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Allow capable characters to auto-eat corpses until engorged

PostPosted: Saturday, 2nd September 2017, 11:49
by white_noise
By "capable" I mean innate ability or anything of gourmand being equipped.
And by "auto-eating" I also mean auto-butchering while in auto-explore mode.

Re: Allow capable characters to auto-eat corpses until engor

PostPosted: Saturday, 2nd September 2017, 12:59
by Fingolfin
auto_butcher = very full
to your rcfile. It will butcher every corpse until you are engorged.

Re: Allow capable characters to auto-eat corpses until engor

PostPosted: Saturday, 2nd September 2017, 13:15
by white_noise
What if I can't eat them? Will it still butcher them through the whole game?..