Post Monday, 10th December 2012, 23:07

Fast Failed Reaching

The only polearm my merfolk has found so far is Sigmund's Scythe. I notice that when I attempt to use it to attack an enemy that is behind an ally, (I get the "You could not reach far enough!" message) it takes only one turn. The time indicator shows (1.0) beside the turn count, and both my ally and my enemy (who are speed 10 and speed 13, respectively) get one attack before I get a move. If I hit the enemy, it takes two turns (low weapon skill) and the others get two and three attacks.

Should it take only 1 turn to fail to attack with a reaching weapon, or should it take the same time as an attack, varying with weapon skill? Is this a bug or a feature?

I'm playing 0.12-a0-1307-g647e00d on c.s-z.o.