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ctrl-f to search available spells

PostPosted: Friday, 22nd February 2019, 16:55
by headcrabtan
Now that spellbooks are consumed instead of being kept in inventories, the spell memorize menu becomes kinda cluttered during mid to lategame and sometimes you might miss spells you want to memorize if you spam autoexplore. I know you can remove undesirable spells from your memorize list, but I believe it would be a nice QOL addition to the game to be able to search your known spells with ctrl-f as if you were searching spells from existing books.

Re: ctrl-f to search available spells

PostPosted: Friday, 22nd February 2019, 17:36
by Siegurt
You can already do this from the memorize list. (the shorcut key is even listed at the bottom)

Re: ctrl-f to search available spells

PostPosted: Sunday, 24th February 2019, 19:33
by erf
I wish the search was incremental, where the search is updated for each character typed.