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Redone Beogh - a bug or a bad design?

PostPosted: Thursday, 19th September 2024, 10:41
by unrecovered
So here I am, MDGl of Beogh, facing my first challenger. Naturally, to test it, I first try to smite him. It fails with Beogh clarifying it's a trial of mortal power. After that, the fight goes badly and I use blink scroll to jump away. And then the challenger fukken SMITES and kills me. Like, WTF? What about "trial of mortal power" and all that bullshit?

Is that a bug? Because if it's a feature then it's obviously a bad game design.

Re: Redone Beogh - a bug or a bad design?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 6th November 2024, 16:16
by andrew
I suspect you'd get more of a response posting this in "Tavern 2.0" at