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Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th May 2015, 10:45
by agentgt
In trunk (0.17) corrosion effects seem to come from all sorts of monsters now.

Which I don't have that much of a problem with except that their is very little option for felids and octopodes who generally rely on tmut spells. Especially felids since they don't have many slots.

What I don't understand is how or why corrosion should have an effect on something like dragon form (I keep meaning to read the status message as I'm curious as to what it says on repairing your scales).

If we are going to go with corrosion happening on fur and scales perhaps some of the tmut spells could have some rCorr?

EDIT - Apparently the status message is "Repair your equipment".. Which for a felid makes no since.

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th May 2015, 13:30
by Kate
Corrosion doesn't depend on equipment or slots at all any more (see this and this), since it was mostly just messy and unnecessarily complicated, and an artefact of when corrosion actually permanently corroded individual pieces of equipment instead of applying a general debuff. The expiry message is now fixed too.

You can invent your own exciting flavour for how corrosion actually works now, I guess (eg "magic").

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th May 2015, 21:56
by PleasingFungus
the victim is coated with a thin, sizziling film of alchymical reagents, amplifying blows recieved & slowing those dealt

it's canon now.

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th May 2015, 22:26
by agentgt
You've been slimed!

Thanks for the quick expiry notice fix Marvin!

I can accept crawl physics (my question was more of the actual code mechanics which you answered :) ).

Those Rust Devils really should be worth some more XP or at least have a more dangerous color text. (Speaking of which I have always wondered why that breaks for zombie and skeleton centaurs ... ie red when they really should be yellow or grey at times).

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th May 2015, 22:44
by PleasingFungus
agentgt wrote:Those Rust Devils really should be worth some more XP or at least have a more dangerous color text. (Speaking of which I have always wondered why that breaks for zombie and skeleton centaurs ... ie red when they really should be yellow or grey at times).

The danger text is based on their XP value vs your level. I've noticed the undead centaur thing too, as have others; haven't been able to replicate it for testing.

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Friday, 29th May 2015, 14:19
by Lasty
Undead centaurs are sometimes undead centaur warriors. I'm pretty sure that fully explains it.

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Friday, 29th May 2015, 16:35
by PleasingFungus
That would explain it!

On a related note, the way that derived undead keep their original creatures' stats (HD, etc) but lose the names is... kind of awful.

Probably that should be in a different thread, though. (Or just fixed. One of those.)

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Friday, 29th May 2015, 16:38
by jejorda2
Maybe it can be like chunks, and there will just be "zombies" that act the same no matter what kind of corpse they come from. Bigger corpses make more zombies?

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Friday, 29th May 2015, 16:40
by Sandman25
Why do zombies keep their names provided HD is not displayed anywhere in the game? They don't inherit anything (HP/AC/EV/abilities/spells etc.) and basically there is no direct correlation for danger of zombie and the living monster.

Make it "Zombie 15" and "Zombie 22" (joke)

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Friday, 29th May 2015, 17:01
by Lasty
They inherit HP/AC/EV/attacks/speed from the source monster, but adjusted in a consistent way.

Re: Corrosion and Transmutations

PostPosted: Friday, 29th May 2015, 17:02
by Pollen_Golem
PleasingFungus wrote:On a related note, the way that derived undead keep their original creatures' stats (HD, etc) but lose the names is... kind of awful.

Actually it's kind of fun. ;) Adds mystery when you see a derived undead.