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Highscore UI

PostPosted: Monday, 14th May 2012, 00:01
by DuxOrbis
It seems so obvious that I take for granted the ability to check my highscores in games. Why Crawl shows the score screen ONLY on death and make that UI impossible to navigate to in-game is beyond me. This sounds very easy to implement from a coding perspective. Less easy, but also would be appreciated is the ability to navigate your highscore screen for details on your character beyond score and basic stats, like your item screen on death, importing this from the morgue folder also sounds fairly simple though. What do you think? Why hasn't this been done?

Re: Highscore UI

PostPosted: Monday, 14th May 2012, 00:21
by Kate
BlackSheep and tholmes already provided highscore UI patches that were added to 0.11 a while ago, as mentioned in the changelog.

(I would also say that "this must be really easy to code, why hasn't it been done yet?!" is not the best way of suggesting a feature).