

Re: Proposal: Better / more streamlined use of Beogh allies

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th October 2013, 11:23
by dpeg
The interface ideas (tw, ^^) would be taken if a patch made it to mantis.

Thanks everyone!

Edit: a patch for and_into's would almost surely be taken, but that's more work (thought and code).

Re: Proposal: Better / more streamlined use of Beogh allies

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th October 2013, 15:18
by BlackSheep
dpeg wrote:The interface ideas ... ^^...

Ask and ye shall receive.