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Use Orb Status Light to Indicate Zot Differences

PostPosted: Sunday, 6th November 2016, 23:39
by archaeo
Rather than only turning the dark purple "Orb" light on when, you know, holding the Orb, I propose that the dark purple light come on whenever you're in Zot to indicate the translocation-warping powers of being in the proximity of the Orb. When you actually pick it up, it can turn some other color. Bright purple? Can console handle rainbow colors?

Just a thought while I watch araganzar win a game. I think this solves the documentation problem a bit (the "Orb" light will cause even slow-on-the-uptake players (like me) some pause, I think) without being as inelegant and ugly as "-cTele."

Alternately, we could just redesign PoG or the Zot:5 map, or both, and bring back the old teleportation behavior? I'm cool either way!