Discussion of Holy Enemies

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 17:52

Discussion of Holy Enemies

{Mod Edit: Split off discussion from CYC thread and moved to GDD, upon request. — a_i}

Sar wrote:(I know shedu, probably the worst offender, are being removed, but they weren't the only awful monster there).
I would like to hear your feedback on which other monsters are not working, since currently development is looking at removing or reforming some holy monsters.

Shedu should be gone by Friday
On IRC my nick is reaverb. I play online under the name reaver, though.

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 17:55

Re: A completely serious response to 0.15: "SERIOUSLY?!"

Well phoenixes are probably the second worst offender, being trivial to fight but hard to put down for good. Especially if you lack OoD or Animate Skeletion.

But I'm really not a fan of holies except for angels and daevas, who are just solid threats. Ophanim restrict your movement in a somewhat annoying manner, cherubs... are okay I guess, pearl dragons are ok (though they probably suffer from the same problem silver stars did and silver stars were removed). But shedu were really the worst thing, if they're gone Holy Pan is improved already.

Edit: also I very rarely do postend so my opinion on that probably doesn't matter much.

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 18:05

Re: A completely serious response to 0.15: "SERIOUSLY?!"

Phoenixes have already been removed from the game.

Any thoughts on Apis?
On IRC my nick is reaverb. I play online under the name reaver, though.

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 18:11

Re: A completely serious response to 0.15: "SERIOUSLY?!"

Welp, I think now I remember reading about that. Silly me!
Apises, uh. Waiting out Weakness isn't very fun I guess. Not much thoughts on those, though.

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Vestibule Violator

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 18:27

Re: A completely serious response to 0.15: "SERIOUSLY?!"

I'd like to mention that while angels are the by far the best holy enemies, daevas with their huge shields and average movement (and smite smite smite, which is handled better by angels) are far less interesting.
Pearl dragons are also very good but I don't particularly like their interactions with evil races (although the numbers don't go through the roof like orbs of zin did so it's a lot less relevant).
With shedu and phoenixes gone most of the problems I'd have with holy pan monsters are gone. Apis inflicting weakness on death is pretty awful though, and so is the fact weakness has a kind of bad interaction with ranged and magic (unless this was changed).
Cherubs are holy yaktaurs (this is not necessarily bad) and ophanim are pretty terrible because of their whole trick with holy flames and blocking LoS, casting low power (for their depth) BoF etc.

The seraph should probably do something, too.

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 19:41

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

I like most of the current holy enemies. I also felt that Silver Stars would have worked had their damage just been nerfed though, so take that with a grain of salt.
Also, I feel a small holy should be added so cherubs have something to buff. Perhaps priests or something?

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Lair Larrikin

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 21:39

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

khalil wrote:I like most of the current holy enemies. I also felt that Silver Stars would have worked had their damage just been nerfed though, so take that with a grain of salt.
Also, I feel a small holy should be added so cherubs have something to buff. Perhaps priests or something?

Holy Pan used to have Paladins, but they were removed several versions ago.

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 21:40

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

MiraclePrism wrote:Holy Pan used to have Paladins, but they were removed several versions ago.

Why were they removed? According to the wiki they just meleed things with no special gimicks and died when you hit them, which makes them much less annoying than almost everything in holy pan.

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Vestibule Violator

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 21:53

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

Well holy orc knights aren't hugely interesting either.

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 21:59

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

Tbh I didn't mind paladins - they could maybe use a buff to be more in line with Pan threats but I don't think every enemy should be a special little snowflake (that thinking gave us shedu and phoenixes). Angles are good but fighting only angels would be a little dry.

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Tomb Titivator

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 22:04

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

dck wrote:Well holy orc knights aren't hugely interesting either.

Sure, but that's made up for by everything else in holy pan being interesting. It'd be nice to have at least one monster that doesn't do anything special.
Sar wrote: Angles are good but fighting only angels would be a little dry.

I know. There's just right, obtuse, and acute, and only three varieties gets boring real quick.

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Vestibule Violator

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 22:10

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

angels and pearl dragons only, a castle full of them.
with a huge moat of holy lava and moths of holy wrath as random spawns.

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 22:23

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

The couple of times I've visited a Holy Pandemonium floor the resurrecting Pheonixes and Shedu never really annoyed me much.

In my opinion, Ophanim were the most annoying enemies ever with their holy fire circles. (Since I tend to prefer playing Vampires and Demonspawn especially...)

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 23:05

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

dck wrote:Well holy orc knights aren't hugely interesting either.

Tavern seems to oscillate between hating monsters that are interesting and hating monsters that aren't interesting.

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Vestibule Violator

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 23:14

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

The best monsters are simple and use core mechanics of the game to be both threatening for their depth and interesting; that is, without relying on a million different abilities, having X allies around or indeed having their very own unique effects each.
I understand and support in moderation the feeling of having distinct monsters for a place that is supposed to be different like holy pan, but I don't think a renamed orc knight is a very good pandemonium monster.

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Post Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 23:50

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

khalil wrote:
MiraclePrism wrote:Holy Pan used to have Paladins, but they were removed several versions ago.

Why were they removed? According to the wiki they just meleed things with no special gimicks and died when you hit them, which makes them much less annoying than almost everything in holy pan.

I don't know of the specific justifications, but large shields on every other monster is not a minor source of annoyance. SH works great as a defense when you can reliably be attacked by exactly one enemy at a time, and the player happens to be exactly one enemy.

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Post Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 01:26

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

There, Shedu are dead.

I'm surprised by how many people say they dislike Ophanim, they weren't really on my radar as a possibly problematic holy.
On IRC my nick is reaverb. I play online under the name reaver, though.

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 01:44

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

really the big problem with "holy" monsters is that "holy" is not interesting at all
Holy damage just screws with a couple races (do people think dragon slaying is interesting for monsters? why aren't there monsters with dragon slaying brand? oh, right, because it's silly to just randomly dick over one race for no reason; note that giving the brand to players is fine because players run into many types of monsters whereas monsters only encounter one player (per game)) and does absolutely nothing otherwise, unless you decide to cast lichform but hopefully you don't decide to do that since there's no benefit.

Angels and daevas are ok monsters, except halos are bad (oh yeah this is the other "holy" gimmick, and note that this one is also bad) (autoexplore doesn't stop for them but the halo warns you in advance if you notice it yourself). Ophanim would be good monsters if they always appeared with other monsters, probably. Cherubs are pretty much just yaktaurs so they should probably just go away and be replaced by yaktaurs.

so yeah, holy monsters are just ordinary monsters plus up to two gimmicks that make them worse than the same monsters without the gimmicks

fix that problem and then maybe "holy" becomes interesting and this topic meaningful

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Post Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 01:54

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

Holy pan was absolutely awful when I did it due to

1. Phoenixes and Shedu representing basically no threat but being annoyingly difficult to get rid of
2. Apises presenting basically no threat but forcing me to rest for a while after killing them
3. Ophanim presenting basically no threat but forcing me to wait while their flames cleared
4. The middle of the level being chock-full with literally hundreds of these goddamn things. I ended up leaving out of sheer boredom and frustration

I guess the removals solve problem 1 at least.

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 01:57

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

reaver wrote:I'm surprised by how many people say they dislike Ophanim, they weren't really on my radar as a possibly problematic holy.
I like being able to move my character

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Swamp Slogger

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Post Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 02:49

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

This thread is surprising to me... Holy Pan is easily my favorite part of extended other than Zigs. It's easy enough to skip with a scroll of magic mapping if it's not your style.

Ophanim were annoying, true, forcing me to blink out of the flame ring constantly.

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Post Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 04:09

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

Ophanim are unique and awesome, please do not touch them.

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Post Wednesday, 18th June 2014, 15:29

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

Sar wrote:Tbh I didn't mind paladins - they could maybe use a buff to be more in line with Pan threats but I don't think every enemy should be a special little snowflake (that thinking gave us shedu and phoenixes). Angles are good but fighting only angels would be a little dry.


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Post Wednesday, 18th June 2014, 15:55

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

Well, seraph has only one kill during it's existence online and that was over two years ago (and even then the seraph happened to have a longbow).

It's like fire immune buffed angel without anything else than moderately powerful (fiery) melee attacks. I did put Mennas against seraph face to face locally in the arena and Mennas kicked his ass about 90% of the time.

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 18th June 2014, 17:11

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

They're Shedone.
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Post Thursday, 19th June 2014, 01:08

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

I think those removed monsters could have been revamped rather than removed. I like Holy-themed enemies and would like to not only see more, but see them more often!

Ophanim are fine as-is, but make it so that the Blessed Fire clouds die down quickly once the Ophanim are either destroyed or no longer in LoS for too long. This would eliminate players having to wait it out for no reason, but still it be a tactical thing if the Ophanim was still alive and a problem.

Do the same thing with Apis, and Weakness. If there were no monsters in LoS, Weakness would automatically dissipate in far fewer turns. Or, tie it into "tension" and have it so that at high tension the Weakness would last, but at low or zero tension it would disappear faster.

Bring back Silver Star and make it actually show up in places besides HolyPan and the extremely rare Silver Palace of Zin, which IIRC is a Depths-only vault (previously a D:21 to 27 only vault) if it even still exists. There is no other monster in the game that has an attack that removes your good mutations when it hits you, and to us players that love the Mutation Roulette sub-game in Crawl, those guys were an EXTREME threat, or at least, they would have been if we actually had to worry about them showing up! Nerfing their damage output would be fine too, if they were made more common, but definitely keep the mutation-destroying attack.

Talking about how to revamp Paladins? Maybe make more than one kind of Paladin. Here's a couple ideas:
* the "Normal Paladin", just called "Paladin", which functions largely the same as before, though its weapons are not always Holy Wrath and may be other brands-- possibly, allow their attacks to be Holy-element in addition to their weapon's brand,
* the "Crusader", a TSO-themed warrior with a larger Light Radius as well as some TSO abilities, such as the ability to call down an AoE blast of blessed fire on his own location that his allies are unharmed by, as well as the ability to buff (and heal/regen?) the normal Paladins passively just by being nearby-- and these guys would frequently or always be accompanied by normal Paladins or even Angels,
* the "Judge" (name in progress), a Zin-themed enemy, and its melee attacks would deal Silver damage (searing evil or mutated players), could Smite to inflict Confusion (MR-resisted), and maybe, could summon a Sanctuary similar to Zin's effect, surrounding their nearby allies while preventing you from attacking in it or dealing Silver damage every turn if you're evil/mutated.
* the "Healer", an Elyvion-themed enemy, which tries to keep its distance from the player (like Orb Spider) while healing his allies constantly. He might also have the ability to make plants grow nearby through "the powers of Elyvion the Life-Giver" if you try to approach, slowing you down if you try to go after him (especially in corridors).

It would be interesting to fight against foes like this that use the same sort of abilities and tactics that Good God players would use. Plus, Demonspawn just recently got added as normal enemies in Pan and given a whole big system of abilities and types. It would be good to see the same thing happen here with holy-themed enemies. I thought of some systems with the above suggestions that might prove a challenge when all combined together, including with things like Angels, Ophanim and Cherubs, but you guys could probably do better if you all brainstormed and thought up a clear idea.

Give the Seraph a complete overhaul. She should get powers that define her as a Leader of Angels; for starters, Blink Other would be a good one, much like how Vashina or Draconian Shifters use it to get their allies into position around you. But rather than just a "rally/support" type of enemy, she should definitely stand out as a formidable opponent. What about giving her a permanent, Ring of Blessed Fire ability, kind of like Asmodeus's fire clouds only they're blessed fire clouds? That'd make her feel more like a boss character. What about giving her the ability to revive her friends, a limited number of times (say, twice)? I know that enemy revival might be controversial since that's why Phoenixes and Shedu were removed, but come on, she's the Seraph. What about something really really nuts, like, a time-delayed "spell" where she has to chant some verses first (like Recite), then when it finishes she teleports you, herself, and a random number of holy enemies anywhere on the level, all into some random spot on the level, surrounds it in a wall of blessed fire on the edge of LoS, buffs every teleported enemy while confusing you at the time the teleport happens? And this power would be called "Throne of God". I don't know, but definitely make her a boss enemy instead of a "normal, but very tough enemy that only appears in one spot". Maybe even turn her into a Unique. She's worthy of it. She's the Seraph.

If you were to bring back Phoenixes, the easiest fix I can think of is, limit how many times they can revive (let's say twice, and the third kill they're done, kinda like Natasha), but make the resulting re-birth much bigger, instead of just them appearing from their corpse, make an explosion when they return and fill that spot with a big chunk of flame clouds. Think, when you Inner Flame a Hill Giant and it explodes and it's huge. But, delay the amount of time it takes for them to come back a little more, and make it obvious that they will come back. Instead of dropping a corpse, they should drop a "pile of flickering ashes" and a message should say "Embers dance within the ashes, beware", or something to let the player know that it's going to revive. On the third kill there would be no ash pile. The explosions from the re-births would make a lot of noise of course, making the stealth game more of a challenge to some players. Additionally, allow Phoenixes to leave trails of short-lived flame clouds wherever they move, and give them the same movement pattern of a Bat/Unseen Horror/Thrashing Horror/Harpy. They'd drop those clouds everywhere and it'd be nuts, and a nightmare to fight one in melee without proper precautions. If these things were fighting along with other holy-themed allies, it might make the allies burn themselves in the flame clouds by accident though, so program it so that the flame clouds wouldn't drop if it were too close to allies. Additionally (x2), whenever the Phoenix is struck, it could have a chance to discharge short-lived flame clouds all around him, burning you or possibly its allies if it were close enough. That'd not only give it an extra threat to watch for, but it could be used tactically too, hitting it when it's in position to burn the surrounding Paladins or Crusaders.

Shedu I can't think of an appropriate re-work. I honestly thought they were fine as before, I'm sad that they're removed and I never had any problems with it. If people thought they were difficult to destroy because they kept reviving, really just lengthen the time it'd take for one to make a revival, or have it so they'd only revive each-other if you weren't around, because say you had to retreat to heal or something.

Other ideas? How about some examples of early or mid-game holy monsters?
* Give Holy Swine a rare chance to spawn in Lair. (While we're at it, give Hogs a chance to spawn there in packs, like Yaks and Sheep.) Maybe the Apis could appear there in a special Lair:8 vault; Apis would be hard as early as that point, but then again, so are Death Yaks.
* The Sprite could be sort of akin to a "Holy Imp" variant with a rare chance to spawn as early as D:6 or 7, with a small light radius. They'd have a weak-ish melee attack but high EV, and would have two spell-sets: either Blink Close and Corona, or Blink Away and Minor Heal Other, making some of them attackers and some of them supporters.
* Implement Lesser Angels, which were exactly like Angels only much more toned-down, to a power-level roughly equivelent to D:13 to 15 or Vaults:1 through 3.

These are all the ideas I can think of. If anything here helps people out, then I'm satisfied.
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Post Thursday, 19th June 2014, 10:11

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

So basically you want to screw over the undead species and demonspawn?

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Post Thursday, 19th June 2014, 15:30

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

Leafsnail wrote:So basically you want to screw over the undead species and demonspawn?

make their damage normal instead of holy-branded

holy monsters can simply be there for flavor and diversity
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Shoals Surfer

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Post Thursday, 19th June 2014, 15:31

Re: Discussion of Holy Enemies

also I think a phoenix would make a sweet unique
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dpeg wrote:The only good player is a dead player.

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