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Trees and bushes and plants should snag big weapons

PostPosted: Wednesday, 17th May 2017, 21:56
by Chicken
Every Roguelike player knows the awesomest weapon is the two-handed sword. Got a big problem, need a big sword, logic enough. And some variant of the Claymore of the Scottish highlands remains a winner around here to this day.

But here's the thing: lots of people who knew what they were doing in ancient combat (like the Romans) fought with swords two or three feet long. Why did they spurn the claymore and go for blades to match Trump-sized hands? Well, you ever see a picture of the Scottish highlands? There's a lot of stuff missing, like the trees, bushes, and plants higher than grass that might want to reach out and make a deep spiritual connection with a really long, lovely blade. If you're marching through woods and jungle, you want something that looks a whole lot more like a machete.

So I propose this: if you're fighting near a tree, bush, or plant, there is a percentage chance that the terrain leads to a message "the %s snagged %s weapon" each time an attack is made by anyone involved. The chance could vary based on the terrain object, weapon base speed, and weapon type; or it might be a simple flat chance like 5% for any weapon bigger than a spriggan/halfling/whatever can comfortably handle. However the percentage is calculated, different terrain objects should each get a chance to intercept, so if you're near two trees and two bushes you might have to roll 6% or more on those percentile dice four times before the swing lands.

Though the effect is probably minor (depending on how you set the risk) I think it makes the game more tactical because you have to LOOK at the terrain and think about whether you want to stab at the ogre amid the bushes. And a more tactical game is always a better game.

Re: Trees and bushes and plants should snag big weapons

PostPosted: Wednesday, 17th May 2017, 22:09
by PowerOfKaishin
I thought this idea was a total joke, but I see that it isn't and the merits you are going for. This could be similar to the shallow water penalty, but since it isn't consistent across weapons it will have problems.

Re: Trees and bushes and plants should snag big weapons

PostPosted: Wednesday, 17th May 2017, 23:00
by Shtopit
It sounds very good to me. IMHO one of the big problems of the game is the fact that situations that force you to apply different tactics are very few (weapons: stab or hydra; damage flavour; consumables which you can't use too often) and the most important factor, positioning, is too simple (find a hallway - done). This causes repetitiveness.

So, cool idea. Thumbs up.

Re: Trees and bushes and plants should snag big weapons

PostPosted: Thursday, 18th May 2017, 05:22
by ZipZipskins
I gotta say, I can't support any proposal that makes dealing with plants even more obnoxious.

Re: Trees and bushes and plants should snag big weapons

PostPosted: Thursday, 18th May 2017, 06:12
by VeryAngryFelid
I don't think we need another reason to lure monsters.