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remove hunger cost for wielding Vampire's Tooth

PostPosted: Monday, 10th July 2017, 15:12
by luckless
As we've been reminded lately, Vampire's Tooth is useless. Since it's bad for unrandarts to be useless, I suggest a change: unlike other vampiric weapons, the Vampire's Tooth should not cost hunger to wield, making it freely swappable with other weapons.

This would let characters quickly switch to the dagger for stabbing, letting them use susceptible enemies as free bags of health, and then switch to a real weapon for fighting. I don't know if this would be enough to make the weapon actually useful, but it would at least give it more of a niche.

Re: remove hunger cost for wielding Vampire's Tooth

PostPosted: Monday, 10th July 2017, 15:17
by Fingolfin
But do we really want players to carry around monsters all around the Dungeon to get their healing? I may be wrong, but I think that's exactly the reason why vamp-swapping costs hunger

Re: remove hunger cost for wielding Vampire's Tooth

PostPosted: Monday, 10th July 2017, 15:33
by njvack
I'd remove the hunger cost for all vamp weapons. I don't see how the hunger cost stops you from dragging monsters for healing all around the dungeon; it mainly makes it really annoying to swap weapons unless you have gourmand or are undead.