Slime Squisher
Posts: 400
Joined: Saturday, 24th September 2011, 03:45
Brainstorm: improving Yred, and permalichform
I. Yred is pretty bad in extended.
II. Permanent lichform
A. is interesting, because everyone loves the upsides to mummies.
B. must be markedly better than hopefully-soon-to-be-implemented toggled necromutation, to compensate for not being able to change back
C. makes most sense as a god gift, because the best tmut and necro spells are unavailable to undead, thus requiring the training of either skill is counterproductive.
D. Because Kiku both requires training necromancy and gifts necromutation, Yred fits this bill the best. The bonuses to permalich would come through new Yred abilities, to discourage abandoning the god as soon as you receive the gift.
III. New Yred would feature a Kiku-like choice for the 6* gift, as not all would want lichform, and others wouldn't want to micromanage summons in pan. Two paths, both giving Yred more of an edge late-game:
A. improved allies: Yred now only gifts bone dragons/servitors/ghouls. Servitors and ghouls come with better gear. New abilities allowing you to heal allies/give buffs for piety. Instantly call a new ally for piety and stat drain, or 1 max HP, or something significant.
B. improved lichform: You lose all summons and related abilities to become a Lich - functionally the same as permanent necromutation - and new god abilities that circumvent/alleviate the drawbacks of being undead. One example being delayed potion use for HP/stat recovery. Perhaps a version of death's door with massive piety drain. These abilities would have to be pretty good to compete with improved allies, or even give Mu/Gh/Vp a reason to take this path.
IV. Because 6* piety can be achieved relatively early, and improved allies would break most of the game, the gift must be delayed in some way. You only receive it at the Crypt:5 altar. Or some new unique occupying that floor would carry the actual black torch, and you reclaiming it at max piety triggers the choice. Conquer the rebellious undead and Yred makes you the ultimate avatar. Something flavourful, though I'm wary of making it too much like a 'quest'.
Comments? Ideas? I think there's a lot of potential here.
edit for some formatting.