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Make shoals not lag

PostPosted: Thursday, 12th October 2017, 03:38
by gameguard
I think shoals lags like hell because the map is constantly changing like every turn. The water level changing has almost no impact on gameplay other than being annoying by making all your moves take longer. If you are standing in water in a dangerous fight, you drink flight. If its not dangerous you walk to land or just tab. Changing water pretty much never presents a tactical decision in a middle of combat. It doesnt even make much sense from a flavor perspective since the tides wont change so frequently irl.

Also, remove ring of flight since its never worth a inventory space when potion of flight is common enough to be available any time you beed to fly.

Re: Make shoals not lag

PostPosted: Thursday, 12th October 2017, 12:01
by crawlnoob
The tactical decisions occur before you get into the fight. If you are quaffing flight in a fight so you dont die, then you already made a bad decision. If anything, I would like to see a bit more variation, like a random high tide that comes in every now and then with accompanying Krakens or what have you.

Not sure about the lag, I dont see that but I only play offline.

Re: Make shoals not lag

PostPosted: Thursday, 12th October 2017, 18:04
by Shard1697
I don't usually experience lag now that I have a new computer, but on my laptop it was really bad. For what it's worth, I think a lot of people who are into RLs also play on potato computers because you just don't need a powerful computer to play them.

Re: Make shoals not lag

PostPosted: Thursday, 12th October 2017, 18:07
by Siegurt
Play console? :)

Re: Make shoals not lag

PostPosted: Thursday, 12th October 2017, 18:48
by advil
Can those of you reporting lag include some information about your OS & computer, as well as what version you are getting lag on (minimally, local console vs online console vs local tiles vs webtiles)? Better yet, report that on mantis, there's no open issue relating to this that I can see. (Tavern/GDD does not make a good issue tracker...)

Re: Make shoals not lag

PostPosted: Friday, 13th October 2017, 01:49
by gameguard
i dont think i had any issues with shoals on my potato laptop when i was playing locally. The lag is very noticable on webtiles which leads me to believe its sending too many packets at once or something (i know nothing about netcode).

I am a bit surprised though that its not a universal problem on webtiles. Internet speed is the problem i guess.

Re: Make shoals not lag

PostPosted: Friday, 13th October 2017, 02:02
by Siegurt
I seem to remember that there was an option to turn off the animations in the shoals, as those caused some sort of horrible issue once upon a time.