Post Thursday, 30th August 2012, 22:49

auto_sacrifice feedback

This is a feedback thread for the auto_sacrifice option.

f4535fe | Raphael Langella | 2012-08-20 17:21:31 +0200

New option: auto_sacrifice.
Does what it says on the tin. I feel like it should be merged somehow with
sacrifice_before_explore, but I'm not sure how the option and its values
should be named in this case. The 4 behaviours are:
* auto sacrifice (doesn't stop explore)
* sacrifice before exploration
* prompt for sacrifice before exploration
* manual sacrifice (old and default behaviour)

So far I've found that auto_sacrifice doesn't seem to work when explore_stop=false. Furthermore an option that makes exploration move over every corpse even when you're not worshiping a sacrificial god would be useful for butchering and anyone who wants to take a shot at making another autorobin.