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Interrupting the eating of food (Was: the donning of armor)

PostPosted: Monday, 13th February 2012, 18:29
by XuaXua

Interrupted Activities Reform is still relevant to this thread.

galehar wrote:
XuaXua wrote:Does that apply to shields, too?

Can ration eating be far behind? !
Doing the same to food would remove any decision about what type of food to carry.

No it wouldn't. A ration would still take multiple turns and I wouldn't think nutrition would be applied until fully consumed.

I certainly don't walk around at full, but there are many times when I get too hungry in combat and have to eat a fruit.

Re: Interrupting the eating of food (Was: the donning of arm

PostPosted: Monday, 13th February 2012, 19:30
by njvack
I didn't really know there was much of a decision to the process to begin with. Carry a chunk if you have one, a couple ration-y things, and a few fruits (if you wander around hungry enough that you care). Switch things up some if you have food restrictions or are a Fedhastian.

I'm maybe a bad person to ask, though. I don't think I see the food minigame that other people see. It just isn't there for me. Food makes me think when I'm casting expensive spells and keeps me moving in the dungeon, but I just don't understand the stress around the food system.

Re: Interrupting the eating of food (Was: the donning of arm

PostPosted: Monday, 13th February 2012, 19:31
by Galefury
A warning prompt when eating multiturn food near enemies may be appropriate. Really eat that ration while standing next to this ogre? You're probably going to die if you do that!

Re: Interrupting the eating of food (Was: the donning of arm

PostPosted: Monday, 13th February 2012, 19:41
by varsovie
Galefury wrote:A warning prompt when eating multiturn food near enemies may be appropriate. Really eat that ration while standing next to this ogre? You're probably going to die if you do that!

If so, make it deactivable in the options. I don't need another y/n.

Re: Interrupting the eating of food (Was: the donning of arm

PostPosted: Monday, 13th February 2012, 20:31
by XuaXua
Galefury wrote:A warning prompt when eating multiturn food near enemies may be appropriate. Really eat that ration while standing next to this ogre? You're probably going to die if you do that!

That's not what I'm referring to at all, though it is a qualifying case.

I'm referring to eating food when the enemy is nearby but unknown, possibly just out of view and wandering and yet to be discovered.
Brand new enemy, possibly with ranged weaponry (*taur) or high speed (hydra) comes into view.

Oh hey, let me keep eating and die.

Oh no, wait, let me go to the top of the prior level stairs where I'll be saf... wandering monster.